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In 2005, torrential rains associated with Hurricane Stan devastated farm systems in southern Mexico. We present a case study on the impacts of and responses to Hurricane Stan by coffee households in three communities in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, with the objective of illuminating the linkages between household vulnerability and resilience. We analyze data from 64 household surveys in a cluster analysis to link household impacts experienced to post-Stan adaptive responses and relate these results with landscape-level land-cover changes. The degree of livelihood change was most significant for land-constrained households whose specialization in coffee led to high exposure and sensitivity to Stan and little adaptive capacity. Across the sample, the role of coffee in livelihood strategies declined, as households sought land to secure subsistence needs and diversified economically after Stan. Nevertheless, livelihoods and landscape outcomes were not closely coupled, at least at the temporal and spatial scale of our analysis: We found no evidence of land-use change associated with farmers’ coping strategies. While households held strong attitudes regarding effective resource management for risk reduction, this knowledge does not necessarily translate into capacities to manage resilience at broader scales. We argue that policy interventions are needed to help materialize local strategies and knowledge on risk management, not only to allow individual survival but also to enhance resilience at local, community and landscape scales.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projections of global mean temperature rises are worrisome for coffee crop due to the intolerance of the Arabica...  相似文献   

While climate change adaptation policy has tended to focus on planned adaptation interventions, in many vulnerable communities, adaptation will consist of autonomous, “unplanned” actions by individuals who are responding to multiple simultaneous sources of change. Their actions are likely not only to affect their own future vulnerability, but, through changes in livelihoods and resource use, the vulnerability of their community and resource base. In this paper, we document the autonomous changes to livelihood strategies adopted by smallholder coffee farmers in four Mesoamerican countries (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica). Our aim is to gain insight into the process of autonomous adaptation by proxy: through an assessment of how farmers explain their choices in relation to distinct stressors; and an understanding of the set of choices available to farmers. We find that climatic stress is a feature in decision making, but not the dominant driver. Nevertheless, the farmers in our sample are evidently flexible, adaptive, and experimental in relation to changing circumstances. Whether their autonomous responses to diverse stressors will result in a reduction in risk over time may well depend on the extent to which policy, agricultural research, and rural investments build on the inherent logic of these strategies.  相似文献   

This study presents an evaluation of a participatory bird census (PBC) project that has been administered to coffee farmers in Colombia. Our objectives were (1) to evaluate the effect of the PBC project on conservation knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of coffee farmers and (2) to learn about the barriers farmers perceive toward adopting conservation practices. We conducted 261 interviews on four groups to control for the effects of involvement with an environmental coffee certification program (Rainforest Alliance??RA) and the PBC project. The four groups were (1) non-PBC participant, non-RA certified; (2) PBC participant, non-RA certified; (3) non-PBC participant, RA certified; and (4) PBC participant, RA certified. PBC participant/RA and PBC participant/non-RA were more knowledgeable about migratory and threatened birds. PBC participant/RA, PBC participant/non-RA, and non-PBC participant/RA groups believed they had the skills to perform bird conservation practices on their farms. A majority of respondents indicated that they were performing bird conservation practices and had positive attitudes toward birds. Farmers believed that lack of environmental awareness and lack of knowledge were the main barriers to perform bird conservation practices. Evaluating participatory programs with Colombian farmers can reveal environmental literacy improvements, but self-reported surveys may not be adequate to ascertain attitude changes and adoption of conservation practices. Direct observations on individual farms would be required to determine the impacts on such outreach efforts. Bird conservation seems popular with Colombian coffee farmers, and outreach programs that give detailed biodiversity management information could help aid bird conservation efforts on coffee farms.  相似文献   


This paper presents a concept of reusing spent coffee ground (CG) as a construction material. Through creating a CG-filled Alkali Activated Material (AAM) with industrial wastes such as fly ash (FA) and slag (S), a strong recycled material was synthesised and found suitable to be used as a road subgrade fill material. Potential groundwater contamination tests were done in accordance to the Australian Standard Leaching Procedure (ASLP). The environmental analysis done on this green material shows that albeit being composed of various industrial wastes and chemicals, CG-filled AAMs in the ground will not cause adverse environmental impacts to surrounding soils and groundwater. Heavy metals and cyanide leached from the AAMs were well below hazardous thresholds. Comparing the carbon footprint of CG, it is found that recycling CG into a construction material would reduce the nett global carbon emission by reducing dependency on quarried material. Cost analyses done on CG-filled AAMs show that these AAMs are expensive to produce relative to traditional construction materials. However, as recycling technology is progressively advancing, in the future the economic value of CG-filled AAM may increase to match those of contemporary construction materials.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of Fairtrade and organic certification on household income of smallholder coffee farmers in the Jinotega Municipality of Nicaragua. Using a sample of 233 coffee farming households and employing endogenous switching regression model and propensity score matching method, the results found that Fairtrade and organic certification standards have different effects on the certified farmers; while Fairtrade farmers had experienced yield gains, organic farmers had the price advantage. However, the overall impact of these certification standards on the total household income is found to be statistically not significant. While some of the Fairtrade-certified cooperatives have used the social premium in creating community-level infrastructure, there is a need for more investment. The major constraint the organic-certified farmers face is lack of availability of adequate organic inputs such as manures and organic herbicides.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - This article addresses energy flows in the coffee agro-ecosystems of Costa Rica within the context of the socio-ecological transition, between 1935 and 2010,...  相似文献   

Coffee is an important commodity crop in Zimbabwe and many other African countries in terms of its contribution to local and national economies. Coffee production in terms of productivity and quality face severe constraints due to climate change. A study was therefore carried out to understand and quantify the potential impact of climate change on the coffee sector in Zimbabwe using a bioclimatic modelling approach. Current climatically suitable areas were identified and compared with those areas identified to be climatically suitable under projected 2050 climatic conditions. The projected climatic conditions were obtained from climate predictions of two models: CCSM4 model and HadGEM2 model. Coffee production was found to be mostly sensitive to precipitation factors as these were the most important in determining climatic suitability of coffee production in Zimbabwe. The modelling showed that current coffee suitability varies spatially between the four coffee producing districts in Zimbabwe. Chipinge district has the largest area climatically suitable for coffee production followed by Chimanimani district with Mutare district having the smallest. The modelling predicted that there will be a spatial and quantitative change in climatic suitability for coffee production in Zimbabwe by 2050. The greatest changes are projected for Mutare district where over three quarters according to the CCSM4 model and the entire district according to the HadGEM2 model will turn marginal for coffee production. A westward shift in climatic suitability of coffee was observed for Chipinge and Chimanimani district. The models predicted a loss of between 30,000 ha (CCSM4) and 50,000 ha (HadGEM2) in areas climatically suitable for coffee production by 2050 in Zimbabwe. These changes are likely to be driven by changes in the distribution of precipitation received in the coffee areas. The study presents possible adaptation measures that can be adopted by the coffee sector in Zimbabwe and the region to maintain coffee productivity under a changing climate.  相似文献   

BackgroundEvidence is growing for the beneficial impacts of natural outdoor environments on health. However, most of the evidence has focused on green spaces and little evidence is available on health benefits of blue spaces and about possible mediators and modifiers of such impacts. We investigated the association between natural outdoor environments (separately for green and blue spaces) and health (general and mental) and its possible mediators and modifiers.MethodsCross-sectional data from adults interviewed in Catalonia (Spain) between 2010 and 2012 as part of the Catalonia Health Survey were used. The collected data included sociodemographic characteristics, self-perceived general health, mental health, physical activity and social support. Indicators of surrounding greenness and access to natural outdoor environments within 300 m of the residence and degree of urbanization were derived for residential addresses. Associations were estimated using logistic regression and negative binominal models.ResultsGreen spaces were associated with better self-perceived general health and better mental health, independent of degree of urbanization. The associations were more consistent for surrounding greenness than for access to green spaces. The results were consistent for different buffers, and when stratifying for socioeconomic status. Slightly stronger associations were found for women and residents of non-densely populated areas. No association was found between green spaces and social contacts and physical activity. The results for blue spaces were not conclusive.ConclusionGreen spaces are associated with better general and mental health across strata of urbanization, socioeconomic status, and genders. Mechanisms other than physical activity or social support may explain these associations.  相似文献   

循环经济与节能减排解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前我国经济增长模式是粗放的、不循环的经济增长模式,经济发展过程中存在着高增长、高能耗、高环境问题,作者通过一系列的数据对比和分析,指出当前发展循环经济,促进节能减排是我国经济发展过程中面临的第一要务。胡锦涛同志在党的十七大报告中提出一定要“落实节能减排工作责任制”,更表明了我国当前发展循环经济,促进节能减排的决心。本文首先提出循环经济与节能减排的相关概念及含义;再以重点行业中的电力、钢铁行业如何搞好能源资源节约和“三废”综合利用为例对我国发展循环经济、促进节能减排进行了实证分析;最后提出要通过加快资源价格机制的改革、促进技术创新、完善政策法规体系、转变领导片面追求GDP增长的认识等措施来达到发展循环经济、促进节能减排的目标。  相似文献   

加拿大环境与可持续发展科技创新及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大重视环境保护与可持续发展中的科技创新,在全联邦范围内营造了"政府引导、企业主体、国民支持"的良好创新氛围,形成了"以科技创新支撑环境产业发展,以环境产业促进环境保护与可持续发展"的鲜明环保特色,走出了一条科技创新、产业发展、环境保护和可持续发展三者协同发展、相互制衡、良性循环的发展路子,值得我国借鉴.在我国的环境与可持续发展科技创新中,存在着创新能力不足、产学研合作薄弱、产业化乏力等问题.本文通过中加比较,探讨了我国实施环境与可持续发展科技创新的对策思路,即政府应完善环保法规政策、健全环保标准和管理体系;应增加科研投入,建立政府调控下的市场化投资体系和环境科技的产业化发展;应选择重点领域实现优先发展,突破瓶颈产业;应重视合作创新,加强部门合作,科研机构合作以及国际合作.  相似文献   

中国地表权、地下权概念、应用模式及相关问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对地表权、地下权相关法律概念的梳理,指出地表权、地下权概念界定的复杂性,借鉴《商业词典》对地表权和地下权的定义,探讨了在中国矿产资源一元所有制及土地二元所有制并存的情形下,地表权与地下权的应用模式、相关产权界定及存在的问题。文章分三种情形对二者的应用模式进行了探讨,指出:地表权与地下权相分离的模式是符合中国国情的一种合理选择,但是在具体实践中却存在农村集体作为土地拥有者的地位没有得到应有的尊重、矿业权主体行政审批问题严重、矿产资源的国家所有权权益没有得到应有的体现、矿产资源开发中的环境产权界定不清晰等问题;在探讨中指出两个启迪性的思路:一是使农村集体参与矿产资源开发收益分成模式;二是在现有的征地制度下,理顺价格机制,建立有效的土地流转市场,在土地使用权转让中,给予土地所有者以价格补偿。文章进一步对矿产资源开发中的土地所有权界定、税费问题、土地价格补偿及环境产权分配给予相应的分析并给出建议。  相似文献   

The unhatched eggs of the following seabirds were analyzed to quantify PCBs, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), α-, β-, γ-, δ-hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), o,p' and p,p' isomers of DDT, DDD and DDE: resident Adèlie (Pygoscelis adèliae, ADPE) and Emperor (Aptenodytes forsteri, EMPE) penguins, migrating snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea, SNPT) and South Polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki, SPSK) from the Ross Sea (East Antarctica); and migrating Brown skua (Catharacta antartica, BRSK) and resident ADPE from the Brainsfield Strait (West Antarctica). The general aims were to evaluate the contaminant accumulation in eggs of migrating and resident species in the two study areas, and to compare levels in penguins and skuas nesting in East and West Antarctica. PCB congener and HCH and DDT isomer profiles were also assessed. Comparisons were evaluated using seven PCB congeners (IUPAC nos. 28, 52, 101, 118+149, 138, 153, and 180), p,p'-DDE, ΣDDTs, and ΣHCHs. Higher contaminant concentrations were detected in migrating seabirds (South polar skua and brown skua)>sub-Antarctic species (snow petrel)>Antarctic species (penguins) from both the sampling sites, suggesting contamination events at lower latitudes for those birds migrating northward. HCHs showed the lowest concentrations in all species (from 0.03±0.03 ng/g wet wt in SPSK to 1.81±1.23 ng/g wet wt in ADPE from West Antarctica), and PCBs were the most abundant contaminants (from 4.34±2.15 ng/g wet wt. in EMPE to 53.41±19.61 ng/g wet wt. in brown skua). Among pesticides, it is relevant the detection of p,p'-DDT in Adèlie penguin from West Antarctica and in both species of skua; the detection of this pesticide can confirm its actual use in certain malaria-endemic countries from where it is transferred through the long range transport to the polar regions. Contaminants did not show any significant temporal trend during a ten year time span, from 1994/95 to 2004/05, in organisms collected in East Antarctica and they did not indicate any latitudinal gradient along the Ross Sea coasts.  相似文献   

《Environment international》2012,38(8):1329-1335
The unhatched eggs of the following seabirds were analyzed to quantify PCBs, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), α-, β-, γ-, δ-hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), o,p′ and p,p′ isomers of DDT, DDD and DDE: resident Adèlie (Pygoscelis adèliae, ADPE) and Emperor (Aptenodytes forsteri, EMPE) penguins, migrating snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea, SNPT) and South Polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki, SPSK) from the Ross Sea (East Antarctica); and migrating Brown skua (Catharacta antartica, BRSK) and resident ADPE from the Brainsfield Strait (West Antarctica). The general aims were to evaluate the contaminant accumulation in eggs of migrating and resident species in the two study areas, and to compare levels in penguins and skuas nesting in East and West Antarctica. PCB congener and HCH and DDT isomer profiles were also assessed. Comparisons were evaluated using seven PCB congeners (IUPAC nos. 28, 52, 101, 118 + 149, 138, 153, and 180), p,p′-DDE, ΣDDTs, and ΣHCHs. Higher contaminant concentrations were detected in migrating seabirds (South polar skua and brown skua) > sub-Antarctic species (snow petrel) > Antarctic species (penguins) from both the sampling sites, suggesting contamination events at lower latitudes for those birds migrating northward. HCHs showed the lowest concentrations in all species (from 0.03 ± 0.03 ng/g wet wt in SPSK to 1.81 ± 1.23 ng/g wet wt in ADPE from West Antarctica), and PCBs were the most abundant contaminants (from 4.34 ± 2.15 ng/g wet wt. in EMPE to 53.41 ± 19.61 ng/g wet wt. in brown skua). Among pesticides, it is relevant the detection of p,p′-DDT in Adèlie penguin from West Antarctica and in both species of skua; the detection of this pesticide can confirm its actual use in certain malaria-endemic countries from where it is transferred through the long range transport to the polar regions. Contaminants did not show any significant temporal trend during a ten year time span, from 1994/95 to 2004/05, in organisms collected in East Antarctica and they did not indicate any latitudinal gradient along the Ross Sea coasts.  相似文献   


Refrigerants used in refrigerators are an important source of ozone depleting substances released into the atmosphere, and can have a significantly negative effect on the hole in the ozone layer. But most emission of refrigerants is man-made, unreasonable and needless. Since in most emission cases the refrigerants are contained in the refrigerators, we can retrieve them by some technique that changes the ‘manual emission’ into manual retrieving. To promote the retrieval action and diminish the pollution, society can use economic, administrative and technical countermeasures, which can create a ‘good-cycle’ both ‘harnessing pollution and earning income simultaneously’, reinforce the motive of retrieving, and retrieve most proportion of refrigerants used by all refrigerators. This ‘good-cycle’ method can be easily promoted, and also a valuable way to promote other forms of environmental protection. The three countermeasures have almost no social cost, even no cost at all.  相似文献   

Refrigerants used in refrigerators are an important source of ozone depleting substances released into the atmosphere, and can have a significantly negative effect on the hole in the ozone layer. But most-emission of refrigerants is man-made, unreasonable and needless. Since in most emission cases the refrigerants are contained in the refrigerators, we can retrieve them by some technique that changes the 'manual emission' into manual retrieving. To promote the retrieval action and diminish the pollution, society can use economic, administrative and technical countermeasures, which can create a 'good-cycle' both 'harnessing pollution and earning income simultaneously', reinforce the motive of retrieving, and retrieve most proportion of refrigerants used by'all refrigerators. This 'good-cycle' method can be easily promoted, and also a valuable way to promote other forms of environmental protection. The three countermeasures have almost no social cost, even no cost at all.  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of citric and oxalic acids effect on Pb and Zn uptake by corn and winter wheat. The experiment was employed with citric acid (CA) applied at 3 rates (0, 1.5 and 3.0 mmol kg?1 soil), oxalic acid (OA) at 3 rates (0, 1.5 and 3.0mmol kg?1 soil) and citric acid combined with oxalic acid (1.5 mmol citric acid combined with 1.5 mmol oxalic acid kg?1). Two types of soil were chose in the experiment. One was collected from the agricultural soil near a battery-recycling factory in Anhui province, China (site A) and the other was collected from a Pb-Zn mine residues in Hunan province, China (site B). The results showed that soil pH varied with the different treatment of citric and oxalic acids. However, there were no differences in all the treatments. 3.0mmol CA kg?1 soil addition significantly increased the concentrations of the CaCl2-extractable Pb and Zn and other treatments have no significantly increased. The highest shoot concentrations of Pb and Zn in both species occurred in application of 3.0 mmol CA/kg?1 soil and shoot concentrations of Pb and Zn in both species were significantly higher than the controls in this treatment. Shoot yields declined with application of citric and oxalic acids, indicating that the plants were sensitive to the toxicity of the metals or the amendments. The highest Pb uptake values by maize and wheat werell2.3 and 77.2 μg pot1 in soil of site A, and occurred with the control and 3.0 mmol CA/kg?1 soil respectively.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As), a naturally occurring metallic element, is a dreadful health hazard to millions of people across the globe. Arsenic is present in low amount in the environment and originates from anthropogenic impact and geogenic sources. The presence of As in groundwater used for irrigation is a worldwide problem as it affects crop productivity, accumulates to different tissues and contaminates food chain. The consumption of As contaminated water or food products leads to several diseases and even death. Recently, studies have been carried out to explore the biochemical and molecular mechanisms which contribute to As toxicity, accumulation, detoxification and tolerance acquisition in plants. This information has led to the development of the biotechnological tools for developing plants with modulated As tolerance and detoxification to safeguard cellular and genetic integrity as well as to minimize food chain contamination. This review aims to provide current updates about the biochemical and molecular networks involved in As uptake by plants and the recent developments in the area of functional genomics in terms of developing As tolerant and low As accumulating plants.  相似文献   

The adsorption properties of reference minerals may be considerably modified by the presence of the inorganic and organic coatings that are ubiquitous in soils. It is therefore important to assess the effect of such coatings to evaluate the relevance of adsorption studies on pure minerals. The adsorption of trace amounts of (85)Sr and (137)Cs has been studied in dilute suspensions for various minerals that are common components of soils: quartz, calcium carbonate, kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite. We studied the effect of coatings with either Fe or Al oxide with varying additions of soil-extracted humic or fulvic acid. Both adsorption and desorption were measured and data presented as distribution coefficients, Kd. No adsorption was detected on quartz and it was not possible to coat this surface. Adsorption on calcium carbonate was small and not influenced by coatings. Adsorption of Sr on the three clay minerals was very similar, enhanced by the Al-coating, but not affected by Fe and organic coatings. The presence of organic coatings decreased Cs adsorption on illite. Similar but smaller effects were seen on montmorillonite and kaolinite. Aluminum coating enhanced Cs adsorption on illite, whereas both inorganic coatings caused decreases in adsorption on montmorillonite, and there was no effect on kaolinite. Effects were not additive with mixed, organic-inorganic coatings. Adsorption of both Cs and Sr on all minerals was strongly irreversible, with Kd (desorption) being up to four-times greater than adsorption Kd. The ratio of desorption and adsorption Cs Kd values (an assessment of irreversibility) was inversely related to adsorption Kd. This is consistent with a decreasing contribution of high-affinity adsorption as adsorption increases, but may also reflect the partial loss of organic coatings during desorption.  相似文献   

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