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自组织理论和耗散结构理论及其地学应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了自组织、自组织临界态理论和耗散结构理论的概念及其近年来在地学特别是地球化学研究领域的应用情况  相似文献   

乒坛比赛中的“擦边球”,运动员出手不凡,甲运动员打一个球到乙球台擦边而下,乙运动员招架不及,只能望球兴叹,平添几多感叹:感叹甲打了个幸运球,感叹自己无回天之力,球迷则感叹甲打出了令人叫绝的“好球”。 时下,这“擦边球”巳超越乒坛,渗入到了其他一些领域演变成“擦边事”。别的姑且不提,单说经济生活中的某些“擦边事”,诸如:有些人明知公款不能用于吃喝,却把它“擦”上点“伙食结余加菜”的边,美其名“工作餐”,或象征性地收点钱,名正言顺,美酒佳肴,照吃不误,难怪公款吃喝风愈演愈烈,屡禁不止。 厂矿企业界,有的是经济工作的主管部门,有些人也精于此道,变出花样打“擦边球”。国家三申五令,一切新、扩、改建工程,要严格按环保  相似文献   

耗散结构理论是比利时物理学家兼化学普利高津(I.Prigogine)于1969年提出来的。这一理论综合了长期互相对立的无生命热力学平衡系统的熵增论和生命系统能量聚合的负熵论。认为当一个系统近于进入平衡态时,其演化过程将伴随着熵的增加而趋于平衡。但是一个远离平衡的开放体系(力学的、物理的、化学的、生物的,等等),在外界条件变化达到某一特定阈值,量变引起质变,系统便可通过不断地与外界交换物质和能量,自动地产生一种自组织现象,组成系统的各子系统会形成一种相互协同作用,从而使原来无序的状态达到一种在时间和空间上具有一定功能的稳定有序状  相似文献   

耗散结构理论在环境承受阈研究中的应用初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在提出环境承受阈概念的基础上,结合耗散结构的有关理论,对熵变方程在环境承受阈研究中的应用作初步探讨,并介绍了环境承受阈的具体分析过程。  相似文献   

The Cambro-Ordovician anomalocaridids are large ecdysozoans commonly regarded as ancestors of the arthropods and apex predators. Predation is indicated partly by the presence of an unusual “peytoia”-type oral cone, which is a tetraradial outer ring of 32 plates, four of which are enlarged and in perpendicular arrangement. This oral cone morphology was considered a highly consistent and defining characteristic of well-known Burgess Shale taxa. It is here shown that Anomalocaris has a different oral cone, with only three large plates and a variable number of smaller and medium plates. Its functional morphology suggests that suction, rather than biting, was used for food ingestion, and that anomalocaridids in general employed a range of different scavenging and predatory feeding strategies. Removing anomalocaridids from the position of highly specialized trilobite predators forces a reconsideration of the ecological structure of the earliest marine animal communities in the Cambrian.  相似文献   

废弃物排放,不仅是资源的浪费,而且也对自然环境构成了严重的威胁。 我国每年排放的有害烟尘3000多万吨,严重地污染了生态环境和人的健康。目前,我国有500多个城市,大气质量真正符合国家一级标准的只有四五个。而全国每年因为酸雨造成的损失达140多亿元。 目前我国的污水排放量,每年达340亿吨,在江河沿岸的大中城市排污口形成污染带,一些支河则更为严重。长江干流岸边污染带长达  相似文献   

‘赤潮’神经毒素brevetoxin B合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
‘赤潮’神经毒素brevetoxinB合成早在圣经时代就有了关于赤潮的记载。赤潮是由于海洋局部富营养化后大量藻类繁殖形成的生态破坏现象,可使赤潮区域海水呈红色、棕色或绿色。赤潮神经毒素BrevetoxinB是一些藻类产生的,它和其他一些毒素被认为是大...  相似文献   

从静电防护鞋的防护机理入手,介绍和对比了国内外静电防护鞋的相关检测指标与测试方法,并对其防静电性能和耗散特性的评价方法提出了一些建议。为解决静电防护鞋的低电阻、持久性和稳定性问题,一方面需要开发高效持久的抗静电鞋材,另一方面还可以从产品测试标准与方法着手,对相关标准和方法进一步改进完善。建议与国际标准接轨,综合考虑鞋/地系统的电阻(人体综合电阻)、行走电压,提高产品的竞争力,促进电子工业、石油工业、纺织工业、橡胶工业以及军事兵器工业等领域的快速发展。  相似文献   

<正>文题阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的议论文。李嘉诚说:"鸡蛋,从外打破是食物,从内打破是生命。"人生亦如是,从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。要求:1.必须符合文体要求;2.角度自选;3.立意自定;4.标题自拟;5.不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围作文;6.不得抄袭,不得套作。材料解读这则材料蕴含着一组对比:从外打破是食物(压力),从内打破是生命(成长)。"鸡蛋"显然比喻人(或集体、国家),那么"蛋壳"比喻的是成长需要突破的事物,  相似文献   

1985年9月28日北京市第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议审议通过了《北京市实施<中华人民共和国水污染防治法>条例》。85年10月11日起实施。这是北京市在环境保护方面由市人大常委会审议通过的第一个法规。北京地处半干旱地区,年平均降雨量只有620多毫米。我国的水资源占世界第三位,但是人均水量只有  相似文献   

This field study tested the hypothesis that domestic horses living under putatively challenging-to-welfare conditions (for example involving social, spatial, feeding constraints) would present signs of poor welfare and co-occurring pessimistic judgement biases. Our subjects were 34 horses who had been housed for over 3 years in either restricted riding school situations (e.g. kept in single boxes, with limited roughage, ridden by inexperienced riders; N = 25) or under more naturalistic conditions (e.g. access to free-range, kept in stable social groups, leisure riding; N = 9). The horses’ welfare was assessed by recording health-related, behavioural and postural indicators. Additionally, after learning a location task to discriminate a bucket containing either edible food (‘positive’ location) or unpalatable food (‘negative’ location), the horses were presented with a bucket located near the positive position, near the negative position and halfway between the positive and negative positions to assess their judgement biases. The riding school horses displayed the highest levels of behavioural and health-related problems and a pessimistic judgment bias, whereas the horses living under more naturalistic conditions displayed indications of good welfare and an optimistic bias. Moreover, pessimistic bias data strongly correlated with poor welfare data. This suggests that a lowered mood impacts a non-human species’ perception of its environment and highlights cognitive biases as an appropriate tool to assess the impact of chronic living conditions on horse welfare.  相似文献   

简要介绍了‘安全完整性等级’的技术方法及其分析过程,结合中海油能源发展采油服务公司FPSO产业实际,分析了实施‘安全完整性等级’的必要性和可行性,并展望了其应用前景。  相似文献   

Increasingly, Native American and non-Native governments, institutions and individuals are searching for cooperative ways to address environmental problems. While such approaches can offer substantial benefits over top-down or unilateral efforts, there are also potential pitfalls, especially when considering the needs and interests of the Native parties. Among these are threats to their status as sovereign nations, and to their political, economic and cultural autonomy. Given such concerns, many Indian Nations are seeking models for collaboration which protect their unique status based on indigenous and treaty rights, while respecting their cultural identity, values, and indigenous knowledge. In this paper we explore how one Native group in particular, a coalition of Haudenosaunee Nations in the US and Canada, has dealt with these complex issues. We show how positive relationships with outside agencies and researchers have been made possible through the use of mechanisms and processes based on traditional Haudenosaunee concepts and values. Finally, we explore how one item in particular, a 17th century treaty belt called the Kaswentha, offers a powerful symbol for forming relationships which respect Haudenosaunee autonomy while allowing collaborative partnerships to address critical environmental concerns.  相似文献   

Reversible double water in oil in water (W/O/W) emulsions were developed to contain subsurface hydrocarbon spills during their remediation using surfactant flushing. Double emulsions were prepared by emulsifying CaCl2 solutions in canola oil, and subsequently by emulsifying the W/O emulsions in aqueous sodium alginate solutions. The formation of double emulsions was confirmed with confocal and optical microscopy. The double emulsions reversed and gelled when mixed with the surfactants sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cocamidopropyl betaine (CPB). Gels can act as ‘emulsion locks’ to prevent spreading of the hydrocarbon plume from the areas treated with surfactant flushing, as shown in sand column tests. Shear rheology was used to quantify the viscoelastic moduli increase (gelation) upon mixing the double emulsion with SDS and CPB. SDS was more effective than CPB in gelling the double emulsions. CPB and SDS could adsorb at the interface between water and model hydrocarbons (toluene and motor oil), lowering the interfacial tension and rigidifying the interface (as shown with a Langmuir trough). Bottle tests and optical microscopy showed that SDS and CPB produced W/O and O/W emulsions, with either toluene or motor oil and water. The emulsification of motor oil and toluene in water with SDS and CPB facilitated their flow through sand columns and their recovery. Toluene recovery from sand columns was quantitated using Gas-Chromatography Mass-Spectroscopy (GC-MS). The data show that SDS and CPB can be used both for surfactant flushing and to trigger the gelation of ‘emulsion locks’. Ethanol also gelled the emulsions at 100 mL/L.  相似文献   

付艳 《陕西环境》2003,10(6):46-48
该文在分析了大量国内外资料的基础上,阐述了生态城市的概念和本质,总结了发达国家与发展中国家在实现生态城市方面的经验,并提出了我国实现生态城市的对策。  相似文献   

This study of cloud seeding and urbanization effects on the spatial rainfall distribution was carried out in two stages. In the first stage the location of a ‘rainfall center’ (the area with the rainfall maximum) for annual amounts of rainfall was established by applying the Distance Correlation Matrix (DISTCORMAT) technique. Besides ‘natural’ climatic fluctuations there are two other factors which could also cause a shift in the ‘rainfall center’, namely, cloud seeding operations and the inadvertent urban influences. Rainfall centers were computed for the two experimental cloud seeding periods and for a subsequent period of operational seeding.Comparison of the DISTCORMAT outputs revealed that the ‘rainfall centers’ are located, as expected, in the Upper Galilee for the first experimental period and later were displaced westward by 2–4 km. Since in the second random experiment the seeding flight route and target area were shifted eastward, it seems that there is no evidence supporting the cloud seeding rainfall excess determined by various statistical methods. However, it is possible to attribute the center's displacement to the massive urbanization process along the Mediterranean coastal plane.In the second stage only 40 rain stations in the extreme northern part of the country were used and the DISTCORMAT was computed separately for ‘seeded days’ and ‘non-seeded days’. The results indicate that, although the center moved eastward on ‘seeded days’ during the second experiment, it moved westward for the ‘non-seeded days’ sample. Thus the finding offers evidence of both effects: advertent cloud seeding and the inadvertent urbanization factor.  相似文献   

Thinning, as a forest management strategy, may contribute towards mitigating climate change, depending on its net effect on forest carbon (C) stocks. Although thinning provides off-site C storage (in the form of wood products) it is still not clear whether it results in an increase, a reduction or no change in on-site C storage. In this study we analyze the effect of thinning on C stocks in a long-term experiment. Different thinning intensities (moderate, heavy and unthinned) have been applied over the last 30 years in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand, with a thinning rotation period of 10 years. The main C compartments were analyzed: above and belowground tree biomass, deadwood, forest floor and upper 30-cm of the mineral soil and tree biomass removed in thinning treatments. The results revealed that unthinned stands had the highest C stocks with 315 Mg C ha?1, moderate thinning presented 304 Mg C ha?1 and heavy thinning 296 Mg C ha?1, with significant differences between unthinned and heavily thinned stands. These differences were mainly due to C stock in live biomass, which decreased with thinning intensity. However, soil C stocks, forest floor and mineral soil, were not influenced by thinning, all of the stands displaying very similar values 102–107 Mg C ha?1 for total soil; 15–19 Mg C ha?1 for forest floor; 87–88 Mg C ha?1 for mineral soil). These results highlight the sustainability of thinning treatments in terms of C stocks in this pinewood afforestation, and provide valuable information for forest management aimed at mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Facial and vocal expressions of emotion have been found in a number of social mammal species and are thought to have evolved to aid social communication. There has been much debate about whether such signals are culturally inherited or are truly biologically innate. Evidence for the innateness of such signals can come from cross-cultural studies. Previous studies have identified a vocalisation (the V4 or ‘excitement’ call) associated with high arousal behaviours in a population of killer whales in British Columbia, Canada. In this study, we compared recordings from three different socially and reproductively isolated ecotypes of killer whales, including five vocal clans of one ecotype, each clan having discrete culturally transmitted vocal traditions. The V4 call was found in recordings of each ecotype and each vocal clan. Nine independent observers reproduced our classification of the V4 call from each population with high inter-observer agreement. Our results suggest the V4 call may be universal in Pacific killer whale populations and that transmission of this call is independent of cultural tradition or ecotype. We argue that such universality is more consistent with an innate vocalisation than one acquired through social learning and may be linked to its apparent function of motivational expression.  相似文献   

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