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Dispersal is the key process enhancing the long-term persistence of metapopulations in heterogeneous and dynamic landscapes. However, any individual emigrating from a occupied patch also increases the risk of local population extinction. The consequences of this increase for metapopulation persistence likely depend on the control of emigration. In this paper, we present results of individual-based simulations to compare the consequences of density-independent (DIE) and density-dependent (DDE) emigration on the extinction risk of local populations and a two-patch metapopulation. (1) For completely isolated patches extinction risk increases linearly with realised emigration rates in the DIE scenario. (2) For the DDE scenario extinction risk is nearly insensitive to emigration as longs as emigration probabilities remain below ≈0.2. Survival chances are up to half an order of magnitude larger than for populations with DIE. (3) For low dispersal mortality both modes of emigration increase survival of a metapopulation by ca. one order of magnitude. (4) For high dispersal mortality only DDE can improve the global survival chances of the metapopulation. (5) With DDE individuals are only removed from a population at high population density and the risk of extinction due to demographic stochasticity is thus much smaller compared to the DIE scenario.With density-dependent emigration prospects of metapopulations survival may thus be much higher compared to a system with density-independent emigration. Consequently, the knowledge about the factors driving emigration may significantly affect our conclusions concerning the conservation status of species.  相似文献   

The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been implicated in the decline and extinction of amphibian populations worldwide, but management options are limited. Recent studies show that sodium chloride (NaCl) has fungicidal properties that reduce the mortality rates of infected hosts in captivity. We investigated whether similar results can be obtained by adding salt to water bodies in the field. We increased the salinity of 8 water bodies to 2 or 4 ppt and left an additional 4 water bodies with close to 0 ppt and monitored salinity for 18 months. Captively bred tadpoles of green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea) were released into each water body and their development, levels of B. dendrobatidis infection, and survival were monitored at 1, 4, and 12 months. The effect of salt on the abundance of nontarget organisms was also investigated in before and after style analyses. Salinities remained constant over time with little intervention. Hosts in water bodies with 4 ppt salt had a significantly lower prevalence of chytrid infection and higher survival, following metamorphosis, than hosts in 0 ppt salt. Tadpoles in the 4 ppt group were smaller in length after 1 month in the release site than those in the 0 and 2 ppt groups, but after metamorphosis body size in all water bodies was similar . In water bodies with 4 ppt salt, the abundance of dwarf tree frogs (Litoria fallax), dragonfly larvae, and damselfly larvae was lower than in water bodies with 0 and 2 ppt salt, which could have knock‐on effects for community structure. Based on our results, salt may be an effective field‐based B. dendrobatidis mitigation tool for lentic amphibians that could contribute to the conservation of numerous susceptible species. However, as in all conservation efforts, these benefits need to be weighed against negative effects on both target and nontarget organisms.  相似文献   

Extraction of crude oil from oil sand produces solid (sand) and liquid (water with suspended fine particles) tailings materials, called oil sands process-affected materials (OSPM). These waste materials are stored on the mine site due to a “zero discharge” policy and must be reclaimed when operations end. The liquid tailings materials are known to contain naphthenic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and have high pH and salinity. One method of reclamation is the “wet landscape” approach, which involves using oil sands tailings materials to form wetlands that would mimic natural wetland ecological function. This study investigated the effects of wetlands formed with oil sands tailings materials on the survival and growth of wood frog (Rana sylvatica) larvae. In spring 2007, in-situ caging studies were completed in 14 wetlands that were of four different classes; young or old, reference or reclaimed. Tadpole survival was different between types of wetlands, with young tailings-affected wetlands (≤7 years old) having 41.5%, 62.6%, and 54.7% higher tadpole mortality than old tailings-affected (>7 years old), young reference, and old reference wetlands, respectively. Since old wetlands created from OSPM showed effects on tadpoles similar to those of reference wetlands, which had markedly lower toxicity than young tailings-affected wetlands, we provide evidence that wetlands, at least 7 years old, can sustain amphibian life.  相似文献   

Geologic processes strongly influence water and sediment quality in aquatic ecosystems but rarely are geologic principles incorporated into routine biomonitoring studies. We test if elevated concentrations of metals in water and sediment are restricted to streams downstream of mines or areas that may discharge mine wastes. We surveyed 198 catchments classified as "historically mined" or "unmined," and based on mineral-deposit criteria, to determine whether water and sediment quality were influenced by naturally occurring mineralized rock, by historical mining, or by a combination of both. By accounting for different geologic sources of metals to the environment, we were able to distinguish aquatic ecosystems limited by metals derived from natural processes from those due to mining. Elevated concentrations of metals in water and sediment were not restricted to mined catchments; depauperate aquatic communities were found in unmined catchments. The type and intensity of hydrothermal alteration and the mineral deposit type were important determinants of water and sediment quality as well as the aquatic community in both mined and unmined catchments. This study distinguished the effects of different rock types and geologic sources of metals on ecosystems by incorporating basic geologic processes into reference and baseline site selection, resulting in a refined assessment. Our results indicate that biomonitoring studies should account for natural sources of metals in some geologic environments as contributors to the effect of mines on aquatic ecosystems, recognizing that in mining-impacted drainages there may have been high pre-mining background metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Utilization of energy substrates during calling activity in tropical frogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Calling activity in frogs is energetically demanding to males because they usually perform at or near their physiological capacities. Metabolic fuel for muscle contractions during bouts of aerobic calling activity comes from carbohydrates and lipids that are stored in the trunk muscles. I monitored nightly calling performance in males of seven tropical frog species from two families, Hylidae and Leptodactylidae, and compared levels of glycogen and lipid in the trunk muscles from males collected before and after a three-hour period of calling activity. Trunk muscles from late-evening males in five species had up to 63% less glycogen than the trunk muscles from early-evening males; relatively little depletion was observed in two other species. Overall, glycogen reserves and rates of depletion were highest in species with very high calling rates. It was not possible to measure changes in the relatively large stores of lipid in the trunk muscles after only 3 h of calling. Nevertheless, intramuscular lipid stores probably provide a greater percentage of the energy needed for sound production than glycogen stores, and are largest in species with high calling rates. Received: 7 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 20 July 1997  相似文献   

Recruitment helps insect societies by bringing individuals to places where work needs to be done, but it also imposes energetic and opportunity costs. The net effect depends both on recruitment efficiency and on the ease with which insects can find work sites on their own. This study examined both of these factors for colony emigration by the ant Temnothorax curvispinosus. Emigrations were organized by a corps of active ants who transported the rest of the colony. These active ants either found new sites independently or followed tandem runs led by successful scouts. Although most tandem runs broke apart before reaching their target, even lost followers found the new site faster than did unguided searchers. When the new site was near the old nest, tandem runs were rare and summoned only a small proportion of the transporter corps. When the new site was instead distant and inconspicuous, tandem runs were common and brought roughly one third of the transporters. This pattern likely results from the quorum rule used by individual scouts to decide when to switch from tandem runs to transports. By monitoring how many nestmates have already found the nest, the ants ensure that the costs of recruitment are born only when necessary.  相似文献   

环境雌激素对水生动物的影响研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杨再福  赵晓祥 《生态环境》2005,14(1):108-112
水环境是环境雌激素的最大储存库。环境雌激素通过食物的传递进入动物体内,类似于雌激素的功能。环境雌激素可导致水生动物性别特征丧失和后代不能繁殖;可引起水蚤性别比例失调,蜕皮率下降,导致软体动物性畸形和超雌性化现象;导致鲤鱼等生殖器畸形,引起鱼类种群生存力和资源量下降。壬酚(NP)、双酚A(BPA)和E2在河水、水生附着生物和底栖生物之间的生物积累与放大倍数在18~1200倍之间,环境激素通过食物链的生物放大作用比通过水体的传递对鱼类等水生生物的危害更大,并且在河流等的枯水期对水生动物的影响更大。文章讨论了环境雌激素的降解与研究前景。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic-derived stressors in the environment, such as contaminants, are increasingly considered important cofactors that may decrease the immune response of amphibians to pathogens. Few studies, however, have integrated amphibian disease and contaminants to test this multiple-stressor hypothesis for amphibian declines. We examined whether exposure to sublethal concentrations of a glyphosate-based herbicide and two strains of the pathogenic chytrid fungus, Batrachochrytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) could: (1) sublethally affect wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) by altering the time to and size at metamorphosis, and (2) directly affect survivability of wood frogs after metamorphosis. Neither Bd strain nor herbicide exposure alone significantly altered growth or time to metamorphosis. The two Bd strains did not differ in their pathogenicity, and both caused mortality in post-metamorphic wood frogs. There was no evidence of an interaction between treatments, indicating a lack of herbicide-induced susceptibility to Bd. However, the trends in our data suggest that exposure of wood frogs to a high concentration of glyphosate-based herbicide may reduce Bd-caused mortality compared to animals exposed to Bd alone. These results exemplify the complexities inherent when populations are coping with multiple stressors. In this case, the perceived stressor, glyphosate-based herbicide, appeared to affect the pathogen more than the host's immune system, relieving the host from disease-caused effects. This suggests caution when invoking multiple stressors as a cause for increased disease susceptibility and indicates that the effects of multiple stressors on disease outcome depend on the interrelationships of stressors to both the pathogen and the host.  相似文献   

The field of toxicology has traditionally assessed the risk of contaminants by using laboratory experiments and a range of pesticide concentrations that are held constant for short periods of time (1-4 days). From these experiments, one can estimate the concentration that causes no effect on survival. However, organisms in nature frequently experience multiple, applications of pesticides over time rather than a single constant concentration. In addition, organisms are embedded in ecological communities that can propagate indirect effects through a food web. Using outdoor mesocosms, we examined how low concentrations (10-250 microg/L) of a globally common insecticide (malathion) applied at various amounts, times, and frequencies affected aquatic communities containing zooplankton, phytoplankton, periphyton, and larval amphibians (reared at two densities) for 79 days. All application regimes caused a decline in zooplankton, which initiated a trophic cascade in which there was a bloom in phytoplankton and, in several treatments, a subsequent decline in the competing periphyton. The reduced periphyton had little effect on wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), which have a short time to metamorphosis. However, leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) have a longer time to metamorphosis, and they experienced large reductions in growth and development, which led to subsequent mortality as the environment dried. Hence, malathion (which rapidly breaks down) did not directly kill amphibians, but initiated a trophic cascade that indirectly resulted in substantial amphibian mortality. Importantly, repeated applications of the lowest concentration (a "press treatment" consisting of seven weekly applications of 10 microg/L) caused larger impacts on many of the response variables than single "pulse" applications that were 25 times as great in concentration. These results are not only important because malathion is the most commonly applied insecticide and is found in wetlands, but also because the mechanism underlying the trophic cascade is common to a wide range of insecticides, offering the possibility of general predictions for the way in which many insecticides impact aquatic communities and the populations of larval amphibians.  相似文献   

Introductions of non-native predators often reduce biodiversity and affect natural predator–prey relationships and may increase the abundance of potential disease vectors (e.g., mosquitoes) indirectly through competition or predation cascades. The Santa Monica Mountains (California, U.S.A.), situated in a global biodiversity hotspot, is an area of conservation concern due to climate change, urbanization, and the introduction of non-native species. We examined the effect of non-native crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on an existing native predator, dragonfly nymphs (Aeshna sp.), and their mosquito larvae (Anopheles sp.) prey. We used laboratory experiments to compare the predation efficiency of both predators, separately and together, and field data on counts of dragonfly nymphs and mosquito larvae sampled from 13 local streams. We predicted a lower predation efficiency of crayfish compared with native dragonfly nymphs and a reduced predation efficiency of dragonfly nymphs in the presence of crayfish. Dragonfly nymphs were an order of magnitude more efficient predators than crayfish, and dragonfly nymph predation efficiency was reduced in the presence of crayfish. Field count data showed that populations of dragonfly nymphs and mosquito larvae were strongly correlated with crayfish presence in streams, such that sites with crayfish tended to have fewer dragonfly nymphs and more mosquito larvae. Under natural conditions, it is likely that crayfish reduce the abundance of dragonfly nymphs and their predation efficiency and thereby, directly and indirectly, lead to higher mosquito populations and a loss of ecosystem services related to disease vector control.  相似文献   

Stief P  Hölker F 《Ecology》2006,87(12):3152-3159
Sediment-dwelling zoobenthos stimulate the mineralization of organic matter and alter nutrient cycling by aerating the sediment via burrows, by feeding on detritus, and by redistributing particles. Here we experimentally revealed that abundant benthic chironomids (Chironomus riparius) can perceive predatory fish (Rutilus rutilus) via chemical cues (kairomones) and spend less time foraging at the sediment surface and more time hiding in their burrows. This predator avoidance behavior significantly increased the exposure of freshly deposited organic particles to oxygen by reducing their burial to subsurface layers and by enhancing the aeration of subsurface layers via burrow ventilation, conditions that together increased the rate of organic matter mineralization. These results demonstrate that predatory fish can exert trait-mediated effects on benthic communities that in turn alter basic ecosystem processes related to nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Widespread alteration of natural hydrologic patterns by large dams combined with peak demands for power and water delivery during summer months have resulted in frequent aseasonal flow pulses in rivers of western North America. Native species in these ecosystems have evolved with predictable annual flood-drought cycles; thus, their likelihood of persistence may decrease in response to disruption of the seasonal synchrony between stable low-flow conditions and reproduction. We evaluated whether altered flow regimes affected 2 native frogs in California and Oregon (U.S.A.) at 4 spatial and temporal extents. We examined changes in species distribution over approximately 50 years, current population density in 11 regulated and 16 unregulated rivers, temporal trends in abundance among populations occupying rivers with different hydrologic histories, and within-year patterns of survival relative to seasonal hydrology. The foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii), which breeds only in flowing water, is more likely to be absent downstream of large dams than in free-flowing rivers, and breeding populations are on average 5 times smaller in regulated rivers than in unregulated rivers. Time series data (range = 8 - 19 years) from 5 populations of yellow-legged frogs and 2 populations of California red-legged frogs (R. draytonii) across a gradient of natural to highly artificial timing and magnitude of flooding indicate that variability of flows in spring and summer is strongly correlated with high mortality of early life stages and subsequent decreases in densities of adult females. Flow management that better mimics natural flow timing is likely to promote persistence of these species and others with similar phenology.  相似文献   

A recent challenge in community ecology is to understand under what conditions local and regional processes may be more important in shaping community structure. We investigated the role of dispersal mode and generation time for communities of macroinvertebrates in two sets of connected ponds during three consecutive years. We found no evidence that generation time affected metacommunity structure, possibly because statistical power was limited because the range of generation times present was small. In contrast, we found that the spatial structure of the macroinvertebrate metacommunities differed with dispersal mode in one of two sets of ponds. Passive dispersers showed positive distance-dissimilarity correlations, suggesting mass effects via the pond connections. These correlations did not stretch beyond the first pond downstream suggesting that, in this chain of connected ponds, intervening ponds effectively buffered dispersal. Active dispersers did not show any consistent spatial pattern, possibly because intensive over-land dispersal homogenized the metacommunity. Thus, although pond connections probably equally promoted dispersal of actively and passively dispersing macroinvertebrates, the implications for the structure of their metacommunities may depend on their dispersal mode. We conclude that dispersal mode has the potential to affect the mechanisms that are integral to metacommunity structure.  相似文献   

Sperry JH  Weatherhead PJ 《Ecology》2008,89(10):2770-2776
Drought can have severe ecological effects and global climate-change theory predicts that droughts are likely to increase in frequency and severity. Therefore, it is important that we broaden our understanding of how drought affects not only individual species, but also multitrophic interactions. Here we document vegetation and small-mammal abundance and associated patterns of Texas ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta) body condition and survival before, during, and after a drought in central Texas, USA. Vegetation (grass and forbs) height and small-mammal capture rates were two times greater in wet years compared to the drought year. The decline of small mammals (the snakes' principal prey) during the drought was associated with a drop in ratsnake body condition, consistent with reduced food intake. During the drought, snake mortality also increased 24%. Although higher snake mortality was attributable to predation and road mortality rather than being a direct result of starvation, an increase in risk-prone behavior by foraging snakes probably increased their exposure to those other mortality factors. Drought conditions lasted only for 21 months, and vegetation, small-mammal abundance, and snake condition had returned to pre-drought levels within a year. Although estimates of snake population size were not available, it is likely that substantially more than a year was required for the population to return to its previous size.  相似文献   

Preston DL  Henderson JS  Johnson PT 《Ecology》2012,93(6):1254-1261
With many ecosystems now supporting multiple nonnative species from different trophic levels, it can be challenging to disentangle the net effects of invaders within a community context. Here, we combined wetland surveys with a mesocosm experiment to examine the individual and combined effects of nonnative fish predators and nonnative bullfrogs on aquatic communities. Among 139 wetlands, nonnative fish (bass, sunfish, and mosquitofish) negatively influenced the probability of occupancy of Pacific treefrogs (Pseudacris regilla), but neither invader correlated strongly with occupancy by California newts (Taricha torosa), western toads (Anaxyrus boreas), or California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii). In mesocosms, mosquitofish dramatically reduced the abundance of zooplankton and palatable amphibian larvae (P. regilla and T. torosa), leading to increases in nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton (through loss of zooplankton), and rapid growth of unpalatable toad larvae (through competitive release). Bullfrog larvae reduced the growth of native anurans but had no effect on survival. Despite strong effects on natives, invaders did not negatively influence one another, and their combined effects were additive. Our results highlight how the net effects of multiple nonnative species depend on the trophic level of each invader, the form and magnitude of invader interactions, and the traits of native community members.  相似文献   

化学物质水体归趋与影响 (简称CAFE)数据库是一个允许快速并无限制访问数据的集中式数据库。CAFE将现有的32 377种化学物质的归趋数据和4 498种化学物质的毒性效果数据整合至用户友好的工具中,以物种敏感度分布(SSD)的形式总结毒性数据,并提供了相关的1%和5%危害浓度(HC1和HC5)。为探究CAFE数据与报道的化学事故之间的联系,一项数据可用性评估显示,2000年至2014年间在美国国家应急中心呈报的55种化学物质中,32种物质的归趋和20种物质的毒性在CAFE中均有记录;2003年至2014年间由美国海洋及大气管理局呈报的205种化学物质中,86种物质的归趋和103种物质的毒性在CAFE中也均有记录。我们假设2种化学物质在环境中溢出(丙烯腈,溢出量为625桶 ;变性乙醇,溢出量为857桶),根据模型对其环境浓度进行模拟,进而说明CAFE在实际中的应用。在24 h时程的SSD中,大多数物种很可能分别在溢出后最初的35 min内和15 h内受到丙烯腈和变性酒精的影响。丙烯腈浓度在溢出后45 min已低于HC5(17 mg?LL-1),变性酒精浓度在溢出后60 h已低于HC5(2 676 mg?LL-1)。将100种化学物质以CAFE数据为基础得出的HC5与发表的HC5进行对比,我们发现超过一半的数值都在2倍差异以内,较少的一部分数值则超过了10倍差异。CAFE的发展提高了获取相关环境信息的能力,并可能应用于水体环境污染物溢出分析之外的更多领域。
精选自Adriana C. Bejarano, James K. Farr, Polly Jenne, Valerie Chu, Al Hielscher. The chemical aquatic fate and effects database (CAFE), a tool that supports assessments of chemical spills in aquatic environments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 7, pages 1576–1586, July 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3289

More than 40% of Earth's 5700+ amphibian species have undergone recent declines. Despite the likely involvement of multiple factors in driving these declines, most studies continue to focus on single stressors. In California (USA), separate studies have implicated either introduced fish or pesticides as causal agents. To date, however, no study has simultaneously evaluated the respective roles of these two potential stressors nor attempted to assess their relative importance, information critical for the development of effective conservation efforts and environmental policies. We examined the role and relative effect of fish and pesticides on the mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) using unusually detailed data sets for a large portion of R. muscosa's historic range in California's Sierra Nevada. Habitat characteristics and presence/absence of R. muscosa and fish were quantified at each of 6831 sites during field surveys. Pesticide use upwind of each site was calculated from pesticide application records and predominant wind directions. Using generalized additive models, we found that, after accounting for habitat effects, the probability of R. muscosa presence was significantly reduced by both fish and pesticides, with the landscape-scale effect of pesticides much stronger than that of fish. The degree to which a site was sheltered from the predominant wind (and associated pesticides) was also a significant predictor of R. muscosa presence. Taken together, these results represent the strongest evidence to date that windborne pesticides are contributing to amphibian declines in pristine locations. Our results suggest that amphibian declines may have complex multi-factorial causes, and caution that single-factor studies that demonstrate the importance of one factor should not be used as evidence against the importance of other factors.  相似文献   

Role of probiotics on the environment of shrimp pond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent disease outbreak in shrimp farming caused mainly by bacteria, virus, fungi or a combination of these etiologic agents is attributed to disturbance in the environment of pond. To combat this, different antibiotics and chemicals are being used which are reported to be not environment friendly. Of late, a new and unique biotechnological product called "Probiotics " is being used widely by all the shrimp farmers worldwide, which is found to be more effective and environmentally safe also. In the present study 2 probiotics were used in a small 0.7 ha shrimp farm near Pattukottai in Tamil Nadu State for one culture period for the management of pond environment and also the gut ecology of Penaeus monodon. The environmental parameters analysed were within the acceptable limits. It was evident from the results that the production was better in the experimental pond where the probiotics were used. The biological parameters such as the average body weight, FCR and total harvest achieved were better in the experimental pond than the control pond, all due to congenial environment, which obtained in the former mainly due to the use of probiotics.  相似文献   

Division of labour during colony emigration is widespread in ants. An important problem is how tasks are allocated during colony movement from one nest site to another. The generally favoured view is that emigrations are organised by a minority group of individuals, which either work unusually hard at tasks (elites) or have the exclusive task of carrying out the emigration (moving specialists). Five consecutive emigrations of a Leptothorax unifasciatus (Latr.) colony showed that the number of transporters, i.e. the individuals that took an active part in the emigration by transporting brood and ants, was smaller than it would have been if allocation of this task was random during each emigration. However, single emigrations of another three colonies, for which the spatial distribution and behaviour of the workers had been observed for a week prior to the emigration, demonstrated that the transporters did not form a homogeneous group. They differed in their spatial positions and tasks before the emigration. There was also no evidence that transporters worked harder or less hard than their nestmates before the emigration. Therefore, the individuals which carry out emigrations in L. unifasciatus colonies appear to be neither moving specialists nor elites. We propose that task allocation during emigrations of L. unifasciatus colonies is based on a feedback mechanism that involves learning.  相似文献   

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