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为了解泄爆容器中粉尘爆炸的发展过程,采用试验和数值模拟相结合的方法对玉米淀粉在圆柱形容器内的泄爆过程进行研究。数值模型采用欧拉–拉格朗日方法模拟粉尘爆炸的两相流问题,通过求解非稳态的湍流两相反应流守恒方程对试验进行二维仿真。试验和模拟结果表明,点火位置对爆炸发展过程有明显影响,点火位置离泄爆口越远,容器中的最大泄爆压力Pred,max越高。在粉尘爆炸的安全防护设计中,应把点火位置作为重要影响因素之一加以考虑。  相似文献   

柱形压力容器开口泄爆过程数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为研究柱形压力容器泄爆规律,采用经典流体力学软件FLUENT对典型的柱形压力容器泄爆过程进行数值模拟,分析从泄爆口开启到泄压结束时间段压力发展、火焰传播、气体流动及可燃气体浓度变化特性。结果表明:不同泄爆压力下容器内压力发展变化呈现不同特点,在较小泄爆压力情况下会出现压力再度上升的双峰现象。泄爆过程中产生的湍流沿泄爆口附近容器壁拉长火焰面,并加快燃烧速率。同时就容器内不同点火位置对爆炸强度影响进行研究,得出在泄爆压力为0.04 MPa时,底面点火对本柱形压力容器产生的最大升压速率约为中心点火最大升压速率的1.4倍。  相似文献   

煤粉爆炸传播特性的试验研究对于深入了解和预防矿井煤尘爆炸事故有重要意义。利用自制的长29.6 m,内径199 mm的试验管道,对煤粉-空气混合物爆炸压力波传播过程进行试验研究。采用压电传感器测量压力信号,得到爆炸压力波沿管道传播过程中不同测点处的压力时间历程曲线,探讨煤粉粒度和浓度对其爆炸超压的影响规律。结果表明:煤粉-空气混和物在弱点火条件下能够实现粉尘火焰的形成和传播。煤粉爆炸压力波传播过程中速度为400~430 m/s,峰值超压为68~72 kPa。煤粉爆炸峰值超压随着煤粉粒度的减小而增大,但煤粉粒度对其爆炸峰值超压的影响程度随着浓度的增加将逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

Duct vented geometries are a common feature in modern industrial installations where a vessel is protected from internal explosion pressures, and where the explosion products need to be directed away from sensitive areas. In this research, stratified propane–air concentrations have been investigated using a vented vessel connected to a vent pipe. Concentration, injection position and ignition position were varied and comparisons made with homogeneous tests at the same ‘global concentration’ for each condition. The maximum pressures produced by the worst case stratified mixture were only about a quarter of the maximum produced by the worst case homogeneous mixtures. However, for lean concentrations, stratified mixtures were shown to produce consistently greater pressures than the equivalent homogeneous case, irrespective of ignition position. In addition, results are presented which demonstrate that end ignition appears to be more severe than central ignition, contrary to what is reported in literature.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental investigation of turbulent flame propagation in propane-air mixtures, and in mechanical suspensions of maize starch dispersed in air, in a closed vessel of length 3.6 m and internal cross-section 0.27 m × 0.27 m. The primary motivation for the work is to gain improved understanding of turbulent flame propagation in dust clouds, with a view to develop improved models and methods for assessing explosion risks in the process and mining industries. The study includes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations with FLACS and DESC, for gas and dust explosions respectively. For initially quiescent propane-air mixtures, FLACS over-predicts the rate of combustion for fuel-lean mixtures, and under-predicts for fuel-rich mixtures. The simulations tend to be in better agreement with the experimental results for initially turbulent gaseous mixtures. The experimental results for maize starch vary significantly between repeated tests, but the subset of tests that yields the highest explosion pressures are in reasonable agreement with CFD simulations with DESC.  相似文献   

对甲烷-空气预混气体在球形容器和球形管道连通容器内的泄爆过程进行实验研究,根据实验结果得出在较小的泄压面积时,与密闭容器爆炸实验比较,不能降低容器内的最大压力,反而会增大容器内的最大压力。通过实验结果分析,泄爆口安装在远离点火源的位置,当发生预混气体爆炸时能较好地降低容器内的最大压力,起到保护容器的作用。  相似文献   

甲烷燃烧具有环境污染小、放热量大等优点,但甲烷燃烧转化率受很多因素影响,因此,研究甲烷燃烧过程的转化率就显得尤为重要。基于计算流体力学中的涡耗散模型,运用有限容积法建立甲烷和空气非预混燃烧与扩散数学模型。针对具有3个小挡板,一个喷嘴的圆柱型燃烧器进行数值研究。结论:随着不同入口空气速度的逐渐增加,甲烷-空气非预混燃烧反应不充分,在轴向距离2 m处,反应生成的水和二氧化碳的含量逐渐减少,然而氧气增多,甲烷燃烧的转化率变低;随着不同入口甲烷速度的逐渐增加,甲烷-空气非预混燃烧反应充分,转化率变高;随着不同入口甲烷温度的增加,氧气浓度增加,甲烷-空气非预混燃烧反应不充分,转化率降低。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional gasdynamic model with constant burning rate is applied for the prediction of the maximum pressure rise from gaseous combustion in vented enclosures. A series of calculations for an enclosure with aspect ratio close to unity are presented. Both cases with and without obstacles in the enclosure are considered. Results of calculations are compared with a simple 0D solution for spherical vessels. It is shown that, in cases without obstacles, the 0D solution for the maximum reduced overpressures is close to the predictions of the detailed modeling. In cases with obstacles, the detailed simulation gives significantly higher overpressures than those from the 0D model. However, in all the cases the reduced pressures are correlated well with the maximum flame surface area.  相似文献   

受限空间烟气运动的盐水模拟实验初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑到盐水在清水中扩散过程与烟气在受限空间内运动的相似性,本文用实验的方法,初步探讨了用盐水的扩散来模拟烟气在建筑物(单室)内运动的可行性。并对烟羽流主轴线速度和顶篷水平分层烟气流厚度的生长规律进行了测量。本文所得结果基本合理,正确,对建筑火灾烟气控制和人员疏散有参考作用.  相似文献   

通过对不同性质的高温油品发生泄漏时图象特性的分析,工出泄漏油品蒸汽浓度与图象灰度之间的关系。在此基础上通过图象处理技术来判别出现的物质是否为泄漏油品,从而实现高温油品泄漏火灾的早期报警。  相似文献   

运用大型试验管道对瓦斯爆炸传播规律进行试验研究,并对瓦斯爆炸压力峰值、火焰速度和呈现时间进行分析,得出:在不出现爆轰的前提下,爆源点附近的压力峰值是全管道的最大值;爆炸压力峰值在沿管道的传播过程中从爆源点附近是先增大后减小,然后再逐渐增大且压力峰值最早呈现在出口附近;火焰传播速度随着传播距离的增大而逐渐增大且在爆炸初期增大速率更快;瓦斯浓度对爆炸压力峰值、火焰传播速度和呈现时间等都有重要影响。  相似文献   

室内火灾条件下复合板装潢材料火灾特性的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
运用ISO Room方法在全尺寸室内墙角火源条件下进行了复合板装潢材料火灾特性的研究,详细讨论了复合板的点燃,火焰传播和炭化物性以及室内火灾的发展过程。在墙角火源条件下,内火灾发展过程可分为四个不同阶段,而在每一发展阶段,东面和北面墙上复合板分别存在四个和三个明显不同的区域。当区域四内的复合板东面和北面墙上复合板分别存在四个和三个明显不同的区域。  相似文献   

为了采取合理的瓦斯抽采技术,实现矿井安全高效开采,对朱集矿13-1煤瓦斯基本参数进行了现场和实验室测定,得出了瓦斯含量、瓦斯压力、放散初速度,透气性系数、坚固性系数等参数,并对测定结果进行了理论分析,得出了这些参数的基本规律.结果表明:随着开采深度的增加,在一定深度范围内,其瓦斯压力、瓦斯含量呈线性增长,瓦斯压力与瓦斯含量都比较大;煤层钻孔瓦斯衰减系数较大,该煤层的透气性系数较小,D、K值小于其临界值,可判断出该煤层为难抽煤层且有突出危险性.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to replicate a safety climate model originally tested in Australia to assess its applicability in a different context: namely, across production workers in 22 medium-sized metal processing organizations in Austria. The model postulates that safety knowledge and safety motivation mediate the relation between safety climate on the one hand and safety compliance and participation on the other. Self-report data from 1075 employees were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the replication study largely confirmed the original safety climate model. However, in addition to indirect effects, direct links between safety climate and actual safety behavior were found.  相似文献   

本文对防护头盔所使用的复合板设计了两个实验来确定其所产生的伤害程度。实验结论:可优化复合材料制成的防弹头盔来避免大范围瞬时变形,从而减少对头部造成的冲击和钝挫伤。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to see whether fatalism is an important factor in explaining occupational accidents among medical waste operatives in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Data were collected using a variety of qualitative techniques and included observation, formal and informal dialogue. Sampling strategies included formal representative sampling, purposive and authoritative sampling. Employers did not supply PPE or offer training to their staff. Most workers (73%) did not wear PPE regularly, and a further 18% wore only insufficient PPE. Consequently, most waste workers (95%) reported that they had experienced occupational accidents, mostly (75%) from used needles and other sharps. These observations were associated with fatalistic beliefs among the participants, both managers and employees, who attributed these events to “fate” reflecting their perceived lack of control over such accidents. This study reveals many examples of a lack of organisational awareness that can occur within a culture of fatalism.  相似文献   

通过实验及动力学理论分析,对生物膜填料塔系统净化低质量浓度甲醛废气的适用动力学模型进行了研究.生物膜生化反应动力学分析显示,甲醛废气的生物净化有与其他挥发性有机废气(VOCs)不同的生化反应动力学特征,其反应类型判别准数M值远小于1(M=0.004(《)1.0),即生物膜中甲醛的生化反应速率远远小于其在液膜中的扩散速率,为慢速生化降解反应.针对净化低质量浓度甲醛废气的生物膜填料塔实验系统的研究表明,应用"吸收-生物膜"理论模型得到的甲醛净化效率、甲醛生化去除量和出口气体甲醛质量浓度的计算值与实验值之间的相关系数R分别到达了0.87、0.96和0.89,具有很好的相关性;而"吸附-生物膜"理论模型对应的相关系数R分别仅为0.64、0.84和0.64.与"吸附-生物膜"理论模型相比,"吸收-生物膜"理论模型描述甲醛废气生物净化过程具有良好的适用性,研究结果对生物法废气净化技术的相关基础理论研究和工程应用研究具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

根据容积式受限空间油气爆燃火焰特征实验研究的需要,设计了实验系统,进行了不同油气体积分数下的油气爆燃模拟实验。基于实验所得的瞬时火焰信号数据与火焰图像,分析了不同油气体积分数下容积式受限空间内油气爆燃的火焰形态结构、传播速度、强度与持续时间等主要行为特征,所得结果对探索油气爆燃机理与基本规律具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

Objective: Despite strong evidence of the effectiveness of child safety seats in reducing injuries, the use of these devices in some communities is still rare. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of child safety seat use and the factors influencing its use in the safe community of Tehran.

Methods: This roadside observational study was conducted in 2015 and 2,178 personal cars with a child under 12 years aboard were observed on Tehran's streets in regard to use of child safety seats. Other variables such as the gender of the driver, driver's age group, type of street, region of municipality, time of day, and day of the week were also collected.

Results: Prevalence of child safety seat use was 4.3% and was significantly higher among women drivers, on freeways, and in municipal regions 1, 4, and 7.

Conclusions: The prevalence of child safety seat use in Tehran as a most populous member of the international safe community was very low and most children commuted in insecure situations in the vehicle. Therefore, it is proposed that plans should be made to increase the use of child safety seats in international safe communities.  相似文献   

在自行设计和搭建的模拟湿法脱硫烟气系统中,研究了基于控制冷凝法原理的SO_3/硫酸雾采集装置对湿法脱硫后SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集性能,重点考察了螺旋管与石英棉冷凝温度、采样枪温度、采样流量、采样时间和SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度对SO_3/硫酸雾捕集性能的影响。结果表明,在研究范围内,湿法脱硫后SO_3/硫酸雾采集装置优化的操作参数为:螺旋管及石英棉冷凝温度95℃,采样枪温度280℃,采样流量17 L/min,采样时间30 min。SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度较高时,螺旋冷凝管对SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集起主要作用,其捕集的SO_3/硫酸雾比例在75.8%~80.8%,远高于螺旋冷凝管与石英棉捕集SO_3/硫酸雾的比例;SO_3/硫酸雾质量浓度较低(约1mg/m3)时,采样枪对SO_3/硫酸雾的捕集起主要作用,其捕集SO_3/硫酸雾的比例大于50%。  相似文献   

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