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本期论文作者简介李天麟  研究员。现任中国预防医学科学院劳动卫生与职业病研究所生理研究室主任、国际职业卫生委员会(I-COH)委员、全国人类工效学标准化技术委员会(ISO-Tc159)委员、中国人类工效学学会(CES)理事和国防科工委人—机—环境系统工程标准化技术委员会委员。1986年~1988年期间在丹麦技术大学进行“热舒适”客座研究工作。多年来主要从事于工作生理和人类工效学(物理因素对人体生理功能的影响及其限度、体力负荷、高原生理、职业工效学、年龄工效学、国家劳动卫生和劳动保护标准等)领域的…  相似文献   

1人类Xi效学的定义及主要内容人类工效学是研究人与机器(工具)以及环境之间的相互关系,使人一机器(工具)一环境系统达到安全、舒适和高效率。人类工效学的科学基础主要是生理学、心理学、人体测量学、物理学、数学、工程学和社会学。具体研究内容:()研究人和机器的合理分工以及相互适应问题;(2)研究机器系统中直接由人操作的机构、零部件适合人的使用问题;()研究环境控制和生命保证系统的设计要求。2在伐木作业中的应用伐木作业劳动强度大、条件恶劣,易发生事故和导致职业病。自60年代起国外陆续应用人类工效学改善伐木作业…  相似文献   

对机械行业工人的慢性肌肉骨骼损伤进行了工效学分析。结果表明,目前我国机械行业工人主要存在的工效学问题是:坐椅高度和坐位工作台高度较高,正常作业范围过大,同一动作持续工作时间过长、劳动时间率偏高、工中休息时间偏少。建议根据有关法规和标准,采取工效学改进措施  相似文献   

张敏  鲁洋 《劳动保护》2014,(4):109-111
<正>《工效学检查要点》(第二版)包括132项检查要点,涵盖了企业工作场所中工效学9大方面的主要问题和相应的干预措施。《工效学检查要点》(第二版)包括132项检查要点,涵盖了企业工作场所中存在的物料储存和处理、手持工具、机械安全、工作台设计、照明、厂房、有害物质和有害因素、辅助(福利)设施、工作组织等工效学9大方面的主要问题和相应的干预措施。工效学检查表是按照《工效学检查要点》全部标题列出的132项检查要点,使用者可使用整个检查表或仅使用与自己工作场所有关的检查项目。  相似文献   

<正>人类工效学(Ergonomics)是根据人的心理、生理和身体结构等因素,研究人、机械、环境相互间的合理关系,以保证人们安全、健康、舒适地工作并取得满意工作效果的学科。人类工效学也被称为人因工程学、人机工效学、人体工程学、工程心理学等。人类工效学在我国起步较晚,中国人类工效学学会成立于1989年,近些年虽然发展非常迅速,但总的来说,人类工效学在我国还不普及,研究项目比较有限,人机工效的意识较淡薄,在社会上影响不大。2015年3月3—17日,根据《中日JICA加强职业卫生能力建设》项目的安排,国家安全监管总局职业健  相似文献   

由国际人类工效学协会发起,韩国人类工效学协会组织的第三届泛亚太地区人类工效学会议于1994年11月13—17日在韩国汉城召开,会议主题是生活质量的人类工效学。这是一次国际范围的研讨会,相关的学科领域是生物力学、工作物理、环境设计、人机关系、人体测量、人与系统的可靠性、人类老化等。这次会议将有助于人类工效学  相似文献   

1前言2002年7月,济钢职业安全健康管理体系建立并运行,接连出现2次工亡事故,问题到底出在哪里?到底怎样分析认识所发生的事故,应该做哪些预防工作呢?那种认为OSHMS建立起来,事故就可轻而易举避免的想法,是不切合实际的。本文从管理工效学角度,分析济钢意外事故预防和OSHMS持续改进问题。工效学主要是研究人、机器、环境这三者之间的相互作用,如何适当设计安排求得最佳的工作效果,同时,保证人的安全、健康和舒适。管理工效学是工效学的一个重要分支。它侧重研究与管理工程学有关的工效学问题,从工效学的基本原则出发,以企业现场的作业者…  相似文献   

张敏  鲁洋 《劳动保护》2014,(3):116-117
<正>《工效学检查要点》(2010年第二版)是由国际劳工局和国际工效学学会联合编写的,为提高职业安全卫生水平和改善工作条件提供了实用、易于实施的解决方案。该手册汇编了132项工效学检查要点,适用于各行各业。本栏目将分期对第二版中新增的、代表国际职业安全卫生最新需求和趋势的20项工效学检查要点进行重点解读。  相似文献   

对汽车组装流水线作业工人的作业体位、人机测量、劳动状况和生产环境的调查结果表明,过分低头、向前弯腰、手抬高过肩、手抬高过头、长时间站立、工作时间率较高、工作场所照度不足以及噪声值超标可能是存在的主要工效学问题,是导致慢性肌肉骨骼损伤的重要因素,应根据有关标准和法规,采取相应的劳动保护和工效学改进措施  相似文献   

劳动部人事部对《国务院关于职工工作时间的规定》的说明《国务院关于职工工作时间的规定》(以下简称《规定》)已经发布。今年3月1日就要实行职工每日工作8小时,平均每周工作44小时的工时制度了。这是适应建立社会主义市场经济体制和深化改革的一项重要举措,对于...  相似文献   

Effects of an office ergonomics workplace and training intervention on workers’ knowledge and self-reported musculoskeletal pain and discomfort were investigated. An instructional systems design process was used to develop an office ergonomics training program and the evaluation tools used to measure the effectiveness of the training program on workers’ office ergonomics knowledge and skills. It was hypothesized that the training and workplace intervention would allow the worker to more effectively use their workplace through increased office ergonomics knowledge and skills. Following the intervention, there was a significant increase in workers’ office ergonomics knowledge and awareness. Self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders significantly decreased for the group who had a workplace change and received ergonomic training relative to a workplace change-only group and a no intervention control group.  相似文献   

电视机和有线通讯设备的生产,均采用流水线作业方式,390名生产工人的主要慢性肌肉骨骼损伤有手疲劳、右臂疲劳及肩痛,与对照人群比较,P〈0.05差异显著。手痛、腕痛、颈痛及上下背痛虽多于对照人群,但无统计学意义,这与Laopajarri和shihan 等报告不同,这可能与当时工厂定额相对较低,全天纯劳动工时相对短有关  相似文献   

为了探讨工作场所职业工效管理的基本策略和方法,在概述职业工效相关因素类别、相互关联及评价方法等基础上,提出基于职业病危害防治要求、风险管理理念和管理体系建设模式的职业工效不良因素干预管理的初步策略及实施要点。研究结果表明:工作场所职业工效相关因素包括个体特征、工艺设备及其布局、工作系统设计、作业环境、作业管理和社会心理因素等,不同因素间存在直接或间接的相互影响,并最终影响到微观层面劳动者职业活动的工效特点及宏观层面工作场所整体的职业工效特征;实施有效的职业工效管理,在于科学辨识、评估不良职业工效因素的基础上,进一步在职业病危害预防控制的不同阶段采取合理可行的管理方法进行干预,并持续改进。  相似文献   

从调查316名汽车组装流水线作业工人的慢性肌肉损伤情况中发现,其主要不适有右手或右肩的疲劳、下背痛、手腕压痛、前臂压痛及下背压痛等。汽车组装流水作业工人的这些症状和体征与其工作时右上肢活动明显多于左上肢及常处于前倾弯腰体位有关  相似文献   

This paper outlines the importance of ergonomics in engineering design. It describes some of the cost benefits and principles underlying the application of ergonomics. The practical impact of the latter has become increasingly important in the light of European directives which are likely to have a substantial impact on the way engineers design. Three ergonomics case studies are described, the first two illustrate ways of identifying costs of poor ergonomics and the cost benefits of redesign using ergonomics principles. The third illustrates work which led to engineers redesigning assembly line workstations and ergonomics becoming an important part of manufacturing design. The background to this was concern about an increase in cases of Upper Limb Disorders (ULDs) and recognition that ergonomic advice was needed to find the source of problems and help in finding design options. Ergonomists were brought in and helped in identifying problems with workstations and tools. Final designs were developed by the company's own engineers based on the ergonomic study and reduced incidence of ULDs has been reported. Photographs showing examples before and after redesign can be found in the Health and Safety Executive's notes of guidance published in 1990, and some issues surrounding the nature of the detailed design solutions are discussed here. The impact of the ergonomics contribution resulted in engineers being trained in ergonomics so that it could be implemented on a routine basis throughout the site.  相似文献   

The study aimed to conduct an ergonomic intervention on a conventional line (CL) in a semiconductor factory in Malaysia, an industrially developing country (IDC), to improve workers’ occupational health and safety (OHS). Low-cost and simple (LCS) ergonomics methods were used (suitable for IDCs), e.g., subjective assessment, direct observation, use of archival data and assessment of noise. It was found that workers were facing noise irritation, neck and back pains and headache in the various processes in the CL. LCS ergonomic interventions to rectify the problems included installing noise insulating covers, providing earplugs, installing elevated platforms, slanting visual display terminals and installing extra exhaust fans. The interventions cost less than 3 000 USD but they significantly improved workers’ OHS, which directly correlated with an improvement in working conditions and job satisfaction. The findings are useful in solving OHS problems in electronics industries in IDCs as they share similar manufacturing processes, problems and limitations.  相似文献   

Psychological and physiological stress responses of 36 male and 29 female assembly workers were examined during and after work at a car engine factory. Two different ways of organizing assembly work were compared, (1) a more traditional assembly line with fixed work stations organized as a chain and involving short repetitive work cycles and, (2) a new and more flexible work organization with small autonomous groups having greater opportunities to influence the pace and content of their work. Each worker was examined during and after a normal day at work on 2 consecutive days and, in order to obtain endocrine baseline data, during a corresponding work‐free period at home. As expected, both female and male workers in the flexible organization reported significantly more variation, independence and abilities to learn new skills at work. Workers in both forms of work organization showed a significant increase in urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine during work compared to the work‐free day at home. Males had significantly higher epinephrine and systolic blood pressure levels than females. Successive self‐reports of tiredness increased significantly more at the assembly line compared to the flexible work organization. In keeping with this, systolic blood pressure, heart rate and epinephrine increased significantly during the work shift at the assembly line but not during work in the flexible organization. Catecholamine levels revealed that the subjects were able to unwind more rapidly after work in the flexible organization. This pattern was particularly pronounced for the female workers. In summary, the various stress indicators support the notion that the flexible work organization induces less stress than the assembly line and that the female workers were able to benefit most from this new form of work organization. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用NCTB测验对187名流水线作业工人测试,结果表明工人的情绪状态变得更焦虑、愤怒、抑郁、易疲劳。反映记忆力、感知/运动速度、心理运动稳定性、视反应速度对神经行为功能与劳动强度与工龄呈负相关。这与工人反映的头痛、头昏、多梦、记忆力下降等症状增多一致  相似文献   

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