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康丽娟 《环境生态学》2021,3(2):43-46,52
我国生态修复市场巨大,广阔的市场需求催生一大批环境治理工程技术与材料的应用.以上海市典型河道为例,对其水生态修复工程进行了技术措施适用性与运行维护需求分析.分析表明,河道生态修复工程实施后,河道水质明显改善,生态景观大幅提升,但存在重水质改善效果,轻生态安全管理;技术措施适用边界不清,工程运营维护难度高的问题.建议在技...  相似文献   

生态修复是提升生态环境质量,实现自然资源的可持续使用,解决环境污染、恢复自然生态平衡的过程,从提出“生态修复”这个概念至今,国内外学者及科研机构已有大量工作和研究成果。本研究基于Web of Science核心数据库和CNKI核心数据库,筛选SCI论文216篇和中文核心231篇,使用CiteSpace软件进行分析,系统梳理生态修复的研究思路与方法、应用案例、存在问题及未来研究重点。主要结论如下:1)生态修复研究主题从最开始的单一生态系统逐渐转向多维度耦合,研究方法也从人工干预修复向近自然修复手段发展;2)针对不同生态系统类型均有各自的生态修复方法,缺点是修复方式单一、缺乏对整体生态系统效应的研究;3)生态修复主要存在缺乏对生态系统整体性的恢复措施,缺乏多维度、多类型、多方式组合的综合治理与修复方案、理论研究未与实践相结合等问题。未来研究重点应从整体性角度推进生态修复研究,开展多要素协同生态修复实践工程,发展更多区域与国家之间的合作,加强多对象、多尺度的生态修复。  相似文献   

近年来,生态环境形势严峻,生态系统功能退化问题突出,已经威胁到区域生态安全,并在一定程度上制约经济社会可持续发展。为此,生态修复受到高度重视,但目前生态修复过程中存在重植被、轻功能,重手段、轻效益,重局部、轻区域的特点。鉴于此,基于当前生态修复存在的主要问题,以缓解资源环境压力、提升生态系统功能为核心,提出区域生态修复手段不应仅依靠生态工程,而应采用工程与经济社会调控相结合的手段;生态修复的重点不应只局限于解决眼前生态问题及遭受破坏的区域,而应着眼于受到潜在压力的更大范围区域;生态修复的目的不应只满足于植被的恢复,而应采取多种措施全面减轻生态系统压力,提升区域生态功能,兼顾生态、经济和社会效益。在此基础上,构建了区域减压增效生态调控修复框架模型,提出应从问题识别、诊断分析、模式构建、效益分析和示范应用5个方面建立区域生态调控修复技术流程,以期实现生态修复的区域化、永久化和最大效益化。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人为活动产生的大量有害物质进入土壤,造成了严重的土壤污染问题。生态风险评估是预测风险源对生态系统产生风险的方法体系,其作为污染土壤生态风险管控及修复治理的重要依据,决定着是否需要采取风险管控和修复治理措施及目标。由于研究的侧重角度不同,出现了诸多生态风险评估技术体系。英美两国拥有多年的污染地块管理经验,生态风险评估相关技术导则完善、法规健全且配套技术成熟,借鉴其经验有助于管理者从生态系统角度更加科学地分析土壤污染对环境的影响。通过对我国土壤污染生态风险评估现状的分析,以及对美国超级基金生态风险评估技术体系和英国土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系的讨论,得出我国在构建本土化的土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系时需要注意的关键点:(1)构建层次化的生态风险评估技术体系;(2)开发从污染物暴露到产生生态效应整个过程的污染地块生态风险评估概念模型;(3)加强污染物与生态受体所受影响之间的因果关系分析;(4)提高生态风险评估过程的决策参与;(5)推动本土物种的毒理学研究。该文旨在推动我国土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系的构建,保障评估过程的顺利实施及后续污染土壤风险管控或修复治理工作的开展,促进...  相似文献   

河流水生态修复阈值界定指标体系初步构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态阈值存在于各种生态系统中,在查阅国内外相关文献的基础上,通过对生态阈值的理论研究及在森林、草原、湿地、湖泊和河流等方面实践应用进行总结分析,指出生态阈值在河流生态系统研究中的不足之处。针对在高污染负荷下修复退化的水生态系统中,开展生态修复阈值的研究寥寥无几,关于界定河流水生态修复阈值指标体系的研究尚未出现。通过分析阈值在河流水生态修复中的重要性,指出河流水生态修复阈值确定是退化水生态修复的基础,为区域针对性修复水体提供科学依据和决策支持,更是水环境管理发展的迫切需求。在此基础上,从新的角度探讨和提出河流水生态修复阈值概念。河流水生态修复阈值,是依据河流生态系统自然属性和河流功能以及区域社会经济发展的需求来界定退化到何种程度的水生态系统需要进行修复,退化现状程度大于此修复阈值,则需进行人工修复;退化现状程度小于修复阈值,则无需进行修复。通过对指标体系构建原则、筛选方法及阈值计算方法的总结,提出河流水生态修复阈值确定技术路线,采用频度分析法和理论分析法相结合,从影响河流修复的6大要素(物理结构、水文条件、水质状况、水生生物、河流功能和社会经济)初步构建了河流水生态修复阈值界定指标体系及阈值计算方法体系,为下一步河流水生态修复阈值指标体系的定量筛选与阈值计算奠定了基础。  相似文献   

人工造林的主动修复与退耕还林还草的被动修复是退化生态系统典型的生态修复策略.以三峡水库运行后形成的消落带为研究对象,研究不同生态修复策略对消落带土壤饱和导水率的影响,对生态脆弱带的水土保持效应具有重要意义.选取桑树+水杉复合林(主动修复)、自然草地(被动修复)、农田(对照)为研究样地,探究了两种不同生态修复策略下三峡水...  相似文献   

为梳理总结乡村全域土地综合整治与生态修复功能分区技术方案,通过综合研究,提出开展修复功能分区的总体思路和研究方法。选取大连为实践案例,在摸清底数和生态问题识别的基础上,对大连市乡村全域土地综合整治与生态修复进行了功能分区,共划分为5个功能区,规划了6项重点工程,从6个方面提出了需要建立健全的保障措施。研究成果可作为构建全域土地综合整治和区域生态修复理论体系的有益补充。  相似文献   

河湖生态复苏工作是生态文明建设的重大任务和根本要求。北京市坚持全面贯彻新发展理念,在水生态治理实践中,以恢复、保护为原则,以统筹、协同为方法,以民情、民生为宗旨,自觉站在人与自然和谐共生的高度进行系统施治,推进永定河复苏行动,因地制宜开展生态文明建设的创新实践。本研究立足首都城市战略定位,从京津冀协同发展、首都生态文明建设和超大城市治理角度,论述了永定河生态复苏的治理模式、显著成效和经验启示,为推动治水高质量发展提供实施路径。  相似文献   

河流生态修复相关研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河流生态修复对改善退化河流生态系统状况具有重要作用。目前相关研究多集中于某一具体河流的修复实例,缺少对河流生态修复概念的归纳、目标和理念等方面的系统梳理,对河流生态修复的发展过程和未来重点方向尚不明确。该文从河流生态修复定义、目标、理念、修复影响评价和监测以及多学科交叉在生态修复中的应用5个方面,综述了国内外的相关研究进展,归纳了河流生态修复的概念,明确了国内外修复目标和理念的特点,列举了多学科交叉在河流生态修复中的应用实例。在此基础上,总结得出河流生态修复研究经历了从对河流形态到功能、过程和动力学的修复,从单一针对某个河流水质的小尺度修复到河流生态系统、流域乃至整个区域的大尺度修复,从简单的工程修复到河流整体修复战略的过程,同时多学科思想相融合指导下的综合型修复将是未来发展的主要方向,指出未来应制定包含河流历史及现状调查、修复目标制定、修复措施计划和实施、修复影响评价和监测四部分完整修复过程的技术规范,以指导河流生态修复实践,同时建立一套确定后评价具体时间的标准为修复工作的跟踪评价提供便利,并开展基于地貌学和景观生态学等多学科融合应用的河流生态修复研究,以丰富和完善河流生态修复理论,为今后的河流生态修复研究与实践工作的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于环境管理的河流健康评价体系的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄艺  文航  蔡佳亮 《生态环境》2010,19(4):967-973
随着河流环境的逐渐退化,其自然功能和社会功能都受到了严重的威胁,河流健康评价的研究也逐渐成为河流生态研究的热点之一。河流健康评价体系能够明确河流的健康状态,为环境管理和生态修复提高理论基础,同时提高环境管理和生态修复的针对性和有效性。然而,环境管理也是河流健康评价体系的制定基准和目标。文章从国内外研究对河流健康的内涵和河流健康评价的指标体系两个方面进行了综述和分析。目前,国际上对于河流健康的内涵逐渐由仅关注自然功能,向与社会功能等方面结合的方向扩充。河流健康评价指标体系主要有两种:一是指示物种评价法,二是指标综合体系评价法。通过比较这两种方法的发展和优劣,我国更适宜于指标综合体系评价方法,有助于环境管理措施的制定。最后,通过结合和借鉴国内外已有的研究成果,构建了针对我国国情的、基于环境管理的河流健康评价理论框架。  相似文献   

津河水系的修复对天津城市生态环境的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
针对天津城市生态环境特点和背方城市大气污染现状,探讨了津河水系的修复对改善城市环境质量,丰富城市景观以及修复城市生态环境的重要意义。  相似文献   

The rapid urbanization of China is causing a burden on their water resources and hindering their sustainable development. This paper analyzes effective methods to integrated river basin management (IRBM) using Longgang River basin of Shenzhen as an example, which is the city with the fastest rate of urbanization in China and even the whole world. Over the past 20 years, China has undergone a population boom due to the increase of immigrant workers and rapid development of laborintensive industries, which led to the sharp increase of water consumption and sewage discharge. However, the construction of the water infrastructure is still lagging far behind the environmental and social development, with only 32.7% of sewage in the district being treated. Currently, every water quality indicator of the Longgang River basin was unable to meet the required corresponding environmental standards, which further aggravated the water shortages of the region. Thus, an analytical framework is proposed to address the IRBM of the study area. The problems with the current management system include the lack of decentralization in decision-making, lack of enforcement with redundant plans, weak management capacity, financial inadequacy, and a poor system of stakeholder participation. In light of the principles of IRBM and the situation of the region, corresponding measures are put forward, including an increase of power given to sub-district offices, fewer but more feasible plans, capacity building among stakeholders, a combination of planning and marketing for overcoming financial inadequacy, and profound reform in the public participation system. The framework and institutional suggestions could inform similar processes in other representative river basins.  相似文献   

生态田园城市是现代城市的发展目标,已成为我国城市建设的热点.现代生态田园城市建设的关键在于建立城市生态基础设施系统,为城市可持续发展和营造宜居环境提供生态系统服务.遂宁现代生态田园城市规划将生态基础设施规划、产业发展规划、社会公共服务设施规划"三规合一",营造一个生态安全健康、生产低碳高效、生活安康富裕,社会公平和谐的美丽新城市.  相似文献   

城市河流在城市生态建设中的意义和应用方法   总被引:55,自引:2,他引:53  
城市河流是城市生态系统的重要组分之一。本文分析了城市河流在城市生态建设中的水源地,减弱城市热岛效应和洪涝灾害,绿地建设基地,景观多样性的组成,物种多样性保护,组成捷交通,亲近自然场所,自然教育标本等方面的多种意义,指出保持河流的自然地貌特征,维持自然水文过程,控制城市河流水污染,综合规划城市河流与城市建设的关系是发挥城市河流在城市生态系统中作用的基本方法。  相似文献   

森林是稳固和改善生态环境的重要载体,因其能提供巨大的生态服务功能而备受各国政府和学界的关注。珠江三角洲地区城市化进程的步伐逐渐加快,带来一系列环境问题。以广州市南沙区海岸景观防护林(也即河涌水网林、公路隔离林、海岸防风林)建设为例,主要研究了防护林的关键构建模式、林分群落结构等方面内容。结果显示,采用多层次的乔灌草配置,遵循适地适树的原则,以本土树种为主,搭配部分优良的引进树种,采取适合的营林措施,可构建出具有一定防护功能的人工林群落。广州南沙防护林建设是珠三角地区城市森林建设的一个缩影和代表,为我国南方城市森林建设理论的创建提供了一定的参考经验。破解城市化危机,创建宜居城市环境,实现城市可持续发展,应综合考虑城市的人口集中程度,经济发展规模,环境污染模式,针对具体的水分、气候和土壤等要素,运用多学科理论和技术,制定合适的森林构建模式,并需要政府、社会组织、以及公众的协同努力。  相似文献   

This paper introduces Chinese urban forestry research in terms of the concept, forest types, ecosystem services, spatial structure, planning and construction, assessment and management. Modern Chinese urban forest had a close relationship with traditional landscape architecture. Urban forest services had been quantified in some case cities, and determined by urban forest spatial patterns and internal structures. Based on landscape ecology and urban planning, urban forest spatial patterns have been analysed and planned rationally in some cities. However, studies on urban forestry generally lack long-term, continuous and systemic observations, as well as in-depth research on ecological processes and mechanisms. The development trends in urban forestry in China might include extensive application of '3S' technology, research on the relationship between urban forest landscape spatial patterns and their ecological effects, economic assessment, ecological and economic benefits and studies on the negative effects of pollutants.  相似文献   

陕西省生态城市建设评价指标体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从陕西省各城市的社会状况和地域情况入手,选择和构建了适合陕西省自身情况的生态城市指标评价体系,并进一步建立了描述城市生态系统发展状况的标准化处理方法和计算方法,最后使用以上方法,对陕西省2008年的生态城市建设进行综合分析和评价。结果表明:陕西省10个城市的生态城市建设基本可以分为3类,其中西安等3个城市生态建设水平较高;铜川市等5个城市生态建设水平一般;延安市等2个城市生态城市建设水平较低。各个城市都应该依照自身情况明确生态建设的发展方向,制定生态建设方案,大力开展城市生态建设,从而使整个陕西省生态实现一体化发展。  相似文献   

With a variety of ecosystem services, river ecosystem plays an important role in the process of human society development. On the other hand, health condition of most aquatic ecosystems is seriously threatened by human activities. Restoring and maintaining a healthy ecosystem has already become a vital goal of river management. As a basis of river management, river health assessment is therefore particularly important. Based on indices of physics, chemistry and aquatic organisms, this research tried to establish a comprehensive evaluation system of aquatic ecological health suitable for the situation of Shaying River Basin. The system included 6 factors including riparian zone, river morphology, nutrients, oxygen balance, periphyton and benthic macroinvertebrates, which were defined into 19 indices reflecting the aquatic ecological health from different aspects. The assessment results indicated that the health condition of overall basin was normal, varying among different parts of the region, with Shahe River, Lihe River and Beiru River in the upper part sub-healthy, and Jialu River in the same part sub-sick. The middle region was generally in normal or sub-sick level; the health condition of the lower part was comparatively better due to a good condition. Within the indices, the nutrients and benthic macroinvertebrates were the major constraining factors to the health condition of Shaying River Basin for their poor health condition. The health conditions showed significant differences among the rivers (P < 0.01), with Jialu River being the worst. The result indicated that the aquatic ecological health of Shaying River Basin is affected by many factors, with urban and industrial sewage being the main ones, And that different protective measures should be employed for rivers of different conditions. The result can provide theoretical basis for the ecological restoration of Shaying River Basin and reasonable exploitation and conservation of the water resource of the whole Huaihe River Basin.  相似文献   

Through the practice of vertical greening, which is an important method for modern city greening, a city’s natural geographic conditions and rich plant resources can be efficiently utilized. Using vertical greening to shape the characteristics of a city is a promising method for sustainable development. Integration of vertical greening with urban characteristics offers huge ecological and cultural benefits. Vertical greening was adopted in China much later than other developed cities in the world and is still in the exploratory stage in most of the cities. As one of the pioneer cities to carry out vertical greening in China, Xiamen has managed to project it as one of the city highlights. In this study, we analyzed the problems that Xiamen City faced during its development and the important role vertical greening has played in the urban landscape. In addition, humanistic and ecological benefits of vertical greening are illustrated through an experimental study.  相似文献   

The minimum ecological water requirements of an urban river system and water deployment are key elements in integrated water resources planning and urban ecological construction. Based on a review of ecological water requirement calculation methods and considering the different ecological functions of an urban river system, the ecological function method was used in this paper to calculate the components of the ecological water requirements of an urban river. An envelope curve-based method was proposed for assessing the minimum ecological water requirements of an urban river system. Water resources deployment strategies designed to meet the minimum ecological water requirements were described. Then, the minimum ecological water requirements of the urban river system in Beijing central region, selected as a case study, were investigated. The key parameters for assessing the minimum ecological water requirement in the Beijing urban river system were determined. Based on the ecological objectives and the current status of the different urban river systems within the Beijing central region, the minimum ecological water requirements were calculated. Different types of water sources, including rainwater, upstream water, and reclaimed water, were deployed to meet the ecological water requirements for the urban river system in the Beijing central region.  相似文献   

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