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敦煌地区严重的生态环境退化问题,其根源在于对其产生的原因及其演变过程没有科学、统一的认识.尽管近年来政府及有关部门投入了大量的人力物力,采取了一些措施,做了一些研究,但效果并不明显,甚至有人提出将之与古楼兰衰退相提并论.该文认为,敦煌地区生态退化及其演变,无论是地下水位的下降、绿洲与湿地的萎缩等,都是地质科学领域的问题,需要运用地质学思维分析探讨.研究改善敦煌的生态环境退化和治理措施,必须从环境地质、生态地质学的理论和方法去解决.图1,参13.  相似文献   

松嫩盆地生态环境地质图编图方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松嫩盆地是一个生态环境脆弱地区。本文以松嫩盆地为典型研究区域,采用定性指标与定量化手段相结合的方法,综合考虑干旱、洪涝、盐渍化、荒漠化、沼泽化和水土流失等一系列生态环境地质问题,编制出反映生态环境地质问题鲜明醒目、层次清晰和规律清楚、具有一定预测功能的生态环境地质图。  相似文献   

祁连山生态问题产生的根源主要在于全球气候变化背景下冰川、冻土、植被、径流等及其水文循环的变化.该文以地球系统科学为指导,在宏观尺度上从系统演化的角度去探讨在全球气候变化条件下祁连山生态问题,认为这些问题的产生与地质过程密不可分,应以生态地质学的理论来研究这些变化的生态地质过程,并指出未来进行祁连山生态问题研究的科学路径,为祁连山的生态保护、河西走廊社会经济的持续健康发展提供科学依据.  相似文献   

GIS与环境模拟在环境地学研究中的作用和意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林年丰  汤洁 《生态环境》2000,9(4):259-262
21世纪全球环境问题将更加突出,环境地学应为研究、解决环境问题做出更多的贡献。但是,环境地学研究所采用的方法和手段还不能满足客观的需要。文章着重讨论了环境模拟系统(EnvironmentalImitationSystem,EIS)的建立及EIS与地理信息系统(GeographicalInformationSystem,GIS)的耦合等问题。作者通过研究,认为上述问题已基本得到解决.从而可以弥补GIS中环境模拟功能的不足,可使EIS纳入GIS的信息空间管理系统,进行信息空间管理、应用分析和信息叠加,并使信息可视化。文章最后指出.目前,可建立GIS-EIS联合系统,以实现信息互换和信息资源的二次开发、利用。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,人民生活水平的提高,人们运用法律武器保护自己的权益已逐渐成为常识.病人对自身健康的保护意识、经济意识也在不断增强,故医疗纠纷时有发生.一旦发生医疗纠纷,医院所消耗的人力、财力、物力、精力是无法估量的.笔者从医疗纠纷的预防和处理两方面进行分析与阐述,强调医护人员提高服务意识、法律意识、预防为主意识的重要性,从而从根本上防止医疗纠纷的发生.参2.  相似文献   

医疗废物非焚烧处理技术述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从提出医疗废物的危害性入手,介绍了我国当前的医疗废物管理和处理处置现状。通过分析和比较蒸汽灭菌法、热裂解法、微波处理法、等离子体法等几种处理方法,寻求适宜我国国情的医疗废物处理方法。  相似文献   

论实习医生的医德医风教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
医德医风是医生在生活和医疗实践中不断培养而形成的,良好的医德医风是合格医师应有的素质和必备的条件.针对当前对实习医生医德医风教育存在的不足,医学院校要重视医德医风教育,实习医院应加强对实习医生医德医风的强化训练和考核;加强对实习医生的医德医风教育对培养合格的医学人才具有深远意义.  相似文献   

本文以医学环境影响评价的目的,内容,原则,范围及对象,评价程序,模式为主要内容,试图提出医学环境影响评价的规范,使医学环境影响评价更具有可操作性及科学性,从而对控制污染,管理环境,规划环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Sri Lanka provides an ideal opportunity for the study of the effect of geology on human health. The vast majority of the people of Sri Lanka still live in rural areas within areas termed geochemical provinces. Very broadly, one could say that a geochemical province has characteristic chemical composition in soil, water stream sediments and rocks, enabling their delineation from others. The chemical composition is presumed to be have an impact on the health of the inhabitants of the particular geochemical province, particularly because of the fact that their food and water are obtained mostly from the terrain itself. This leads to the concept of “diseases of geochemical origin”. Among these are dental fluorosis, iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) and selenium-based diseases. The Dry Zone of Sri Lanka has several areas rich in groundwater fluoride, the ingestion of which leads to dental fluorosis. Iodine deficiency diseases are more common in the Wet Zone, though their aetiologies are more complicated. Interestingly, it has also been observed that significant proportions of the female population of Sri Lanka are selenium-deficient, which could well be related to the geological environment. Chronic renal failure (CRF) has been observed in some areas of the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka, where there is a relationship of CRF with the mineral content of drinking water. This subject matter falls under the auspices of Medical Geology, a scientific discipline still in its infancy, and much more concerted studies are needed to attract the attention of medical research.  相似文献   

内科护理学是护理专业的一门重要专业课程,其教学质量的好坏将直接影响学生日后的临床操作水平.教师通过结合临床经验充分调动学生积极性、采用课前复习导入新课,列表比较鉴别,案例教学,肢体语言教学,课后总结,综合评价等多种教学方法不断提高教学效果,培养出真正适应社会需求的高技能人才.参5.  相似文献   

天津市医疗垃圾管理信息系统设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从用户需求分析、数据库结构设计、系统功能设计和用户界面设计四个方面 ,比较详细的介绍了天津市医疗垃圾管理信息系统 (MWMIS)的设计思想与设计方法及其主要功能特点。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,要求医学图书馆员必须具备较深的相关学科专业知识,知识创新的能力和较高的外语水平,同时要能熟练应用现代信息技术,论述了医学图书馆员核心竞争力的概念、内涵及新形势对馆员核心能力的基本要求,提出了培养医学图书馆员核心能力的途径.参5.  相似文献   

介绍了天津市医疗废物的产生、运输、处置现状,分析医疗废物处置设施体系存在的问题,参考国内外医疗废物管理经验,提出今后医疗废物集中处置设施体系建设方案  相似文献   

This study assesses the distribution of goiter in the Kalutara District, Sri Lanka in order to find causative factors for the occurrence of goiter even after the salt iodization. A questionnaire survey was conducted at the household level and at the same time iodine and selenium levels of the water sources were analyzed. Questionnaire survey results indicated the highest numbers of goiter patients in the northern part where the lowest were found in the southern sector which may be due to the presence of acid sulfate soils. Females were more susceptible and it even showed a transmittance between generations. Average iodine concentrations in subsurface water of goiter endemic regions are 28.25 ± 15.47 μg/L whereas non-goiter regions show identical values at 24.74 ± 18.29 μg/L. Surface water exhibited relatively high values at 30.87 ± 16.13 μg/L. Endemic goiter was reported in some isolated patches where iodine and selenium concentrations low, latter was <10 μg/L. The formation of acid sulfate soils in the marshy lands in Kalutara district may lead to transformation of biological available iodine oxidation into volatile iodine by humic substances, at the same time organic matter rich peaty soil may have strong held of iodine and selenium which again induced by low pH and high temperature were suggested as the instrumental factors in the endemic goiter in Kalutara district. Hence, geochemical features such as soil pH, organic matter and thick lateritic cap in the Kalutara goiter endemic area play a role in controlling the available selenium and iodine for food chain through plant uptake and in water.  相似文献   

为培养高职护理学生综合素质,采用合作学习理论的4个模式即小组效率模式、小组教学模式、表现判断模式、明确态度模式,对高职护理学生医用化学实验进行训练.结果表时:合作学习方法是一次民主室用灵活的学习,培养和提高了高职护理专业学生和老师的素质,教学相长;促进理论与实践相结合.合作学习是通过小组学习形式,帮助高职护理学生学习各类专科知识,提高技能、明确学习态度,是一项民主、实用、灵活的学习.  相似文献   

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