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为了给流域污染物总量控制及分配工作提供理论依据,利用SWAT模型分析了大宁河巫溪水文站控制流域污染物负荷分布特性,结果表明:耕地是泥沙和总磷污染的主要来源,泥沙和总磷负荷分别占整个流域的95%和50%以上;后溪河流域是整个流域内污染负荷最高的支流流域,泥沙贡献率为46.02%,总磷负荷贡献率为60.15%;流域西南部的土壤侵蚀现象较为严重,尤其是子流域17和20;东溪河内子流域7是总磷负荷较高的地区,应重点进行控制。 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nitrate (NO3?) loss and enrichment in water bodies caused by fertilization are a major environmental problem in agricultural areas. However, the... 相似文献
以分布式模型SWAT为研究工具,在气候、土壤等因素不变的情况下,模拟了三峡库区香溪河流域土地利用格局演变对于非点源污染的影响.研究结果表明,自20世纪80年代至2007年,研究区由土地利用所造成的非点源污染TN总体呈减少趋势,4种土地利用情景下模拟得到的年均非点源污染TN分别为1 841.60、824.86、1 790... 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Critical periods (CPs) and critical source areas (CSAs) refer to the high-risk periods and areas of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution in a watershed,... 相似文献
Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) are used in numerous applications, mainly as surfactants, and occur ubiquitously in the environment as complex mixtures. This study was undertaken to characterize the occurrence and sources of commonly detected PFC compounds in surface waters of the Marina catchment, a watershed that drains an urbanized section of Singapore. Of the 19 target PFCs, 13 were detected with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (5-31 ng L −1) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) (1-156 ng L −1) being the dominant components. Other compounds detected included perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (C7-C12) and perfluoroalkyl sulfonates (C6 and C8). Sulfonamide compounds detected 2-(N-ethylperfluorooctanesulfonamido) acetic acid (N-EtFOSAA), 2-(N-methylperfluorooctanesulfonamido) acetic acid (N-MeFOSAA), perfluorooctanesulfonamido acetic acid (FOSAA) and perfluorooctanesulfonamide (FOSA) were putative transformation products of N-EtFOSE and N-MeFOSE, the N-ethylated and N-methylated ethyl alcohol derivatives, respectively. Surface water concentrations were generally higher during dry weather than during storm water flow: the median concentrations of total PFCs in dry and wet weather were 57 and 138 ng L −1 compared to 42 and 79 ng L −1, respectively, at Stamford and Alexandra canal, suggesting the presence of a continuous source(s) which is subject to dilution during storm events. In rain water, median concentrations were 6.4 ng L −1, suggesting rain contributed from 12-25% to the total PFC load for non-point source sites. The longitudinal concentration profile along one of the canals revealed a point source of sulfonated PFCs (PFOS), believed to originate from aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF). Sources were characterized using principal component analysis (PCA) and by plotting PFHxS/PFOA against PFOS/PFOA. Typical surface waters exhibit PFOS/PFOA and PFHxS/PFOA ratios below 0.9 and 0.5, respectively. PCA plots reveal waters impacted by “non-typical” PFC sources in Alexandra canal. 相似文献
Application of excess nutrients, such as fertilizers, is a significant and sometimes even major component of groundwater pollution. Diffuse inputs of nutrients and contaminants to the groundwater are related to runoff generated from precipitation on a catchment. This implies that the analysis of diffuse fluxes from the land surface to the groundwater requires an analysis of water fluxes for a catchment. This requires the simulation and modelling of total runoff, groundwater recharge, and plant-available water as a function of the regional interaction of the climate, soil, hydrogeology, topography and land-use conditions in the river basin. A model has been developed for large river basins in India, and has been applied to the Upper Yamuna basin, to quantify the exchange probability of plant-available soil water, which can be taken as a measure to determine the nutrient and contaminant leaching risk of a site. It was found that, with the available large-scale databases and methods, regional patterns of the total runoff could be simulated successfully. In this way, about 75001km² of the total 121000 km² of the Upper Yamuna basin was classified as an area sensitive to nutrient and contaminant leaching. 相似文献
为了阐明水源水库沉积物营养盐释放对水体富营养化的贡献,以周村水库为研究对象,探讨沉积物间隙水中氮、磷营养盐的分布特征,同时采用Fick第一定律对沉积物-水界面营养盐的扩散通量进行了估算。周村水库表层沉积物间隙水中NH4+-N的浓度为6.47 to 16.82 mg·L-1,PO43--P的浓度在0.13 to 0.56 mg·L-1之间,均远高于上覆水中的营养盐浓度,表明周村水库表层沉积物具有很大的营养盐释放潜能。Fick第一定律的计算结果表明,沉积物-水界面NH4+-N与PO43--P的扩散通量分别为62.831 to 133.231和0.364 to 1.271 mg·(m2·d)-1,研究区域中间隙水中的营养盐均由沉积物向上覆水扩散,沉积物是底层水体营养盐的重要来源。 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Concentration of dissolved aromatic and halogenated non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) was estimated in sewage flowing through the open... 相似文献
This paper presents a modeling analysis of airborne mercury (Hg) deposited on the Ochlockonee River watershed located in Georgia. Atmospheric deposition monitoring and source attribution data were used along with simulation models to calculate Hg buildup in the subwatershed soils, its subsequent runoff loading and delivery through the tributaries, and its ultimate fate in the mainstem river. The terrestrial model calculated annual watershed yields for total Hg ranging from 0.7 to 1.1 microg/m2. Results suggest that approximately two-thirds of the atmospherically deposited Hg to the watershed is returned to the atmosphere, 10% is delivered to the river, and the rest is retained in the watershed. A check of the aquatic model results against survey data showed a reasonable agreement. Comparing observed and simulated total and methylmercury concentrations gave root mean square error values of 0.26 and 0.10 ng/L, respectively, in the water column, and 5.9 and 1 ng/g, respectively, in the upper sediment layer. Sensitivity analysis results imply that mercury in the Ochlockonee River is dominated by watershed runoff inputs and not by direct atmospheric deposition, and that methylmercury concentrations in the river are determined mainly by net methylation rates in the watershed, presumably in wetted soils and in the wetlands feeding the river. 相似文献
The source apportionment of the annual nutrient load carried by the Po river to the Adriatic sea has been studied.An integrated modelling approach was applied to the Lombardy plain area, which covers about 34% of the Po river watershed area and accounts for about 50% of the point sources’ loads carried by the river. To extract all the information available from direct instream measurements, two different modelling tools were alternatively used. The source apportionment was investigated considering both dry and wet weather scenarios. In order to quantify the apportionment in dry-weather conditions, the Lombardy portion of the Po river basin was modelled by using the US-EPA QUAL2E model. Such a simulation allowed to assess a significant contribution (about 50% of the total dry-weather load) of a not rain-driven diffuse pollution component (i.e. groundwater, springs, lake emissaries). Moreover, to estimate the rain-driven surface runoff contribution to the instream total load, the Lombardy plain area was also modelled by means of the US-DA SWAT model. SWAT results indicate a runoff contribution to the Po river instream total load of about 10 000 t N yr −1 and 1300 t P yr −1 (i.e. approximately the 10–20% of the total annual Lombardy nutrient load). At the event scale (i.e. the single rainstorm event) the runoff contribution may rise up to 30–80% of the total instream load. Finally, the total annual nitrogen load at the Po basin closure was estimated for the period 1985–2001. Out of a total annual load of 140 000 t N yr −1, Lombardy accounts for 43% (point plus diffuse sources). The rain-driven diffuse sources constitute the 20% of the overall total load, the point sources account for 40%, whereas the remaining 40% is mainly constituted by “dry-weather diffuse sources” (i.e. groundwater, springs, lake emissaries). 相似文献
The source apportionment of the annual nutrient load carried by the Po river to the Adriatic sea has been studied. An integrated modelling approach was applied to the Lombardy plain area, which covers about 34% of the Po river watershed area and accounts for about 50% of the point sources’ loads carried by the river. To extract all the information available from direct instream measurements, two different modelling tools were alternatively used. The source apportionment was investigated considering both dry and wet weather scenarios. In order to quantify the apportionment in dry-weather conditions, the Lombardy portion of the Po river basin was modelled by using the US-EPA QUAL2E model. Such a simulation allowed to assess a significant contribution (about 50% of the total dry-weather load) of a not rain-driven diffuse pollution component (i.e. groundwater, springs, lake emissaries). Moreover, to estimate the rain-driven surface runoff contribution to the instream total load, the Lombardy plain area was also modelled by means of the US-DA SWAT model. SWAT results indicate a runoff contribution to the Po river instream total load of about 10 000 t N yr−1 and 1300 t P yr−1 (i.e. approximately the 10–20% of the total annual Lombardy nutrient load). At the event scale (i.e. the single rainstorm event) the runoff contribution may rise up to 30–80% of the total instream load. Finally, the total annual nitrogen load at the Po basin closure was estimated for the period 1985–2001. Out of a total annual load of 140 000 t N yr−1, Lombardy accounts for 43% (point plus diffuse sources). The rain-driven diffuse sources constitute the 20% of the overall total load, the point sources account for 40%, whereas the remaining 40% is mainly constituted by “dry-weather diffuse sources” (i.e. groundwater, springs, lake emissaries). 相似文献
A long-term (28-year) data set was used to investigate historical changes in concentrations of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), N:P ratios, and Secchi disk transparency in a shallow subtropical lake (Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA). The aim was to evaluate changes in the risk of N2-fixing cyanobacterial blooms, which have infrequently occurred in the lake's pelagic zone. Predictions regarding bloom risk were based on previously published N:P ratio models. Temporal trends in the biomass of cyanobacteria were evaluated using phytoplankton data collected in 1974, 1989-1992, and 1997-2000. Concentrations of pelagic total P increased from near 50 microg l-1 in the mid-1970s to over 100 microg l-1 in the late 1990s. Coincidentally, the total N:P (mass) ratio decreased from 30:1 to below 15:1, and soluble N:P ratio decreased from 15:1 to near 6:1, in the lake water. Published empirical models predict that current conditions favor cyanobacteria. The observations confirm this prediction: cyanobacteria presently account for 50-80% of total phytoplankton biovolume. The historical decrease in TN:TP ratio in the lake can be attributed to a decreased TN:TP ratio in the inflow water and to a decline in the lake's assimilation of P, relative to N. Coincident with these declines in total and soluble N:P ratios, Secchi disk transparency declined from 0.6 m to near 0.3 m, possibly due to increased mineral turbidity in the lake water. Empirical models predict that under the turbid, low irradiance conditions that prevail in this lake, non-heterocystous cyanobacteria should dominate the phytoplankton. Our observations confirmed this prediction: non-N2-fixing taxa (primarily Oscillatoria and Lyngbya spp.) typically dominated the cyanobacteria community during the last decade. The only exception was a year with very low water levels, when heterocystous N2-fixing Anabaena became dominant. In the near-shore regions of this shallow lake, low N:P ratios potentially favor blooms of N2-fixing cyanobacteria, but their occurrence in the pelagic zone is restricted by low irradiance and lack of stable stratification. 相似文献
In order to better understand air pollution in deve-loping regions, such as China, it is important to investigate the wet deposition behavior of atmospheric trace metals and its sources in the subtropical watershed. This paper studies the seasonal change of trace metal concentrations in precipitation and other potential sources in a typical subtropical watershed (Jiazhuhe watershed) located in the downstream of the Yangtze River of China. The results show that typical crustal elements (Al, Fe) and trace element (Zn) have high seasonal variation patterns and these elements have higher contents in precipitation as compared to other metals in Jiazhuhe watershed. In addition, there is no observed Pb in base flow in this study, and the concentration magnitudes of Al, Ba, Fe, Mn, Sr, and Zn in base flow are significantly higher than that of other metals. During different rainfall events, the dynamic export processes are also different for trace metals. The various trace metals dynamic export processes lead to an inconsistent mass first flush and a significant accumulative variance throughout the rainfall events. It is found that in this region, most of the trace metals in precipitation are from anthropogenic emission and marine aerosols brought by typhoon and monsoon. 相似文献
Instantaneous (discrete) and time-integrated (composed) samples were collected during a 19-week period in a watershed impacted by discontinuous discharges from local tanneries (Carpathians Mountains, Poland). Existence of the impoundment reservoir in this watershed allowed investigation of its role in chromium transport. In collected samples, dissolved and particulate chromium concentrations were measured to apportion both loads. This study has demonstrated that the impoundment reservoir retains not only particulate but also a dissolved form of chromium and its efficiency reaches 74–94 %. Sampling results proved that chromium contamination in the investigated river is variable and discontinuous. Discrete sampling can lead to an underestimation of chromium contamination level (up to 78 %), especially when illegal/unexpected discharges occur in the watershed. A discrete sampling regime also produces less reliable data for contaminant budget calculations, especially in sites where strong variability of contamination is anticipated, while at the output from reservoirs, the load can be reasonably estimated using this mode of sampling. 相似文献
Technical developments have now made it possible to emplace granular zero-valent iron (Fe(0)) in fractured media to create a Fe(0) fracture reactive barrier (Fe(0) FRB) for the treatment of contaminated groundwater. To evaluate this concept, we conducted a laboratory experiment in which trichloroethylene (TCE) contaminated water was flushed through a single uniform fracture created between two sandstone blocks. This fracture was partly filled with what was intended to be a uniform thickness of iron. Partial treatment of TCE by iron demonstrated that the concept of a Fe(0) FRB is practical, but was less than anticipated for an iron layer of uniform thickness. When the experiment was disassembled, evidence of discrete channelised flow was noted and attributed to imperfect placement of the iron. To evaluate the effect of the channel flow, an explicit Channel Model was developed that simplifies this complex flow regime into a conceptualised set of uniform and parallel channels. The mathematical representation of this conceptualisation directly accounts for (i) flow channels and immobile fluid arising from the non-uniform iron placement, (ii) mass transfer from the open fracture to iron and immobile fluid regions, and (iii) degradation in the iron regions. A favourable comparison between laboratory data and the results from the developed mathematical model suggests that the model is capable of representing TCE degradation in fractures with non-uniform iron placement. In order to apply this Channel Model concept to a Fe(0) FRB system, a simplified, or implicit, Lumped Channel Model was developed where the physical and chemical processes in the iron layer and immobile fluid regions are captured by a first-order lumped rate parameter. The performance of this Lumped Channel Model was compared to laboratory data, and benchmarked against the Channel Model. The advantages of the Lumped Channel Model are that the degradation of TCE in the system is represented by a first-order parameter that can be used directly in readily available numerical simulators. 相似文献
Dispersion and subsequent deposition of SO(2) downwind from a stationary point source are affected by several transport processes: buoyancy at the source, advection, and air turbulence en route from the source to the area of impact. In this paper, SO(2) transport processes are simulated by way of Lagrangian air parcel trajectory simulations. In these simulations, the source releases air parcels in puffs. The calculations cover both daytime and night-time conditions and take into account: (i) solar geometry, (ii) diurnal variations of wind speed and air turbulence, (iii) resistance to the transfer of SO(2) from the air to the land, and (iv) flat terrain. Deposition to the forest is determined by calculating the rate of SO(2) flux from individual air parcels to the land according to the parcel's velocity and an assumed air-to-surface SO(2) transfer coefficient. Daily cumulative SO(2) deposition rates are calculated by summing the simulated diffusional fluxes of SO(2) from air to land over each simulated time step. Daily cumulative SO(2) amounts are calculated for downwind distances from 0 to 42 km, for smokestack heights from 30 to 200 m, and for each day of the year according to historical year-round and local weather patterns representative of days with neutral conditions and days with transitions from stable to unstable conditions. Annual per hectare rates of SO(2) deposition are calculated by way of Monte Carlo simulations, according to historical patterns for daily wind, atmospheric stability, and precipitation. These simulations are calibrated for the area surrounding a coal-burning power generator at Grand Lake in south-central New Brunswick, Canada. Calculated concentrations for SO(2) were similar to those obtained with a mobile SO(2) detection unit and a SO(2)-monitoring unit 42 km NE from the emission source. Cumulative SO(2) deposition rates were reasonably similar to those obtained with PbO(2) sulfation plates. A detailed comparison revealed topography was an important factor in modifying actual cumulative SO(2) deposition rates. 相似文献
深入了解不同下垫面非点源污染物的输出特征是小流域综合治理的前提之一.以红壤丘陵地区的典型小流域为例,实地对比观测了降雨条件下林地、农业种植用地(园地和耕地)和建设用地(村镇道路和屋顶)的主要下垫面非点源磷污染物输出过程后发现,典型降雨事件中5种主要下垫面总磷(TP)的场降雨平均浓度为:耕地(0.75 mg.L-1)>园... 相似文献
The stable carbon isotope values of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and its degradation products were monitored during studies of biologically enhanced dissolution of PCE dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) to determine the effect of PCE dissolution on observed isotope values. The degradation of PCE was monitored in a 2-dimensional model aquifer and in a pilot test cell (PTC) at Dover Air Force Base, both with emplaced PCE DNAPL sources. Within the plume down gradient from the source, the isotopic fractionation of dissolved PCE and its degradation products were consistent with those observed in biodegradation laboratory studies. However, close to the source zone significant shifts in the isotope values of dissolved PCE were not observed in either the model aquifer or PTC due to the constant input of newly dissolved, non fractionated PCE, and the small isotopic fractionation associated with PCE reductive dechlorination by the mixed microbial culture used. Therefore the identification of reductive dechlorination in the presence of PCE DNAPL was based upon the appearance of daughter products and the isotope values of those daughter products. An isotope model was developed to simulate isotope values of PCE during the dissolution and degradation of PCE adjacent to a DNAPL source zone. With the exception of very high degradation rate constants (>1/day) stable carbon isotope values of PCE estimated by the model remained within error of the isotope value of the PCE DNAPL, consistent with measured isotope values in the model aquifer and in the PTC. 相似文献
Knowledge of trace element concentrations and mobility is important in the ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated soils. We analysed soil pore water under field conditions to provide new insights into the mobility of residual contaminants in the surface 50cm of a highly contaminated woodland soil. Cadmium and Zn were highly mobile in the acidic soil, concentrations increasing with depth in soil pore water, showing considerable downward mobility. High levels of surface organic matter restricted the solubility of Cu, Pb and Sb, with highest concentrations being found close to the surface. Dissolved organic carbon in pore water had a strong influence on mobility of Cu, Zn, Pb and Sb. Elevated As had moved from the organic surface horizons but was largely immobilised in deeper layers and associated with Fe and Al oxides. The measured differential mobility of pollutants in the present study is highly relevant to protection of groundwater and other receptors. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To commercialize the biocementation through microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP), the current study aimed at replacing the costly standard... 相似文献