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McCormick MI 《Ecology》2006,87(5):1104-1109
Most marine populations are sustained by the entry of juveniles that have survived the larval phase, during which time most die. The number of survivors depends strongly on the quality of the eggs produced by spawning females, but it is not known how the social conditions under which breeding occurs influence the quality of larvae produced. Here I show that the density of females interacting with breeding mothers directly influences the size of larvae produced, through a stress-related mechanism. On the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, breeding pairs of a damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis, were isolated on habitat patches, and additional females that could not access the spawning site were added at four densities (0, 1, 3, or 6 females). Additional females increased aggressive interactions by mothers and increased the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in their ovaries, leading to reduced larval size. Neither egg output nor yolk size of the larvae was influenced by female density. Pairs breeding in isolation produced the largest larvae; current theory suggests that these larvae should contribute most to subsequent population replenishment events. This social mechanism may influence which females effectively contribute to the next generation and may promote resilience in patchy or isolated populations.  相似文献   

Digestive physiology and movement patterns of animal dispersers determine deposition patterns for endozoochorously dispersed seeds. We combined data from feeding trials, germination tests, and GPS telemetry of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to (1) describe the spatial scale at which Asian elephants disperse seeds; (2) assess whether seasonal differences in diet composition and ranging behavior translate into differences in seed shadows; and (3) evaluate whether scale and seasonal patterns vary between two ecologically distinct areas: Sri Lanka's dry monsoon forests and Myanmar's (Burma) mixed-deciduous forests. The combination of seed retention times (mean 39.5 h, maximum 114 h) and elephant displacement rates (average 1988 m in 116 hours) resulted in 50% of seeds dispersed over 1.2 km (mean 1222-2105 m, maximum 5772 m). Shifts in diet composition did not affect gut retention time and germination of ingested seeds. Elephant displacements were slightly longer, with stronger seasonal variation in Myanmar. As a consequence, seed dispersal curves varied seasonally with longer distances during the dry season in Myanmar but not in Sri Lanka. Seasonal and geographic variation in seed dispersal curves was the result of variation in elephant movement patterns, rather than the effect of diet changes on the fate of ingested seeds.  相似文献   

This paper reports a field investigation of interactions between juveniles and their mothers in the Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. In their first spring season, juvenile lizards maintain home ranges largely within the home range of their mother. Juvenile home ranges are significantly smaller than those of adult males and females, and juveniles move significantly less often and significantly shorter distances than adults. While siblings were never found together in the spring, they showed a significant tendency to be closer to each other than if they were randomly located in their home ranges. Juveniles and mothers were never found together, nor was there any evidence for any positive (or negative) spatial association. Nevertheless, the extended tolerance of home range overlap represents a greater degree of mother-offspring association than has been previously reported for other lizards. Despite this, the level of parental care can only be described as minimal. Received: 20 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

The structure of dominance relationships among individuals in a population is known to influence their fitness, access to resources, risk of predation, and even energy budgets. Recent advances in global positioning system radio telemetry provide data to evaluate the influence of social relationships on population spatial structure and ranging tactics. Using current models of socio-ecology as a framework, we explore the spatial behaviors relating to the maintenance of transitive (i.e., linear) dominance hierarchies between elephant social groups despite the infrequent occurrence of contests over resources and lack of territorial behavior. Data collected from seven families of different rank demonstrate that dominant groups disproportionately use preferred habitats, limit their exposure to predation/conflict with humans by avoiding unprotected areas, and expend less energy than subordinate groups during the dry season. Hence, our data provide strong evidence of rank derived spatial partitioning in this migratory species. These behaviors, however, were not found during the wet season, indicating that spatial segregation of elephants is related to resource availability. Our results indicate the importance of protecting preexisting social mechanisms for mitigating the ecological impacts of high density in this species. This analysis provides an exemplar of how behavioral research in a socio-ecological framework can serve to identify factors salient to the persistence and management of at risk species or populations. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Associations among female sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, and their dependent offspring, off the Galapagos Islands were studied between 1985 and 1989. The whales were found in groups containing about 23 individuals, with each individual having approximately 12 constant (over years) companions. These permanent units associated with one another for periods of 6.5 days, although the rate and duration of these associations seemed to vary between years, perhaps because of differences in the food supply. The principal function of the closed units may be care of the offspring, and units in the same general area may derive benefit from feeding in a coordinated manner.Offprint requests to: H. Whitehead  相似文献   

We examine the contexts and patterns of signature whistle production by wild bottlenose dolphin mother-infant pairs (Tursiops spp.) to gain insight into the functional significance of whistles. Results are based on focal observations and simultaneous recordings of underwater vocalizations. Whistles occur primarily when mother-infant pairs are separated, and the probability of whistles increases with distance of separation. The timing of whistles during separations varies, but whistles tend to be produced in repetitive series and are generally concentrated toward the later stages of the separation, i.e., during the process of reunion. Although we focused on infants, mothers do not appear to whistle during separations as frequently as infants. Infant whistles may function to facilitate reunions by conveying information to the mother concerning the infant's motivation to reunite and/or its location. Infant whistles could induce a cooperative response from the mother including approach, slowing to allow the infant to catch up or whistling. Highly individualized signature whistles may be particularly useful in a fission-fusion society in which individuals (mothers and infants as well as adults) join and leave temporary parties in a fluid manner, yet maintain consistent, long-term associations with particular individuals. Correspondence to: R.A. Smolker  相似文献   

Summary Two laboratory experiments assessed the role of nose-to-head and nose-mouth investigation in the transmission of food preferences from Acomys cahirinus mothers to their offspring. Pups spent more time nosing and licking the nose-mouth area of mothers who ate a novel food (fresh potato or carrot) than of mothers who ate no novel food. A greater amount of the less-preferred novel food (potato) was subsequently eaten by pups whose mothers had eaten potato than pups whose mothers had eaten either carrot or familiar laboratory chow only. Mothers maintained a stereotypic posture during nose-mouth investigation, holding still with mouth slightly open, providing both a source of specific food cues and a context in which pups could become familiar with them. These data suggest an active role by Acomys mothers in the development of offspring food preferences.  相似文献   

Understanding the social acceptability of biodiversity offsets is important to the design of offset policy. We used a discrete choice experiment to quantify preferences of Australians for a migratory shorebird offset in the context of an oil and gas development project. We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1371 respondents on their preferences for current and prospective offset‐policy characteristics via an online questionnaire to inform policy design of the social dimensions related to offset acceptability. The majority of respondents accepted offsetting as a means to allow economic development; the option to reject development (and an offset) was selected in 13% of possible offset scenarios. Substituting protection of a species affected by the development with protection of a more endangered species was a desirable policy characteristic, as was having the offset implemented by a third party or the government rather than the company responsible for the development. Direct offset activities (e.g., improving degraded habitat) were preferred over indirect activities (e.g., a research program), and respondents were strongly against locating the offset at a site other than where the impact occurred. Positive and negative characteristics of offsets could be traded off by changing the number of birds protected by the offset. Our results show that Australians are likely to support increased flexibility in biodiversity‐offset policies, particularly when undesirable policy characteristics are compensated for.  相似文献   

There are 37 national parks in Turkey, encompassing the most important mountain ecosystems, with high biological, natural, cultural and historical diversity. These parks also have aesthetic and recreational potential, and are valuable components within the country's nature protection programmes. Globally, a landscape can be regarded as the face of an ecosystem and constitutes a relationship between natural structure and visual features. There have been several studies on whether visual quality can provide indicators for landscape planning. Visual quality can also be assessed as a manifesto for community participation. This paper attempts to extend the understanding of visual quality assessment for national parks, using the Kackar Mountains National Park (KMNP) in north-eastern Turkey as an example. A detailed survey of visual quality preferences, landscape factors (10 main and 40 sub-factors) and semantic factors (naturalness, variety, fascination, vividness, unity, interesting and exciting) affecting these preferences was made using 30 represenative slides selected from the park. The highest preference was found to be 6.54, while the lowest was 2.30. Regression analysis enabled us to determine the relationship between visual quality and visual landscape attributes. The R2 value for naturalness was 0.482, while naturalness together with lake and fog percentage was 0.641. The assessment of preferences for the studied views in various landscape units can be evaluated and used for land-use decisions and future planning in KMNP.  相似文献   

As a top-level predator, the brown grouper Epinephelus marginatus can play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of hard-bottom ecosystems. However, to fulfil this role, the species must have a sufficient population density and a wide size range. The presence of such a "healthy" grouper population is one of the known benefits of the protection measures applied to marine protected areas. The availability, in marine reserves, of areas suitable for settlement and recruitment of early juveniles can contribute to preserving a well-structured population. Thus, knowledge of microhabitats preferred by juvenile groupers is an important step in locating, within protected or not yet protected areas, nursery sites that might need a specific protection regime. The aim of the present work was to evaluate habitat and microhabitat preferences of juvenile E. marginatus, in comparison with two other serranids of comparable size, Serranus cabrilla and S. scriba, in the marine reserve of Ustica Island (SW Mediterranean). At different sites, located along the shallow coastal area of the reserve, 329 individuals of the three serranid species were visually surveyed by means of skin- or SCUBA-diving in June 1999. The location of each encountered fish was characterised by both biotic and abiotic variables evaluated at two spatial scales. In order to assess interspecific differences in the use of the spatial environment, the results were analysed by correspondence analysis. According to observations on a small spatial scale, juvenile groupers showed a preference for cavities and recesses, in clear contrast with both Serranus species. When out of such sheltered places, juvenile groupers avoided visually exposed locations (convex substrates and very large visual fields), preferring flat or sub-horizontal rocky substrates. Conversely, S. scriba, and especially S. cabrilla, chose rather open microhabitats (flat to convex substrates, with large to very large visual fields). On a larger spatial scale, brown groupers and the two other serranids showed no marked differences in their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

One of the important aspects of the animal social behavior is the laterality in perception of conspecifics. Spatial laterality in adult–infant interactions is usually revealed in primates as a cradling/holding bias in adults or nipple preference in infants. The origin and function of such biases, however, remain unclear. Here, we investigated spatial laterality in adult–infant pairs in beluga whales from two geographically distinct locations using aerial photography analysis. In addition, behavioral observations on individually identified mother–infant pairs at a belugas’ breeding aggregation were conducted to assess the infants’ age influence on the lateralization in pairs. A general preference of the calves to position themselves to the right of the accompanied adult was found. We failed to reveal any influence of geographical location, presence or relative position of other individuals escorting the adult–infant pair, and position of the calf along the body of the escorting adult. A significant right-sided bias in infants’ position was present in all age classes, but 2–6 months-old belugas were found to be stronger lateralized, than the newborns and 7–18 months-old calves. That may reflect age-related changes in infants’ motor and social behavior. We argue that the revealed laterality is associated with the calves’ left eye–right hemisphere preference in perceiving social stimuli, and we then discuss its possible advantages. Pronounced adult–infant spatial laterality in condition (unlike that seen in primates) when forelimbs do not directly determine subjects’ relative positioning suggests sensory lateralization alone to be the determining factor.  相似文献   

Variation in vocal behavior among local populations of songbirds may be significant to females in mate choice. In a study of dialect populations of brown-headed cowbirds, estradiol-implanted females from two dialects held the pre-copulatory lordosis posture longer in response to playback of the local flight whistle song than to foreign whistle types from adjacent and more distant dialects. Females were held in captivity for a relatively brief period prior to testing and received no tutoring so discrimination was based solely on experience in the wild. This is the first study to show evidence of discrimination by female cowbirds based on flight whistle type. Evidence is presented from one of the study dialects that the majority of yearling male cowbirds are vocally distinct from resident adults in having either foreign or incomplete local whistles. Although these yearlings are fully mature sexually, they have little or no mating success. The correlation between female whistle preference and male mating success suggests that the ability to give the correct local whistle type may be a characteristic used by females to assess age and quality of a potential mate. A learned female preference for the predominant local song type may be a factor in the stability of these dialects by making it adaptive for males to conform to the local dialect.  相似文献   

In contrast to the substantial number of theoretical papers that have examined the mechanisms by which cooperation may evolve, very few studies have investigated patterns of co-operation in natural animal populations. In the current study, we use a novel approach, social network analysis, to investigate the structure of co-operative interactions in the context of predator inspection in a wild population of guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Female guppies showed social preferences for stable partners, fulfilling a key assumption made by models of reciprocity. In the laboratory, wild female guppies disproportionately engaged in predator inspection with others with whom they had strong social associations. Furthermore, pairs of fish that frequently engaged in predator inspection did so in a particularly co-operative way, potentially reducing costs associated with predator inspection. Taken together, these results provide evidence for assortative interactions forming the basis of co-operation during predator inspection in a natural fish population. The occurrence of highly interconnected social networks between stable partners suggests the existence of co-operation networks in free-ranging populations of the guppy.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts are often motivated by the threat of global extinction. Yet if conservationists had more information suggesting that extirpation of individual species could lead to undesirable ecological effects, they might more frequently attempt to protect or restore such species across their ranges even if they were not globally endangered. Scientists have seldom measured or quantitatively predicted the functional consequences of species loss, even for large, extinction‐prone species that theory suggests should be functionally unique. We measured the contribution of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to the dispersal of 3 large‐fruited species in a disturbed tropical moist forest and predicted the extent to which alternative dispersers could compensate for elephants in their absence. We created an empirical probability model with data on frugivory and seed dispersal from Buxa Tiger Reserve, India. These data were used to estimate the proportion of seeds consumed by elephants and other frugivores that survive handling and density‐dependent processes (Janzen‐Connell effects and conspecific intradung competition) and germinate. Without compensation, the number of seeds dispersed and surviving density‐dependent effects decreased 26% (Artocarpus chaplasha), 42% (Careya arborea), and 72% (Dillenia indica) when elephants were absent from the ecosystem. Compensatory fruit removal by other animals substantially ameliorated these losses. For instance, reductions in successful dispersal of D. indica were as low as 23% when gaur (Bos gaurus) persisted, but median dispersal distance still declined from 30% (C. arborea) to 90% (A. chaplasha) without elephants. Our results support the theory that the largest animal species in an ecosystem have nonredundant ecological functionality and that their extirpation is likely to lead to the deterioration of ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal. This effect is likely accentuated by the overall defaunation of many tropical systems.  相似文献   

Wild European rabbits of both sexes have separate linear rank orders, which are established and maintained by intensive fights. This paper presents data from a 14-year study (1987-2000) on the population physiology and behavioural ecology of wild rabbits living in a 22,000 m2 enclosure and focuses on the relationship between social rank and reproduction in females. Group composition, social ranks, fecundity and reproductive success were known for all females (n=197) from the outset of their first reproductive season at an age of about 300 days until their death. The annual reproductive success of females was influenced to a large extent by their social rank. This depended on two effects of about equal strength: a higher fecundity of high-ranking females and a lower mortality of their offspring between birth and adulthood. The lifetime reproductive success of the females varied greatly. Only about 50% of all females had any reproductive success (range: on to nine adult offspring). The social rank achieved by the females during their first reproductive season substantially influenced their lifetime reproductive success: The mean reproductive lifespan and lifetime fitness of high-ranking females (ranks 1 and 2) was about 60% greater than that of lower-ranking females, although many of the latter also gained dominant positions in subsequent years.  相似文献   

Poaching has devastated forest elephant populations (Loxodonta cyclotis), and their habitat is dramatically changing. The long‐term effects of poaching and other anthropogenic threats have been well studied in savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana), but the impacts of these changes for Central Africa's forest elephants have not been discussed. We examined potential repercussions of these threats and the related consequences for forest elephants in Central Africa by summarizing the lessons learned from savannah elephants and small forest elephant populations in West Africa. Forest elephant social organization is less known than the social organization of savannah elephants, but the close evolutionary history of these species suggests that they will respond to anthropogenic threats in broadly similar ways. The loss of older, experienced individuals in an elephant population disrupts ecological, social, and population parameters. Severe reduction of elephant abundance within Central Africa's forests can alter plant communities and ecosystem functions. Poaching, habitat alterations, and human population increase are probably compressing forest elephants into protected areas and increasing human–elephant conflict, which negatively affects their conservation. We encourage conservationists to look beyond documenting forest elephant population decline and address the causes of these declines when developing conversation strategies. We suggest assessing the effectiveness of the existing protected‐area networks for landscape connectivity in light of current industrial and infrastructure development. Longitudinal assessments of the effects of landscape changes on forest elephant sociality and behavior are also needed. Finally, lessons learned from West African elephant population loss and habitat fragmentation should be used to inform strategies for land‐use planning and managing human–elephant interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Increased disease and parasitism are a well-documented cost of group living for colonial birds and mammals, but we now show that disease in offspring of fish may be reduced by nesting in colonies. The aquatic fungusSaprolegnia sp., which is a common cause of egg mortality among freshwater fishes, is more prevalent in the nests of solitary than colonial male bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Moreover, fungal infection decreases with nest density in colonies. This may be due in part to a behavioural advantage since colonial males can devote less time to defending eggs and more time to fanning them, which reduces fungal infection. In addition, we demonstrate experimentally that solitary nests become infected at higher rates than colonial nests, even in the absence of parental males. This suggests that colonies are encountered by spores at a lower rate and/or that the large number of nests in colonies dilutes the number of fungal spores per nest. Through one or all of these mechanisms, egg mortality in colonial nests is lowered significantly. Therefore, in some cases, disease may select for group living.  相似文献   

Summary Thermal preferences of well-fed and food-limited fire ant colonies (Solenopsis invicta) were studied in relation to colony growth and metabolic costs. The growth curve for well-fed colonies was strongly skewed toward warmer temperatures with maximal growth occurring near 32° C (Fig. 2A). The growth curve for food-limited colonies was skewed toward cooler temperatures with maximal colony size occurring around 25° C (Fig. 2B). Food-limited colonies apparently grew larger at cooler temperatures because metabolic costs of workers were reduced. A series of binary choice tests confirmed three predictions concerning fire ant thermal preferences (Figs. 3–4). First, well-fed colonies preferred brood temperatures very near the optimum for colony growth (31° C versus 32° C). Colonies were also able to select appropriate suboptimal growth temperatures when the optimal range was unavailable. Secondly, as predicted, a large percentage of colony workers ( 30% in well-fed colonies) consistently chose cooler temperatures than those selected for the brood. This strategy probably increases longevity of workers not directly associated with brood care. Thirdly, food-limited colonies preferred cooler temperatures than well-fed colonies. Metabolic costs of food-limited colonies were reduced by approximately 7% because of (1) slightly cooler brood temperatures (30° C versus 31° C) and because (2) an additional 20–30% of the workers selected cooler temperatures. The addition of excess food reversed food-limited thermal preferences within 12 h for the brood (Fig. 5) and several days for the workers. Contrary to expectations, thermal preferences for brood in food-limited colonies did not match the food-limited growth curve, perhaps because fire ant colonies can choose to rear brood at warm temperatures while maintaining accumulated colony biomass at cooler temperatures. Correspondence to: S.D. Porter  相似文献   

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