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Municipal solid waste(MSW) incineration has become an important anthropogenic source of heavy metals(HMs) to the environment. However, assessing the impact of MSW incineration on HMs in the environment, especially soils, can be a challenging task because of various HM sources. To investigate the effect of MSW incineration on HMs in soils, soil samples collected at different distances from four MSW incinerators in Shanghai, China were analyzed for their contents of eight HMs(antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper,lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc) and lead(Pb) isotope ratios. Source identification and apportionment of HMs were accomplished using principal component analysis and Pb isotope analysis. Results indicated that the relatively high contents of cadmium, lead,antimony, and zinc in the soils at 250 m and 750–1250 m away from the MSW incinerators were related to MSW incineration, while the elevated contents of the other four HMs were associated with other anthropogenic activities. Based on Pb isotope analysis, the contribution ratio of MSW incineration(which had been operated for more than 14 years)to the accumulation of Pb in soil was approximately 10% on average, which was lower than coal combustion only. Incinerator emissions of Pb could have a measurable effect on the soil contamination within a limited area(≤1500 m).  相似文献   

Chemical speciation is a significant factor that govems the toxicity and mobility of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash. Sequential extraction procedure is applied to fractionate heavy metals( Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and Cr) into five defined groups: exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxide, organic, and residual fractions. The mobility of heavy metals is also investigated with the aid of toxicity characteristic leaching procedure. In the fly ash sample, Pb is primarily presented in the carbonate (51%) and exchangeable(20% ) fractions; Cd and Zn mainly exist as the exchangeable(83% and 49% respectively) ; Cu is mostly contained in the last three fractions(totally 87% ) ; and Cr is mainly contained in the residual fraction(62% ). Pb, Zn and Cd showed the high mobility in the investigation, thus might be of risk to the natural environment when municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash is landfilled or reutilized.  相似文献   

A field study and theoretical calculations were performed to clarify the levels, profiles, and distributions of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PBDD/Fs) in a cement kiln co-processing solid waste, with a focus on the PBDF formation mechanism.The raw materials contributed greatly to input of PBDD/Fs into the cement kiln. The PBDD/F concentrations in the raw materials were much higher than those in particle samples from different process stages in the cement kiln. The PBDD/F concentrations in the clinkers were1.40% of the concentrations in the raw materials, which indicated that the high destruction efficiencies for PBDD/Fs by cement kiln. PBDD/F distribution patterns in particle samples collected from different process stages indicated the cement kiln backend was a major site for PBDD/F formation. PBDFs with high levels of halogenation, such as heptabrominated furans(Hp BDF), were the dominant contributors to the total PBDD/F concentrations and accounted for 42%–73% of the total PBDD/F concentrations in the particle samples. Our results showed that co-processing of municipal solid waste in a cement kiln may influence the congener profile of PBDD/Fs, especially for the higher halogenated PBDD fraction. In addition, there were significant correlations between the decabromodiphenyl ether and heptabrominated furan concentrations, which is an indicator of transformation from polybrominated diphenyl ethers to PBDD/Fs. Theoretical calculations were performed and demonstrated that elimination of HBr and Br_2 from polybrominated diphenyl ethers were the dominant formation pathways for PBDD/Fs. These pathways differed from that for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans(PCDD/Fs).  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste management is a major environmental issue in India. Due to rapid increase in urbanization, industrialization and population, the generation rate of municipal solid waste in Indian cities and towns is also increased. Mismanagement of municipal solid waste can cause adverse environmental impacts, public health risk and other socio-economic problem. This paper presents an overview of current status of solid waste management in India which can help the competent authorities responsible for municipal solid waste management and researchers to prepare more efficient plans.  相似文献   

以珠江三角洲5市(广州、深圳、佛山、惠州和肇庆)生活垃圾为研究对象,分析了55个生活垃圾样品的干基组分及典型重金属(As、Cd、Hg、Cr和Pb)的含量,采用主成分因子分析探论重金属的主要影响因素及可能来源,并结合人体健康风险评价模型,用蒙特卡洛模拟定量评价生活垃圾收运、分类及处理各环节环卫工人的健康风险.结果表明,珠江三角洲5市生活垃圾中As、Cd、Hg、Cr和Pb的浓度分别为(4.49±1.18),(1.95±1.96),(0.41±0.60),(147.28±160.48)和(121.59±199.42) mg/kg;生活垃圾中Hg和Pb可能主要来源于金属制品和镀金材料;Cd和Cr可能主要来源于金属制品、镀金材料、快餐垃圾和包装垃圾;As可能主要来源于生活垃圾中的沙土和草木组分.生活垃圾的收运、分类及处理环节,街道清扫保洁工人、分类收运工人和填埋处理工人的非致癌风险基本不用考虑,但致癌风险很高,致癌风险指数最高可达安全阈值的6倍,主要风险暴露途径为手-口摄入(非食物途径);垃圾焚烧处理工人的非致癌风险和致癌风险均很高,非致癌风险和致癌风险指数最高值分别约为安全阈值的11倍和90倍,主要风险暴露途径为手-口摄入和呼吸吸入;相同暴露环境下,女环卫工人的非致癌风险和致癌风险概率均略高于男环卫工人.因此,生活垃圾收运、分类及处理环节需做好安全防范措施,对重金属人体暴露途径进行阻隔.  相似文献   

李军辉  吴新  刘道洁  王开 《中国环境科学》2018,38(11):4198-4204
向飞灰中添加硅灰与一定比例的去离子水,混合均匀后分别进行自然养护、蒸汽养护和中温热处理.研究了自然养护和蒸汽养护条件下硅灰不同添加量对垃圾焚烧飞灰浸出毒性的影响,考察了蒸汽养护样与中温热处理样的重金属化学形态分布、晶体结构和微观形貌变化.结果表明:自然养护和蒸汽养护条件下,随着硅灰添加量由0%升至10%,飞灰中Pb、Cd、Cr和Cu的浸出浓度均随之降低.硅灰添加量为10%时,硅灰蒸汽养护样中Pb、Cd、Cr和Cu的浸出浓度略低于硅灰自然养护样,金属化学形态分布相比原灰变化较小;硅灰中温热处理对飞灰中Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn处理最为彻底,4种金属残渣态占比相比原灰分别从原灰的37.12%、11.82%、44.30%和51.94%升高至84.75%、75.49%、77.20%和67.40%,酸溶态分别由原灰的3.99%、54.92%、6.56%和10.49%降低至0.44%、9.37%、2.72%和3.59%.  相似文献   

The spent mushroom compost of Lentinus edodes was used as a biosorbent for adsorbing cadmium, lead and chromium from solutions under batch conditions for the first time. Titration of the biomass revealed that it contained at least three types of functional groups. The Fourier transform infrared spectrometry showed that the carboxyl, phosphoryl, phenolic groups were the main groups. The simulated values of pK, and molar quantity were 5.00 and 0.44 mmol/g, 7.32 and 1.38 mmol/g, 10.45 and 1.44 mmol/g, respectively. The biosorption ability increased with pH in acid condition. When 10 mg/L biomass dosage was added in, there was no significant increment of metal uptake. The maximum uptake estimated with the Langmiur isotherm model were 833.33 mg/g for Cd( Ⅱ ), 1000.00 mg/g for Pb( Ⅱ ) and 44.44 mg/g for Cr( Ⅲ ), respectively. All the results showed that vast potential sorption capacity was existed in the biomass for adsorbing these three kinds of metals studied.  相似文献   

焚烧炉烟气中重金属沉降造成的土壤污染是城市垃圾焚烧发电项目环境影响评价及环境保护管理工作关注的重点。以某城市垃圾焚烧发电项目为例,在确定焚烧炉排放源强及气象数据等资料的基础上,采用AERMOD模型预测焚烧烟气中Pb、Hg、Cd的沉降特征和对项目所在区域土壤环境质量的影响。结果表明:土壤中污染物浓度随离源距离的增加均呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,其中Hg的占标率最大为27.2%,其次Cd为21.8%,Pb的占标率最小为4.7%,预测的重金属浓度均满足《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618—1995)二级标准限值要求;污染物分布与风密切相关,利用污染系数衡量风对污染物扩散传输的影响,可知污染扩散距离北向大于南向、东向大于西向,南北向大于东西向,污染系数与污染物沉降量分布一致。研究可为气体涉重金属污染物扩散沉降对土壤环境影响相关领域的科研、应用工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Incineration of municipal solid waste(MSW) is a waste treatment method which can be sustainable in terms of waste volume reduction, as well as a source of renewable energy.During MSW combustion, increased formation of deposits on convection heating exchanger surfaces can pose severe operational problems, such as fouling, slagging and corrosion.These problems can cause lower heat transfer efficiency from the hot flue gas to the working fluid inside the tubes. A study was performed where experiments were carried out to examine the ash deposition characteristics in a full-scale MSW circulating fluidized bed(CFB) incinerator, using a newly designed deposit probe that was fitted with six thermocouples and four removable half rings. The influence of probe exposure time and probe surface temperature(500, 560, and 700℃) on ash deposit formation rate was investigated. The results indicate that the deposition mass and collection efficiency achieve a minimum at the probe surface temperature of 560℃. Ash particles are deposited on both the windward and leeward sides of the probe by impacting and thermophoretic/condensation behavior. The major inorganic elements present in the ash deposits are Ca,Al and Si. Compared to ash deposits formed on the leeward side of the probe,windward-side ash deposits contain relatively higher Ca and S concentrations, but lower levels of Al and Si. Among all cases at different surface temperatures, the differences in elemental composition of the ash deposits from the leeward side are insignificant.However, as the surface temperature increases, the concentrations of Al, Si, K and Na in the windward-side ash deposits increase, but the Ca concentration is reduced. Finally,governing mechanisms are proposed on the basis of the experimental data, such as deposit morphology, elemental composition and thermodynamic calculations.  相似文献   

Currently, most developing countries have not set up municipal solid waste management systemswith a viewof recovering energy fromwaste or reducing greenhouse gasemissions. In this article, we have studied the possible effects of introducing three energy recovery processes either as a single or combination approach, refuse derived fuel production, incineration and waste power generation, and methane gas recovery from landfill and power generation in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as a case study. We concluded that incineration process is the most suitable as first introduction of energy recovery. To operate it efficiently, 3Rs strategies need to be promoted. And then, RDF production which is made of waste papers and plastics in high level of sortingmay be considered as the second step of energy recovery. However, safety control and marketability of RDF will be required at that moment.  相似文献   

Currently, most developing countries have not set up municipal solid waste management systems with a view of recovering energy from waste or reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this article, we have studied the possible effects of introducing three energy recovery processes either as a single or combination approach, refuse derived fuel production, incineration and waste power generation, and methane gas recovery from landfill and power generation in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as a case study. We concluded that incineration process is the most suitable as first introduction of energy recovery. To operate it efficiently, 3Rs strategies need to be promoted. And then, RDF production which is made of waste papers and plastics in high level of sorting may be considered as the second step of energy recovery. However, safety control and marketability of RDF will be required at that moment.  相似文献   

Currently, most developing countries have not set up municipal solid waste management systems with a view of recovering energy from waste or reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this article, we have studied the possible effects of introducing three energy recovery processes either as a single or combination approach, refuse derived fuel production,incineration and waste power generation, and methane gas recovery from landfill and power generation in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as a case study. We concluded that incineration process is the most suitable as first introduction of energy recovery. To operate it efficiently,3Rs strategies need to be promoted. And then, RDF production which is made of waste papers and plastics in high level of sorting may be considered as the second step of energy recovery.However, safety control and marketability of RDF will be required at that moment.  相似文献   

Batch experiments were conducted with a heavy metals and arsenic co-contaminated soil from an abandoned mine to evaluate the feasibility of a remediation technology that combines sieving with soil washing.Leaching of the arsenic and heavy metals from the different particle size fractions was found to decrease in the order: 0.1,2–0.1,and 2 mm.With increased contact time,the concentration of heavy metals in the leachate was significantly decreased for small particles,probably because of adsorption by the clay soil component.For the different particle sizes,the removal efficiencies for Pb and Cd were75%–87%,and 61%–77% for Zn and Cu,although the extent of removal was decreased for As and Cr at 45%.The highest efficiency by washing for Pb,Cd,Zn,and As was from the soil particles 2 mm,although good metal removal efficiencies were also achieved in the small particle size fractions.Through SEM-EDS observations and correlation analysis,the leaching regularity of the heavy metals and arsenic was found to be closely related to Fe,Mn,and Ca contents of the soil fractions.The remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soil by sieving combined with soil washing was proven to be efficient,and practical remediation parameters were also recommended.  相似文献   

堆肥对重金属污染土壤Cu、Cd形态变化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过盆栽茼蒿试验研究了不同堆肥用量对重金属Cu、Cd污染土壤根际土和非根际土中Cu、Cd形态变化的影响.结果表明,随着堆肥用量的增加,非根际土和根际土交换态(含水溶态)Cu含量显著增加,最大值是对照的6.0倍;;有机结合态Cu含量在非根际土中显著升高,而在根际土中则先显著升高后降低,两者最大值是对照处理的1.1倍;;非根际土中无机结合态Cu含量先降低后升高;;非根际土和根际土残渣态Cu含量都先显著增加后基本不变.随着堆肥用量增加,非根际土中交换态(含水溶态)Cd含量显著降低,有机结合态和残渣态Cd含量显著升高,无机结合态Cd含量变化不明显;;根际土中,交换态(含水溶态)Cd含量先降低后升高,有机结合态Cd含量显著上升,无机结合态和残渣态Cd先上升后下降.因此,供试堆肥可作为修复剂减弱Cd的危害,但长期施用会造成Cu的累积,应慎重考虑.  相似文献   

生活垃圾源头沥水的减量提质效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国生活垃圾厨余组分含量高、含水率高和热值低的特点,提出以降低厨余组分含水率为主要手段,实现生活垃圾源头减量和提质为主要目标的源头沥水和选择性分质收集模式.在苏州市两个居民小区进行了为期10个月的项目试点,监测结果显示,居民家庭采取源头沥水措施后,生活垃圾产生量减少6.47%,含水率降低2.23%,低位热值提高10.94%.生活垃圾源头沥水的减量提质效应良好,有助于提高后续焚烧及填埋处理设施运行效率和二次污染控制水平,降低运输及处理成本.  相似文献   

采用重庆同兴垃圾焚烧发电厂产生的焚烧飞灰,在感应炉上进行熔融处理实验研究,探讨了熔融温度、熔融时间、碱度等因素对熔融过程中重金属分离效果的影响.结果表明,重金属的挥发率按其熔沸点高低区分明显,Pb、Zn和Cd的挥发率较高,分别为80%、60%和95%左右;Cr、Mn的挥发率均低于10%.随着熔融时间、熔融温度和碱度的增加,Pb、Zn、Cd、Mn、Cr的挥发率变化趋势不明显;铁浴熔融方式可进一步促进Zn、Pb、Hg的挥发,有利于Cr、Cu从熔渣中分离出来,与生铁形成合金.对熔渣的浸出毒性测试结果表明,重金属元素的浸出毒性均可达标(GB5085.3-1996).  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾清运量逐年增加,由此带来的环境问题日益严峻.不同垃圾组分有其各自适宜的处理与利用方式,因此,有效的垃圾分类技术具有重要意义.我国现有的以人工为主的垃圾分类方式存在效率低、成本高、准确性差等弊端,而垃圾智能分类技术是解决相关瓶颈的重要手段.本文简述了中国代表性城市生活垃圾分布和近年变化趋势,从密度、电、磁、声...  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧飞灰熔融过程重金属的迁移特性实验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对垃圾焚烧飞灰的熔融处理过程中重金属的迁移特性进行了实验研究.在自行设计的实验台上研究熔融温度、时间、气氛、冷却方式等条件对几种重金属固化特性的影响.结果表明,熔融可以固化大部分重金属,同时飞灰中重金属在熔融过程中的固化特性因种类不同呈现显著差异,Cd、Pb属于易挥发金属,而Ni、Cr和Zn不易挥发;飞灰成分、温度、气氛和冷却方式对各种重金属的影响程度各不相同.  相似文献   

含水率是预测生活垃圾能源回收和渗滤液污染潜力的关键参数,对选择合适的生活垃圾处理技术有重要意义.根据各物理组分组成比例和组分含水率,估算混合生活垃圾含水率,是规划和设计生活垃圾处理设施时的重要方法.本文通过分析近年来的文献资料,提出适合我国生活垃圾特征的典型物理组分含水率数据清单;比较20个中国城市文献数据的模拟估算与实测结果,发现对大部分城市的估算误差在10%以内,远低于采用丹麦,美国等发达国家数据的估算误差.对比中国、丹麦和美国的组分含水率数据清单,发现我国生活垃圾中的纸类、织物、塑料、渣石等组分的含水率显著偏高,原因在于我国生活垃圾的食品废物含量高,混合收集过程中水分在组分间迁移所致.  相似文献   

系统研究了某城市生活垃圾焚烧炉周边地区6个焚烧炉废气样品、14个环境空气样品和3个表层土壤样品中二噁英的组成及其含量,并对其来源进行了解析.结果表明,焚烧炉排放废气中二噁英含量较高,周边地区环境空气及主导风向下风向污染物最大落地点附近土壤中的二噁英含量均处于较低水平,且主导风向下游环境空气中二噁英含量与其它地点采集的样品中二噁英含量差别不明显,但最大落地点表层土壤样品与背景点表层土壤样品中二噁英的组成及含量均有一定的变化.主成分分析结果表明,最大落地点附近表层土壤样品中的二噁英可能受到了污染源废气排放的影响,但环境空气中二英类污染物来源较为复杂,具体原因还需进一步的深入研究.  相似文献   

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