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Waste plastics contain a substantial number of valuable chemicals. The wastes from post-consumer as well as from industrial production can be recycled to valuable chemical feedstock, which can be used in refineries and/or petrochemical industries. This chemical recycling process is an ideal approach in recycling the waste for a better environment. Polymer cracking using a laboratory fluidised bed reactor concentrated on the used highly contaminated catalyst, E-Cat 2. Even though E-Cat 2 had low activity due to fewer acid sites, the products yielded were similar with amorphous ASA and were far better than thermal cracking. The high levels of heavy metals, namely nickel and vanadium, deposited during their lifetime as an FCC catalyst, did not greatly affect on the catalyst activity. It was also shown that E-Cat 2 could be used with and without regeneration. Although there was more deactivation when there was no regeneration step, the yield of gases (C2-C7) remained fairly constant. For the first time, these results indicate that “waste” FCC catalyst (E-Cat) is a good candidate for future feedstock recycling of polymer waste. The major benefits of using E-Cat are a low market price, the ability to tolerate reuse and regeneration capacity.  相似文献   

Although the 2Rs (reduce and reuse) are considered high-priority approaches, there has not been enough quantitative research on effective 2R management. The purpose of this paper is to provide information obtained through the International Workshop in Kyoto, Japan, on 11–13 November 2015, which included invited experts and researchers in several countries who were in charge of 3R policies, and an additional review of 245 previous studies. It was found that, regarding policy development, the decoupling between environmental pressures and economy growth was recognized as an essential step towards a sustainable society. 3R and resource management policies, including waste prevention, will play a crucial role. Approaches using material/substance flow analyses have become sophisticated enough to describe the fate of resources and/or hazardous substances based on human activity and the environment, including the final sink. Life-cycle assessment has also been developed to evaluate waste prevention activities. Regarding target products for waste prevention, food loss is one of the waste fractions with the highest priority because its countermeasures have significant upstream and downstream effects. Persistent organic pollutants and hazardous compounds should also be taken into account in the situation where recycling activities are globally widespread for the promotion of a material-cycling society.  相似文献   

We have succeeded in converting waste polystyrene from electrical appliances into a polymer flocculant for treating some kinds of wastewater after chemical modification. Waste polystyrene, such as polystyrene foam and additive-containing TV cabinets, was converted into a water-soluble polymer, polystyrene sulfate (PSS), and PSS of various degrees of aqueous viscosity was obtained by introducing sulfone bridges during sulfonation. We examined the relationship between the degree of flocculation of wastewater and the aqueous viscosity of the PSS, and found that PSS with medium viscosity is most suitable for flocculating inorganic wastewater from a factory, and PSS with high viscosity is most suitable for dewatering organic domestic wastewater. We report how PSS containing sulfone bridges works as a polymer flocculant for treating wastewater. Received: July 19, 2000 / Accepted: September 21, 2000  相似文献   

Even though technology transfer has been part of development aid programmes for many decades, it has more often than not failed to come to fruition. One reason is the absence of simple guidelines or decision making tools that help operators or plant owners to decide on the most suitable technology to adopt. Practical suggestions for choosing the most suitable technology to combat a specific problem are hard to get and technology drawbacks are not sufficiently highlighted. Western counterparts in technology transfer or development projects often underestimate or don’t sufficiently account for the high investment costs for the imported incineration plant; the differing nature of Chinese MSW; the need for trained manpower; and the need to treat flue gas, bunker leakage water, and ash, all of which contain highly toxic elements.This article sets out requirements for municipal solid waste disposal plant owner/operators in China as well as giving an attribute assessment for the prevalent waste disposal plant types in order to assist individual decision makers in their evaluation process for what plant type might be most suitable in a given situation. There is no ‘best’ plant for all needs and purposes, and requirement constellations rely on generalisations meaning they cannot be blindly applied, but an alignment of a type of plant to a type of owner or operator can realistically be achieved. To this end, a four-step approach is suggested and a technology matrix is set out to ease the choice of technology to transfer and avoid past errors. The four steps are (1) Identification of plant owner/operator requirement clusters; (2) Determination of different municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plant attributes; (3) Development of a matrix matching requirement clusters to plant attributes; (4) Application of Quality Function Deployment Method to aid in technology localisation.The technology transfer matrices thus derived show significant performance differences between the various technologies available. It is hoped that the resulting research can build a bridge between technology transfer research and waste disposal research in order to enhance the exchange of more sustainable solutions in future.  相似文献   

Elemental mercury, contaminated with radionuclides, presents a waste disposal problem throughout the Department of Energy complex. In this paper we describe a new process to immobilize elemental mercury wastes, including those contaminated with radionuclides, in a form that is non-dispersible, will meet EPA leaching criteria, and has low mercury vapor pressure. In this stabilization and solidification process, elemental mercury is combined with an excess of powdered sulfur polymer cement (SPC) and sulfide additives in a mixing vessel and heated to approximately 40 degrees C for several hours, until all of the mercury is converted into mercuric sulfide (HgS). Additional SPC is then added and the temperature of the mixture raised to 135 degrees C, resulting in a molten liquid which is poured into a mold where it cools and solidifies. The final treated waste was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and found to be a mixture of the hexagonal and orthorhombic forms of mercuric sulfide. The Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure was used to assess mercury releases, which for the optimized process averaged 25.8 microg/l, with some samples being well below the new EPA Universal Treatment Standard of 25 microg/l. Longer term leach tests were also conducted, indicating that the leaching process was dominated by diffusion. Values for the effective diffusion coefficient averaged 7.6x10(-18) cm2/s. Concentrations of mercury vapor from treated waste in equilibrium static headspace tests averaged 0.6 mg/m3.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review the types of models that are currently being used in the area of municipal waste management and to highlight some major shortcomings of these models. Most of the municipal waste models identified in the literature are decision support models and for the purposes of this research, are divided into three categories-those based on cost benefit analysis, those based on life cycle assessment and those based on multicriteria decision making. Shortcomings of current waste management models include that they are concerned with refinements of the evaluation steps (e.g. stage four of AHP or the improvement of weight allocations in ELECTRE) rather than addressing the decision making process itself. In addition, while many models recognise that for a waste management model to be sustainable, it must consider environmental, economic and social aspects, no model examined considered all three aspects together in the application of the model.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Waste foundry sand (WFS) is a waste generated during the molding of metal parts and primarily discarded in landfills, which generates environmental...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - As resident awareness of environmental issues has grown, waste disposal has become an important part of urban environmental governance. Most...  相似文献   

H-ZSM-5 zeolite-supported gallium oxides were studied as aromatization catalysts for polyolefin pyrolysate. The catalysts were prepared by a conventional physical mixing method with a gallium content of 1.0 and 4.5 wt% and were reduced in flowing hydrogen at 585°C. To test their activity, a polyolefin sample was pyrolyzed and passed over a heated catalyst layer; the product was analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. A continuous-flow fixed-bed reactor was used for aromatization of a model gas of polyolefin pyrolysate. For chlorine-free sources at 450°C, the catalyst with only 1.0 wt% gallium exhibited activity comparable to a gallium silicate catalyst. For chlorine-contaminated sources, the catalyst with 4.5 wt% gallium sustained catalytic activity for long periods. From the activity test results, it was found that zeolite-supported gallium catalysts prepared by the physical mixing method are suitable for converting polyolefin into aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

主要介绍了应用于水泥窑余热电站系统中的余热锅炉的特点及在设计、应用中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

In view of the environmental problem involved in the management of WEEE, and then in the recycling of post-consumer plastic of WEEE there is a pressing need for rapid measurement technologies for simple identification of the various commercial plastic materials and of the several contaminants, to improve the recycling of such wastes.This research is focused on the characterization and recycling of two types of plastics, namely plastic from personal computer (grey plastic) and plastic from television (black plastic). Various analytical techniques were used to monitor the compositions of WEEE. Initially, the chemical structure of each plastic material was identified by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Polymeric contaminants of these plastics, in particular brominated flame retardants (BFRs) were detected in grey plastics only using different techniques. These techniques are useful for a rapid, correct and economics identification of a large volumes of WEEE plastics.  相似文献   

住房和城乡建设部发布《生活垃圾分类标志》新标准,城市生活垃圾分类工作逐步推进,但是仍然存在尚待完善之处。日本《废弃物处理法》是日本生活垃圾分类治理的立法依据,其成功经验颇值得借鉴。在总结《日本废弃物处理法》的立法概况和分析其城市生活垃圾分类立法特征的基础上,探讨我国城市生活垃圾分类立法现状,从立法目的与原则、城市生活垃圾分类标准、各主体的法律责任及惩罚措施4个维度提出具体优化路径。  相似文献   

Mixed metal-containing waste, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) containing capacitors, printed circuit boards, steel mill dust and metal sludge were among the most common wastes exported from Taiwan. Before the implementation of the self-monitoring model programme of the Basel Convention (secretariat of the Basel Convention 2001) in the Asia region, Taiwan conducted a comprehensive 4-year follow-up project involving government authorities and the waste disposal facilities of the importing countries. A total of five countries and nine plants were visited in 2001-2002. The following outcomes can be drawn from these investigations. The Chinese government adopts the strategies of 'on-site processing' and 'relative centralization' on the waste management by tightening permitting and increasing site inspection. A three-level reviewing system is adopted for the import application. The United States have not signed the Basel Convention yet; the procedures of hazardous waste import rely on bilateral agreements. Importers are not required to provide official notification from the waste exporting countries. The operation, administration, monitoring and licensing of waste treatment plants are governed by the state environmental bureau. Finland, France and Belgium are members of the European Union. The procedures and policies of waste import are similar. All of the documents associated with transboundary movement require the approval of each government involved. Practically, the notification forms and tracking forms effectively manage the waste movement.  相似文献   

According to most experts, integrated and sustainable solid waste management should not only be given top priority, but must go beyond technical aspects to include various key elements of sustainability to ensure success of any solid waste project. Aside from project sustainable impacts, the overall enabling environment is the key feature determining performance and success of an integrated and affordable solid waste system. This paper describes a project-specific approach to assess typical success or failure factors. A questionnaire-based assessment method covers issues of: (i) social mobilisation and acceptance (social element), (ii) stakeholder, legal and institutional arrangements comprising roles, responsibilities and management functions (institutional element); (iii) financial and operational requirements, as well as cost recovery mechanisms (economic element). The Gianyar Waste Recovery Project in Bali, Indonesia was analysed using this integrated assessment method. The results clearly identified chief characteristics, key factors to consider when planning country wide replication but also major barriers and obstacles which must be overcome to ensure project sustainability. The Gianyar project consists of a composting unit processing 60tons of municipal waste per day from 500,000 inhabitants, including manual waste segregation and subsequent composting of the biodegradable organic fraction.  相似文献   

An integrated risk assessment study has been performed in an area within 5 km from a landfill that accepts non hazardous waste. The risk assessment was based on measured emissions and maximum chronic population exposure, for both children and adults, to contaminated air, some foods and soil. The toxic effects assessed were limited to the main known carcinogenic compounds emitted from landfills coming both from landfill gas torch combustion (e.g., dioxins, furans and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs) and from diffusive emissions (vinyl chloride monomer, VCM). Risk assessment has been performed both for carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects. Results indicate that cancer and non-cancer effects risk (hazard index, HI) are largely below the values accepted from the main international agencies (e.g., WHO, US EPA) and national legislation (D.Lgs. 152/2006 and D.Lgs. 4/2008).  相似文献   

Waste on the roadside, 'poi-sute' waste, was collected in a typical suburb in Japan (Ueda city, the sampling course: 3.2 km). The distribution, characterization of the 'poi-sute' waste and the loading of pollutants from the waste were studied. The average number of pieces of total waste was 690 pieces a month, and 220 pieces of waste were dumped a month per km. There was a tendency for much waste to be discarded around shops staying open until late at night. Regarding the sorts of the waste, cigarette butts are the most prevalent (the average was 150 cigarette butts/km/mo), and second was plastic materials. As for the weight, cigarette butts, plastics and papers were at a similar level (about 90 g/km/mo). The elution of arsenic (0.041 mg/L) and nicotine (3.8 mg/L) was ascertained by a dissolution test of 'poi-sute' cigarette butts obtained by sampling. Furthermore, the loading of heavy metals, such as lead, copper, chromium and cadmium, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from cigarette butts into the environment was confirmed. The load potentials of heavy metals were 0.020-1.7 mg/km/mo, and that of total-polyaromatic hydrocarbons was 0.032 mg/km/mo. These results indicate that the 'poi-sute' waste has a harmful influence on the environment.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a key issue related to municipal waste incineration, which is the efficiency of energy recovery. A strong driver for improving the energy performances of waste-to-energy plants is the recent Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives), which allows high efficiency installations to benefit from a status of “recovery” rather than “disposal”. The change in designation means a step up in the waste hierarchy, where the lowest level of priority is now restricted to landfilling and low efficiency wastes incineration. The so-called “R1 formula” reported in the Directive, which counts for both production of power and heat, is critically analyzed and correlated to the more scientific-based approach of exergy efficiency. The results obtained for waste-to-energy plants currently operating in Europe reveal some significant differences in their performance, mainly related to the average size and to the availability of a heat market (district heating).  相似文献   

A hazardous waste assessment has been completed on ash samples obtained from seven sewage sludge incinerators operating in the UK, using the methods recommended in the EU Hazardous Waste Directive. Using these methods, the assumed speciation of zinc (Zn) ultimately determines if the samples are hazardous due to ecotoxicity hazard. Leaching test results showed that two of the seven sewage sludge ash samples would require disposal in a hazardous waste landfill because they exceed EU landfill waste acceptance criteria for stabilised non-reactive hazardous waste cells for soluble selenium (Se). Because Zn cannot be proven to exist predominantly as a phosphate or oxide in the ashes, it is recommended they be considered as non-hazardous waste. However leaching test results demonstrate that these ashes cannot be considered as inert waste, and this has significant implications for the management, disposal and re-use of sewage sludge ash.  相似文献   

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