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电子场水处理技术阻垢效果研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
用快速阻垢测试方法和热水系统模拟试验法,研究证实电子场水处理具有显著的阻垢效果,其阻垢率与电压水质、温度等因素有关。在循环冷却水系统中阻垢率可达96.0%以上,在热水系统中阻垢率大于94.7%,根据试验现象和水质变化,分析和探讨了电子场水处理技术的作用原理。 相似文献
水体富营养化是世界各国面临的重大环境污染问题.水中的磷酸盐作为水体富营养化的关键因素,如何有效去除日益引起研究者的关注.本研究利用电吸附技术处理水中PO_4~(3-)、HPO_4~(2-)和H_2PO_4~- 3种常见磷酸盐离子,并分析电吸附和脱附的特性及机理.实验得到电吸附处理K_3PO_4时,离子去除率最大,但脱附率最差,这严重影响电吸附电极的再生性.K_3PO_4溶液中存在大量的OH~-,炭电极对KOH产生物理吸附,该吸附类型比电吸附的双电层吸附难脱附.添加少量HCl调节磷酸盐的pH,减少OH~-,将溶液中PO_4~(3-)转化为HPO_4~(2-)和H_2PO_4~-,可以提高电极的脱附率,增加电极的循环使用效率,同时可增加溶液中磷含量的去除率.炭电极电吸附K_3PO_4+HCl溶液时,电极的再生性良好,连续循环四次,离子去除率由28.7%降为26.6%. 相似文献
本文介绍了电吸附技术的原理、处理过程、影响电吸附效率的因素,并对电吸附脱盐技术在污水深度处理中的研究应用情况作整体性介绍和建议。 相似文献
无机矿质颗粒悬浮物对富营养化水体氨氮的吸附特性 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
利用蒙脱土、高岭土和太湖沉积物矿质组分3种材料,模拟研究了水体悬浮矿质颗粒物对富营养化水体中氨氮的吸附特性.实验表明,30min内3种材料对氨氮的吸附基本可达到平衡;等温平衡吸附均符合Henry吸附模式,在无机矿质颗粒悬浮物浓度1000mg/L,初始氨氮浓度1.0mg/L,pH=7.00实验条件下,吸附分配系数分别依次为548.30,287.36,191.27L/kg.相同实验条件下,随着pH、盐度和温度的增大或升高,矿质颗粒对氨氮的平衡吸附量均有不同程度的减小趋势,pH的影响较显著.随着悬浮颗粒物浓度在1000mg/L以下范围增大,固相氨氮平衡吸附量显著减小. 相似文献
分别以物理法和物理化学法对活性炭电极改性进行电吸附实验。采用BET、SEM和FT-IR对电极结构及表面性质进行表征,不仅考察了不同改性方法的电极对卤族阴离子(Cl-、F-、Br-及I-)的吸附性能。并对活性炭电极吸附过程进行动力学分析。结果表明,活性炭电极经物理改性后对NaCl、NaF、NaBr及NaI的单位吸附量分别为5.86、7.29、6.73、20.81 mg/g;经过物理化学改性后电极对4种盐单位吸附量分别达到7.14、9.1、12.02、17.48 mg/g。经拟合吸附过程均符合伪二级动力学方程。在电吸附过程中,2种改性方法增强了活性炭电极对卤族阴离子(Cl-、F-、Br-及I-)的吸附。 相似文献
沼液中悬浮物对乙醇发酵的影响及其絮凝处理的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
乙醇-沼气双发酵耦联工艺的应用有望实现乙醇工业工艺废水"零排放"的目标.本研究对该耦联工艺的回用配料水——中温沼液中的悬浮物对乙醇发酵的影响进行了考察,并对其去除方法进行了确定.结果表明,沼液中悬浮物的存在会促进酵母细胞的繁殖,提高发酵速率,但副产物甘油及小分子有机酸的量大幅上升,而主产物乙醇的生成量减少,悬浮物对乙醇合成的临界抑制浓度为0.35 g·L-1(干重).采用不同的絮凝剂及絮凝方式对沼液中的悬浮物进行去除,发现絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC,300 mg·L-1)与阳离子聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM,2 mg·L-1)协同处理时效果最佳,对沼液浊度、色度的去除率分别为92.4%、23.7%,所得上清液的悬浮物粒径小于2μm,PAC、CPAM的残留量分别为0.82、0.03mg·L-1.絮凝处理后消除了悬浮物对乙醇合成的抑制作用,且絮凝处理后沼液回用的发酵性能略优于离心所得沼液回用的发酵水平,达到了预期的目的. 相似文献
高无机悬浮物进水对城市污水厂处理效果的冲击影响及机理研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对我国南方城市污水厂经常出现的高无机悬浮物(SS)负荷冲击问题,在分析其进水水质特性的基础上,研究了高无机SS负荷冲击对活性污泥系统的污泥特性、污泥活性、出水水质和去除效率等方面的影响.结果表明:高无机SS负荷冲击条件下,剩余污泥的含水率会变小,排泥量是主要的控制参数,应减小冲击初期剩余污泥排放体积;活性污泥的硝化速率、反硝化速率、释磷速率和吸磷速率分别比正常情况下降了30.5%、36.7%、35.0%和28.1%;COD去除效率不会改变,SS、TN和NH+4-N的去除效率会降低,但能够提高TP的去除效率.研究结果可为制定相应的工艺对策和措施奠定基础. 相似文献
以香港近岸海域为研究区,基于2009~2012年HJ-1A/B CCD数据和实测数据,建立悬浮固体浓度遥感反演模型,运用地统计学方法对模型反演结果进行分析,探索研究区内悬浮固体浓度空间分布及其变异特征.结果表明:香港近岸海域北部深圳湾附近常年处于悬浮固体浓度的高值区,东北部珠江入海口海域悬浮固体浓度受季节影响明显,大屿山以南的南部海域的浓度值常年处于较低水平,并具有明显的季节特征.2009~2012年的地统计数据表明,香港近岸海域悬浮固体浓度值总体处于较低水平,月均值为12.25mg/L,由北向南递减趋势明显.全年大部分时间空间变异特征明显,空间自相关性较强,其中3月份的块金值/基台值最小,仅约为0.0005. 相似文献
湘江衡阳段重金属在水体、悬浮颗粒物及表层沉积物中的分布特征研究 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
采用ICP-MS研究湘江衡阳段上覆水、悬浮颗粒物、表层沉积物及孔隙水中重金属的含量及分布特征.结果表明,湘江衡阳段主要的重金属污染元素是Cd,上覆水中Cd的平均含量为0.26μg·L-1,高于美国水质基准的持续基准浓度CCC(USEPA2009),已经对部分水生生物表现出潜在的毒性效应;悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物中Cd的富集含量较高,分别为42.03μg·g-1和29.62μg·g-1,达到加拿大淡水沉积物保护准则最初影响水平TEL的70倍和50倍,其中,从沉积物中取得的孔隙水中Cd平均含量为3.8μg·L-1,该值是CCC的15倍甚至高于最大基准浓度(CMC),已经对部分水生生物表现出实际的急性毒性效应.湘江衡阳段重金属的空间分布特征表现为中下游污染较上游严重,在衡阳水口山地区等污染企业密集区,重金属含量较高,表明人类活动输入已经成为湘江重金属的重要来源.研究结果还表明,悬浮颗粒物及沉积物相作为水体重金属污染物的主要赋存介质,对重金属污染的迁移、沉积、转化及生物富集作用具有决定性的意义,其重要性不容忽视. 相似文献
Surface clogging process modeling of suspended solids during urban stormwater aquifer recharge 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Aquifer recharge,which uses urban stormwater,is an effective technique to control the negative effects of groundwater overexploitation,while clogging problems in infiltration systems remain the key restricting factor in broadening its practice.Quantitative understanding of the clogging process is still very poor.A laboratory study was conducted to understand surface physical clogging processes,with the primary aim of developing a model for predicting suspended solid clogging processes before aquifer recharge projects start.The experiments investigated the clogging characteristics of different suspended solid sizes in recharge water by using a series of one-dimensional fine quartz sand columns.The results showed that the smaller the suspended particles in recharge water,the farther the distance of movement and the larger the scope of clogging in porous media.Clogging extents in fine sand were 1 cm,for suspended particle size ranging from 0.075 to 0.0385 mm,and 2 cm,for particles less than 0.0385 mm.In addition,clogging development occurred more rapidly for smaller suspended solid particles.It took 48,42,and 36 hr respectively,for large-,medium-,and small-sized particles to reach pre-determined clogging standards.An empirical formula and iteration model for the surface clogging evolution process were derived.The verification results obtained from stormwater recharge into fine sand demonstrated that the model could reflect the real laws of the surface clogging process. 相似文献
针对深圳湾游艇项目填海和港池清淤产生泥沙上浮可能对附近水域造成的环境影响,对填海和清淤形成的悬移质泥沙源强进行了分析计算。在根据作者研制的垂直平均二维潮流边界通用模型进行了潮流模拟的基础上,采用二维悬移质泥沙迁移模,对填海和清淤过程中伴随潮流涨落的泥沙增量分布进行了模拟预测。 相似文献
Heavy-metal contents in suspended solids of Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake and its environmental significances 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
Surface water was taken from river mouth to the central area of Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake, a large shallow eutrophic lake in China. Suspended solids were condensed by centrifugation 25L surface water samples from each selected site. Suspended solids and surface sediments were further freeze-dried and microwave digested before determining the metals by ICP-AES. Among the metals analyzed in suspended solids and sediments, contents of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Zn in suspended solids were significantly higher than those in sediments while contents of AI, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Fe, K, Mg, Pb, and V in suspended solids were 10%-30% higher than those in sediments. Sr and Ti contents in suspended solids and sediments were very similar. Na content in suspended solids was lower than that in sediments. Heavy metals were significantly accumulated in suspended solids. From the river mouth to the center of Meiliang Bay, contents of Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn in suspended solids showed a gradual decreasing trend indicating the river(Zhihugang River) still discharged large quantity of heavy metals to Meiliang Bay. The study suggests that the geochemical behaviors and ecological effects of heavy metals in suspended solids may serve as a good indicator for the pollution of lake. 相似文献
In this study,we investigated the effect of sample pretreatments(ultrasonication and alkaline extraction) on total organic carbon(TOC) measurements for water samples containing suspended solids(SS) of four different origins(algae,soil,sewage sludge,and leaf litter) to more clearly assess the impact of particulate organic carbon(POC) in water.The effects each of ultrasonication(power,pulse,etc.) and alkaline extraction condition(concentration,time,etc.) on the TOC recovery and precision were inve... 相似文献
对长江南京段水、悬浮物及沉积物中多氯有毒有机污染物进行了分析测定,由色谱/质谱测得的结果表明,水和沉积物中多氯有机污染物的浓度较低,低于欧洲主要河流中的含量水平.悬浮物中这类污染物总含量较高,为56.45~62.35μg/kg,而水中总含量仅为14.61~15.83ng/L.由于长江中污染物被充分稀释与混匀,各采样点的水和悬浮物中该类污染物的浓度变化不大,两相间具有较好的相关性.但各采样点的沉积物中多氯有机污染物含量差异甚大,表明悬浮物的沉积极不均一.沉积物中主要污染物是六氯苯(HCB)和它的代谢产物五氯苯(PeCB)以及滴滴涕(DDT)的代谢产物,其他多氯有机污染物含量很低. 相似文献
Mounaouer Brahmi Noureddine Hamed Belhadi Helmi Hamdi Abdennaceur Hassen 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2010,22(8):1218-1224
This work aimed to study UV-resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, to propose a formulation of the kinetics of secondary
treated wastewater disinfection and to underline the influence of suspended solids on the inactivation kinetics of these strains. Some
investigations were carried out for the validation of some simulation models, from the simplest, the kinetics model of Chick-Watson
reduced to first order, to rather complex models such as multi-kinetic and Collins-Selleck models. Results revealed that the involved
processes of UV irradiation were too complex to be approached by a simplified formulation, even in the case of specific strains of
microorganisms and the use of nearly constant UV radiation intensity. In fact, the application of Chick-Watson model in its original
form is not representative of the kinetics of UV disinfection. Modification, taking into account the speed change during the disinfection
process, has not significantly improved results. On the other hand, the application of Collins-Selleck model demonstrates that it was
necessary to exceed a least dose of critical radiation to start the process of inactivation. To better explain the process of inactivation,
we have assumed that the action of disinfectant on the survival of lonely microorganisms is faster than its action on suspended solids
protected or agglomerated to each others. We can assume in this case the existence of two inactivation kinetics during the processes
(parallel and independent) of the first-order. For this reason, the application of a new kinetic model by introducing a third factor
reflecting the influence of suspended solids in water on disinfection kinetics appeared to be determinant for modeling UV inactivation
of P. aeruginosa in secondary treated wastewater. 相似文献