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服装行业缝纫工作工效学调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对服装行业缝纫工种工人的慢性肌肉骨骼损伤进行了工效学分析。结果表明,目前缝纫工主要存在的工效学问题是:坐位工作台均偏高,工作椅也普遍较高,同一动作持续工作时间过长(平均大于1小时),8小时工作日休息时间过短(平均仅为30分钟)。建议根据有关标准和法规,采取相应改进措施  相似文献   

对汽车组装流水线作业工人的作业体位、人机测量、劳动状况和生产环境的调查结果表明,过分低头、向前弯腰、手抬高过肩、手抬高过头、长时间站立、工作时间率较高、工作场所照度不足以及噪声值超标可能是存在的主要工效学问题,是导致慢性肌肉骨骼损伤的重要因素,应根据有关标准和法规,采取相应的劳动保护和工效学改进措施  相似文献   

对电视机和有线通讯设备流水线作业工人的肌肉骨骼损伤进行了人类工效学分析。结果表明,过分低头、向前弯腰、手抬高过肩,长久坐位、同一动作持续时间过长以及工中休息时间太短,可能是造成工人肌肉骨骼损伤的主要原因  相似文献   

调查结果表明,以手工操作的我国邮局信件分拣工种主要存在工效学的问题是强迫体位(如过多低头、前弯腰、侧弯腰等),工作单调且具有高频率,同一动作持续时间过长,劳动定额较大以及生理心理负荷较重等。建议采取有效劳保措施,保障分拣工人健康,以提高信件分拣效率  相似文献   

服装生理学评价方法是指通过人体在特定的活动水平和环境条件下,穿着不同种类服装时生理参数的变化评价服装舒适性的一种客观方法。它作为服装工效学研究的重要手段之一,多年来一直受到国外服装科学界的高度重视和关注。到目前无论其测试项目、测试方法还是测试仪器都已达到了标准化程度而普遍被采用于服装工效学的研究领域中。我国在这方面起步较晚,近几年才开始相继进行研究和应用。为此,笔者依据近年来科研体会,从实际应用角度出发,对与服装工效学研究有关的服装生理学评价指标及其测试技术进行了总结,目的在于推动我国服装工效学的进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

人类工效学是使工作与人、物、环境相适应的科学,是对工作进行研究、测量和组织,以使人类有目的的活动取得最优的效果。内容包括:关心工人的要求,保证工人能高效率地工作;消除对健康的长期的有害影响;使事故危险降低到最低限度。简言之,即高效、健康、安全。  相似文献   

张敏  鲁洋 《劳动保护》2014,(4):109-111
<正>《工效学检查要点》(第二版)包括132项检查要点,涵盖了企业工作场所中工效学9大方面的主要问题和相应的干预措施。《工效学检查要点》(第二版)包括132项检查要点,涵盖了企业工作场所中存在的物料储存和处理、手持工具、机械安全、工作台设计、照明、厂房、有害物质和有害因素、辅助(福利)设施、工作组织等工效学9大方面的主要问题和相应的干预措施。工效学检查表是按照《工效学检查要点》全部标题列出的132项检查要点,使用者可使用整个检查表或仅使用与自己工作场所有关的检查项目。  相似文献   

由冶金工业部安全环保研究院主办的第二届泛太地区职业人类工效学会议于1992年11月1~5日在武汉市召开。来自12个国家和地区的112名代表出席了这次大会,其中包括国际人类工效学协会主席,日本人间工学会国际部部长,第一届泛太地区职业人类工效学会议秘书长,韩国人类工效学学会会长和副会长,东南亚人类工效学协会主席,中国人类工效学学会主席和副主席。  相似文献   

张敏  鲁洋 《劳动保护》2014,(3):116-117
<正>《工效学检查要点》(2010年第二版)是由国际劳工局和国际工效学学会联合编写的,为提高职业安全卫生水平和改善工作条件提供了实用、易于实施的解决方案。该手册汇编了132项工效学检查要点,适用于各行各业。本栏目将分期对第二版中新增的、代表国际职业安全卫生最新需求和趋势的20项工效学检查要点进行重点解读。  相似文献   

为准确评估和预测机务维修人员工作负荷,结合机务人员的受力、姿势、能耗等工效学因素,首先以任务所需时间资源与可用时间资源之比为主评估量,以能量消耗率及工效学负荷为修正因子,建立机务维修工作负荷评估模型;其次应用工效学仿真软件Simens JACK 8. 4(简称JACK)仿真模拟得到模型中的工作所需时间和修正因子,并提出基于机务维修工作负荷评估模型和JACK仿真软件的机务人员工作负荷评估方法;最后用该方法仿真评估A320主轮拆卸作业工作负荷。研究表明:所提方法能够弥补现有民航机务人员工作负荷评估方法中存在的实验室化严重、操作性差、主观性强、预测困难等不足,可方便有效地评估及预测维修人员工作负荷。  相似文献   

机械加工作业十分普遍,通过对140名机加工工人的调查,发现手、腕、臂、肩、颈和上背的疼痛及腕、上臂和上背的压痛与对照人群比,P< 0.05差异明显,下背酸痛虽较对照人群高,但无统计学意义。这可能与机械加工时需取低头、颈前弯、上背前倾体位及勿需常弯腰等因素有关  相似文献   

This study focused on developing a new approach to seated work positions as conducted on 67 office workers who use a Visual Display Terminal (VDT) as a major function of their working day. Muscle tension was measured by surface electromyography (sEMG) while participants were asked to adopt 4 selected working postures. Pain was measured before and after ergonomic intervention on the Nordic scale, which was modified for this study. Adjustable workstations were used to place participants in desired positions during the clinical testing sessions and the extended intervention period. Results indicate the effects of this ergonomic intervention may have positive effects on muscle tension and pain, significant enough to encourage employers to implement training and workstation modifications following these guidelines.  相似文献   

In semi-trailer assembly, workers are exposed to several physical risk factors. Awkward working postures have not yet been investigated in semi-trailer assembly, although they are known to be a major risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders. We therefore conducted a comprehensive ergonomic analysis of working postures using the Ovako working posture analysing system (OWAS), with an individual sampling strategy. The postural load in semi-trailer assembly was assessed on the basis of 20,601 observations of 63 workers executing a representative set of nine work tasks. According to the OWAS, the postural load of various working postures and body part positions may have a harmful effect on the musculoskeletal system. We therefore give examples of corrective measures that could improve awkward working postures. Applying an individual sampling strategy was revealed to have advantages over a collective strategy, so this is recommended for future ergonomic analyses.  相似文献   

The study aimed to conduct an ergonomic intervention on a conventional line (CL) in a semiconductor factory in Malaysia, an industrially developing country (IDC), to improve workers’ occupational health and safety (OHS). Low-cost and simple (LCS) ergonomics methods were used (suitable for IDCs), e.g., subjective assessment, direct observation, use of archival data and assessment of noise. It was found that workers were facing noise irritation, neck and back pains and headache in the various processes in the CL. LCS ergonomic interventions to rectify the problems included installing noise insulating covers, providing earplugs, installing elevated platforms, slanting visual display terminals and installing extra exhaust fans. The interventions cost less than 3 000 USD but they significantly improved workers’ OHS, which directly correlated with an improvement in working conditions and job satisfaction. The findings are useful in solving OHS problems in electronics industries in IDCs as they share similar manufacturing processes, problems and limitations.  相似文献   

采场作业环境安全灰色评价及应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
作业环境研究是人机工程学的一个重要方面,作业环境质量的好坏直接影响作业的效率,同时还关系到作业人员的人身健康与安全。在采场作业环境下,作业人员在一个受限的空间范围内作业,作业环境的安全问题成为影响作业人员人身健康甚至生命安全的重要方面,科学合理地评价其安全状况对改善室内环境安全具有重要意义。由于影响采场作业环境安全状况的因素复杂,这些因素具有模糊性、不确定性,具有典型的灰色特征,本文运用灰色理论的灰色关联分析对采场作业环境的安全状况进行综合评价,并用实例分析进行说明,从而为管理者提供辅助决策,实现采场作业环境的安全、高效。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the rate of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) in the upper body and to describe the associations of such disorders with ergonomic parameters in a group of data entry operators. A total of 173 data entry operators volunteered to take part in the study. Questionnaires were used to investigate their medical history. Diagnoses of CTDs were made with clinical tests. A visual posture analysis of the workers and an ergonomic analysis of workstations and workload were used to reveal risk factors. Neck and shoulder pain, extensor tendonitis of the wrists and De Quervain’s disease were common in the study population. An assessment of risk factors showed that leaning wrists on the keyboard, hard keystrokes, extreme wrist joint and thumb positions and working in poor ergonomic design were correlated to pain and development of CTDs.  相似文献   

Each day thousands of workers suffer occupational accidents of varying degrees of severity. Accidents at work render workers incapable of carrying out their day to day activities, either temporarily or permanently, and they also have detrimental effects on family life, the company, and the general public. In order to reduce the occupational accident rate, it is necessary to determine the causes of those accidents. Although there are many different types of accidents, they generally stem from poor working conditions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of working conditions on occupational accidents from data gathered in the VI National Survey of Working Conditions (VI NSWCs) in 2007. This survey utilized a random sample of the active population of Spain. The sample comprised 11,054 people (5917 males and 5137 females). In order to carry out the study, a probabilistic model was built using Bayesian networks. The model included the following variables: hygiene conditions, ergonomic conditions, job demands, physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, and occupational accidents. The study demonstrated that there were strong relationships between hygiene conditions and occupational accidents; it has been shown that poor hygienic conditions duplicate the probability of accident. Physical symptoms increased almost 50% due to poor ergonomic conditions. And finally, high job demands almost duplicated the psychological symptoms. The investigation also showed a high degree of interdependence between physical and psychological symptomatologies and the relationship between these and occupational accidents.  相似文献   

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