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Assessment of environmental changes in the Orinoco River delta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Major anthropogenic driven changes in the hydrologic and sedimentation patterns of the Orinoco River have had an impact on environmental conditions in the delta. The abrupt water flow reduction from 3,600 to 200 m3 s–1 in one of its major distributaries resulting from dam construction forced its transformation from a fresh-water body into a tidal channel with an increase in salinity level (as far as 100 km upstream) and with well-mixed water at the mouth and estuarine connection to the Paria Gulf. Three different sectors along this distributary can be identified (indicated by the Na/Cl ratio in the water). As a result, noticeable changes have occurred in the mangrove community which moved about 60 km further upstream. The changes have also promoted the formation of new islands of sediment progradation at the mouth of this distributary, where successional colonization and species replacement by different species of grasses and mangroves take place. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A radiochemical technique for determination of plutonium isotopes and 241Am in soil samples is tested against IAEA-standard reference materials to determine its accuracy and precision for reliable results. The technique is then used in the investigation of topsoil samples, collected from the natural environment of the central region of Saudi Arabia, to assess the effect of fallout accumulation of these radionuclides in the region. Plutonium and americium were sequentially separated from all other components of the sample by anion-exchange chromatography and co-precipitated with Nd3+ as fluorides. The precipitates were mounted on membrane filters and measured using a high-resolution alpha-spectrometer. The results of the analysis of the reference materials showed satisfactory sensitivity and precision of the technique. The results of the analyzed soil samples show activity levels ranging from < LLD to 0.089 and from 相似文献   

In the present study, a natural circulation thermosyphon flat plate solar water heater has been tested at the CDFD, Hyderabad (17.37°N, 78.43°E) Andhra Pradesh, India. Experimental data were noted on a sunny day. Dynamic response of the system to variations in solar insulation was studied and analyzed. T inlet °C and T outlet °C temperatures were recorded. The performance of the system can be improved by using aluminum tape inserts into the collector fins. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the performance of flat plate collector with and without inserts (aluminum strip of 1 mm thick, 3 mm width and 203 mm length). It is expected that with the same collector with the same flow rate, higher efficiency can be obtained by inserting the tapes inside the collector copper fins (9 mm). Thus, the cost of the system can be further bringing down by enhancing the collector efficiency.  相似文献   

Groundwater source is the major source of drinking water in most of the suburban areas of India. Groundwater quality was analyzed for pH, TDS, hardness, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate, total coliform and E. coli for the period of January–December 2013. Samples were collected from 10 locations that include 10 shallow wells and 10 deep wells in each location. The quality variation between both shallow and deep wells during pre- and post-monsoon was analyzed. The improper disposal of solid waste and the distance of septic tank were pronounced on E. coli count. The analysis reveals that groundwater contamination is influenced by seasonal changes, environmental condition of the well and maintenance of the well. The high contamination was observed in the wells which are near to the Pallikaranai marsh, and during post-monsoon season, the total dissolved solids and nitrite parameters are slightly increased, whereas chloride increases during pre-monsoon season. Correlation analysis reveals that the chloride and nitrite have a significant relation. The results suggested that the groundwater immediately needs broader protection.  相似文献   

This paper analyses environmental and socio-economic barriers for plantation activities on local and regional level and investigates the potential for carbon finance to stimulate the increased rates of forest plantation on wasteland, i.e., degraded lands, in southern India. Building on multidisciplinary field work and results from the model GCOMAP, the aim is to (1) identify and characterize the barriers to plantation activities in four agro-ecological zones in the state of Karnataka and (2) investigate what would be required to overcome these barriers and enhance the plantation rate and productivity. The results show that a rehabilitation of the wasteland based on plantation activities is not only possible but also anticipated by the local population and would lead to positive environmental and socio-economic effects at a local level. However, in many cases, the establishment of plantation activities is hindered by a lack of financial resources, low land productivity and water scarcity. Based on the model used and the results from the field work, it can be concluded that certified emission reductions such as carbon credits or other compensatory systems may help to overcome the financial barrier; however, the price needs to be significantly increased if these measures are to have any large-scale impact.  相似文献   

This paper, reports for the first time, an extensive study of alpha activity of all widely used building materials (plaster of Paris, stone chips, marble, white cement, mosaic stone, limestone, sand, granite, cement brick, asbestos, red brick, cement tile, ceramic tile and ceramics) in West Bengal, India. The alpha activities have been measured using Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD), a very sensitive detector for alpha particles. The samples were collected from local markets of Kolkata. The measured average alpha activities ranged from 22.7+/-2.5 to 590.6+/-16.8Bqkg(-1). The alpha activity of ceramic tiles was highest and provides additional data to estimate the effect of environmental radiation exposure on human health.  相似文献   

To provide baseline data on background radiation levels for the future assessment of the impact of nuclear and thermal power stations, a systematic study was carried out in the Mallipattinam ecosystem of Tamil Nadu, India. Mallipattinam is located between the Kudankulam and Kalpakkam nuclear power plants and near to Tuticorin thermal power plant. Water, sediments, seaweeds, crustaceans, molluscs, and fish were collected to measure the concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb. The concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb in most samples are comparable to values reported worldwide. In fish, the concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb are in the range 16-190 Bq kg−1 and 8-153 Bq kg−1, respectively. The concentration factors of 210Po and 210Pb for the biotic components ranges from 103 to 106.  相似文献   

Large connected landscapes are paramount to maintain top predator populations. Across their range, tiger (Panthera tigris) populations occur in small fragmented patches of habitat, often isolated by large distances in human-dominated landscapes. We assessed connectivity between 16 protected areas (PAs) in central India, a global priority landscape for tiger conservation, using data on land use and land cover, human population density, and transportation infrastructure. We identified and prioritized movement routes using a combination of least-cost corridor modeling and circuit theory. Our analyses suggest that there are several opportunities to maintain connectivity in this landscape. We mapped a total of thirty-five linkages in the region and calculated metrics to estimate their quality and importance. The highest quality linkages as measured by the ratio of cost-weighted distance to Euclidean distance are Kanha–Phen/Bandhavgarh–SanjayGhasidas/Melghat–Satpura, and cost-weighted distance to least-cost path length are Nawegaon–Tadoba/Achanakmar–SanjayGhasidas/Kanha–Phen. We used current flow centrality to evaluate the contribution of each PA and linkage toward facilitating animal movement. Values are highest for Kanha and Pench tiger reserves, and the linkages between Kanha–Phen, Kanha–Pench, and Pench–Satpura, suggesting that these PAs and linkages play a critical role in maintaining connectivity in central India. In addition, smaller areas such as Bor, Nawegaon, and Phen have high centrality scores relative to their areas and thus may act as important stepping stones. We mapped pinch points, which are sections of the linkages where tiger movement is restricted due to unfavorable habitat, transportation networks, human habitation, or a combination of factors. Currently, very limited data exist on tiger movement outside of PAs to validate model results. Regional-scale connectivity mapping efforts can assist managers and policy makers to develop strategic plans for balancing wildlife conservation and other land uses in the landscape.  相似文献   

基于社会生态系统视角的长三角地级城市韧性度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提升城市应对重大冲击和慢性压力的能力,提高城市的抗打击能力与恢复能力,以及城市对抗不确定风险的韧性程度,本文结合现实背景,以城市社会生态系统的视角,对2014年长三角地区16个地级城市韧性进行实证分析。采用GIS的空间分析和叠加功能方法,从生态环境、市政设施、经济和社会发展4个方面选取24个具体指标,对长三角地区16个地级城市韧性程度及其空间状态做出评价,并确定测度标准值。首先对构成城市韧性的4个因子:生态、市政设施工程、经济以及社会发展进行分析和数字化,得出各因子对城市韧性影响程度的栅格图层;其次对图层进行空间叠加,再得到长三角地区地级城市韧性度评价图。评价结果表明:(1)长三角地级城市韧性呈现"级差化"分布状态,总体呈现出中等韧性状态;(2)长三角地级城市韧性空间分异特征显著,其北翼城市比南翼城市韧性程度较高;(3)长三角地级城市经济、生态韧性在空间分布上相对集中,趋向协调均衡发展。通过城市韧性度分析,认为评价结果基本符合近年来长三角地区城市韧性发展的整体状况,可以在一定程度上增强城市社会生态系统对外界风险的适应能力,并在今后的城市发展调适过程中更具韧性,从而对不同时空尺度的城市韧性状态评价提供一种思路。  相似文献   

Though tiger conservationists almost ubiquitously acknowledge the necessity of landscape approaches and the involvement of local people for effective tiger conservation, reconciling these two needs presents certain challenges for practitioners. Seeking to address both local exigencies and conservation goals, state-sponsored ecodevelopment initiatives have become commonly associated with Project Tiger reserves in India. However, in this essay I argue that by focusing on the proximate sources of tension between tiger conservation and local people (i.e., human–tiger conflict, habitat degradation, and prey depletion), these programs have reinforced the ultimate causes of such tension: the structural inequalities that exists between local people and state organizations. By linking the historical literature with my own fieldwork in the Melghat Tiger Reserve of the Central Indian Highlands, I show how the current structure of ecodevelopment largely mirrors that of colonial forestry by attempting to enforce natural resource property rights in a way that privileges the state and delegitimizes local relational mechanisms of access to natural resources. In doing so, ecodevelopment reflects the political structure that facilitated the rise of conflicts between tigers and people and reinforces the “gridlock of tiger conservation” (Rastogi et al. 2012). With this political ecology perspective, I advocate solidarity between conservation practitioners, local people, and state organizations in addressing these structural problems to further conservation efforts. Emphasizing co-management’s ability to accommodate multi-scalar forms of authority, I end by offering three lessons for conservation from Melghat’s experience with colonial forestry and ecodevelopment.  相似文献   

Ordination methods were applied to the identification of structural units in the phytoplankton community. The groups of phytoplanktonic species identified by the time gradient and the method of cluster analysis of species lists were compared. The structural complexity of the phytoplankton community was evaluated using the index of cenotic significance (ICS) and derivative calculation coefficients. A high degree of similarity in the structure of dominance between the zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic communities of the water body was revealed.  相似文献   

An estimation of the indoor background radiation dose distribution was carried out in dwellings of eleven villages located within and around the uranium mineralization area of Kylleng-Pyndensohiong, Mawthabah in West Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya, India. The ambient indoor gamma radiation level was monitored using Thermo Luminescence Dosimeters (TLDs) while the indoor radon and thoron concentration was measured using twin-cup dosimeters employing Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDs). Results obtained from the study reveals that the local inhabitants of villages located close to the mining site receive higher doses than those inhabitants of villages located at a much farther distance from the mining site. The average total annual effective dose was found to be varying from 1.2 mSv y−1 in the village of Langpa to 3.4 mSv y−1 in the village of Nongbah Jynrin. The data obtained will serve as a reference in documenting changes to environmental radioactivity if mining is to be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Groundwater is the major primary source of drinking and irrigation water for nearly 500 million inhabitants in both rural and urban areas of the Ganga...  相似文献   

River channel migration is the universal phenomenon that is common in almost all alluvial rivers. The holy River Ganga, the heartbeat of India, is also not an exception in this case. It has shifted its course from time to time. After crossing the Rajmahal hills that is situated in the north-eastern corner of the Chota Nagpur plateau, this main river of India has started its lower course by flowing over the great low-lying flat plain of Bengal. In this flat plain area, the channel migration is a common phenomenon which is observed in the River Ganga also. The study is done in the segment of the Ganga River which is situated in the Diara surrounding area. Diara is a physical cum administrative region of the Malda district of the state of West Bengal of India which occupies an area of almost 900 km2. For the identification of channel migration zone, several methods are used like construction of historical migration zone (HMZ), erosion buffer (EB), avulsion potential zone (APZ), restricted and un-restricted migration area (RMA and UrMA) and retreating migration zone (RMZ). The impact of the channel migration over the villages of the Diara region has also been depicted in this study. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (RS–GIS) is used to perform this study by taking the help of historical maps, Survey of India topographical sheets, LANDSAT imageries, etc. The results show that the river has a historical migration zone of 855.55 km2 during 1926–2016 period which is near the entire area of the Diara region (i.e. 900 km2). The construction of EB over the Ganga River for the next 100 years shows that more than half of the area of the Diara region will go under the river bed.  相似文献   

The widespread application of pesticides in agriculture, public health, and industry and in and around the home can result in the accumulation of pesticides in the environment. Therefore, a survey has been conducted during 1993-1996 to investigate the magnitude of contamination of bovine milk with organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues from Jaipur City, Rajasthan, India. Milk samples, i.e., dairy (toned and whole) and buffalo milk, were collected seasonally, and pesticide residues were assessed using a gas chromatograph (GC) with an electron capture detector (ECD). The results indicate that all the milk samples were contaminated with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites (DDE and p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane [DDD]), isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH; alpha, beta, and gamma), heptachlor and its epoxide, and aldrin. Seasonal variations of these pesticide residue levels were also observed in all the milk samples. Samples collected during winter season were found to contain higher residue levels as compared to other seasons.  相似文献   

Following the Chernobyl accident, 137Cs contamination levels of wild boar in some districts of Southern Germany are still exceeding thousands of Bq kg−1. While the long term 137Cs concentration in forest plants, mushrooms, and roe deer meat has decreased significantly, for wild boar it has remained constant during the last decade. Between 1998 and 2008, we analysed the muscle meat of 656 wild boars shot in the district (“Landkreis”) Ravensburg. The 137Cs activity concentration showed considerable variability from less than 5 up to 8266 Bq kg−1 and it followed a seasonal pattern, which is attributed to changes in dietary habits, fodder availability, meteorological conditions and specific behaviour of 137Cs in wild boar organism. Tag values for wild boars from the district Ravensburg varied from 0.008 to 0.062 m2 kg−1 during 2000–2008.  相似文献   

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