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吴甜甜  黄赣辉 《环境化学》2021,40(9):2854-2863
过多的磷将导致严重的生态环境和生理健康危害,包括水体富营养化,水生生物死亡以及人类的高磷血症等.因此,针对磷酸盐检测技术的研究变得至关重要.与传统比色法相比,电化学方法具有很多优势,包括选择性强,成本低,响应时间短且能满足在线监测的要求.本篇综述讨论电化学传感器在检测无机磷酸盐方面的研究进展,按照使用的电化学检测技术(...  相似文献   

环境样品中多氯联苯的生物检测方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多氯联苯(PCBs)是一种环境中广泛存在的典型的持久性有毒有机污染物.对人类和环境产生了许多有害影响.随着对多氯联苯的研究越来越广泛,其监测方法研究发展得也很快.本文综述了近些年来国内外 采用的多种多氯联苯的分析方法.特别介绍了酶联免疫法、生物传感器法、荧光免疫PCR等近年来发展迅速的检测技术的研究情况.比较了各种免疫...  相似文献   

近年来,海岸带环境保护已经引起全球广泛关注.开展近岸海域环境监测能够为海洋环境保护、资源利用和可持续发展提供科学决策依据和技术支撑.随着微电子、材料加工和计算机技术的快速发展,以及新原理、新技术、新材料和新工艺广泛应用,电化学传感器在微型化、集成化、智能化等方向得到快速的发展,多种电化学传感器不断涌现并进入实际应用.本文以应用于海洋环境监测的电化学传感器为主体,按照检测对象的不同,对电化学传感技术在海洋监测中的应用加以综述,探讨其未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

电化学技术处理固体废物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了近年来电化学氧化、电化学还原、电动力学等技术在固体废物处理及资源化方面的研究和应用,并介绍了新型电动力学修复技术(EDR)的研究现状,对目前存在的一些问题及今后的研究工作提出建议.  相似文献   

肖辉林 《生态环境》2004,13(2):280-280
对浮游植物的铁供应在调节海洋碳循环和全球气候中可能扮演一个关键角色。关于向海洋中加铁对改善气候变化的可能性存在激烈争论,科学家也进行了若干大规模试验来检验向“贫血”水域(即缺铁水域)中加铁的效果。加铁后的确会出现浮游植物繁盛的情况,但多数试验到此为止,没有等到浮游植物死亡和沉降。在阿拉斯加湾亚北极水域进行的一项新的铁富集研究中,研究人员观测到一次大规模硅藻繁盛事件从发展到衰败的过程。铁供应是硅藻繁盛事件发展过程中的一个主导影响因素,但其衰败过程却与缺乏硅酸有关。单单加铁对海洋浮游植物可能只有有限的影响,…  相似文献   

SPME-GC-MS联用快速检测赤潮海水中的有机物   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文用固相微萃取(SPME)样品预处理技术,分离富集海水中的有机物,结合气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术进行海水中有机物的快速检测,研究了赤潮发生时海水中有机物的种类及含量的变化规律,初步探讨了其变化原因,为研究赤潮的发生机理和赤潮预报提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

以小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(BALB/c 3T3)和中国仓鼠肺细胞(V79)为模型细胞,利用基于石墨烯量子点/玻碳电极(RGOQDs/GCE)的细胞电化学法研究多环芳烃(PAHs)类化合物芴的细胞毒性,并与四唑盐比色试验(MTT)对比,验证电化学法的可靠性.时间-效应研究结果表明,培养时间为30 h时,芴对2种细胞的毒性最强;剂量-效应研究结果表明,电化学法测得的芴对BALB/c 3T3和V79细胞毒性的半数抑制浓度(IC50)值分别为0.89 mmol·L-1和0.25 mmol·L-1,MTT法测得的IC50值分别为1.34 mmol·L-1和0.86 mmol·L-1.这说明芴对V79细胞的毒性效应更强,这可能是由于芴对V79细胞嘌呤核苷酸代谢影响更大.电化学法的检测结果与MTT法的结果趋势一致,且IC50值均低于MTT法,说明本文使用的电化学法可以有效灵敏地评价芴的细胞毒性.芴的细胞毒性作用机制可能是通过激活细胞中p53基因进而影响细胞嘌呤核苷酸代谢.本法通过检测细胞中嘌呤含量变化而评价芴的细胞毒性.  相似文献   

以玻碳电极为工作电极、pH 6.0的磷酸缓冲溶液为底液,研究了卤素离子氯离子、溴离子和碘离子对镉离子在此条件下电化学测定的影响.结果表明,3种卤素离子均能有效提高镉离子的响应电流.此外,当多种卤素离子同时存在时,镉离子的响应电流相对于单一卤素离子能进一步提高.进一步研究表明,卤素离子能吸附于电极表面,通过提高镉在电极表面电化学反应速度以及表面吸附量来提高镉离子的响应电流.  相似文献   

潘飞  潘大为  韩海涛  王晨晨 《环境化学》2019,38(10):2229-2236
基于自动进样技术结合纳米金(AuNPs)-全氟磺酸(Nafion)修饰电极研制了一种新型的检测系统.通过对检测系统不同条件的优化,如修饰电极的材料、富集时间等条件;在最优条件下,该仪器对于Fe(Ⅲ)的检出限为4.5 nmol·L~(-1),线性范围为25 nmol·L~(-1)—1μmol·L~(-1),最终实现了对河水中总铁含量的检测.将此检测系统与ICP-AES相比较,检测结果基本一致.该仪器具有方便快捷、检测成本低等优点,在实时检测中具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

采用电化学氧化(EC)耦合铁(IP)感应电极激发过硫酸盐(KPS)氧化处理焦化废水生化出水,在反应器阴、阳极之间等距离嵌入铁板构建电化学双电解反应体系.该体系中,铁板作为感应电极,充当阳极材料的同时兼具有阴极材料的作用,加快过硫酸盐的活化.在电化学氧化耦合铁感应电极激发过硫酸盐(EC/IP/KPS)试验中,分别将电解时间(0—50 min)、电流密度(0—60 mA·cm~(-2))和过硫酸钾(KPS)投加量(0—5 mmol·L~(-1))作为控制条件,探讨了在不同的影响条件下该电化学反应体系对水中COD、TOC及UV_(254)等有机物污染指标的降解程度.在此基础上,利用SEM、EDS、XRD和XPS等对EC/IP/KPS过程中产生的絮凝物进行了表征,进而推断EC/IP/KPS系统的反应机理.结果表明,在EC/IP/KPS系统中的耦合作用下,当电解时间为30 min、电流密度为30 mA·cm~(-2)、过硫酸钾浓度为2 mmol·L~(-1)时,COD去除率可达77.0%、TOC去除率为54.0%,UV_(254)值明显降低.此外,还对3种不同的实验过程进行了对比,发现EC/IP/KPS系统的处理效果要明显优于KPS和EC/IP处理体系.  相似文献   

通过静态实验模拟地下水厌氧环境,研究了碳源、电子受体、初始微生物量和硝基苯浓度等因素对地下环境中微生物异化铁还原作用耦合降解硝基苯的影响。实验选取乙酸铵、葡萄糖、柠檬酸铵为碳源,针铁矿、赤铁矿为电子受体,进行异化铁还原协同耦合降解硝基苯。结果表明:乙酸铵为碳源时硝基苯的降解率最高为78.5%;针铁矿作电子受体时硝基苯降解效果比赤铁矿好,且0.3 mg·L-1效果最好;微生物量对耦合体系中硝基苯降解率有影响但并不显著,最适宜的初始微生物量为4×108cells·mL-1;硝基苯质量浓度在50~150 mg·L-1时,硝基苯浓度与降解率呈负相关,其中对50 mg·L-1的初始硝基苯质量浓度降解效果最好。因此,碳源和电子受体对地下环境中微生物异化铁还原作用耦合降解硝基苯具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

A novel method for the synthesis of zeolite was developed in this paper. The synthesis was carried out by hydrothermal activation after alkali fusion and coal fly ash (CFA) was used as raw material with seawater of different salinities. Seawater salinity was varied from 32 to 88 for zeolite crystallization during the hydrothermal process. The results show that seawater salinity plays an important role in zeolite synthesis with CFA during hydrothermal treatment. The products were a mixture of NaX zeolite and hydroxysodalite; seawater salinity more strongly affected the crystallization than the type and chemical composition of the zeolites. The yield of CFA transformed into zeolite gradually rose with the increase in salinity, reaching a transformation rate of 48%--62% as the salinity increased from 32 to 88, respectively. The proposed method allows for the efficient disposal of by-products; therefore, the application of seawater in zeolite synthesis presents promising economic and ecological benefits.  相似文献   

Trace amounts of heavy metals have been analysed by electrochemical techniques in ecstasy tablets obtained from different police seizures in Spain. Lead, cadmium, copper and zinc were determined by differential-pulse anodic stripping voltammetry at a hanging mercury drop electrode, whereas nickel and cobalt were determined by adsorptive differential-pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry from their dimethylglyoxime complexes, M(DMG)2. The performance of the procedure was compared with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The procedure was applied to the determination of these elements in nine ecstasy samples, finding that Zn is the element present in the highest concentration, ranging from 0.3 to 200?mg?kg?1, Ni, Cu appear below 15?mg?kg?1 and Pb below 8?mg?kg?1, while Cd and Co levels were always lower than 0.51?mg?kg?1.  相似文献   

In the present study, a photoelectrochemical process containing seawater as a natural low-cost supporting electrolyte was used to remove ammonium from wastewater in a continuous flow mode. Based on central composite design (CCD), response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to evaluate the performance of the process in ammonia removal. The effect of four main independent parameters, including initial ammonium concentration, hydraulic retention time (HRT), current intensity and initial pH on the removal of ammonia was evaluated by the model. The optimal initial ammonium concentration, HRT, current intensity and initial pH were 917 mg NH 4? N;·L ?1, 108 min, 1.8 A and 8.4, respectively. The high coefficients (R 2=0.97 and adjusted R 2=0.94) obtained by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated close correlation between predicted and experimental values. Also, treating the reject water from the sludge dewatering unit as an ammonium-rich wastewater showed the effectiveness of the process for treating real wastewaters (86% ammonium removal). The results revealed that the present process can be an efficient method for ammonium removal from polluted effluents in coastal areas based on the availability of seawater as a cost-efficient supporting electrolyte.  相似文献   

The bioavailability of iron in seawater filtered through a 0.025-m filter was investigated using 59Fe-labeled iron uptake by the macroalga Laminaria japonica (Areschoug: Phaeophyta) (collected in the northern Japan Sea 1993) as an assay. About 80% of the iron in the 0.025-m filtered coastal seawater was soluble and/or small colloidal organically bound iron, associated with natural organic ligands forming complexes with ferric ion. After decomposition of the organic matter by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, 55% of the iron addition [or 0.6 nM, nearly the concentration of Fe(OH) 2 + in equilibrium with amorphous hydrous ferric oxide in seawater at pH 8.0] in the 0.025-m filtered coastal seawater was taken up by the macroalga. Since the iron concentrations in the 0.025-m filtered coastal seawater are 0.1 to 2.0 nM and only 0.6 nM of the iron is likely available to biota over 1 to 2 d, we suggest that only small amounts of bioavailable iron exist in coastal seawater not affected by inflow from land and that a significant fraction of dissolved (<0.025 ) iron occurs in forms, such as organic iron complexes, other than the simple hydroxo-complex species predicted by thermodynamic models.  相似文献   

Discharge of refinery effluents containing phenanthrene (Phe) may exert carcinogenic effects on aquatic organisms. The aim of the current investigation was to investigate electrochemical removal of Phe from urban drinking water using a batch reactor. Phe removal efficiency was examined under different operating conditions including current density (1–8 mA/cm2), electrode composition materials such as aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), steel (AS), or zinc (Zn), pH (4–10), and duration (20–60 min). Phe concentration was determined utilizing standard techniques. Steel–Steel (AS–AS) as anode–cathode electrodes resulted in the least Phe removal (not detected), while Zn–Cu anode–cathode electrodes produced the highest Phe removal (100%) under similar experimental conditions. The increase in current density from 1 to 8 mA/cm2 at optimum electrode and pH enhanced Phe removal from 56% to 100%. The rise in duration from 20 to 60 min at optimum electrode and pH increased Phe removal from 32% to 100%. These findings indicated that Phe removal efficiency was elevated with increasing current density, electrolysis time, and pH. Batch experiments indicated that the electrochemical reactor might be effective in removing Phe from drinking water.  相似文献   

Comparison of methods for the analysis of dissolved urea in seawater   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A comparison between the diacetyl monoxime and urease methods for measuring dissolved concentrations of urea in seawater was conducted in artificial seawater, phytoplankton-culture filtrate and both natural and ureaspiked field samples from coastal and oceanic enviroments during 1984. The urease technique underestimated urea concentrations in unbuffered photoplankton-culture filtrate as a result of the inhibition of the urease enzyme, causing the incomplete hydrolysis of urea in these samples. Factors responsible for inhibiting urease included pH, seawater ions, and possibly extracellular metabolites produced in unialgal cultures. Seawater type and time of sample collection were important variables affecting urea measurement by the urease method, and recovery of internal standards ranged from 40 to 100%. Increasing the heating time of the urease assay, or the concentration of urease added to the seawater samples increased the amount of urea determined by the urease method. However, measured values were still less than the concentration of the urea internal standards. The diacetyl monoxime method was suitable for urea determinations in all the seawater samples we examined; it was easily automated, and the results were accurate and reproducible. This modified technique is recommended for measuring disolved concentrations of urea in seawater.  相似文献   

Activated carbon modified by impregnation with iron (III) chloride solution (Fe‐ACs) were studied to try to raise their adsorption capacity for hydrogen sulfide, a malodorous substance.

The surface area and pore volume of activated carbon were decreased by impregnation, but the amount of hydrogen sulfide adsorbed onto Fe‐AC was larger than that onto raw activated carbon (R‐AC). In particular, a large increase of the amount adsorbed onto Fe‐AC was noted at low equilibrium pressure. It was assumed that the increase of amount of hydrogen sulfide adsorbed onto Fe‐AC was due to the chemical interaction between iron (III) chloride on the pores in addition to the physical adsorption onto pores of activated carbon. Fe‐AC shows a high selectivity for hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   

纳米零价铁颗粒去除水中重金属的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
重金属是毒性大、难降解、易累积的环境污染物,纳米零价铁作为一种新型功能修复材料在去除水体和土壤中重金属方面有着广阔的应用前景.本文综述了纳米零价铁颗粒去除水中重金属的研究进展,包括纳米零价铁的常用制备方法及特性、去除效能、对不同重金属的去除机理以及发展前景和今后的研究方向,以期为该领域的深入研究提供借鉴并拓展新的思路.  相似文献   

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