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Abstract: Habitat fragmentation increases seed dispersal limitation across the landscape and may also affect subsequent demographic stages such as seedling establishment. Thus, the development of adequate plans for forest restoration requires an understanding of mechanisms by which fragmentation hampers seed delivery to deforested areas and knowledge of how fragmentation affects the relationship between seed‐deposition patterns and seedling establishment. We evaluated the dispersal and recruitment of two bird‐dispersed, fleshy‐fruited tree species (Crataegus monogyna and Ilex aquifolium) in fragmented secondary forests of northern Spain. Forest fragmentation reduced the probability of seed deposition for both trees because of decreased availability of woody perches and fruit‐rich neighborhoods for seed dispersers, rather than because of reductions in tree cover by itself. The effects of fragmentation went beyond effects on the dispersal stage in Crataegus because seedling establishment was proportional to the quantities of bird‐dispersed seeds arriving at microsites. In contrast, postdispersal mortality in Ilex was so high that it obscured the seed‐to‐seedling transition. These results suggest that the effects of fragmentation are not necessarily consistent across stages of recruitment across species. Habitat management seeking to overcome barriers to forest recovery must include the preservation, and even the planting, of fleshy‐fruited trees in the unforested matrix as a measure to encourage frugivorous birds to enter into open and degraded areas. An integrative management strategy should also explicitly consider seed‐survival expectancies at microhabitats to preserve plant‐population dynamics and community structure in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the Neotropics ongoing deforestation is producing open and heavily fragmented landscapes dominated by agriculture, mostly plantations and cattle pastures. After some time agriculture often becomes uneconomical and land is abandoned. Subsequent habitat regeneration may be slow because seed inputs are restricted by a lack of incentives—such as suitable roost sites—for seed dispersers to enter deforested areas. Increasing environmental awareness has fostered growing efforts to promote reforestation. Practical and cost-efficient methods for kick-starting forest regeneration are, however, lacking. We investigated whether artificial bat roosts for frugivorous bat species can attract these key seed dispersers to deforested areas, thereby increasing seed rain. We installed artificial bat roosts in a forest-pasture mosaic in the Costa Rican Atlantic lowlands and monitored bat colonization and seed dispersal. Colonization occurred within a few weeks of installation, and 10 species of bats occupied the artificial roosts. Five species of frugivorous or nectarivorous bats colonized artificial roosts permanently in both primary habitat and in deforested areas, in numbers similar to those found in natural roosts. Seed input around artificial roosts increased significantly. Sixty-nine different seed types, mostly of early-successional plant species, were transported by bats to artificial roosts in disturbed habitats. The installation of artificial bat roosts thus successfully attracted frugivorous bats and increased seed inputs into degraded sites. This method is likely to speed up early-vegetation succession, which in turn will attract additional seed dispersers, such as birds, and provide a microhabitat for seeds of mid- and late-successional plants. As well as supporting natural forest regeneration and bat conservation, this cost-efficient method can also increase environmental awareness among landowners.  相似文献   

Species that are strong interactors play disproportionately important roles in the dynamics of natural ecosystems. It has been proposed that their presence is necessary for positively shaping the structure and functioning of ecosystems. We evaluated this hypothesis using the case of the world's largest parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), a globally imperiled species. We used direct observation, animal tracking, and computer simulations to examine the diverse routes through which B. muricatum affects the diversity, dispersal, relative abundance, and survival of the corals that comprise the foundation of reef ecosystems. Our results suggest that this species can influence reef building corals in both positive and negative ways. Field observation and simulation outputs indicated that B. muricatum reduced the abundance of macroalgae that can outcompete corals, but they also feed directly on corals, decreasing coral abundance, diversity, and colony size. B. muricatum appeared to facilitate coral advancement by mechanically dispersing coral fragments and opening up bare space for coral settlement, but they also damaged adult corals and remobilized a large volume of potentially stressful carbonate sediment. The impacts this species has on reefs appears to be regulated in part by its abundance—the effects of B. muricatum were more intense in simulation scenarios populated with high densities of these fish. Observations conducted in regions with high and low predator (e.g., sharks) abundance generated results that are consistent with the hypothesis that these predators of B. muricatum may play a role in governing their abundance; thus, predation may modulate the intensity of the effects they have on reef dynamics. Overall our results illustrate that functionally unique and threatened species may not have universally positive impacts on ecosystems and that it may be necessary for environmental managers to consider the diverse effects of such species and the forces that mediate the strength of their influence. Efectos Positivos y Negativos de un Pez Loro Amenazado Sobre Ecosistemas Arrecifales  相似文献   

腈菌唑(myclobutanil,MT)是一种应用广泛的手性杀菌剂,其手性对映体为(+)-腈菌唑(MT1)和(-)-腈菌唑(MT2)。腈菌唑手性单体具有不同的生物活性,但很少有其对爬行动物的对应选择毒性研究。为了评估腈菌唑手性单体对丽斑麻蜴性腺系统的毒性影响,将MT1(50 mg·kg-1)和MT2(50 mg·kg-1)以经口灌胃方式分别暴露给蜥蜴28 d。暴露期间,记录观察蜥蜴体重、血液中性激素(睾酮T和雌二醇E2)浓度以及性腺相关基因(3β-HSD、17β-HSD、CYP11A、CYP17、CYP19A、ER-α和AR)的表达图谱的变化。在MT1暴露组中,蜥蜴体重在28 d出现明显下降。而在MT2暴露组中,蜥蜴体重没有明显变化。雄性蜥蜴在经过1 d的暴露后,E2浓度在MT1暴露组中明显下降,而在MT2暴露组中明显上升。这些结果表明了腈菌唑手性单体的对映选择性毒性。在MT2暴露14 d后,雌性蜥蜴中CYP19A基因的表达上调弥补了体内E2浓度的降低。在MT1暴露的14 d,蜥蜴卵巢中观察到的CYP11A和CYP17基因表达下调以及CYP19A基因表达不变的这一现象解释了蜥蜴血液中E2和T的浓度减少。这些结果表明:MT1和MT2暴露对蜥蜴体内性激素造成不同的影响,而这些影响会相应改变性腺相关基因的表达。综上所述,MT1和MT2对性腺系统具有潜在的内分泌干扰效应,可能对蜥蜴造成不同程度的生殖损伤。  相似文献   

三氯生的生态效应及其在环境中的迁移转化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三氯生(triclosan)是一种广泛使用的抗菌剂和杀菌剂,主要添加于个人护理品等各类消费产品中。目前,三氯生在各种环境介质和生物体中普遍存在,其具有亲脂性、持久性、生物累积性和毒性,对生态环境和人类健康造成了潜在危害。归纳和分析了近年来国内外有关三氯生的研究成果,全面系统地介绍了三氯生在环境中的分布现状、生态效应和生物降解等,重点讨论了三氯生的环境毒性,以及三氯生杀菌的作用机制及其导致的细菌耐药性,最后对未来的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

Recovery plans for species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act are required to specify measurable criteria that can be used to determine when the species can be delisted. For the 642 listed endangered and threatened plant species that have recovery plans, we applied recursive partitioning methods to test whether the number of individuals or populations required for delisting can be predicted on the basis of distributional and biological traits, previous abundance at multiple time steps, or a combination of traits and previous abundances. We also tested listing status (threatened or endangered) and the year the recovery plan was written as predictors of recovery criteria. We analyzed separately recovery criteria that were stated as number of populations and as number of individuals (population‐based and individual‐based criteria, respectively). Previous abundances alone were relatively good predictors of population‐based recovery criteria. Fewer populations, but a greater proportion of historically known populations, were required to delist species that had few populations at listing compared with species that had more populations at listing. Previous abundances were also good predictors of individual‐based delisting criteria when models included both abundances and traits. The physiographic division in which the species occur was also a good predictor of individual‐based criteria. Our results suggest managers are relying on previous abundances and patterns of decline as guidelines for setting recovery criteria. This may be justifiable in that previous abundances inform managers of the effects of both intrinsic traits and extrinsic threats that interact and determine extinction risk. Predicción de Criterios de Recuperación para Especies de Plantas en Peligro y Amenazadas con Base en Abundancias Pasadas y Atributos Biológicos  相似文献   

双孢菇培养基废料对绿豆生长及AM真菌侵染的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验,研究添加不同比例双孢菇(Agaricus bisporus)培养基废料(菇渣)对绿豆(Vigna radiate)生长及其根系受AM真菌侵染的影响.结果发现,在接种AM菌剂条件下,添加菇渣在基质中所占质量分数为5%~50%时,不同程度地提高了AM真菌对绿豆根系的侵染率,促进了植株生长与绿豆经济产量的提高,AM真菌侵染率在35 d左右达到高峰.添加20%菇渣的处理效果最佳,60 d收获时比对照植株高58%,生物量增加128%,豆荚干重增加598%,绿豆干重增加577%,经济产量(绿豆干重)与35 d时AM真菌对绿豆根系的侵染率呈显著线性回归关系(P<0.05).这说明添加20%左右的菇渣最有利于促进AM真菌对绿豆根系的侵染以及绿豆植株的营养生长和生殖生长.在最适菇渣比例(20%)条件下接种AM菌剂,基质灭菌(包括土壤与菇渣)处理的AM真菌侵染率与非灭菌对照没有显著差异,表明双孢菇培养基废料可以应用于AM菌剂的扩繁.  相似文献   

河岸带是陆地生态系统与水生生态系统之间的过渡地带,受人类干扰的威胁较大.长江是流经重庆都市区的主要河流,主城区两江四岸部分河岸硬化,河岸生态功能退化或丧失,生物多样性降低.本文以重庆主城区九龙外滩的河岸带为研究区域,通过调查,采用Ward最小方差法对植物群落类型进行划分,比较了生态恢复区域和自然区域的植物群落特征及优势...  相似文献   

We investigated how Pheidole megacephala has affected endemic achatinellid snails because these snails are excellent indicators of the impact of ants and they have high conservation value in Ogasawara. In 2015 we surveyed the Minamizaki area of Hahajima Island of Ogasawara, designated a core zone of the World Heritage Site, for P. megacephala. In Minamizaki, we determined the distribution and density of achatinellid snails in 2015 and compared these data with their distribution and density in 2005. Land cover in the survey area was entirely forest. We also tested whether P. megacephala preyed on achatinellid snails in the laboratory. P. megacephala was present in the forested areas of Minamizaki. Achatinellid snails were absent in 19 of 39 sites where P. megacephala was present, whereas in other areas densities of the snails ranged from 2 to 228 individuals/site. In the laboratory, P. megacephala carried 6 of 7 achatinellid snails and a broken shell was found. Snail distribution and density comparisons and results of the feeding experiments suggest that the presence of P. megacephala has contributed to the decline of achatinellid snails in forests in the survey area. Yet, P. megacephala is not on the official list of invasive non‐native species. Stakeholders using the list of invasive species to develop conservation programs should recognize that invasiveness of non‐native species differs depending on the ecosystem and that official lists may not be complete.  相似文献   

抗生素在地下水系统中的环境行为及生态效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素在环境中的残留已引起广泛关注。随着对地下水污染的报道日益增多,抗生素对地下水系统的潜在影响不容忽视。本文系统地阐述了地下水中抗生素的来源、污染水平及迁移转化规律,总结了抗生素对地下水微生物群落的影响以及抗生素诱导产生的抗性基因的潜在污染趋势。因地下水赋存隐蔽,一旦污染难以及时察觉,抗生素进入地下水系统后易长期残留。目前,针对抗生素及抗性基因在地下水系统中的环境行为及生态效应研究还十分有限,本文据此指出了当前形势下开展相关研究的必要性,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

RNAi技术及其在植物中的应用研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
RNA干扰(RNA inteffemnce,RNAi)是由双链(double-stranded RNA,dsRNn)所引起的序列特异性基因沉默。是真核生物中一种非常保守的机制.RNA干扰依赖于小干扰RNA(small interference RNA,siRNA)与靶mRBA之间的严格碱基配对,具有高度特异性.本文就RNM的发现、作用机制研究、特点、以及在植物功能基因分析、抗病毒与品种改良等方面的应用进行了综述,并对存在的问题和应用前景作了分析和预测.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区是江西省重要商品粮基地,但其生态环境也有较为脆弱的一面。某些违反生态规律的农业生产活动导致该区生态环境的恶化。本文从围湖造田、湖区传统耕作制度、乡镇企业发展及农民环境意识淡薄等方面分析了它们对湖区生态环境的影响,并提出几点治理意见。  相似文献   

生态住宅小区雨水利用与水景观系统案例分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
以某住宅小区为例,进行雨水利用和水景观系统的方案设计,根据水量平衡计算,充分利用小区汇集的雨水作为绿化和景观用水;并充分考虑雨水径流的污染和小区水体的水质,合理地设计雨水的截污、净化和景观湖的水循环与水质保障措施。强调系统和生态学的观点。  相似文献   

This study investigates proximate factors influencing dispersal behaviour in the subsocial spider Amaurobius ferox. Dispersal of spiderlings from the natal web occurred as a progressive sigmoidal function (mean duration of dispersal period=31 days), with considerable individual variability in developmental instar and body mass within the clutch at the time of dispersal. The spiderlings showed a significant decrease in group cohesion on the 6th day after their second moult, which corresponded to the beginning of the dispersal period. Mutual aggressiveness appeared when the spiderlings began to show predatory behaviour (4th day post-second moult) and increased over the course of the dispersal period. While lack of prey in the maternal nest accelerated dispersal behaviour, the addition of prey items lengthened the dispersal period in previously non-fed clutches. Individuals that dispersed were smaller than the remaining individuals when measured on the day 50% of the clutch had dispersed. Timing of the appearance of the developmental characters (second moult, predation activity, agonistic behaviour against siblings, reduction of group cohesion, dispersal) suggests that the dispersal trait might have evolved in consequence of these different functional behaviours. Received: 10 August 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

本文研究了酸性、中性及石灰性紫色土中铅的水稻效应、形态特征及有效性。酸性与石灰性紫色土中水稻分别在含铅量1000、2000mg/kg时出现明显受害,中性紫色土在4000mg/kg时亦无明显影响。水稻各部位含铅量是酸性>石灰性>中性紫色土,并与添加铅呈显著正相关,且其大小顺序为根>茎叶>糙米。铅90%以上积累于水稻根部;施铅使土壤中无效铅比例下降。有效性较高的铅形态比例上升。交换态、碳酸盐态或弱结合态铅含量较高的土壤上,水稻反应大。用有效态铅为指标有可能使不同土壤铅临界浓度比较接近一致。  相似文献   

土壤中草甘膦与镉的交互作用对3种土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了两种土壤中草甘膦与镉交互作用对土壤三种酶活性的影响.结果发现,低浓度镉略促进乌栅土中的脲酶活性,而高浓度镉则显著抑制了其脲酶活性,当与草甘膦共存时,草甘膦的存在增强了镉对脲酶活性的抑制作用; 镉对红壤中脲酶活性的影响较小,而草甘膦单一或与Cd共存时均显著抑制了红壤中脲酶的活性.镉抑制了乌栅土中酸性和碱性磷酸酶活性,而草甘膦的存在增加了镉的毒性,两者表现为协同作用;低浓度镉促进了红壤酸性磷酸酶活性,而高浓度镉则抑制了土壤酸性磷酸酶活性,草甘膦的存在降低了红壤中镉的毒性,两者表现为颉颃作用.镉对红壤中碱性磷酸酶的活性影响较小.  相似文献   

Beach conservation and management on the high-value French Riviera in southeastern France have had mixed fortunes in shoreline economic development strategies over the past half century. Prior to 1965, socio-economic growth related to immigration and tourism resulted in considerable pressure on the coastal zone, leading in particular to beach erosion and degradation of beach environmental quality. Between 1965 and 1980, over 20% of the 132 km-long French Riviera was permanently altered through the implantation of yachting harbours and reclamation fill structures, while beach-based recreation had a rather low ranking as a development choice, except in the two major resorts of Cannes and Nice which exhibit a densely urbanized seafront. On this preponderantly bold rocky coast, the mediocre recreational value inherited by many of the beaches from the regional geologic setting, and from development pressures and earlier errors in coastal management, left them vulnerable to appropriation and so-called ‘valorization’ by yachting harbour and estate developers. Over the last decade, artificial shoreline development has virtually ceased, in response to several more or less interrelated factors. These include relative stagnation of socio-economic growth, increasing development and maintenance costs of yachting harbours, saturation of the yachting harbour market as a result of the burgeoning of new, often cheaper, resorts and of reconversion of commercial and shipbuilding ports to leisure ports in the Mediterranean, more stringent legislation, since 1986, on the implantation of residential and major engineering structures on the coastline, pressure for conservation of the cultural and environmental heritage, and greater demand for beach recreational space. This situation has forced a diversification of shore-based activities, as it has been realised that better managed beaches may balance economic aspirations while contributing to enhanced environmental quality and sensible shoreline conservation. This change in strategy has entailed considerable efforts and money on the improvement of coastal water quality, the provision of amenities for beach-goers, and especially the nourishment of eroding beaches and the creation of several artificial beaches. The extent to which beaches will continue to play a role in the sustainable development of French Riviera resorts will depend largely on the capacity of local authorities to maintain environmental quality in the face of inherited and persistent handicaps such as beach erosion.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian module has been developed and coupled with the 3D circulation model Symphonie to study the influence of hydrodynamic processes on zooplankton transport and distributions in the North Western Mediterranean (NWM). Individuals are released every 3 days from March to August 2001 in two initial areas: around the DYFAMED sampling station in the central Ligurian Sea and in the Rhône river plume. Then the individuals are tracked for 40 days either as passive particles or with a simple diel vertical migration (DVM) pattern. The simulations suggest strong seasonal patterns in the distributions of the individuals released around the DYFAMED sampling station. Individuals spread all over the NWM basin after 40 days but different patterns occur depending on the season, the initial depths of release and the capacity of DVM. Offshore-shelf transport only occurs in April and May with particles ending up in the Gulf of Lions (GoL) in low concentrations. In other months, the Northern Current (NC) can be considered as a barrier for particles entering the GoL from the offshore sea. A quarter to a half of passive individuals released in the Rhône river plume remain in the GoL. The rest is transported by the NC towards the Catalan Sea. Applying a simple DVM scheme does not increase the retention of particles on the shelf.  相似文献   

选择攀枝花苏铁林下计划烧除试验后苏铁及其根系周围土壤(0~15 cm)为对象,研究火烧对攀枝花苏铁植株生长、叶片生理和苏铁根系周围土壤理化性质的影响,以期为区域攀枝花苏铁种群恢复和生态环境保护提供理论依据.结果表明:计划烧除区域苏铁成年树的株数及株高没有显著变化,新生叶片数目和幼苗株数相对未烧除区域显著增加,增幅分别达201.66%和317.7%;烧除区域苏铁植株新生叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b,可溶性糖、蛋白质含量,硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性,叶片碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)含量,C/N、N/P比与对照区域新生叶片相比无显著性差异,只有类胡萝卜素含量显著降低.计划烧除改变了苏铁根围土壤(0~15 cm)的理化性质,表现在烧除后的土壤含水量、pH值及总N、P、K含量显著降低;但是,火烧显著提高了土壤有机碳(TOC)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)含量,微生物量C、N含量也略有升高;这说明火烧有利于增加苏铁林下土壤养分(N)的有效性,为烧除后苏铁快速恢复生长提供有利条件.  相似文献   

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