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Heavy Metal Pollution of Surface Soil in the Thrace Region, Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstact Samples of surface soil were collected at 73 sites in the Thrace region, northwest part of Turkey. Two complementary analytical techniques, epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA) and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with flame and graphite furnace atomization were used to determine 35 elements in the soil samples. Concentrations of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined using AAS and GF AAS, and ENAA was used for the remaining 27 elements. Results for As, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu Eu, Fe, Hf, I, In, K, La, Mn, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, U, V and Zn are reported for the first time for soils from this region. The results show that concentrations of most elements were little affected by the industrial and other anthropogenic activities performed in region. Except for distinctly higher levels of Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn in Istanbul district than the median values for the Thrace region, the observed distributions seem to be mainly associated with lithogenic variations. Spatial distributions of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were plotted in relation to the concentration values in soil using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology  相似文献   

Toxic metals (Pb, Cd, As and Hg) and organochlorine residue levels were measured in hake (Merluccius merluccius) from the Marmara Sea. Biota samples were collected by a trawling cruise of the R/V ARAR in August and December 2009. The concentrations of toxic metals varied between Pb, 3.23-14.4; Cd, <0.01-2.14; Hg, 0.01-0.18 and As, 0.01-0.21 [Formula: see text]g g(-1) dry wt. Pb levels in the Marmara Sea were found to be higher than the critical limits set by the both Turkish Ministry of Environment for Aquatic Products (1 μg g(-1) wet wt.) and European countries (2.0 μg g(-1), UNEP 1985). In contrast, As and Hg levels were found to be lower than the critical limits for two periods. Cd contents of fish from the Marmara Sea were also comparable to or slightly lower than contents of fish from the Southern Black Sea Shelf. The results of organochlorine residues ranged between total HCH, <0.05 and 99 ng g(-1); endrin, <0.001 and 381 ng g(-1); alpha-endosulphan, <0.05 and 90 ng g(-1); beta-endosulphan, <0.05 and 15.3 ng g(-1); o,p DDE, 3.5 and 52.4 ng g(-1); p,p DDE, 7.4 and 139 ng g(-1); o,p DDD, 1.5 and 90.2 ng g(-1) and p,p DDD, 2.7 and 86 ng g(-1) wet weight. The rivers for the distribution of organochlorine levels in the Marmara Sea ordered from highest to lowest as Dil R. > Susurluk R. > Biga R. > G?nen R. The high levels of o,p and p,p DDE, and o,p and p,p DDD compounds, which are metabolites of DDT, indicate its illegal use. Toxic metal and organochlorine residue levels of fish are significantly higher than levels from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Larvae of Chironomus riparius and Prodiamesa olivacea were sampled at intervals overthe period November 1993 and October 1995 from theriver Sar in Galicia (N.W. Spain), with the aim ofinvestigating possible temporal variations in thefrequency of deformed individuals and in `Toxic Score'values (Lenat, 1993), a score for severity of theabnormalities calculated for each species. The resultsobtained indicate that, in both species, deformitiesare more frequent during the colder period of theyear. Similarly, Toxic Score values are higher duringthis period. These finding suggest that studies usingchironomid larvae as indicators of contaminationsshould involve sampling over an extended period, tominimize the influence of temporal variation.  相似文献   

Fifty seven samples of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) collected along the breakwater barriers of Fano (station 1) and Pesaro (station 2), Adriatic Sea, Marche Region, central Italy, were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry and Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in the soft tissues were measured. The aims of this work were the statistical analysis of Cd-weight, Cu-weight, Pb-weight, Zn-weight relationships, and the building of a tendency function that allows assessing with a good approximation the concentrations of a metal in different weight organisms. In Mytilus galloprovincialis the content of Cd proportionally grew with the weight and therefore its concentration was independent from this factor; while the concentration of Pb decreased as the weight increased. In both cases the accuracy of multiple regression models improved considering the variable ‘site’, while the same approach appeared not reliable for Cu and Zn, that were two essential metals. Our results showed that a tendency function was reliable, solid and able to predict to a very satisfying extent the concentration of non-physiological metals, like Cd and Pb; while it did not show a good approximation with real Cu and Zn contents.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out on the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) collected during the month of April 2003 from the Straits of Messina. The aim of this study is to determine heavy metal levels (Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb and Zn) in liver and muscle tissues of 14 Thunnus thynnus of different age and sex and to investigate the relationships between fish sex and size (length and weight and metal concentrations in the tissues. The concentrations of the various metals were determined by a Varian atomic absorption spectroscopy instrument. The results showsignificant variations (p < 0.01) for Hg and Zn concentrations in muscle than in liver samples. Concentrations of Cd and Pb are below the instrumental detection limits in almost all muscle samples. Levels of Hg (3.03 + 0.55 μg/g) are above the MRLs only in muscle (1μg/g) establishing toxicological risks for the consumer. Regression analysis shows a negative correlation between mercury level and weight and length in samples from both female and male. No significant difference between mean heavy metals concentrations and male or female tuna is seen. For greater food safety, it would be advisable to reduce the mercury intake by selecting safer fish, species and size and by the avoidance of tuna fish consumption by pregnant women, young children and old people, who are more sensitive to mercury exposure.  相似文献   

Air samples were collected in Izmir, Turkey at two (suburban and urban) sites during three sampling programs in 2002 and 2004 to determine the ambient concentrations of several monoaromatic, chlorinated and oxygenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Samples were analyzed for 60 VOCs using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and 28 compounds were detected in most samples. On the average, urban air VOC concentrations were about four times higher than those measured at the suburban site. Toluene (40.6%) was the most abundant compound in suburban site and was followed by benzene (7.4%), o,m-xylene (6.5%), and 1,2-dichloroethane (5.1%). In urban site, toluene (30.5%), p-xylene (14.9%), o,m-xylene (11.4%), and ethyl benzene (7.2%) were the dominating compounds in summer. In winter, toluene (31.1%), benzene (23.9%), 1,2-dichloroethane (9.5%), and o,m-xylene (8.2%) were the most abundant compounds. Receptor modeling (positive matrix factorization) has been performed to estimate the contribution of specific source types to ambient concentrations. Six source factors (gasoline vehicle exhaust, diesel vehicle exhaust+residential heating, paint production/application, degreasing, dry cleaning, and an undefined source) were extracted from the samples collected in the urban site. Three source factors (gasoline vehicle exhaust, diesel vehicle exhaust, and paint production/application) were identified for the suburban site.  相似文献   

根据2016—2020年哈尔滨市、大庆市、绥化市(以下称哈大绥)国控环境空气自动监测站的SO2、NO2、PM2.5监测资料,统计年鉴中行政区划、污染物排放及气象等监测数据,分析哈大绥区域环境空气质量的变化趋势和测算因子,采用A值法核定了哈大绥区域SO2、NO2、PM2.5的大气环境容量。结果表明:哈大绥SO2、NO2、PM2.5 3项污染物采暖季的大气环境容量均呈逐年递增趋势。通过计算环境承载能力发现,哈大绥SO2、NO2、PM2.5 3项污染物在非采暖季均具有高承载能力,哈大绥非采暖季环境容量高于采暖季。哈尔滨的个别污染物仍然处于临界超载状态,为减少重污染天气,应进一步削减采暖季污染物排放量。  相似文献   

广东某含铊硫酸冶炼堆渣场土壤中重金属的污染特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选取广东某硫酸厂工业堆渣周围土壤样品,重点研究了土壤剖面T1、cd、Pb、Zn四种重金属元素总量及形态分布特征.研究结果表明,该废渣在自然淋滤条件下已经对周围土壤产生了T1、Cd、Pb、Zn污染,并且T1、Pb、Cd较Zn污染严重.形态分析表明,堆渣场周围土壤中这些重金属主要是以残渣态和铁锰氧化物(氢氧化物)结合态存在.外围土壤受到的这些重金属污染及对环境的潜在危害大于废渣下伏土壤,其中在堆渣下伏土壤中主要以富集为主,而外围土壤中主要以迁移为主,且已经向土壤深处约30cm处进行了迁移.这些重金属污染物在表层土壤中未达到饱和状态,将继续在下伏土壤表层发生累积作用并且使横向土壤受污染的范围进一步扩大.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the total metal (aluminum, copper, manganese, nickel, lead, zinc, cadmium, iron, mercury) contents of dominant shrimp species and sediments present at 1–50 m depths of the Northern Inner Shelf of the Sea of Marmara. Shrimp and sediment samples were collected from four regions (Büyükçekmece, Silivri, Tekirda?, ?arköy) and from different depths (1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 m) at each region in September and November of 2003. Three shrimp species [Palaemon adspersus (Rathke, 1937), Palaemon serratus (Pennant, 1777), Parapenaeus longirostris (H. Lucas, 1846)] were identified to be dominant as a result of the examination on the obtained samples. Heavy metal contents of these three species were determined and the results were compared with the acceptable treshold values of the Seafood Standards and also with available literatures. The Cu contents were found to be higher than the treshold limits in all samples except P. longirostris from Silivri, also the Cd contents in all samples except P. adspersus from Büyükçekmece, the Zn contents only in P. adspersus and P. longirostris from Tekirda?, and the Pb contents in all species from all regions. These high values are the indicator of industrial pollution. There is not any data in the Seafood Standards about Mn, Ni, Fe and Al contents in shrimp species. The values of these metal contents were given in the present study. The examination of total metal distributions in bottom surface sediment samples in the Northern Inner Shelf of the Sea of Marmara showed that the determined values were higher than the shale average at some depths of examined stations.  相似文献   

The implications of metal contamination of agricultural soils due to long term irrigation with treated industrial wastewater and their subsequent accumulation in the vegetables/crops growing on such soils has been assessed in an area of industrial complex, Jajmau, Kanpur (India). Physico-chemical properties of the soil were also studied. The soil and vegetables/crops were sampled from an area of 2100 acre agricultural land and analyzed for physico-chemical properties and metal accumulation in different parts of the plants. The comparison of the data of physico-chemical properties of control and contaminated soil showed that salinity, electrical conductivity, available phosphorous, sodium and potassium content (both water soluble and exchangeable) were found high in contaminated soil. The analysis of plant available metal content in the soil showed the highest level of Fe, which ranged from 529.02 to 2615 μg g−1 dw and lowest level of Ni (3.12 to 10.51 μg g−1 dw). The analysis of the results revealed that accumulation of toxic metal Cr in leafy vegetables was found more than fruit bearing vegetables/crops. Thus, it is recommended that the leafy vegetables are unsuitable to grow in such contaminated sites. It is important to note that toxic metal, Ni was not detected in all the plants. The edible part of the vegetables (under ground) such as, garlic (19.27 μg g−1 dw), potato (11.81 μg g−1 dw) and turmeric (20.86 μg g−1 dw) has accumulated lowest level of toxic metal, Cr than leafy and fruit bearing vegetables. In some fruit part of vegetables such as, bitter gourd, egg plant, jack tree, maize and okra, the accumulation of Cr was not detected and may be grown in this area.  相似文献   

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