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我国生态损害的救济呈现出多元化的趋势,且以私法手段为主导,不同救济手段间缺乏协调。对不同救济方式的特点和局限性的分析显示,我国应采用以公法救济为主导、私法救济为补充的复合救济模式。公法救济与私法救济衔接问题实际上是不同主体提起此类民事诉讼的顺位问题。在分析多元化救济手段的基础上,对生态损害救济体系的重构提出建议,应从明确公私法救济手段的适用关系及对行政救济不力时补救措施的建立入手。  相似文献   

沈阳 《四川环境》2021,40(3):199-204
我国正在推行的生态环境损害赔偿制度存在着内源性与外源性的问题,即以纯粹的私法思维主导政府索赔制度存在逻辑障碍,无法反映政府索赔制度的全貌,以公法模式应对生态环境损害也面临着适用困境.究其原因在于"非公即私"式的解释路径.随着公法与私法的交融渗透已成为趋势,可建立公法与私法协作的模式来解决生态环境损害政府索赔的理论与实践...  相似文献   

环境利益是人类从环境中获取的维持生命延续与自我发展的效用,以及能动地利用自然环境所形成的各种利益。在环境问题与环境危机的影响下,环境利益的实现必定受到阻碍。《物权法》规定了自然资源物权和环境保护相邻权,却忽视环境利益保护的理念,在物权客体范围与相邻关系等方面亦存在明显局限。应将"环境利益"纳入民事立法,尤其是《物权法》中,通过确立环境物权,丰富环境容量使用权、环境保护相邻权的相关内容,实现对《物权法》的完善,促进环境利益的民事法律保护与救济。  相似文献   

本文主要以黄山市的实际阐述了旅游城市在对旅游资源开发中,应处理好开发与保护的关系,强化环境管理,保护好自然资源环境。  相似文献   

环境有价,损害担责,生态环境损害赔偿制度应当纳入法治化轨道。生态环境损害涉及到的是公法问题,却由政府作为代表生态环境的民事权利人通过私法途径请求损害赔偿,存在着理论困境。因此,需要对生态环境损害赔偿法律责任进行界定,探讨生态环境损害赔偿法律责任的无过错归责原则,明确构成要件与免责事由,为生态环境损害赔偿法律制度的构建提供法理支撑。  相似文献   

正四川省自然资源科学研究院是四川省科技厅直属的科研事业单位,主要从事自然资源领域的基础研究与应用开发。重点是以四川省自然资源、生态环境与经济社会协调发展为目标,针对国家提出的资源安全、生态文明建设和区域可持续发展需求,在自然资源综合考察与评价规划、区域自然资源开发与保护、资源持续利用、生态环境系统优化、资源信息数据集成、自然科技信息共享等领  相似文献   

青海湖自然保护区地处海拔3200米的青藏高原东北部,是我国早期建立的以水禽候鸟为保护对象的湿地保护区.自1975年建立以来,在自然资源、生态环境和保护管理方面做了大量工作.但是,由于青海湖是一个高原湖泊,生态系统比较脆弱.随着人类经济活动的不断加剧和湖区气候、土壤、水资源等条件的限制,保护区的湿地环境和自然资源日趋恶化.对此,如何加强鸟岛自然保护区湿地生境和候鸟资源的保护管理已是我们面临的主要问题.本文就保护区的自然资源现状和今后的发展、保护对策分述如下:  相似文献   

建立地质公园是保护地质遗迹资源、普及地学知识、促进旅游发展的一种形式.目前,地质公园旅游资源的不合理开发给公园的可持续发展造成了巨大压力.以山西陵川王莽岭国家地质公园为例,对公园内地质遗迹资源类型进行了系统论述,对人文资源和植物资源进行了概括.针对公园建设和资源开发现状,重点提出了地质遗迹保护和旅游资源开发建议.  相似文献   

本文从实物型、价值型自然资源资产账户及自然资源资产流量账户三方面对参照环境经济综合核算体系(SEEA)开展自然资源和环境经济核算的海外典型国家的核算指标进行比较分析,为编制我国自然资源资产核算框架提供参考借鉴。从五个典型国家的实践上看,各国的自然资源资产核算体系趋向与国民经济核算相对接;核算资源类别注重资源对社会经济的贡献度、资源数据可获得性以及资源核算的难易程度;核算账户及指标设置突出统计的实现,缺乏核算分析。基于此,本文提出,我国在开展自然资源资产核算时可借鉴国民经济核算的做法及已出台的各类资源分类标准,编制分类与综合资源核算账户、全国与地区专项资源核算账户;突出设置资源变化类指标,注重核算资源的流;探索编制自然资源资产生态账户,考虑实现资源核算指标与负债表指标的衔接,为自然资源资产负债表编制提供信息。  相似文献   

本文以唐山市为例分析了资源型城市严峻的环境形势,提出环境保护在经济建设中的地位和作用,对自然资源的开发利用要正确处理与发展经济、保护资源与生态环境的关系,使经济与环境协调发展。  相似文献   

面对生态环境损害赔偿诉讼这一新型诉讼形式,准确把握其定义和定位至关重要。现有生态环境损害赔偿诉讼按国家自然资源所有权私权化路径进行制度构建,其现行定义为特殊私益诉讼,现行定位为环境行政替代工具。这种定义与定位导致其与环境公益诉讼割裂,运行序位上优先于环境民事公益诉讼,引起国家机关角色错位。生态环境损害赔偿诉讼与环境民事公益诉讼的诉讼标的相同,救济和保护的利益均为环境公益,其定义应回归公益诉讼本位;政府在环境公益保护上有着广泛的职权和手段,是环境公共治理的优先主体,仅在少数行政不能的情形下才有借助司法的必要性和合理性,其在定位上应作为环境行政执法的补充机制在有限范围内发挥作用。据此,生态环境损害赔偿诉讼在制度体系上应与既有环境民事公益诉讼置于同一诉讼系属统筹立法,在诉讼序位上应让位于社会组织提起的环境民事公益诉讼。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Existing legal regimes for the management of water resources are already stressed by changing technologies and growing populations. There is little reason for doubt that today the planet is undergoing significant and even alarming climate change. In the past such global climatic changes had dramatic effects on water resource availability with disastrous consequences for many human communities. Today's climate changes can be managed without such disastrous consequences for present day communities only if there are major reforms to existing water law regimes at the local, national, and international levels. In particular, at the local and national levels, water resources must be treated as public property rather than as common or private property. At the international level, water must be managed at the drainage basin level rather than according to national boundaries that largely ignore rational water management criteria. At all levels, care must be given to decentralizing decision making and to use economic incentives insofar as possible, without, however, mistaking economic incentives for markets. The public nature of water resources precludes true markets as a significant management tool.  相似文献   

Wildfire, like many natural hazards, affects large landscapes with many landowners and the risk individual owners face depends on both individual and collective protective actions. In this study, we develop a spatially explicit game theoretic model to examine the strategic interaction between landowners’ hazard mitigation decisions on a landscape with public and private ownership. We find that in areas where ownership is mixed, the private landowner performs too little fuel treatment as they “free ride”—capture benefits without incurring the costs—on public protection, while areas with public land only are under-protected. Our central result is that this pattern of fuel treatment comes at a cost to society because public resources focus in areas with mixed ownership, where local residents capture the benefits, and are not available for publicly managed land areas that create benefits for society at large. We also find that policies that encourage public expenditures in areas with mixed ownership, such as the Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003 and public liability for private values, subsidize the residents who choose to locate in the high-risk areas at the cost of lost natural resource benefits for others.  相似文献   

阐述了税收政策介入环保产业发展的理论基础,即外部性和公共产品理论决定了环保产业的发展需要税收优惠政策给予支持;分析了我国现有环保产业的所得税政策、增值税政策和营业税政策;提出了应完善现有税制及税收分配体制等促进我国环保产业发展的税收政策建议。  相似文献   

试论自然资源保护法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然资源保护法属于环境保护法的一个组成部分。目前,我国自然资源保护法还不十分完善,与自然资源保护和经济发展的要求不相适应。本文针对自然资源保护法存在的缺陷,提出进一步完善的建议,以利于我国自然资源保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

Multi-tenure reserve networks aim to connect areas managed for biodiversity conservation across public and private land and address the impacts of fragmentation on both biotic and social systems. The operation and function of Australian multi-tenure reserve networks as perceived by their land managers was investigated. Overall, the conservation of natural assets was the most frequently reported primary reason for involvement in a network. The perceived aims of the respective networks largely reflected the response identified for involvement and management. Over 88% of managers considered their involvement in multi-tenure reserve networks to be a positive or very positive experience. A lack of resources and time for management were considered major limitations of these networks. The majority (80%) of private land managers within networks were willing to be included in a national reserve system of conservation lands. As the Australian National Reserve System currently incorporates mostly public land, these findings have important and potentially positive implications for a greater role for protected private land.  相似文献   

Most writers on resource management presume that local populations, if they act in their self-interest, seldom conserve or protect natural resources without external intervention or privatization. Using the example of forest management by villagers in the Indian Himalayas, this paper argues that rural populations can often use resources sustainably and successfully, even under assumptions of self-interested rationality. Under a set of specified social and environmental conditions, conditions that prevail in large areas of the Himalayas and may also exist in other mountain regions, community institutions are more efficient in managing resources than either private individuals or the central government. In advancing this argument, the paper undermines the often dogmatic belief in the universal superiority of private forms of ownership and management.  相似文献   

International institutions, understood as sets of rules contained in international agreements, are aimed at orienting national governments towards specific policy options. Nevertheless, they can determine a change in national policies and practices only if states are willing and capable of incorporating international obligations into their national legislations and ensuring their application and enforcement in areas that follow completely under national jurisdiction. The establishment of marine protected areas promoted by international agreements as a tool for the protection of marine resources represents an interesting case for revealing the complex interactions between international institutions and national actors. Particularly, the establishment of these areas in Senegal shows the salience of domestic constellations of actors who may support or undercut national commitments to international regimes: political elites, bureaucracies, the general public and target groups. By anchoring the empirical analysis to an actor-centred institutionalist perspective, the article explains how dynamic constellations of actors can distort the penetration of international objectives in the national policy framework. Different constellations of national actors can indeed bend international institutions at different moments: during the formulation of a new law in line with international obligations; in the definition of its implementation framework; and in the enforcement of national policies.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,人们对自然环境的破坏日趋加剧,地球环境不断恶化,由此引发了层出不穷的环境争议。环境公益诉讼制度作为最有强制力、最为公平正义的终局解决办法,是解决环境问题,保护国家、社会和公众环境权益的最有效途径,并在现代法治社会中起到越来越突出的作用。从环境公益诉讼的基础理论出发,借鉴国外环境公益诉讼的经验,分析我国环境诉讼法律制度存在的问题,阐述建立环境公益诉讼制度的必要性,并提出建立环境公益诉讼制度的建议,旨在探索一条落实科学发展观的环境保护新思路。  相似文献   

Wetland protection and utilization sometimes appear to be in conflict, but promoting the wise use of wetlands can solve this problem. All countries face the challenge of sustainable development of wetlands to a greater or lesser extent, but the problem is especially urgent in developing countries, such as China, that want to accelerate their economic development without excessive environmental cost. Chinese wetlands contribute greatly to economic development, but improper use of these natural resources has endangered their existence. It is thus necessary to provide scientific guidance to managers and users of wetlands. In this paper, we analyze the present status of Chinese wetland protection and utilization, and discuss problems in six categories: a lack of public awareness of the need for wetland protection; insufficient funding for wetland protection and management; an imperfect legal system to protect wetlands; insufficient wetland research; lack of coordination among agencies and unclear responsibilities; and undeveloped technologies related to wetland use and protection. The wise use of Chinese wetlands will require improvements in four main areas: increased wetland utilization research, scientific management of wetland utilization, improved laws and regulations to protect wetlands, and wider dissemination of wetland knowledge. Based on these categories, we propose a framework for the optimization of wetland use by industry to provide guidance for China and other countries that cannot sacrifice economic benefits to protect their wetlands.  相似文献   

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