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围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围填海是通过人工修筑堤坝、填埋土石方等工程措施将天然海域空间改变成陆地以拓展社会经济发展空间的人类活动,它是当前我国海岸开发利用的主要形式。大规模围填海在产生巨大的社会经济效益的同时,也给海洋生态环境造成了深远的影响,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。文章在系统收集了国内外围填海的海洋环境影响研究报道成果的基础上,分别从:①围填海对滨海地形地貌、湿地景观的影响研究;②围填海对近岸海域水动力环境的影响研究;③围填海对滨海湿地退化与生态功能的影响研究;④围填海对近岸海洋生态系统结构与功能的影响;⑤围填海对海洋渔业资源衰退的影响等5个方面深入分析了围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展及其存在的主要问题。并剖析了加强围填海的海洋环境监测与评估,实施围填海的海洋生态环境修复与生态补偿等国际围填海研究新趋势。针对围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究现状和发展趋势,提出加强对集中连片围填海区域的长期累积效应研究、加强围填海对海洋生态环境结构功能影响过程及机理研究、加强多学科交叉在围填海海洋环境影响方面的综合研究等相关建议。  相似文献   

王超  毕君  尤海舟 《生态环境》2014,(6):1070-1075
矿山废弃地是受采矿影响极度退化的生态系统,生态退化程度评价是对矿山废弃地生态质量现状、环境影响和治理难度的评估过程,可用于指导矿山废弃地生态环境影响评价和生态恢复规划编制等。本文分别尾矿库、露采迹地、排岩场和压占区4种矿山废弃地类型,采用兼顾自然因子和人为干扰强度因子的评价方法,通过对主要生态、环境问题的分析,选择导致生态系统退化的主要因子或易于反映生态系统质量的自然因子和人为干扰强度因子作为生态退化评价指标,评价指标来自于工程设计条件、土壤、植被和地质安全性4个方面;首先采用层次分析法确定各评价指标权重,其中占用面积和地表破坏程度是最最要的指标;在生态退化等级划分基础上确定了各评价指标的域值,并将各指标量化和标准化,计算各生态退化等级的综合得分值变化范围,建立了矿山废弃地生态退化程度综合评价方法体系,将生态退化程度划分为可自然恢复、可治理、难于治理和不能治理4个等级。最后,针对遵化市典型民营铁矿进行了案例适用性分析,并对不同退化等级的废弃地进行了生态防护措施分析。  相似文献   

为满足日益增长的土地需求,人工填海已成为目前世界范围内沿海地区城市空间扩张的主要方式。深圳作为中国首批经济特区和改革开放先锋,在经历30多年经济高速发展和城市快速变迁后,已由过去的小渔村发展为现代化国际大都市,与此同时,也开展了大量人工填海工程。城市热岛效应,作为城市热环境评价的重要指标,随着人工填海的快速推进会愈发明显,从而会导致城市热环境和微气候改变,加剧大气污染,严重影响着城市人居生态环境。然而,针对人工填海对城市热岛效应影响的具体研究并不多见。基于TM及ETM+遥感数据,对深圳市蛇口半岛人工填海区域的城市扩张及其热岛效应进行了分析,并对该区域地表温度的变化与归一化植被指数(NDVI)的关系进行了探讨,以期为沿海地区城市热环境的研究和空间地理的合理规划提供参考。结果表明,①该区域1999年至2009年间人工填海面积增加近16 km2,相当于1999年整个蛇口半岛面积的1/3。②利用城市热岛效应表达模型对1999年、2009年蛇口半岛的热岛分布等级进行了分析。研究表明,2009年热岛区域较1999年显著扩张,绿岛面积显著减少,弱热岛、中等热岛、强热岛面积均有不同程度地增长。强热岛正向变化最显著,2009年的强热岛面积相较于1999年增加了5.5倍,中等热岛的扩张面积也超过了1999年的4倍。③热岛扩张区域与人工填海增加区域高度吻合,可见人工填海工程显著增强了城市的热岛效应。④蛇口半岛区域地表温度与植被指数NDVI呈现显著负相关(P<0.01)。地表温度在蛇口半岛两侧的人工填海区形成高值区,在南山和赤湾山植被覆盖指数较高的区域形成低值区,而城市建筑群居中。  相似文献   

山西芦芽山旅游影响因子及其系数与地理因子间的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
旅游影响因子及其系数是评价旅游开发对生态环境影响程度的一种主要指标。本文采用样方调查的方法,对芦芽山旅游影响因子及其系数与地理因子进行了相关分析,结果表明:6个旅游影响因子之间的正负相关性均很好地体现了旅游活动对各因子影响的规律性,同时也说明了旅游影响因子的选择与确定以及对其赋值的正确性,旅游影响因子及其系数与自然地理因子间较小的正负相关性,说明它们几乎不受自然地理因子的作用,它们共同作用为评价旅游开发程度强弱的指标,具有一定的可行性,旅游影响因子及其系数与人文地理因子间的高相关性,完全可以说明,它们能够正确地反映旅游活动对植被环境的作用。此外,加强景区管理和旅游规划尤为迫切,图2表4参8。  相似文献   

长沙市旅游开发生态适宜性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在借鉴已有评价方法的基础上,从宏观的角度,以长沙市为例,选取了区域生态环境、旅游资源价值、社会经济因子3个方面的评价因子,建立起旅游生态适宜性评价因子体系。采用模糊层次分析法确定评价因子权重,并在G IS技术的支持下,从空间上对其旅游开发的生态适宜性进行了综合评价。研究结果表明,长沙市旅游用地可以划分为最适宜用地、适宜用地、基本适宜用地、不适宜用地、不可用地,适合于进行旅游开发的区域较大,最适宜用地、适宜用地、基本适宜用地达到7 549.66 km2,占63.74%。  相似文献   

土地资源紧缺是威胁世界食物安全的主要限制因素之一,是区域生态经济系统经济增长和社会发展的关键。本文从土地资源的经济性和社会性出发,实证分析了土地生产能力与社会适应性能力的关系,运用AHP方法分别确定各层次指标的权重,据此测算出该区的和谐度。论文最后对评价结果进行了分析,并探讨了农用地可持续利用过程中亟待解决的主要问题,构建土地和谐发展模式,深化农用地可持续利用相关理论及其对策的研究工作。  相似文献   

朱高儒  许学工 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1974-1980
填海造陆在扩展土地和发展经济的同时也对海岸带环境造成了不利影响。将有序人类活动贯穿于整个填海造陆过程,通过科学合理的规划、组织和实施而进行有序填海,从而增加填海造陆的积极效应,限制其破坏性影响,是实现海岸带可持续发展的必由之路。整体性、矛盾论、动态平衡和因地制宜是有序填海的基本观点。要实现有序填海,首先必须在对填海造陆的效益和损失进行科学评价的基础上进行可行性论证,然后制定不同尺度的填海规划并确定填海造陆的适宜规模,最后利用一系列有效方法加以实施,包括:维护海岸带自然系统功能、完善监督管理制度、实行生态补偿与生态系统重建、加速改良填海区环境等。  相似文献   

国内外绿色建筑评价体系及其理论分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从评价指标、权重体系、评分方式等方面论述了国内外现有的绿色建筑评价体系,理论分析表明:现有评价体系的主要特点为从全生命周期角度确定评价指标、用AHP确定评价体系的层次结构、特尔菲法确定指标权重、指标合成方法由线性求和向加乘混合发展、评价结果都采用分级制以确定建筑实现绿色的程度。最后指出了当前绿色评价体系中存在的两点不足:评价结果存在较强的主观性;重视技术的应用,忽视实际运行效果。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲海岸带位于黄河三角洲高效生态经济区和山东半岛蓝色经济区,受自然和人类活动的共同影响,其生态环境脆弱。对黄河三角洲海岸带进行环境脆弱性评价,可为该地区减灾防灾和生态环境可持续发展提供一定的科学依据。该研究构建了包括自然固有脆弱性因素和人类特殊脆弱性因素的黄河三角洲海岸带环境脆弱性评价指标体系,建立了包含国家标准、专家评定、观测计算数据评定的脆弱性评价指标量化方法,采用层次分析法确定评价指标权重,以海岸带脆弱性指数法作为评价模型,基于GIS软件平台对黄河三角洲海岸带区域进行环境脆弱性评价与空间分布格局分析。结果表明:黄河三角洲海岸带环境脆弱性等级主要表现为重度脆弱和极度脆弱(41.2%)、中度(19.7%)、微度脆弱和轻度脆弱(39.1%);由于受人类活动的影响,其脆弱性空间分布格局表现为陆地部分脆弱性高,海洋部分脆弱性低;受植被、围垦面积等因素的制约,陆地部分的脆弱性表现为由陆地向岸线加强,陆地部分为重度脆弱,海岸线一带呈极度脆弱;海洋大部分为微度脆弱和轻度脆弱,但黄河入海口处由于受海水入侵、海岸侵蚀等因素制约呈现中度脆弱。为保持黄河三角洲海岸带环境可持续发展,应在充分保护已有自然固有因素的基础上,减少人类活动对环境的破坏。  相似文献   

为了更好地利用青岛崂山区地下空间资源,在全面分析该区地形、地质、水文等条件的基础上,结合岩土工程勘察原始数据和现场水样调查分析报告,根据模糊数学理论和专家经验,遴选出地形地貌、地质构造、工程地质、水文地质、洪水淹没、人口密集程度为评价因子并确定各因子的权重,研究构建了该区地下空间利用评价模型。将评价模型与GIS相结合,利用ArcGIS强大的空间分析功能,采用定量分析的方法得到地下空间利用适宜性分区。研究表明青岛崂山区地下空间建设适宜区面积为106.1km^2,占评价区域面积的73.8%;一般区域面积为26.5km^2,占评价区域面积的18.4%;不适宜区域面积为11.14km^2,占评价区域面积的7.8%。  相似文献   


This paper proposes a green finance index that may help policymakers and investors take more favorable actions based on the development of green finance. After analysis and organization of the development process of green finance and related green finance and index concepts, this paper uses the improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to construct a measurement model suitable for measuring the development level of green finance based on the principle of fuzzy mathematics. The index weight adopts the entropy method and improved Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) joint determination. At the same time, using the relevant statistical indicators of China's green credit from 2011 to 2019, and using the constructed model, the level of China's green finance development during this period was evaluated. Finally, the obtained data and classical gray model methods were used to predict China's green development level from 2020 to 2024. The research results show that: This model is a good measure of the level of development of green finance, and China's green finance index has generally shown a rapid growth trend over the past nine years, with the fastest growth rate between 2013 and 2014. From the perspective of the weight of each index affecting the green financial index, the weight of new energy, green transportation projects and new energy vehicles ranked in the top three, and the impact of these three indexes on China's green financial index is significant. In the future, China's green financial development level will continue to improve.


This article addresses two related themes: the response of coastal communities to the impact of environmental processes and human actions as reflected in archaeology, and threats to the archaeological record emanating from current natural and human agencies. The geographical context is the entire east coast of Africa, although emphasis is placed on Swahili settlements in the light of their long-standing dependence upon maritime resources and trading opportunities. Evidence is derived from documentary sources and field studies with detailed data from Kilwa, Tanzania. Physical conditions are relatively benign, but threats are identified in adverse weather events, erosion, and sedimentation processes. Knowledge of past climatic impacts upon shipping is restricted by limited research of the off-shore environment. On-shore, the archaeological record provides evidence of protective construction work, possibly where erosion precipitated by removal of mangroves. However, unless significant port investments required safeguarding, relocation of landing area and settlement was principal response to erosion and sedimentation. Current threats to archaeology are far more significant both from natural processes of marine erosion and vegetation growth encouraged by urban decline and neglect. Limited legislation and resources are seen as the greatest impediments to investigation and protection of heritage from urban and tourism inspired development in future.  相似文献   


Coral atolls, as visitor destinations, have received little attention in the literature of tourism on mid-oceanic islands. However, the current trend of nature-based tourism, which involves travelling to relatively remote and undisturbed places, makes the atolls a desirable destination. This paper explores ways of how appropriate tourism can be introduced to atoll society within the context of traditional resource uses and the application of intermediate technologies. With the acceptance of a code of ethics for tourist behaviour and technologies aimed at reducing dependency of foreign imports, atoll tourism could become a viable economic alternative to the continued over-exploitation of marine resources.  相似文献   

A study on soil reclamation for cultivation of Mauritius grass was conducted on soils obtained from abandoned shrimp ponds at Ranote District, Songkhla Province, southern Thailand. A glass house experiment on the reclamation of the soils included desalination by leaching soils using various amounts of deionised water, rice husk, plant nutrients and gypsum as well as an omission pot trial experiment. The result showed that Mauritius grass survived in the treatment with 15 L of water, 2% of rice husk with gypsum added or 8% of rice husk without gypsum added. The yield of Mauritius grass increased with increases in the amounts of water for desalination and rice husk. Thus, the highest yield of grass with a height of 148.3 cm, 12.7 tillers/pot and dry weight of 46.43 g/pot was observed in the gypsum added treatment with the highest amount of water and rice husk (25 L of water and 8% by weight of rice husk). Therefore, salinity and unfavourable structure of the abandoned pond soils were major factors governing the survival ability and growth of the grass. The omission pot trial experiment revealed that growth of the grass responded to the application of P, Ca, Mg and S, though existing amounts of such plant nutrient elements in the soils were adequate for plant growth. The anomalous characteristics were probably explained by soil pH, salinity and imbalance of plant nutrient elements.  相似文献   

从区域生态安全内涵出发,基于可持续发展理论、自然—经济—社会复合生态系统理论和压力(pressure)—状态(state)—响应(response)概念模型,从资源环境负荷、生态环境状态、人类社会响应3方面构建城镇生态安全评价指标体系。选择上海崇明岛处于核心地位且代表着不同城镇化水平(较高、中等、较低)的城桥镇、堡镇、陈家镇为研究对象,通过实地调研、监测、实验分析等方式获取指标数据,应用层次分析法(AHP)确定指标权重,并通过综合指数模型进行安全评价。评价结果表明:3个城镇生态安全综合评价结果为城桥镇(0.773 3)>陈家镇(0.762 8)>堡镇(0.749 0),社会经济的发展对资源环境的负荷较小,生态环境现状水平良好,但人类响应措施滞后;随着城镇化进程的加快,部分生态环境要素可能有恶化趋势,现已进入预警状态。  相似文献   

The reclamation of tailing that is toxic to vegetation (phytotoxic) was the subject of laboratory and field research. Using trona tailing as an example of phytotoxic waste, research identified three areas that may be critical to reclamation:
  • establishment and maintenance of a capillary barrier to prevent upward migration of plant toxicants into the plant-rooting zone;
  • water drainage or evaporation to prevent or control water accumulation within the tailing;
  • soil requirements for revegetation.
  • A pilot reclamation program was developed in which a 20-cm layer of coarse gravel formed a capillary barrier between phytotoxic tailing and overlying material. To maintain the integrity of the capillary barrier, a 20-cm layer of fine gravel was applied to the coarse gravel surface; soil was then applied to the fine gravel surface. A zone of shallow soil was used to allow water, which collected during the late winter, to evaporate from the tailing during the dry summer. Soil depth requirements were assessed by measuring the response of shrubs and grasses to increasing soil depth.  相似文献   

    In the past few decades, the tourism sector has emerged as a significant economic activity in island nations, particularly in tropical regions. However, most of the tropical islands face similar constraints, viz., threat to natural resources, chances of biopiracy, impact of climate change, population pressure and unsystematic tourist management. Ecotourism, as a concept, envisages promoting tourism with due regard to natural environment and ecological sanctity of the destination. Archipelago of Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) Islands is one of picturesque geographical creation in the Bay of Bengal, India, in tropical region and is an emerging tourist destination. It was observed that around 2.2 lakhs national and international tourists visit the A&N Islands annually. With tourism sector as an integral component, the service sector with share of 56% in gross state domestic product dominates the island economy. An analysis based on primary survey from various stakeholders associated with the sector revealed that factors such as economy in travel and boarding, availability of tourist facilities and comfort, safety, etc. were major factors that determined the choice of the tourists that visited the islands. The weights given by the tourists to the natural sites in A&N Islands revealed that the landscape topped list with 91.6% score by the visitors followed by beaches (91.3%), scenery (86.5%), reserved forests (84.6%), limestone caves (66.3%) and coral sights (65.8%). Coral sites were given weight of 65.8% of tourists, cultural and historical tourism products 85.4% for the natural history. Similarly, historical sites (83.7%), museums (78.6%) and heritage sites (72.8%) were also among top cites attraction. Recent initiatives by the Andaman administration gives due to care to sustainably develop the tourism infrastructure of the islands to harness the potential of eco-friendly tourism in this picturesque tourist haven.  相似文献   

    Eradication and control of invasive species are often possible only if populations are detected when they are small and localized. To be efficient, detection surveys should be targeted at locations where there is the greatest risk of incursions. We examine the utility of habitat suitability index (HSI) and particle dispersion models for targeting sampling for marine pests. Habitat suitability index models are a simple way to identify suitable habitat when species distribution data are lacking. We compared the performance of HSI models with statistical models derived from independent data from New Zealand on the distribution of two nonindigenous bivalves: Theora lubrica and Musculista senhousia. Logistic regression models developed using the HSI scores as predictors of the presence/absence of Theora and Musculista explained 26.7% and 6.2% of the deviance in the data, respectively. Odds ratios for the HSI scores were greater than unity, indicating that they were genuine predictors of the presence/ absence of each species. The fit and predictive accuracy of each logistic model were improved when simulated patterns of dispersion from the nearest port were added as a predictor variable. Nevertheless, the combined model explained, at best, 46.5% of the deviance in the distribution of Theora and correctly predicted 56% of true presences and 50% of all cases. Omission errors were between 6% and 16%. Although statistical distribution models built directly from environmental predictors always outperformed the equivalent HSI models, the gain in model fit and accuracy was modest. High residual deviance in both types of model suggests that the distributions realized by Theora and Musculista in the field data were influenced by factors not explicitly modeled as explanatory variables and by error in the environmental data used to project suitable habitat for the species. Our results highlight the difficulty of accurately predicting the distribution of invasive marine species that exhibit low habitat occupancy and patchy distributions in time and space. Although the HSI and statistical models had utility as predictors of the likely distribution of nonindigenous marine species, the level of spatial accuracy achieved with them may be well below expectations for sensitive surveillance programs.  相似文献   

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