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田晨 《世界环境》2008,(3):56-57
众所周知,二氧化碳排放是导致全球气候变暖的“罪魁祸首”,对碳排放的控制也已经成为国际间的重要事务。其实,控制碳排放不仅是国家大事,也与每个普通百姓的日常生活息息相关。那么,做一顿饭菜,喝一杯热果汁,洗一次澡……这些每天发生的“小事”会产生多少二氧化碳,家庭又如何计算并减少碳排放?日前,在南京启动的“2008年社区1000家庭碳排放调查及公众教育项目”也许会给我们很多启发。  相似文献   

本文基于外训课堂口译的基本特点,从政治敏感性、受众的接受度、信息整合以及本土术语国际化等四个方面阐述了外训课堂口译的总体策略,以期为外训课堂口译实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文运用类比方法,在立体几何中,导出了三棱台的一个分割定理及其推论和推广。作为一种教学实践活动,在此试图展现类比过程的思维活动及探索的方向,以期对数学教学工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

重庆三峡库区生态补偿标准差别化模型构建及应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态补偿是当前国际公认的重要的生态环境保护手段,但如何表征、量化和确定生态补偿标准,完善生态补偿机制,仍是当前生态补偿研究中的一个重要而未解决的问题.本研究以重庆三峡库区后续发展过程中不同本底类型的典型样区为研究对象,通过对重庆三峡库区各区域的自然和经济条件的分析,基于生态系统服务价值法和机会成本法,构建生态补偿标准化模型,引入差异系数,对重庆三峡库区各区域的生态补偿标准进行测算,科学制定各区域生态补偿分配标准.结果表明:位于库区西南段的主城区(包括渝北区、江北区、渝中区、江津区和北碚区等),这些区域经济实力雄厚,社会经济差异系数较大,但由于机会成本较低,受到自然价值和区域公平差异系数的影响较小,所以最终生态补偿额度比较低;三峡库区北段(巫山县、巫溪县、云阳县、奉节县和开县)的生态补偿额度较高,主要原因是机会成本大,受差异系数影响,理论损失成本大,但在这些地区的自然资源比较丰富,适合开展旅游行业,增加经济收入,缩小与其他区县的社会经济差距.  相似文献   

研究海洋环境质量生物标准的意义及其内容   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
阐述研究制订海洋环境质量生物标准的必要性和重要意义,介绍生物标准应用的概况和国际上应用的鱼贝类污染物含量标准。依据海洋污染研究进展和我国海洋监测管理水平,探讨我国生物标准制订的内容,提出宜选用海洋双壳类,以有毒污染物含量以及微生物污染指标和赤潮毒素等为主要内容,研究制订适应我国国情的生物标准  相似文献   

易雯 《环境保护》2004,(8):10-11
《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838—2002)》自实施以来,发现在实际运用中存在一些问题,影响了标准的严谨性、科学性和可操作性,本文对此进行了探讨并提出了粗浅的看法和建议。  相似文献   

针对我国锑水生生物水质基准缺乏的问题,收集筛选了锑对淡水水生生物的急性和慢性毒性数据,使用评价因子法、毒性百分数排序法和物种敏感度分布法分别推导我国锑的淡水水质基准,通过综合分析和比较,选择物种敏感度分布法推导的急性和慢性的水质基准值(466.62μg/L和88.71μg/L)作为最终的基准推荐值.通过与国内外现有锑相关水质标准进行比较,提出在我国相关水质标准修订中分别制定保护水生生物和人体健康水质标准的建议,避免水质标准对水生生物的"过保护"问题.  相似文献   

There has been much debate about the assessment process of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Yet two of the most fundamental challenges that directly threaten the ability of the IPCC to fulfill its mandate have been largely neglected so far. Firstly, the magnitude and rapid expansion of the climate change literature makes it increasingly impossible for the IPCC to conduct comprehensive and transparent assessments without major innovations in assessment practices and tools. Secondly, the structure, organization and scientific practices across the social sciences and humanities prohibit systematic learning on climate change solutions and increasingly limit the policy-relevance of IPCC assessments. We highlight the need for responses along three avenues to prepare the IPCC for continued success in the future: 1) IPCC assessments must make better use of big-data methods and available computational power to assess the growing body of literature and ensure comprehensiveness; 2) systematic review practices need to be enshrined into IPCC procedures to ensure adequate focus and transparency in its assessments; 3) a synthetic research culture needs to be established in the social sciences and humanities in order to foster knowledge accumulation and learning on climate solutions in the future. As policymakers become more interested in understanding solutions, the future prospects of global environmental assessment enterprises will depend heavily on a successful transformation within the social sciences and humanities towards systematic knowledge generation. This article is part of a special issue on solution-oriented Global Environmental Assessments.  相似文献   

森林环境中空气负离子浓度分级标准   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
利用在不同森林环境中测得的大量空气负离子浓度数据,采用标准对数正态变换法,制定出森林环境中空气负离子浓度的分级评价标准.将森林环境中空气负离子浓度水平分为6个等级,即大于3000个/cm3为Ⅰ级,2000~3000个/cm3为Ⅱ级,1500~2000个/cm3为Ⅲ级,1000~1500个/cm3为Ⅳ级,400~1000个/cm3为Ⅴ级,400个/cm3以下为Ⅵ级.利用该标准,对北京小龙门森林公园及广州流溪河国家森林公园主要景区空气负离子状况进行了评价.  相似文献   

Transdisciplinary models of research are increasingly upheld as the gold standard of collaborative science to solve complex social and environmental problems, promising to ‘close the gap’ between knowledge and action, inject science with greater accountability, democratic participation, and include stakeholders as practitioners of research. Absent in transdisciplinary models are more ‘risky’ questions of relevance, subject positionality, and the lived encounters between researchers and stakeholders. Who are the ‘holders’ and who determines the ‘stakes’? This article examines how notions of roles, typologies, and effectiveness constrain relationships between researchers and stakeholders; and document the ways in which research teams, shot through with these tensions, in turn develop new roles, typologies, and markers of ‘success’. In drawing on recent philosophical scholarship on social science practices, we argue that relevance in transdisciplinary research cannot rest on typologies, logics, and templates of collaboration in which effectiveness is determined in advance. The growing business of team science and its predictive aspirations risk rendering transdisciplinary research irrelevant if its practitioners do not loosen the grip on realist perspectives on stakeholder roles, research outcomes, and metrics of success. Instead, we argue for the development of skills for paying attention to the categories, friction, and tensions that are provoked by collaborative interactions, discourses, and techniques with stakeholders. Environmental researchers must learn to be responsive to the durable existence of stakeholders and seek to develop the means to reveal what matters, and therefore is relevant, to them.  相似文献   

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