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The size and the health significance of the hazardous waste problem are reviewed. Proper engineering and management practice are discussed, including the elimination, if possible, reduction, changing processes and product lines, treatment and reuuse, and disposal by landfill and incineration. Exports should be drasti cally reduced, also using complex administrative measures. International organizations concerned should encourage good national and international management practices. A siting for collection, treatment and disposal, remote from human habitation, and established under an international agreement, would release countries from managing a difficult problem within their own national borders.  相似文献   

This paper analyses some of the higher education and research capacity building experiences gained from 1998-2006 by Danish and Malaysian universities. The focus is on waste management, directly relating to both the environmental and socio-economic dimensions of sustainable development. Primary benefits, available as an educational legacy to universities, were obtained in terms of new and enhanced study curricula established on Problem-oriented Project-based Learning (POPBL) pedagogy, which strengthened academic environmental programmes at Malaysian and Danish universities. It involved more direct and mutually beneficial cooperation between academia and businesses in both countries. This kind of university reach-out is considered vital to development in all countries actively striving for global and sustainable development. Supplementary benefits were accrued for those involved directly in activities such as the 4 months of field studies, workshops, field courses and joint research projects. For students and academics, the gains have been new international dimensions in university curricula, enhanced career development and research collaboration based on realworld cases. It is suggested that the area of solid waste management offers opportunities for much needed capacity building in higher education and research, contributing to sustainable waste management on a global scale. Universities should be more actively involved in such educational, research and innovation programmes to make the necessary progress. ISWA can support capacity building activities by utilizing its resources--providing a lively platform for debate, securing dissemination of new knowledge, and furthering international networking beyond that which universities already do by themselves. A special challenge to ISWA may be to improve national and international professional networks between academia and business, thereby making education, research and innovation the key driving mechanisms in sustainable development in solid waste management.  相似文献   

Amongst the waste from health care institutions, radioactive waste represents a special category since it cannot be modified or neutralized by any available conventional means. Accordingly, disposal of radioactive waste can mean only its transfer from a place where it represents some hazard to somewhere else where it can be retained without undue risk. Radioactive waste arises in health care institutes as a result of diagnostic, therapeutical or research uses of unsealed radioactive substances. Sometimes, sealed sources withdrawn from further use might also be subject to disposal. Most radionuclides used in medicine are short-lived beta-, or beta-gamma emitters and represent a low risk, if properly handled, that is if due care is taken to prevent significant contamination of the workplace and personnel. Low-activity gaseous and liquid waste can usually be discharged to the environment directly; medium-activity or high-activity waste should be stored for variable periods to allow natural decay before specialized disposal.This paper presents a review of the different types of radioactive wastes produced in hospitals, and introduces many of the sources of generation and subsequent disposal options. An example is given of the wide range of guidance available, both by national bodies in Hungary and international agencies, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Committee on Radiological Protection (ICRP).  相似文献   

The concept of a knowledge-based approach to policy making (also referred to as 'evidence-based policy making' or 'science meets policy') has been around for 10 years, and is widely 'signed up to' by Governments. This paper examines the theory and the practice at national government (using the UK as a case study) and European levels, looking at how the knowledge-based approach has been applied in waste and resources management. There is general agreement that a knowledge-(or evidence-) based approach to policy making is a 'good thing'; however putting the concept into practice has proven challenging and is still evolving. The linkages between researchers and policy makers need to be further strengthened, as does the 'demand' for evidence from policy; requiring policy specialists to articulate their requirements for evidence sufficiently well in advance, and to do so routinely, is still an area of weakness. Using a model developed by the UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), we examine in detail some of the implications of changing the question from 'is this good research on waste and resources issues?' to 'is this good evidence for waste and resources policy?'. The paper also provides recommendations for further work required to achieve this at a European level, and for priority areas where international co-ordination of waste and resources research could add most value to policy.  相似文献   

Critical loads have been used to develop international agreements on acidifying air pollution abatement, and within the UK and other countries, to develop national policies for pollution abatement. The Environment Agency (England and Wales) has regulatory obligations to protect sites of high conservation value from the threat of acidification, and hence requires a practical methodology for acidification assessments at the site-specific scale. The Environment Agency has therefore posed the question: Are the national critical load exceedance models sufficiently robust to form the basis for methods to assess harm to individual sites or are they only useful for national policy development? In order to provide one measure of the appropriateness of applying the models at the site-specific scale we incorporated estimates of uncertainty in both national and site-specific data into the calculation of critical load exceedance for individual sites. The exceedance calculations use data from a wide range of sources and the accuracy of the exceedance will be influenced by the accuracy of the input data sets. Using Monte Carlo methods to incorporate the uncertainty in the input data sets into the calculation a distribution of critical load exceedance values is generated rather than a single point estimate. This paper compares uncertainty analyses for coniferous forested sites in England and Wales using both national scale and site-specific data sets and uncertainty ranges.  相似文献   

The overall goal of WHO is to co-operate with its Member States, and provide them with assistance on demand or as needed. Towards this end, the WHO Regional Office for Europe has implemented, over many years, programme activities related to the management of municipal and industrial solid waste, sewage sludge, hazardous waste, waste from hospitals and other health care facilities, and radioactive waste. The published results of the various activities include conclusions and recommendations addressed to national public and environmental health authorities and to the scientific and professional community, as a whole.In more specific terms, work has been completed in recent years on the impact on health from microbes and chemicals in sewage sludge applied to land, and from emissions of dioxin, furan, PAH and heavy metal compounds from municipal waste incinerators. Policy guidelines and a code of practice for the management of hazardous waste, prepared together with the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP, were published in six languages, including Chinese. At present, the emphasis is shifting to hazardous waste, and a study is under way on the health impact of hazardous waste containing certain identified “priority chemicals”. A code of practice is currently being used in work for the site selection for hazardous waste facilities, including landfills. There is also a plan for the training of national trainees in the sound management of hazardous waste. WHO/HQ, together with UNEP and the World Bank, are completing a text on the management of hazardous waste in developing countries. The first two volumes are expected to be published in 1988. A third volume with a number of national case studies is also being prepared. To assist WHO in its tasks, increase the effectiveness of results, and avoid duplication of activities, co-operation is being maintained with various individual experts, national institutes and authorities, and other international governmental and non-governmental organizations. Co-ordination of work and exchange of information is a matter of routine by means of periodic interagency consultations, participation in meetings of other organizations and country visits.  相似文献   

Waste disposal is of growing environmental and public health concern in China where landfilling is the predominant method of disposal. The assessment of potential health hazards posed by existing landfills requires sound information, and processing of a significant amount of spatial data. Geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) are valuable tools for assessing health impacts due to landfills. The aims of this study were: (i) to analyze the leachate and gas emissions from landfills used for domestic waste disposal in a metropolitan area of Jiangsu province, China, (ii) to investigate remotely-sensed environmental features in close proximity to landfills, and (iii) to evaluate the compliance of their location and leachate quality with the relevant national regulations. We randomly selected five landfills in the metropolitan areas of Wuxi and Suzhou city, Jiangsu province, established a GIS database and examined whether data were in compliance with national environmental and public health regulations. The leachates of the sampled landfills contained heavy metals (Pb, As, Cr(6+) and Hg) and organic compounds in concentrations considered harmful to human health. Measured methane concentrations on landfill surfaces were low. Spatial analysis of the location of landfills with regard to distance from major water bodies, sensible infrastructure and environmental conditions according to current national legislation resulted in the rejection of four of the five sites as inappropriate for landfills. Our results call for rigorous evaluation of the spatial location of landfills in China that must take into consideration environmental and public health criteria.  相似文献   

An inventory of standing waters (freshwater lakes and lochs) wasderived from Ordnance Survey digital map data at a scale of 1:50 000 and represents the most comprehensive survey of its kind for Great Britain. The inventory includes 43 738 water bodies in England, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man and contains basic physical data such as location, surface area, perimeter and altitude. Catchment areas were computed for water bodies with a surface area larger than 1 ha from a digital terrain model (DTM) using customised routines in a geographical information system (GIS). The resulting polygons were then used to derive catchment-related information from a variety of national datasets including population density, livestock density, land cover, solid and drift geology, meteorological data, freshwater sensitivity status, acid deposition and conservation status. Using data derived from the inventory a risk-based prioritisation protocol was developed to identify standing waters at risk of harm from acidification and eutrophication. This information is required by the Environment Agency, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and the U.K. statutory conservation bodies to co-ordinate actions and monitor change under international, European and national legislation.  相似文献   

Algeria as other developing countries faces an array of challenges for healthcare waste management. The management of healthcare waste is of major importance due to its public health risks and potential environmental hazards. Many efforts have been made by the government authorities in order to better manage the waste from healthcare facilities. However most healthcare facilities do not comply with the principles stated in Algerian legislation. A data study was made on 95 hospitals across the country, and the three health sectors of Mostaganem department (Mostaganem, Ain Tédles, and Sidi Ali) were surveyed. The yearly production of infectious healthcare waste in this Algerian department is estimated at 92 tons, which is 1.38% of the national waste production. This represents an average of 0.15 kg/bed/day, which is lower than the national value of 0.72 kg/bed/day. The total healthcare waste by sector ranges from 0.7 to 1.22 kg/bed/day, and healthcare waste comprises 16% of total waste, which is equal to the national percentage.  相似文献   

As the world’s leading manufacturing country, China has become the largest dumping ground for e-waste, resulting in serious pollution of heavy metals in China. This study reviews recent studies on environmental effects of heavy metals from the e-waste recycling sites in China, especially Taizhou, Guiyu, and Longtang. The intensive uncontrolled processing of e-waste in China has resulted in the release of large amounts of heavy metals in the local environment, and caused high concentrations of metals to be present in the surrounding air, dust, soils, sediments and plants. Though the pollution of many heavy metals was investigated in the relevant researches, the four kinds of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr) from e-waste recycling processes attracted more attention. The exceedance of various national and international standards imposed negative effects to the environment, which made the local residents face with the serious heavy metal exposure. In order to protect the environment and human health, there is an urgent need to control and monitor the informal e-waste recycling operations.  相似文献   

Developing a waste information system (WIS) for a country is more than just about collecting routine data on waste; it is about facilitating the improved management of waste by providing timely, reliable information to the relevant role-players. It is a means of supporting the waste governance challenges facing South Africa - challenges ranging from strategic waste management issues at national government to basic operational challenges at local government. The paper addresses two hypotheses. The first is that the identified needs of government can provide a platform from which to design a national WIS framework for a developing country such as South Africa, and the second is that the needs for waste information reflect greater, currently unfulfilled challenges in the sustainable management of waste. Through a participatory needs analysis process, it is shown that waste information is needed by the three spheres of government, to support amongst others, informed planning and decision-making, compliance monitoring and enforcement, community participation through public access to information, human, infrastructure and financial resource management and policy development. These needs for waste information correspond closely with key waste management challenges currently facing the country. A shift in governments approach to waste, in line with national and international policy, is evident from identified current and future waste information needs. However, the need for information on landfilling remains entrenched within government, possibly due to the poor compliance of landfill sites in South Africa and the problems around the illegal disposal of both general and hazardous waste.  相似文献   

Health care waste is considered a major public health hazard. The objective of this study was to assess health care waste management (HCWM) practices currently employed at health care centers (HCCs) in the West Bank – Palestinian Territory. Survey data on solid health care waste (SHCW) were analyzed for generated quantities, collection, separation, treatment, transportation, and final disposal. Estimated 4720.7 m3 (288.1 tons) of SHCW are generated monthly by the HCCs in the West Bank. This study concluded that: (i) current HCWM practices do not meet HCWM standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) or adapted by developed countries, and (ii) immediate attention should be directed towards improvement of HCWM facilities and development of effective legislation. To improve the HCWM in the West Bank, a national policy should be implemented, comprising a comprehensive plan of action and providing environmentally sound and reliable technological measures.  相似文献   

This article concentrates on the existing situation of hazardous industrial waste management in Vietnam. To realize the importance of the development of a Vietnam national strategy based on the reduce, reuse, recycle (3R) concept to the year 2020, the author summarizes the practice of recycling activities of hazardous industrial waste and discusses the challenges arising from increases in the quantity and types of waste and the level of hazard of the waste generated considering that the technical infrastructure for handling and managing the waste is inadequate and the legal system on environmental protection is lacking. In order to improve the existing situation of hazardous industrial waste management, the Vietnamese Government recently has played an increasing role in promoting regional and international cooperation on environmental protection through ratifying the international conventions on the environment including the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal and the International Labor Organization Convention on Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work and by adhering to the concept of the material-cycle society. These steps are key opportunities for applying the principles of 3R to the recovery of value from hazardous waste in the future.  相似文献   

Current status and research on E-waste issues in Asia   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Rapid economic growth in Asia and the increasing transboundary movement of secondary resources will increasingly require both 3R endeavors (reduce, reuse, recycle) in each country and appropriate control of international material cycles. Recently, managing electrical and electronic waste (E-waste) has become an important target for domestic and international material cycles from the viewpoints of environmental preservation and resource utilization efficiency. To understand the current status of E-waste issues in the context of international material cycles and to discuss the future tasks related to achieving 3R in the region, we organized the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) E-waste Workshop in December 2004. This article reviews past studies on E-waste and briefly describes the topics presented and discussions held at the workshop. The topics at the workshop included E-waste generation, recycling systems, international trade, and environmental impacts. In addition, we discussed various issues such as terminology, current environmental concerns, and possible solutions. Transboundary shipments of E-waste should be conducted taking into consideration the concept of sustainable development. The direction of future research and possible collaborations are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how greenhouse gases are accounted and reported in the waste sector in South Africa. Developing countries (including South Africa) do not have binding emission reduction targets, but many of them publish different greenhouse gas emissions data which have been accounted and reported in different ways. Results show that for South Africa, inventories at national and municipal level are the most important tools in the process of accounting and reporting greenhouse gases from waste. For the development of these inventories international initiatives were important catalysts at national and municipal levels, and assisted in developing local expertise, resulting in increased output quality. However, discrepancies in the methodology used to account greenhouse gases from waste between inventories still remain a concern. This is a challenging issue for developing countries, especially African ones, since higher accuracy methods are more data intensive. Analysis of the South African inventories shows that results from the recent inventories can not be compared with older ones due to the use of different accounting methodologies. More recently the use of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) procedures in Africa, geared towards direct measurements of greenhouse gases from landfill sites, has increased and resulted in an improvement of the quality of greenhouse gas inventories at municipal level.  相似文献   

The national and international interest in the marine environment, in particular the Great Barrier Reef has escalated at an exponential rate in the last decade and this trend is expected to continue. Australians are extremely conscious of the amenity and economic value of the Great Barrier Reef. There is a real potential to inflict enormous damage to the Great Barrier Reef and to the shipping industry should a major Oil Spill occur on the reef. A major catastrophic incident within the Great Barrier Reef would have extreme environmental, social and economic consequences.  相似文献   

Sustainable remediation guidance, frameworks, and case studies have been published at an international level illustrating established sustainability assessment methodologies and successful implementation. Though the terminology and indicators evaluated may differ, one common theme among international organizations and regulatory bodies is more comprehensive and transparent methods are needed to evaluate the social sphere of sustainable remediation. Based on a literature review and stakeholder input, this paper focused on three main areas: (1) status quo of how the social element of sustainable remediation is assessed among various countries and organizations; (2) methodologies to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate societal impacts; and (3) findings from this research, including challenges, obstacles, and a path forward. In conclusion, several existing social impact assessment techniques are readily available for use by the remediation community, including rating and scoring system evaluations, enhanced cost benefit analysis, surveys/interviews, social network analysis, and multicriteria decision analysis. In addition, a list of 10 main social indicator categories were developed: health and safety, economic stimulation, stakeholder collaboration, benefits community at large, alleviate undesirable community impacts, equality issues, value of ecosystem services and natural resources, risk‐based land management and remedial solutions, regional and global societal impacts, and contributions to other policies. Evaluation of the social element of remedial activities is not without challenges and knowledge gaps. Identification of obstacles and gaps during the project planning process is essential to defining sustainability objectives and choosing the appropriate tool and methodology to conduct an assessment. Challenges identified include meaningful stakeholder engagement, risk perception of stakeholders, and trade‐offs among the various triple bottom line dimensions. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Combining septic tank effluent and animal wastes (mixed wastes) for eventual application to land is being proposed as an alternative wastewater disposal system. Both types of waste are spread on land separately, and private practice may be to mix and spread them together, but in most of the United States mixing of these wastes for land disposal is illegal. No research has been done to assess the hazards associated with spreading mixed wastes on land. The concern is with the impact on public health of adding septic tank effluent to animal wastes for disposal as animal wastes. The effects of pathogens already present in animal waste are presumably allowed for in current U.S. regulations.Pathogens in mixed wastes include viruses, bacteria and parasites. Viruses are not always present in on-site waste disposal systems, but when present are in high numbers. Most viral particles will pass through the septic tank and will remain viable. Transmission will be prevented if these particles are retained in soil or other solids until any of several factors deprive them of infectivity. As animals are the chief reservoir of most enteric bacteria that are pathogenic to man, no additional hazards from bacteria are expected in a mixed waste system. Some parasite eggs and cysts will settle into the bottom of the septic tank, but significant numbers will pass through and will remain viable. Retention with solids will minimize transmission through food and water. In all instances it is important to match land use and waste disposal carefully.  相似文献   

In China, national regulations and standards for health care waste management were implemented in 2003. To investigate the current status of health care waste management at different levels of health care facilities (HCF) after the implementation of these regulations, one tertiary hospital, one secondary hospital, and four primary health care centers from Binzhou District were visited and 145 medical staff members and 24 cleaning personnel were interviewed.Generated medical waste totaled 1.22, 0.77, and 1.17 kg/bed/day in tertiary, secondary, and primary HCF, respectively. The amount of medical waste generated in primary health care centers was much higher than that in secondary hospitals, which may be attributed to general waste being mixed with medical waste. This study found that the level of the HCF, responsibility for medical waste management in departments and wards, educational background and training experience can be factors that determine medical staff members’ knowledge of health care waste management policy. Regular training programs and sufficient provision of protective measures are urgently needed to improve occupational safety for cleaning personnel. Financing and administrative monitoring by local authorities is needed to improve handling practices and the implementation of off-site centralized disposal in primary health care centers.  相似文献   

The carriage of oil is indispensable to the industrialized nations. In this respect, the carriage of oil is undertaken as a service to society as a whole with its individual members deriving benefits from its carriage to varying degrees. Consequently, after examining the four Conventions in the international system of compensation for oil pollution from ships, it is argued that the general citizenship of those nations pay, in exceptional cases, for a small share of the risk, which is created in part by the citizens, as users of oil. The paper proposes the creation of a fund of last resort that could be conceived either at a regional level or a national level and financed through (indirect) taxation on the population as a whole. This type of fund could have a wider use in the field of marine pollution and protection of marine resources.  相似文献   

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