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针对大宗工业固体废物产生量大、历史堆存量多的问题,基于历史年份产废量和行业贡献度分析结果,运用灰色GM(1,1)模型预测了2021–2025年特定行业典型大宗工业固体废物产生量。结果表明,尾矿、粉煤灰、煤矸石、冶炼废渣、炉渣、脱硫石膏等6种典型大宗工业固体废物普遍集中产生于1~2个特定行业,且特定行业的贡献程度普遍超过80%。到2025年,我国金属矿采选业尾矿,电力、热力生产和供应业粉煤灰,煤炭开采和洗选业煤矸石,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业冶炼废渣,电力、热力生产和供应业炉渣及脱硫石膏产生量将分别达到13.46×1011、6.45×1011、15.86×1011、6.21×1011、2.57×1011和2.50×1011 kg,较2019年产生量分别增长55%、39%、238%、73%、52%和131%。建议充分考虑以采矿、冶金、电力、热力等产废量较大的行业为治理重点,并合理规划大宗工业固体废物利用处置设施布局和能力建设。本研究结果可为“十四五”时期深入开展“无废城市”建设,科学制订产废行业环境管理政策提供参考。  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

Ten years of public health interventions on industrial emissions to clean air were monitored for the Mediterranean city of Cartagena. During the 1960s, a number of large chemical and non-ferrous metallurgical factories were established that significantly deteriorated the city’s air quality. By the 1970s, the average annual air concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) ranged from 200 to 300 µg/m3 (standard conditions units). In 1979, the Spanish government implemented an industrial intervention plan to improve the performance of factories and industrial air pollution surveillance. Unplanned urban development led to residential housing being located adjacent to three major factories. Factory A produced lead, factory B processed zinc from ore concentrates, and factory C produced sulfuric acid and phosphates. This, in combination with the particular abrupt topography and frequent atmospheric thermal inversions, resulted in the worsening of air quality and heightening concern for public health. In 1990, the City Council authorized the immediate intervention at these factories to reduce or shut down production if ambient levels of SO2 or total suspended particles (TSP) exceeded a time-emission threshold in pre-established meteorological contexts. The aim of this research was to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the intervention plan implemented from 1992 to 2001 to abate industrial air pollution.

Materials and methods

The maximum daily 1-h ambient air level of SO2, NO2, and TSP pollutants was selected from one of the three urban automatic stations, designed to monitor ambient air quality around industrial emissions sources. The day on which an intervention took place to reduce and/or interrupt industrial production by factory and pollutant was defined as a control day, and the day after an intervention as a post-control day. To assess the short-term intervention effect on air quality, an ecological time series design was applied, using regression analysis in generalized additive models, focusing on day-to-day variations of ambient air pollutants levels. Two indicators were estimated: (a) appropriateness, the ratio between mean levels of the pollutant for control days versus the other days, and (b) effectiveness, the ratio between mean levels of the pollutant for post-control days versus the other days. Ratios in regression analyses were adjusted for trend, seasonality, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, calendar day, and special events as well as the other pollutants.


A total of 702 control days were made on the factories’ industrial production during the 10-year period. Fifteen reductions and five shutdown control days took place at factory A for ambient air SO2. At factory B, more controls were carried out for the SO2 pollutant in the years 1992–1993 and 1997. At factory C, the control days for SO2 decreased from 59 reductions and 14 shutdowns to a minimum from 1995 onwards, whereas the controls on TSP were more frequent, reaching a maximum of 99 reductions and 47 shutdowns in the last year. SO2 ambient air mean levels ranged from 456 to 699 µg/m3 among factories on reduction control days and between 624 and 1,010 µg/m3 on shutdown days. The TSP ambient air mean levels were 428 and 506 µg/m3 on reduction and shutdown days, respectively. For all types of control days and factories, a mean ratio of 104% (95% confidence interval [CI] 88 to 121) in SO2 levels was obtained and a mean ratio of 67% (95% CI 59 to 75) in TSP levels. Post-control days at all factories showed a mean ratio of ?16% (95% CI ?7 to ?24) in SO2 levels and a mean ratio of ?13% (95% CI ?7 to ?19) in TSP levels.


Interventions on industrial production based on the urban SO2 and TSP ambient air levels were justified by the high concentrations detected. The best assessment of the interventions’ effectiveness would have been to utilize the ambient air pollutant concentration readings from the entire time of the production shutdowns or reductions; however, the daily hourly maximum turned out to be a useful indicator because of meteorological factors influencing the diurnal concentration profile. A substantial number of interventions were carried out from 1 to 3 am, when vehicular traffic was minimum. On the other hand, atmospheric stability undergoes diurnal cycling in the autumn–winter period due to thermal inversion, which reaches maximum levels around daybreak. Therefore, this increases the ambient air levels and justified the interventions carried out at daybreak in spite of the traffic influence.


All the interventions for SO2 and TSP were carried out when the measured ambient air levels of pollutants were exceeded, which shows the appropriateness of the intervention program. This excess was greater when intervening on SO2 than on the TSP levels. For both ambient air levels of SO2 and TSP, significant drops in air pollution were achieved from all three factories following activity reductions. The production shutdown controls were very effective, because they returned excess levels, higher than in the reduction controls, to everyday mean values.

Recommendations and perspectives

The Cartagena City observational system of intermittent control has proven to effectively reduce industrial emissions’ impact on ambient air quality. This experienced model approach could serve well in highly polluted industrial settings. From a public health perspective, studies are needed to assess that the industrial interventions to control air pollution were related to healthier human populations. Legislation was needed to allow the public administration to take direct actions upon the polluting industries.  相似文献   

Three analytical methods have been evaluated for the determination of volatile organic compounds in water. These techniques have been subsequently applied to the study of a trade effluent discharge problem.  相似文献   

Agriculture is an important source of NH3, which contributes to acidification and eutrophication, as well as emissions of the greenhouse gases CH4 and N2O. Because of their common sources, emission reduction measures for one of these gases may affect emissions of others. These interrelations are often ignored in policy making. This study presents an analysis of the effects of measures to reduce NH3 emissions on emissions of N2O and CH4 from agriculture in Europe. The analysis combines information from the NH3 module of the Regional Air pollution INformation and Simulation (RAINS) model for Europe with the IPCC method for national greenhouse gas inventories. The IPCC method for estimating agricultural emissions of N2O and CH4 is adjusted in order to use it in combination with the RAINS database for the European agricultural sector. As an example, we applied the adjusted method to the agricultural sector in the Netherlands and found that application of several NH3 abatement options may result in a substantial increase in N2O emissions while the effect on CH4 emissions is relatively small. In Part 2 of this paper we focus on the resulting emissions for all European countries for 1990 and 2010.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - North Africa currently accounts for about 40% of Africa’s total CO2 emissions, and the industrial sector is one of the energy-intensive sectors...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - As a major source of pollution and the cause of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions are attracting the attention of scholars, policymakers, and...  相似文献   

Two important factors that affect in-stack opacity--light extinction by emitted particles and that by water moisture after a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) unit--are investigated. The mass light extinction coefficients for particles and water moisture, k(p) and k(w), respectively, were determined using the Lambert-Beer law of opacity with a nonlinear least-squares regression method. The estimated k(p) and k(w) values vary from 0.199 to 0.316 m2/g and 0.000345 to 0.000426 m2/g, respectively, and the overall mean estimated values are 0.229 and 0.000397 m2/g, respectively. Although k(w) is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than k(p), experimental results show that the effect on light extinction by water moisture was comparable to that by particles because of the existence of a considerable mass of water moisture after a FGD unit. The mass light extinction coefficient was also estimated using Mie theory with measured particle size distributions and a complex refractive index of 1.5-ni for fly ash particles. The k(p) obtained using Mie theory ranges from 0.282 to 0.286 m2/g and is slightly greater than the averaged estimated k(p) of 0.229 m2/g from measured opacity. The discrepancy may be partly due to a difference in the microstructure of the fly ash from the assumption of solid spheres because the fly ash may have been formed as spheres attached with smaller particles or as hollow spheres that contained solid spheres. Previously reported values of measured k(p) obtained without considering the effects of water moisture are greater than that obtained in this study, which is reasonable because it reflects the effect of extinction by water moisture in the flue gas. Additionally, the moisture absorbed by particulate matter, corresponding to the effect of water moisture on the particulates, was clarified and found to be negligible.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Americas have a mix of developing and developed economies. Thus, the pollution haven hypothesis (PHH) is expected in the developing countries of Latin...  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation has been made on the emissions of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) when burning wood chips and peat in a modified commercial hot water boiler. The amount of the investigated eighteen PAH that were filter trapped from peat combustion averaged 2.7 times greater than that from wood combustion per cubic meter flue gas. The total emitted amount (particulate plus gas phase PAH) was 9.7 times greater than from wood combustion. The corresponding values for benzo(a)pyrene only were 1.7 and 3.5 times greater, respectively. The comparison of PAH emitted by the combustion of wood and peat showed a pronounced tendency towards the emission of high molecular weight PAH by the latter.Particulate phase-gas phase distribution ourves are presented for PAH in the boiling point range 336°C – 525°C. In addition, the emission of a polynuclear aromatic ketone is shown.  相似文献   

为了对城市有机垃圾热解过程中NH3、H2S和HCl的析出特性进行研究,采用箱式气氛炉在500~800℃热解终温下进行热解实验。热解过程中产生的NH3、H2S和HCl分别用硼酸溶液、乙酸锌-乙酸钠溶液以及NaOH溶液吸收,并分别采用分光光度法和滴定法进行量化。实验结果表明:NH3-N、H2S-S和HCl-Cl的析出率随着温度的升高而增加,热解终温为500、600、700和800℃时,NH3-N的析出率分别为39%、40%、30%和44%,H2S-S的析出率分别为18%、22%、25%和26%,HCl-Cl的析出率分别为68%、71%、76%和85%;热解终温控制在700℃有利于减少NH3-N的析出,低温热解(500℃)有利于减少H2S和HCl的析出;热解炭中S和Cl的残留率随着热解终温的升高而降低,终温800℃时的残留率分别为41%和5%。  相似文献   

Risks associated with power generation must be identified to make intelligent choices between alternate power technologies. Radionuclide air stack emissions for a single coal plant and a single nuclear plant are used to compute the single plant leukemia incidence risk and total industry leukemia incidence risk. Leukemia incidence is the response variable as a function of radionuclide bone dose for the six proposed dose response curves considered. During normal operation a coal plant has higher radionuclide emissions than a nuclear plant and the coal industry has a higher leukaemia incidence risk than the nuclear industry, unless a nuclear accident occurs. Variation of nuclear accident size allows quantification of the impact of accidents on the total industry leukemia incidence risk comparison. The leukemia incidence risk is quantified as the number of accidents of a given size for the nuclear industry leukemia incidence risk to equal the coal industry leukemia incidence risk. The general linear model is used to develop equations that relate the accident frequency required for equal industry risks to the magnitude of the nuclear emission. Exploratory data analysis revealed that the relationship between the natural log of accident number versus the natural log of accident size is linear.  相似文献   

选取废水、挥发酚、氰化物、COD、石油类和氨氮为中国工业水污染指标,利用分解分析方法将2004—2010年间的污染变化分解为规模效应、结构效应、污染治理效应、清洁技术效应和广义技术效应。结果显示,这5类效应的平均作用强度分别为2.08%、3.04%、15.61%、17.37%和32.88%,其中规模效应和广义技术效应是影响工业水污染的主导效应。各类效应对不同污染物的作用方向并不完全一致,规模效应促进污染物排放量的增加;结构效应以加重污染为主,污染治理效应和清洁技术效应以减轻污染为主;广义技术效应的平均作用强度和负向作用概率均最大,是现阶段中国工业水污染控制最为有效的手段。  相似文献   

The CROMIS AhR kit, a simple and rapid yeast bioassay kit, was developed and used to detect dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in 20 gas and solid samples collected from refuse incineration plants in Japan. The World Health Organization toxic equivalent (WHO-TEQ) values of the samples were also calculated using high-resolution gas chromatography/high--resolution mass spectrometry. The WHO-TEQ values of the samples varied greatly, ranging from 0.0021–6.3 ng/g to 0.00013–16 ng/m3N (normal cubic meter) in the solid and gas samples, respectively. 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (23478-PeCDF) and 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (12378-PeCDD) were the major contributors to the samples’ WHO-TEQ values. The yeast in the bioassay responded to these congeners, and the EC50 values of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2378-TeCDD), 12378-PeCDD, and 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF were 490, 560, and 590 nM, respectively. The incinerator samples were subjected to the bioassay to obtain 2378-TeCDD equivalent values (CROMIS-TEQ values). The CROMIS-TEQ values of the solid and gas samples ranged from 0.0019 to 5.64 ng/g and from 0.14 to 20 ng/m3N, respectively. The CROMIS-TEQ and WHO-TEQ values displayed good correlations (r 2?=?0.94 and 0.95 in the solid and gas samples, respectively), except for those of the samples with low dioxin concentrations (below the Japanese emission standards). Therefore, the CROMIS AhR kit is a useful tool for the initial screening of samples containing dioxin-like compounds.  相似文献   

The influences of HCO3 ?, Cl?, and other components on the UV/TiO2 degradation of the antineoplastic agents ifosfamide (IFO) and cyclophosphamide (CP) were studied in this work. The results indicated that the presence of HCO3 ?, Cl?, NO3 ?, and SO4 2? in water bodies resulted in lower degradation efficiencies. The half-lives of IFO and CP were 1.2 and 1.1 min and increased 2.3–7.3 and 3.2–6.3 times, respectively, in the presence of the four anions (initial compound concentration = 100 μg/L, TiO2 loading =100 mg/L, anion concentration = 1000 mg/L, and pH = 8). Although the presence of HCO3 ? in the UV/TiO2/HCO3 ? system resulted in a lower degradation rate and less byproduct formation for IFO and CP, two newly identified byproducts, P11 (M.W. = 197) and P12 (M.W. = 101), were formed and detected, suggesting that additional pathways occurred during the reaction of ?CO3 ? in the system. The results also showed that ?CO3 ? likely induces a preferred ketonization pathway. Besides the inorganic anions HCO3 ?, Cl?, NO3 ?, and SO4 2?, the existence of dissolved organic matter in the water has a significant effect and inhibits CP degradation. Toxicity tests showed that higher toxicity occurred in the presence of HCO3 ? or Cl? during UV/TiO2 treatment and within 6 h of reaction time, implying that the effects of these two anions should not be ignored when photocatalytic treatment is applied to treat real wastewater.  相似文献   

The annual air quality standard of NO2 is often exceeded in urban areas near heavy traffic locations. Despite significant decrease of NOx emissions in 1986–2005 in the industrial and harbour area near Rotterdam, NO2 concentrations at the urban background remain at the same level since the end of the nineties. Trend analysis of monitoring data revealed that the ozone/NOx equilibrium is a more important factor than increasing direct NO2 emissions by traffic. The latter has recently been identified as an additional NO2 source due to the introduction of oxy-catalytic converters in diesel vehicles and the growing number of diesel vehicles. However, in Rotterdam over the period 1986–2005 direct NO2 emissions by road traffic only increased 3–4%. Due to the importance of the ozone/NOx equilibrium, it is concluded that local NOx emissions in Rotterdam need substantial reduction to achieve lower NO2 urban background levels. This is a relatively costly abatement strategy and, therefore, a “hotspot” approach aiming at reducing NOx emissions by local traffic measures is more effective to meet European air quality standards.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigate the fate of citalopram (CIT) at neutral pH using advanced water treatment technologies that include O3, ClO2 oxidation, UV irradiation and Fenton oxidation. The ozonation resulted in 80% reduction after 30 min treatment. Oxidation with ClO2 removed >90% CIT at a dosage of 0.1 mg L−1. During UV irradiation 85% reduction was achieved after 5 min, while Fenton with addition of 14 mg L−1 (Fe2+) resulted in 90% reduction of CIT. During these treatment experiments transformation products (TPs) were formed from CIT, where five compounds were identified by using high resolution and tandem mass spectrometry. Among these desmethyl-citalopram and citalopram N-oxide have been previously identified as human metabolites, while three are novel and published here for the first time. The three TPs are a hydroxylated dimethylamino-side chain derivative, a butyrolactone derivative and a defluorinated derivative of CIT.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A sediment-water mesocosm experiment was set up to identify the effects of different debris biomass P. crispus decomposition on water body...  相似文献   

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