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The effects of physiological and nutritional factors and of temperature on the uptake of L-methionine by Saccostrea commercialis were investigated on cultured rock oysters from Port Stephens, New South Wales, Australia, in 1983. Optimum conditions for L-methionine accumulation were 30°C, 18 h exposure and concentrations of other amino acids less than that of L-methionine. The uptake of L-glycine was inhibited by L-methionine in a reciprocal manner. There was no effect of salinity on the accumulation of L-methionine by acclimated oysters. During the latter investigations the range of osmoconformity was found to be 15 to 45 S. Oysters take 2 d to conform to new media osmolarities after salinity changes of 15. Amino acid supplements in oyster diets should be kept within the same order of magnitude to reduce inhibition of uptake.  相似文献   

To study the kinetics of mercury uptake in oysters, adult Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) were held in seawater containing 10 g mercury/l (ppb) or 100 g mercury/l (ppb), added in the form of mercuric acetate, for 60 days. Mercury concentration in tissues was determined by analysis of individually homogenized oyster meats, using wet digestion and flameless absorption spectrophotometry. After 45 days, average mercury tissue concentration was 140,000 g mercury/kg tissue (ppb) and 28,000 g mercury/kg tissue (ppb) in the 100 ppb and 10 ppb experimental groups, respectively. After this time, concentrations dropped sharply, probably due to spawning. Clearance of mercury from tissue was studied by exposing treated adults to estuarine water (with no additions) for 30 days (100 ppb group) and 160 days (10 ppb group). Tissue concentrations in the 100 ppb mercury environment group declined from 115,000 to 65,000 ppb, and those of the 10 ppb group declined from 18,000 to 15,000 ppb, in 18 days; there-after, no further decline occurred in either group. Oysters accumulated mercury 1,400 times and 2,800 times above the environmental concentrations of 100 and 10 ppb mercury, respectively. Total self-purification was not achieved over a 6 month cleansing period.  相似文献   

From previous work, the equilibrium concentration factor for dissolved mercury in the digestive gland of Ostrea edulis Linnaeus was found to be three to four times higher than that in the gills. In the present study, an analysis of soluble protein revealed values of 49.3±14.2 mg g wet tissue-1 for the digestive gland and 0.7 ±0.1 mg g wet tissue-1 for the gills. Starvation significantly reduces the soluble protein level of the digestive gland to 31.1±6.4 mg g-1 and that of the gills to below the limit of detection. These results suggest that the difference in concentration factors between the gills and digestive gland may be based on a quantitative difference in macromolecular binding sites. However, the uptake of dissolved mercury over a period of 48 h was considerably greater in the gills, so that although the soluble protein content of the tissue may influence the final concentration factor, it does not appear to affect the rate at which this equilibrium is achieved. A more detailed investigation of the mechanism of dissolved mercury uptake by oyster gills has been carried out using isolated tissues. The process is inhibited by 5mM 2–4 dinitrophenol, by the absence of a readily metabolizable substrate (dextrose) in the uptake medium, and by 30mM K+. The effect of K+ necessitated further investigation with a specific inhibitor of K+ transport. Strophanthin G (ouabain), at a concentration of 0.01 mM, caused a significant increase in mercury uptake.  相似文献   

不同生态型芦竹对Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu的富集与分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
韩志萍  王趁义 《生态环境》2007,16(4):1092-1097
介绍了生态型芦竹(Arundo donax Linn)的生物特性,并对芦竹修复湿地重金属污染能力进行了研究。芦竹具有生物量大、根系发达、适应性强等特点,在重金属污染环境下,有较好的耐受性。研究不同生态型芦竹对Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu的富集与分布,对重金属污染湿地的修复具有指导作用。采集了4个不同环境下的芦竹样本,对重金属富集量和在植物器官中的分布情况进行研究分析。结果表明,芦竹对镉、铅、汞有较好吸收,地上部叶内富集量分别为57.40~33.22mg·kg-1,412.4~312.4mg·kg-1,21.5~11.8mg·kg-1,地上部茎内富集量分别为19.50~4.02mg·kg-1,83.1~43.6mg·kg-1,30.0~19.4mg·kg-1。芦竹对铜的富集能力较弱,地上部叶内和茎内富集量分别是12.4~2.8mg·kg-1,1.4~0.4mg·kg-1。铜和铅在植物器官中的分布为根>叶>茎,镉在植物器官中的分布为叶>根>茎,汞在植物中的分布为根>茎>叶。富集量还与土壤中重金属质量分数有关,一般是随着土壤中重金属质量分数的增大而增加。镉、铅、铜在植物叶中的富集系数大于1,汞在植物茎中的富集系数大于1。综合分析结果表明,芦竹在污染或非污染环境中都能较好地富集镉、铅、汞,基于芦竹具有较大生物量特点,芦竹对湿地重金属污染具有较大的修复潜力。研究芦竹对重金属的吸收与分布,旨在为湿地的植物修复技术提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The uptake of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) by Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia alba under various salinity levels was examined using hydroponic cultivations. After 3 months of exposure at four levels of Pb (0, 0.03, 0.3 and 3 mg·L?1) and four levels of Cd (0, 0.005; 0.05 and 0.5 mg·L?1) at different salinities (0, 15 and 30), uptake of the metals was shown to be differently affected by salinity. For uptake of Pb by R. apiculata, the salinity effect was not significant for the leaves and was most significant in the stem, whereas for A. alba, the effect of salinity was significant only in the stem. Uptake of Pb in the roots and stems of both species was similar, but a higher concentration was recorded in the leaves of A. alba. Salinity was shown to affect the uptake of Cd by all tissues of R. apiculata, but most significantly roots. For A. alba, salinity significantly affects the total uptake of Cd, but this is most significant in the roots. The two mangrove species demonstrated different mechanisms of metal distribution into their organs which may be related to different adaptation mechanisms to saline conditions.  相似文献   

M. Gilek  M. Björk  C. Näf 《Marine Biology》1996,125(3):499-510
The present study was designed to examine the influence of body size on the bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners by Baltic Sea blue mussels, Mytilus edulis L. This was done, firstly, by establishing the relationship (as a power function: PCB tissue conc = a tissue dry wtb) between tissue concentration and body weight for seven PCB congeners (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry No. 52, 101, 105, 118, 138, 153, and 180) in field sampled mussels; and, secondly, by assessing the influence of body weight on the uptake clearance coefficients, the depuration rate coefficients and the calculated bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of three 14C-labelled PCB congeners (IUPAC No. 31, 49, 153) in mechanistic kinetic experiments. Both the background tissue concentrations of PCB 138, PCB 153 and PCB 180 and the predicted BAF values in the kinetic experiments correlated negatively with body weight (b=-0.17 and-0.31, respectively). Of the two kinetic rate coefficients examined, only the uptake clearance rate showed weight dependency (b=-0.32, i.e. negative correlation with body weight), whereas depuration rates were unaffectd by body weight. Uptake clearance rates and BAFs adjusted for body weight increased with the octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow) of the congener, whereas depuration rates dectreased with Kow. These observations suggest that size-dependent bioaccumulation of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in suspension-feeding bivalves is driven by size-related differences in uptake rate, although several other mechanisms may also affect bioaccumulation in natural mussel beds (e.g. sizerelated differences in lipid content, production, and contaminant exposure). From an ecotoxicological perspective size-dependent bioaccumulation implies not only that variability due to body size differences has to be dealt with in experimental designs, but also that several ecological factors such as size-specific predation and shifts in population structure may affect HOC cycling by dense populations of bivalve suspensionfeeders.  相似文献   

Combined effects of lead, salinity and temperature on the embryonic development of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. were studied under laboratory conditions. The basic experimental design was a 4x6 factorial experiment using 4 lead concentrations (100, 250, 500 and 1000 ppb Pb2+) and 6 salinity levels (from 25 to 37.5 with 2.5 intervals). These factorial designs were carried out at three constant temperatures (150, 17.50 and 20°C). The statistical analysis indicated that salinity changes have more effect on the embryonic development than temperature. Optimal development was observed at 34.8 and 15.6°C, which is in accordance with observations in the field. The effect of lead was mininal in optimal salinity and temperature conditions. The deleterious effect of lead on the embryonic development was especially conspicuous at 20°C. Since in nature spawning occurs at temperatures inferior to 20°C, lead will probably not drastically decrease the potential recruitment of mussel spat in the littoral populations of the northern Adriatic Sea, where the salinity of the water is relatively stable. Under experimental conditions, lead caused a delay or inhibition of the embryonic development with the occurrence of a large number of abnormal larvae.  相似文献   

采用营养液培养-同位素示踪法研究了镉(Cd2+浓度为10μmol.L-1和50μmol.L-1)对油菜幼苗(秦油9号)硫吸收、转运和分布的影响.结果表明,镉处理促进了油菜植株对硫的吸收.10μmol.L-1镉处理96 h油菜植株比对照组吸收的硫增加了36%,而且促进了硫向地上部的转运,有39.4%的硫被转运到植株的地上部,转运速率较对照组增加了50%.相同时间内,50μmol.L-1镉处理的油菜植株中的硫仅比对照组多3%,转运速率显著下降,但仍有25.9%的硫被转运至地上部.  相似文献   

A. C. Anil  J. Kurian 《Marine Biology》1996,127(1):115-124
Influence of food concentration (0.5, 1 and 2 x 105 cell ml–1 ofSkeletonema costatum), temperature (20 and 30°C) and salinity (15, 25 and 35) on the larval development ofBalanus amphitrite (Cirripedia: Thoracica) was examined. The mortality rate at 20°C was lower than at 30°C in general. Increase in food concentration from 0.5 to 1 x 105 cells ml–1 improved the survival rate, but this was not evident when food concentration was increased to 2 x 105 cells ml–1. The results indicate that food availability and temperature jointly determine the energy allocation for metamorphic progress. It was observed that the influence of the tested variables varied with instar. At 20 °C the mean duration of the second instar exceeded 3 d and was much longer than other instar durations. The fourth, fifth and sixth instars and the total naupliar period showed that the effect of different salinities at given food concentrations was negligible at 20°C, while at 30°C there was a marked decrease in duration with increasing salinity.  相似文献   

Acidifying oceans are predicted to fundamentally alter marine ecosystems. Over the next century, acute studies suggest that the impacts of climate change on marine organisms and ecosystems may be catastrophic. To date, however, little is known about whether the response of marine organisms varies within a species and whether this provides a potential ??adaptive capacity??. Here, we show that selectively bred lines of the ecologically and economically important estuarine mollusc, the Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata, are more resilient to ocean acidification than the wild populations. When reared at elevated pCO2, we found a 25% reduction in shell growth of the selectively bred population of the Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata, compared to a 64% reduction in shell growth of wild populations. This study shows that there are significantly different sensitivities to ocean acidification even within the same species, providing preliminary evidence that selective breeding may be a solution for important aquaculture industries to overcome the future effects of ocean acidification.  相似文献   

The effect of total cadmium and organic complexing on the rate of cadmium uptake by the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana has been studied in chemically defined saltwater solutions. The uptake of cadmium from solution by the laboratory-reared brine shrimp displays saturable uptake kinetics. Uptake of cadmium is linear in time up to a total cadmium concentration of 200 moll-1 and saturates above 800 moll-1. Complexation of cadmium with organic ligands decreases the uptake of the metal by the brine shrimp. This is in agreement with the view that the availability of cadmium to aquatic organisms is related to the activity of the free cadmium ion in the solution. There is no evidence that the direct uptake of cadmium complexes is important in determining uptake of cadmium. Cadmium uptake is not, however, a mere function of the free cadmium ion activity in the solution, i.e., cadmium uptake rates may differ by an order of magnitude for the same free cadmium ion activity depending on the complexation conditions. In addition to controlling the free cadmium ion activity, the role of organic ligands in metal ion buffering and metal ion masking appear important factors in determining the availability of the metal to the organism.  相似文献   

Rangia cuneata were collected every six weeks for one year from February 1984 to January 1985 at the mouth of the Dog River, Alabama, USA and dosed with 200 ppb [9–14C] anthracene at 10, 20, and 30°C. Uptake rates of [9–14C] anthracene measured over a 15-h period were not significantly different (P>0.05), but depuration rates measured over a two-week period were significantly higher with increasing temperature. The seasonal changes in rates were related to the annual changes in biochemical composition of the clams associated with the reproductive cycle. Lipid levels were nearly constant over the year, averaging 88.0±2.0 mg/g dry wt. The level of carbohydrates peaked in July, a month before the maximal gonad index, and decreased steadily through September during spawning. The level of proteins increased from 76.6 mg/g dry wt prior to spawning to 138.3 mg/g dry wt after spawning. Uptake rates were highest in late summer during the peak of gametogenesis and decreased during spawning in the fall. Depuration rates remained low from March through August and rapidly increased to the highest levels during the fall spawning period. The results suggest that the stage of the reproductive cycle, with its associated biochemical changes, and temperature play an important role in the pattern of accumulation and release of anthracene in R. cuneata.  相似文献   

M. Betz 《Marine Biology》1977,41(1):89-97
By using two different radioactive mercury isotopes, detailed information was obtained on the uptake and simultaneous release of mercury by Dunaliella tertiolecta. Hg-203 was added to a well-aged culture, which 2 days later was separated from the medium, washed and cultivated again in a fresh medium containing Hg-197. It was found that an exchange of mercury takes place between the cells and the medium. An increase in the concentration of volatile mercury occurs simultaneously with the maximum concentration of chlorophyll a. Comparing the culture solutions with the blanks, the dissolved mercury shows similar volatility. This leads to the assumption that the main part of the dissolved mercury in the culture solutions is in the inorganic state.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of fertilisation and intercropping on the uptake of cadmium (Cd) by maize plants (Zea mays L. var. Guangtian-2). Maize was intercropped with soybean, peanut, chickpea, alfalfa, adzuki bean, garden pea, amaranth, Chinese mustard, and flowering Chinese cabbage. The results showed that most legumes substantially enhanced Cd uptake by maize under different fertiliser treatments. Cd accumulation in the leaf tissues of maize was increased by garden pea to 1.5 times the amount in the control (maize alone) with PK fertiliser. Maize intercropped with garden pea absorbed 1225 μg plant?1 Cd and transferred 925.9 μg plant?1 Cd to above ground tissues. Adzuki bean proved as the most valuable intercrop for enhancing Cd extraction from soil by maize owing to its relatively large maize bioconcentration factor of 5.9 and large transfer factor of 0.47 in the no fertiliser treatment. The results suggest that legumes caused a greater effect than non-legumes on Cd concentration in maize under different fertilisers; application of NPK fertiliser had positive effects on Cd level in intercropped maize.  相似文献   

Pb超富集植物对营养元素N、P、K的响应   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
利用富集重金属或对重金属具有耐性的植物修复重金属污染土壤,是治理土壤重金属污染的新途径。本研究通过温室土培方法,研究了营养元素N、P、K对3种Pb超富集植物绿叶苋菜、紫穗槐和羽叶鬼针草生长发育及Pb吸收的影响。结果表明,少量的N和K会促进富集植物叶片叶绿素值和干质量的增加,促进植物对Pb的吸收;随着N和K水平的增加,虽然叶绿素值和干质量一直在增加,但植物对Pb的吸收能力降低;K对植株Pb的吸收能力的抑制作用不如N显著。土壤供P会降低植物对Pb的吸收,且下降极显著。少量的N、P、K均使富集植物中的Pb迁移总量增加,高质量分数时则抑制。但K的抑制作用不如N及P的显著。  相似文献   

滇白前(Silene viscidula)对铅、锌、镉的共超富集特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了寻找新的重金属超富集植物特别是多金属共超富集植物,调查测定了云南兰坪铅锌矿区北厂矿段生长的8种植物及其根区土壤的重金属质量分数,以及土壤基本理化性质.结果表明:研究区土壤中磷和钾质量分数较低,总氮、总磷、总钾、铵态氮、硝态氮、速效磷分别占土壤干质量的0.2%、0.03%、0.52%、0.0029%、0.000 12%、0.00068%;有机质质量分数平均为4.81%,pH值平均为6.79,电导率变化范围为11.4~140-3μs·cm-1.该矿区土壤中锌(Zn)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)的质量分数平均值分别为(38 178±23 870)、(18 671±10 143)、(438±345)、(159±:82)mg·kg>-1,除Cu外均超过国家土壤环境质量(GB 15618-1995)三级标准.8种植物地上部Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu质量分数范围分别为271~17 986、51~5 430、1~617、2~26mg·kg-1,尤以滇白前(Silene viscidula Franch)地上部Zn、Pb、Cd质量分数为最高.进一步采集38个滇白前样本对其重金属富集特征进行深人调查,表明其地上部中含zn、Pb和Cd平均为(11 043±3 537)、(1 546±1 044)和(391±196)mg·kg-1,富集系数(地上部和土壤金属质量分数之比)分别为0.35、0.08和1.05,转运系数(地上部和根中金属质量分数之比)均超过1,均值分别为8.21、3.90和8.36.野外调查数据表明,滇白前是一种Pb/Zn/Cd共超富集植物.滇白前对Zn、Pb富集系数小于1,主要是由于其对应土壤中Zn、Pb质量分数太高(平均分别为(45 778±32 819)、(22 512±13 613)mg·kg-1)所致.  相似文献   

E. His  R. Robert  A. Dinet 《Marine Biology》1989,100(4):455-463
The combined effects of temperature, salinity and nutrition on survival and growth of larvae of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas were studied over a period of 7 d in the laboratory. Ripe adults, collected in spring and summer 1987 from natural populations in the Bay of Arcachon, France, were induced to spawn. Larvae of both species were cultured at four temperatures (15°, 20°, 25° and 30°C), four salinities (20, 25, 30 and 35S) per temperature, and two levels of nutrition (fed and unfed) per temperature/salinity combination. The fed larvae received a mixed algal diet of 50 cells each of Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros calcitrans forma pumilum per microlitre. In both bivalve species, larvae survived over a wide range of temperature and salinity, with the exception of mussel larvae, which died at 30°C. Statistical analysis indicated that nutrition had the greatest effect on larval development, explaining 64 to 75% of the variance in growth of M. galloprovincialis and 54 to 70% in growth of Crassostrea gigas. Unfed mussel larvae displayed little growth. Compared with temperature, the effect of salinity was very slight. M. galloprovincialis larvae exhibited best growth at 20°C and 35S and C. gigas at 30°C and 30S.  相似文献   

采用盆栽土壤模拟试验方法,以油菜(Brassica campestris)为供试植物,通过向土壤中接种微生物,研究了四种菌株JA1,JA2,JA3,JA4对油菜吸收Cd的效果影响。结果表明:菌株JA1,JA2,JA4不仅可以促进植株的生长,分别使油菜的生物量提高17%,28%和32%,而且增强了植株对土壤Cd的吸收,使油菜地上部富集量较对照提高了26.8%,48.8%和65.9%,植物提取量较对照增加了48.9%,76.1%和119%,并且可有效促进土壤Cd的活化,分别使土壤Cd的有效态含量提高了25.9%,59.2%和41.9%;菌株JA3则使其植株地上部富集量、植物提取量和土壤Cd有效态含量降低,较对照降低了14.6%,11.8%和13.6%。各处理的叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量均略高于对照。  相似文献   

Heavy metals pollution in aquatic environments is a major problem contributing to human health issues. The study of these pollutants through bioindicators such as the oyster Crassostrea iredalei is important for (1) determining the levels and sources and (2) regulating the quantity of pollutants. The concentrations of cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb) in tissues of C. iredalei, sediment and surrounding water was measured, and data was analyzed to determine the relationship between sampling periods and between oyster tissue, sediment, and water. The highest concentration of metals in oyster tissue was Zn, followed by Cu, Mn, Cd, and Pb. Concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn exceeded the maximum level allowed according to the Malaysian Food Act of 1983, which is equivalent to the WHO recommended levels of heavy metals in organisms used for consumption. The highest metal concentration in sediment was Mn followed by Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd. Concentrations of heavy metals in surrounding water were Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Cd. There was no correlation between metal concentration in oyster tissue and in sediment for all five metals.  相似文献   

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