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低污染的危险废物焚烧技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前危险废物焚烧中产生的污染主要通过尾气处理去除,本文认为尾气处理应与通过控制焚烧条件减少尾气中污染物的原始浓度相结合,以减少后续处理设备的投资。本文主要讨论了控制危险废物焚烧中主要污染物颗粒物、氯化氢、SOx、NOx、二恶英的焚烧技术。  相似文献   

水泥窑共处置污染土壤的污染排放研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以被DDT和六六六污染的土壤为研究对象,开展了利用水泥窑进行共处置的工程试验研究,分析了共处置过程对尾气排放的影响。结果表明,水泥窑共处置对农药污染物的焚毁去除率很高,DDT达到99.99991%,六六六达到99.99964%,均高于我国危险废物焚烧炉规定99.99%的焚烧效率;与空白处理相比,尾气排放中有机污染物(包括二恶英/呋喃,简称PCDD/F、多氯联苯PCB、六氯苯HCB、挥发性有机物VOC)、酸性气体和重金属的排放在共处置过程中没有显著增加,且都低于相应的规定限值。试验结果表明,水泥窑共处置固体废物不会导致污染负荷的增加。  相似文献   

危险废物回转式流化冷渣多段焚烧系统焚烧特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危险废物的处理和处置是摆在我国各级市政府面前的紧迫任务。然而我国已经运行的危险废物焚烧装置普遍存在回转窑挂壁结渣、热灼减率偏高和污染排放超标等问题,作者通过将回转窑和流化床特点相结合的方法提出了一种新型危险废物回转式流化冷渣多段焚烧处置装置。该装置采用回转窑(一燃室)、二燃室和流化床结合的热解-流化焚烧工艺,特别是采用控制窑头温度避免了回转窑挂壁结渣;采用流化冷渣装置延长未燃烬渣的焚烧时间,解决了热灼减率偏高问题;水冷式烟气急冷装置可以将烟气温度从1 100℃降到200℃,防止了二恶英的尾部低温再生成。该系统运行稳定可靠,可以处理医疗垃圾和大多数的固态和液态危险废物,实现了烟气污染物尤其是二恶英排放达到国家标准的目标。同时对该系统运行时窑头温度分布、二燃室炉膛出口氧量变化、回转窑和炉膛升温特性、燃烧室外壁温度分布等几方面运行数据都进行了详细的介绍,为危险废物焚烧炉的运行提供了宝贵的经验数据。  相似文献   

水泥窑协同处置危险废物作为一种新兴的危险废物焚烧处置技术,具有焚烧温度高、停留时间长、处理效果好、改造成本低等多项优势,应用前景广泛。简述了中国危险废物的产生及处理处置现状,介绍了水泥窑协同处置技术,综合国内外最新的水泥窑协同处置危险废物的文献,从熟料性质、水泥质量以及烟气排放等角度综述了垃圾焚烧飞灰、污染土壤、农药废物以及污泥类危险废物这4种典型危险废物在水泥窑中的协同处置情况,分析了每种危险废物在水泥窑中协同处置的可行性,提出了实际应用过程中应该注意的问题,最后提出了未来水泥窑协同处置危险废物的研究思路。  相似文献   

等离子体炉裂解有机砷化物后的尾气经二次炉有氧燃烧,排出的高温废气主要污染物为三氧化二砷、二氧化硫、氮氧化物、氯化氢及粉尘等。研制的尾气处理系统需将高温气体冷却、洗涤净化,分离含砷废渣并返回等离子炉内熔融玻璃体固化处置。通过研制和实验,该系统实现了负压运行、有效急冷尾气、控制污染物,玻璃体浸出液砷的浓度小于0.03mg·L~(-1),经处理后的废物均可达标排放。  相似文献   

北京机电学院高技术股份公司研制成功移动式特殊危险废物焚烧炉,一些特殊危险废物如“毒鼠强”等,由于毒性强、批量小、不便运输等特点,难于集中处理。该设备采用自动上料、自动出灰、自动控温等先进工艺,配有两个燃烧室,焚烧温度为1200℃,并配有半干式喷淋塔、洗涤塔、布袋除尘器等处理设施,焚烧彻底,无二次污染。具有机动性强、焚烧效果好,适合于高毒性、小批量、地点分散的特殊危险废物处理,填补了国内一项空白。  相似文献   

本文根据工业焚烧炉焚烧排气的共性和特殊物质焚烧排气的特性,开发建立了综合污染指标、特征污染物指标及包括焚烧工艺控制指标在内的10个项目的测试方法,为焚烧工艺研究,对各种焚烧设备的性能检验,控制最佳的焚烧条件,评价焚烧排气对环境影响因素的状况提供了全面而系统的监测手段。 本文建立的焚烧炉排气黑度、臭度、总烃及粉尘含量的测试方法适用于所有工业焚烧炉排气的监测。本文建立的特征污染物采样、分析方法,为焚烧处理技术、设备的开发、完善创造了条件,为制定焚烧炉排气中污染物排放标准及标准监测方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

医疗垃圾是一种对环境危害极大的危险废弃物.用一种固定炉排炉热解焚烧系统,对广州市部分医院的医疗垃圾进行了热解焚烧及尾气净化试验,并对焚烧工况、烟气中主要的污染物含量及灰渣的灼减率进行分析.分析结果表明:稳定运行时炉膛平均温度在850℃左右,二燃室平均温度在1000℃以上;尾气中CO、NOx、HCl和SO2浓度分别为:71mg/m3、125 mg/m3、27.8 mg/m3和21 mg/m3,灰渣的灼减率为2.7%.均远远低于标准限值.  相似文献   

联用专家评估和层次分析法,对水泥窑共处置、危险废物焚烧两项杀虫剂类持久性有机污染物(POPs)焚烧处置技术和包括碱金属还原、气相化学还原、碱性催化分解、超临界水氧化、等离子体电弧、熔盐氧化、溶解电子、球磨、玻璃固化、加氢脱氯催化在内的10项非焚烧处置技术进行评价。结果表明:以水泥窑共处置技术为代表的焚烧技术,由于其较好的稳定性、可行性和广谱性,在整体评价上优于非焚烧处置技术;在非焚烧技术的应用上,应优先发展碱金属还原、超临界水氧化、碱性催化分解和等离子体电弧技术,从而提高应对复杂情况下处理杀虫剂类POPs的能力。  相似文献   

遗物祭品焚烧会产生大量的大气污染物,给周边环境和人体健康造成较大影响。通过现场调研和问卷调查,初步核算了全国范围内的遗物祭品焚烧量,并结合典型遗物祭品焚烧大气污染物排放实际监测,初步掌握其污染物排放浓度及其特征。结果表明:中国遗物祭品焚烧量较大,年平均焚烧量约为13.6万t;未经烟气净化的总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、CO分别可达2 020.0、2 671.4mg/m3,是《火葬场大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13801—2015)排放限值的25.3、13.4倍;经过净化后的焚烧烟气中,颗粒物浓度可大幅降低,其他气态污染物排放浓度也有不同程度下降。殡葬行业应进一步开展遗物祭品焚烧方面的研究,从源头和末端对污染物的排放进行控制。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Chemical Manufacturers Association's 1984 survey of the chemical industry's hazardous waste management practices. The survey data include a breakdown of how the industry's hazardous wastes are managed, detailing generation, treatment and disposal, and cover 725 plants in 81 companies. The 1984 survey is the third CM A hazardous waste survey, and the paper discusses resultant waste treatment trends from 1981- 1984, the period covered by previous surveys. A total of 278.5 million tons of hazardous waste was treated and disposed by survey respondents. Of this, 276.8 million tons was hazardous wastewater and 1.7 million tons was solid hazardous waste. The survey solid hazardous waste total was projected to the entire industry (Standard Industrial Code 2800) and is estimated at 6.9 million tons. The survey showed continued decreasing trends in hazardous waste generation in the chemical industry. It demonstrated changes in hazardous waste management practices, with decreased use of landfills and increased incineration of the solid wastes that are generated.  相似文献   

Thermal destruction capacity for commercial hazardous waste in the United States is examined to determine current and future capacity requirements. This study focuses on commercial incinerators and cement kilns burning conventional hazardous wastes. Aggregate maximum and available capacity estimates are derived using the most recent information. On a national basis, available capacity far exceeds present demand. On a regional basis, capacity appears sufficient with the exception of the California area. However, this shortfall appears insignificant given the overall capacity situation. While incineration demand may increase for solids and sludges as a consequence of Land Ban disposal restrictions and other reasons, capacity for these wastes again appears sufficient to meet current and projected demands. Thus, arguments that additional commercial incineration capacity will be needed to accommodate an expected increase in incinerable hazardous waste cannot be supported by the available information. The analysis raises concerns about the determination of realistic capacity estimates, and the lack of interaction between the capacity assurance process that documents the need for capacity and state siting processes for new waste management facilities. The excess incineration capacity shown in this paper will contribute to the successful implementation of EPA’s goal to reduce national capacity.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash has been classified as hazardous waste and needs treatment in an environmentally safe manner....  相似文献   

A viable chemical surrogate for monitoring the effectiveness of hazardous waste incinerators must include high thermal stability and low toxicity among its characteristics. The relationship between sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and hazardous constituent thermal stability for a mixture of chlorinated hydrocarbons indicates that SF6 has the potential to satisfy the basic requirements of a chemical surrogate for hazardous waste incineration.  相似文献   

Since 1981, hospitals in Illinois have been prohibited from depositing hazardous infectious waste in landfills without first rendering the waste innocuous. The Illinois Pollution Control Board has adopted regulations indicating that incineration is an acceptable method for disposal of this waste. Emissions from incineration of the plastic-rich hospital waste are not well documented. Stack emissions of particles, hydrochloric acid, carbon monoxide, ethane, ethylene, propane and propylene were measured from a hospital incinerator where all of the hospital's waste (including hazardous infectious waste) was burned. Emission factors developed for each emission component were: particles 1.0–1.6 g/kg waste; hydrochloric acid 3.3–5.3 g/kg; carbon monoxide 1.4–1.8g/kg; ethane <0.002g/kg; ethylene <0.010g/kg; propane <0.012 g/kg; and propylene <0.011 g/kg  相似文献   

Persistent hazardous wastes are produced in the recovery, processing and upgrading of crude petroleum in Nigeria. However, recent developments in environmental pollution control are drawing increasing attention to the problems of hazardous wastes. The ever-increasing need to control these wastes from the petroleum industry often compels the chemical engineer to specify methods of treatment and disposal. Present methods for disposal are becoming increasingly undesirable for a number of reasons, and incineration is being considered as an alternative. This paper reviews the extent of hazardous waste generation from the Nigerian petroleum industry and its environmental implications. It also examines the current disposal methods and the incineration technology option. The major chemical engineering concepts of the incineration process and the principles guiding their operations are discussed. The potential for the use of incineration is examined, as well as information that would aid the choice of incineration system for new applications.  相似文献   

The quantity and composition of RCRA hazardous wastes incinerated during 1986 were examined using the National Hazardous Waste Survey. This Survey, collected for U.S. EPA by the Research Triangle Institute, is the most extensive examination of hazardous waste generation and management available. The survey data show that although a wide variety of hazardous wastes were treated by incineration, more than 75 percent of incinerated waste streams were from chemical manufacturing. The survey data also show that more than 90 percent of the incinerated wastes were treated by incinerators located at the facility generating the waste. Despite the predominance of a single industrial sector in generating incinerated hazardous wastes, the compositional profile of the wastes is far from uniform. To illustrate this variability, the metals and chlorine content of the wastes are reported along with the sources of the metal and chlorine loadings.  相似文献   

Incineration is often the preferred technology for disposing of hazardous waste and remediating Superfund sites. The effective implementation of this technology is frequently impeded by strong public opposition to hazardous waste incineration (HWI). One of the reasons cited for this opposition is the perception that the emission of organics pose an unreasonable threat to human health. While numerous risk assessments for these facilities have demonstrated that the risks from the inhalation of HWI emissions are very low, this has not totally allayed some of the concerns. In order to put organic emissions in perspective, the mass of these emissions from the incineration of hazardous waste on a national scale has been estimated using “reasonable worst-case” assumptions and compared to the 1990 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) air releases. Comparisons were made for 15 carcinogenic organic compounds and 17 non-carcinogenic organic compounds. Ratios for all but one of these compound-specific HWI emissions to their corresponding TRI air releases ranged from 0.0003 to 0.678 percent. The total mass emissions (110.5 tons) of all 32 specific organics from HWIs was less than 0.03 percent of the corresponding 1990 TRI air releases (431,586 tons).  相似文献   

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