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背景:为了响应国家关于加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设对干部队伍素质和能力的新要求.加快提高中国地震局干部队伍的业务素质和管理水平,根据《干部教育培训丁作条例》和《中国地震局“十一五”人才队伍建设规划》,中国地震局人事教育和科技司(国际合作司)司于2009年3月3日-5月7日组织了这次赴美国芝加哥进行的地震应急管理境外培训班。 相似文献
突发公共危机管理的思考 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
建立健全应对自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生和社会安全等方面的社会预警体系,形成统一指挥、功能齐全、反应灵敏、运转高效的应急机制,提高保障公共安全和处置突发事件的能力,是政府全面履行职能,特别是加强社会管理和公共服务职能的一项重要任务,也是构建和谐社会的一项重要任务。我国改革开放和现代化建设事业步伐的加快和不断深入,已经将克服不稳定因素、防范突发公共危机的任务提了出来。 相似文献
黄晓军 《防灾减灾工程学报》2003,23(3):116-120
传染性非典型肺炎一度在世界各地迅速蔓延,是对政府的危机管理制度一次前所未有的严峻考验。这次非典危机也暴露出了我国政府危机管理制度存在的缺陷。我们必须抓住这个契机,进行政府危机管理制度的创新,以不断提升政府的危机管理能力。 相似文献
Fuelled by terrorist attacks on urban areas, emergency planning responses to manmade disasters is a growing area of critical debate within the field of urban management. The response of a major British city--Manchester--to the 1996 bombing of its commercial core, is examined in this paper. It focuses on the transformation of the emergency planning response from dealing with the immediate crisis during the first week, to a stage of controlled recovery that still continues. The response to the devastation caused by the bomb was co-ordinated by the city council, which developed a range of short- and long-term initiatives, but the re-opening of the city centre could not have happened so quickly had the council not worked in collaboration with other key organisations and agencies. Working partnerships were crucial to the immediate response and subsequent recovery, with such capacity for organisational learning built upon existing co-operative arrangements within the city, which had developed over the previous decade. 相似文献
Normalising the Crisis in Africa 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mark Bradbury 《Disasters》1998,22(4):328-338
Developmental relief has become the central doctrine of 'good practice' in humanitarian responses to complex political emergencies. This is despite the fact that a proliferation of such emergencies reflects a failure of development for people in those countries in crisis. Drawing on case study material from Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda and Uganda, this paper challenges assumptions made about the efficacy of developmental relief models in complex emergencies. The trend towards developmental relief practices coincides with an increasing acceptance of higher levels of humanitarian distress in Africa. Myths of aid dependency and the pursuit of sustainable programming in the midst of war are linked to a global reduction in aid. The mantra of 'local solutions to local problems' locates the causes of crises firmly within those societies in crisis. It provides a premise for international disengagement, and the denial of international responsibility for the genesis and prolongation of humanitarian crises in Africa. Assigning solutions to the poor, the marginalised and victimised through enhanced 'participation' and local financing of services sustains a myth that development is occurring, when in fact levels of distress are rising. 相似文献
随着社会的快速发展,淡水资源日益紧张。现在,只要一提到水,"危机"二字往往如影随形。有专家认为,水是新的石油,一种长期被挥霍浪费的资源,如今早已日益昂贵,几近供不应求。 相似文献
2007年3月,八位科学家联名撰文,中国正处于社会经济高速发展时期,不仅面临一系列重大的水资源短缺问题,而且面临严重的水环境污染,特别是城乡饮水安全面临严重威胁。各地饮水安全的严峻形势饮水安全指的是既要有水喝,又要喝得安全卫生。它受制于水资源量和质 相似文献
The Crisis Map of the Czech Republic: the nationwide deployment of an Ushahidi application for disasters 下载免费PDF全文
Crisis mapping is a legitimate component of both crisis informatics and disaster risk management. It has become an effective tool for humanitarian workers, especially after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Ushahidi is among the many mapping platforms on offer in the growing field of crisis mapping, and involves the application of crowdsourcing to create online and interactive maps of areas in turmoil. This paper presents the Crisis Map of the Czech Republic, which is the first such instrument to be deployed nationwide in Central Europe. It describes the methodologies used in the preparatory work phase and details some practices identified during the creation and actual employment of the map. In addition, the paper assesses its structure and technological architecture, as well as its potential possible development in the future. Lastly, it evaluates the utilisation of the Crisis Map during the floods in the Czech Republic in 2013. 相似文献
计算机模拟训练是增强抢险救灾应急保障能力的重要手段,在联合仿真建模技术的基础上分析并设计了抢险救灾物资保障模拟训练系统。提出了系统功能需求,主要包括物资保障业务、分布交互式协同、模型管理与优化、数据管理、过程推演与保障流程控制等;分析了三层系统结构,基础平台层由指挥系统、导调控制系统、RTI等组成,资源层由模型库、知识库、数据库等组成,应用层则由生活、野营、医疗、工程、装备等五个模拟训练子系统组成;给出了基于联合仿真建模技术的仿真模型设计流程,并完成了基于HLA的分布式系统设计,构建了抢险救灾物资保障的四类联邦成员,设计了FOM与SOM模型,完成了Agent-DEVS联邦模型与RTI的接口。以上研究为开展抢险救灾应急保障模拟训练奠定了基础。 相似文献
选取汶川地震中的伤员和陪护家属各40人作为干预对象,采用心理治疗中的心理危机干预方法,对干预对象进行心理危机干预。干预过程分为3个阶段,分别是以构建良性关系为目的的初始阶段、以治疗为核心的干预和稳定阶段、以评估干预效果为目的的评估阶段。干预评估结果显示,心理危机干预前后,伤员和陪护家属评估结果存在显著差异(P<0.001);与语言方法相比,该研究方法进行心理危机干预后,各量表得分显著下降,症状自评量表各评估方向得分显著低于语言方法的量表得分,前、后侧得分间差异存在统计学意义,说明该方法心理危机干预对震后人员恢复,效果较好。 相似文献
JOHN BORTON 《Disasters》1996,20(4):305-323
This paper examines the co-ordination strategies developed to respond to the Great Lakes crisis following the events of April 1994. It analyses the different functions and mechanisms which sought to achieve a co-ordinated response – ranging from facilitation at one extreme to management and direction at the other. The different regimes developed to facilitate co-ordination within Rwanda and neighbouring countries, focusing on both inter-agency and inter-country co-ordination issues, are then analysed. Finally, the paper highlights the absence of mechanisms to achieve coherence between the humanitarian, political and security domains. It concludes that effective co-ordination is critical not only to achieve programme efficiency, but to ensure that the appropriate instruments and strategies to respond to complex political emergencies are in place. It proposes a radical re-shaping of international humanitarian, political and security institutions, particularly the United Nations, to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian and political responses to crises such as that in the Great Lakes. 相似文献