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对275名邮局分拣工的调查发现,其慢性肌肉骨骼损伤主要涉及手、腕、臂、肩、上背及下背,与对照人群比较,P〈0.05,差别显著。另外腱鞘囊肿的检出率达4.73% ,明显高于对照人群  相似文献   

缝纫工慢性肌肉骨骼损伤的调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
缝纫流水线作业工人的慢性肌肉骨骼损伤十分普遍,且涉及面广,如手、腕、肘、臂、肩、颈、背及下肢,其症状与对照人群比,有显著差异。这与他们的工作紧张、工作时间率过多、工中休息时间过少、坐椅过高、工作台面过高及过度低头、向前弯腰等因素有关  相似文献   

电视机和有线通讯设备的生产,均采用流水线作业方式,390名生产工人的主要慢性肌肉骨骼损伤有手疲劳、右臂疲劳及肩痛,与对照人群比较,P〈0.05差异显著。手痛、腕痛、颈痛及上下背痛虽多于对照人群,但无统计学意义,这与Laopajarri和shihan 等报告不同,这可能与当时工厂定额相对较低,全天纯劳动工时相对短有关  相似文献   

缝纫流水线作业工人的慢性肌肉骨髂损伤十分普遍,且涉及面广,如手、腕、肘、臂肩、颈、背及下肢,其症状与对照给群比,有显著差异。这与他们的工作紧张、工作时间率过多、工中休息时间过少、坐椅过高、工作台面过高及过度低头、向前弯腰等因素有关。  相似文献   

电视机和有线通讯设备的生产,均采和流水线作业方式,390名生产工人的主要慢性肌肉骨骼损伤有手疲劳、右臂疲劳及肩痛,与对照人群比较,P(0.05差异显著。手痛、腕痛、颈痛及上下背痛虽多于对照人九,但无统计学意义,这与Laopajarri和shihan等报告不同,这可能与当时工厂定额相对较低,全天纯劳动工时相对短有关。  相似文献   

232名微机操作人员的慢性肌肉骨骼损伤表现为肩、颈、一背的酸痛和肩疲劳,与对照组比差异显著。手、腕及上肢的慢性损伤虽较对照组高,但无统计学意义。这与他们的击键次数相对较少,但需长期间保持低头及向前弯腰的坐位姿势及工作台面大高等因素有关。  相似文献   

232名微机操作人员的慢性肌肉骨骼损伤表现为肩、颈、下背的酸痛和肩疲劳,与对照组比差异显著。手、腕及上肢的慢性损伤虽较对照组高,但无统计学意义。这与他们的击键次数相对较少(每日10000次左右),但需长期间保持低头及向前弯腰的坐位姿势及工作台面太高等因素有关  相似文献   

本保健操是为防治缝纫工人“颈肩腕综合症”而设计编制的,共分九节,即:伸展运动、上肢运动、体侧运动、体转运动、腹背运动、腕关节运动、腰部运动、全身运动和呼吸运动  相似文献   

通过对煤层、表面活性剂性质的分析研究,确定了适应煤层注水使用的表面活性剂类型;通过煤样吸液速度与表面活性剂分子结构关系的研究,提出了螺层吸水速度不仅与表面活性剂的表面张力和接触角有关,而且还与其分子结构和煤层的基本结构单元及组份有关的观点。  相似文献   

铝和镁制成细小粒状粉末后,其总表面积增大,极容易与氧发生反应导致燃烧爆炸。原国家安全监管总局发布的《铝镁制品机械加工粉尘防爆安全技术规范》(AQ4272-2016)针对铝镁制品机械加工企业的粉尘爆炸环境危险区域、建(构)筑物的布局与结构、防火及消防设施、电气防爆安全、除尘系统防爆安全、机械加工设备安全、作业安全、粉尘清理、安全管理等方面做了规定和要求,为铝镁制品机械加工企业,做好粉尘防爆工作提供了指南。  相似文献   

从调查316名汽车组装流水线作业工人的慢性肌肉损伤情况中发现,其主要不适有右手或右肩的疲劳、下背痛、手腕压痛、前臂压痛及下背压痛等。汽车组装流水作业工人的这些症状和体征与其工作时右上肢活动明显多于左上肢及常处于前倾弯腰体位有关  相似文献   

对汽车组装流水线作业工人的作业体位、人机测量、劳动状况和生产环境的调查结果表明,过分低头、向前弯腰、手抬高过肩、手抬高过头、长时间站立、工作时间率较高、工作场所照度不足以及噪声值超标可能是存在的主要工效学问题,是导致慢性肌肉骨骼损伤的重要因素,应根据有关标准和法规,采取相应的劳动保护和工效学改进措施  相似文献   

Self-report measures of musculoskeletal discomfort are a widely used and generally accepted risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders in epidemiologic research. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in packing workers. A cross-sectional study of 75 workers was carried out using a modified Nordic questionnaire. Prevalence was determined with the percentage of positive responses to questions on musculoskeletal symptoms. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were the measures of association between prevalent musculoskeletal symptoms and demographic factors; they were determined with logistic regression. Most musculoskeletal symptoms in workers were from the low back (44.0%), shoulders (33.3%) and neck (32.0%). Years worked were strongly significantly associated with musculoskeletal symptoms and pain in the neck, shoulders and wrists/hands, P< .001-.050. Hazards related to repetitive movements and discomfort postures could be reduced with stretching exercises, rotation schedules and through new engineering solutions.  相似文献   

This study investigated musculoskeletal symptoms among sanitation workers of a fish-processing factory. The methods used included administration of a questionnaire, walk through observation, interview, task analysis and future workshop. All 27 male participants answered and submitted their questionnaires. Of the 11 operations identified, all except one was considered safe. Bent back, bent legs, and heavy manual handling were observed to impose intolerable health risk on participants. This corresponds with questionnaire results in which musculoskeletal symptoms were mostly prevalent in the neck, the shoulder, the low back, the wrists/hands and the upper back regions. Poor psychosocial complaints were also made on the job. There was no significant correlation (p < .05) between musculoskeletal symptoms and age, working hours and length of service. Neither was any significant correlation observed (p < .05) between psychosocial work factors and musculoskeletal symptoms. Recommendations such as task redesign to eliminate high-risk elements in operations, workplace changes and worker training were suggested.  相似文献   

This paper presents 2 musculoskeletal disorders questionnaire surveys in 10 different Chinese occupational groups. Data collected from 1,603 workers using a modified Nordic musculoskeletal disorders symptom questionnaire showed that the 12-month prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly in the low back and shoulder-neck regions, was high at many Chinese workplaces. Significant differences existed between occupational groups. Assembly workers usually had higher neck-shoulder complaints compared to workers in most other occupations. However, the nature of assembly seemed also to influence the prevalence rate. Workers at a cassette recorder and a TV set assembly plant appeared to have more neck complaints compared with a group of thermos flask assemblers.  相似文献   

Occupational injuries pose a major problem in workplaces where computers are widely used. Intensive, repetitive and long period computer use results in costly health problems (direct cost), and lost productivity (indirect cost). Yet, the effect of musculoskeletal discomfort and their frequencies associated with the use of computers have not received considerable attention. This paper presents the findings of a risk assessment model through a scientific research to determine the effect of discomfort factors that contribute to musculoskeletal disorders resulting from intensive use of computers in the workplaces. In this context a questionnaire was given to 130 intensive computer users working in the university sector. A list of significant predictor variables for musculoskeletal disorders was developed to assess and analyze workplace ergonomics, worker attitudes and experiences on computer keyboard and mouse. The main focus of the current research is to seek and provide evidence that symptoms of musculoskeletal discomfort and the frequency of these symptoms are significant in the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). This study provides the evidence that, ache and pain are the most common types of discomforts in all body regions. The discomforts were more pronounced at neck, shoulder, upper back, hand/wrist, and lower back regions. The risk factors determined by the risk assessment model were validated through ANOVA of the sEMG records for the control and test groups. The findings indicated that for each test group respondent, the mean musculoskeletal strain experienced differs in time, but the same is not true for the control group.  相似文献   

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