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This study reports the vertical distribution of fish larvae during the 1999 summer upwelling season in the Canaries-African Coastal Transition Zone (the Canaries-ACTZ). The transition between the African coastal upwelling and the typical subtropical offshore conditions is a region of intense mesoscale activity that supports a larval fish population dominated by African neritic species. During the study, the thermal stratification extended almost to the surface everywhere, and the surface mixed layer was typically shallow or non-existent. Upwelling occurred on the African shelf in a limited coastal sub-area of our sampling. The vertical distributions of the entire larval fish population, as well as of individual species, were independent of the seasonal thermocline. Fish larvae and mesozooplankton were concentrated at intermediate depths regardless of the thermocline position, probably because of its weak signature and spatial and temporal variability. Day/night vertical distributions suggest that some species did not perform diel vertical migration (DVM), whereas others showed either type I DVM or type II DVM. The opposing DVM patterns of different species compensate for each other resulting in no net DVM for the larval fish population as a whole.  相似文献   

C. Roger 《Marine Biology》1973,19(1):66-68
The role of euphausiids in the food webs of the Intertropical Pacific Ocean is defined through analysis of their nutrition, vertical distributions and migrations, and their utilization by pelagic predators. It is suggested that the abundance of the group, the extensive vertical migrations of many species and the fact that feeding takes place mainly in subsurface layers, result in a leading role of euphausiids in energy transfer between different bathymetric levels. For night-time feeding predators, they represent a noticeable food source only in the 0 to 300 m water layer, as 97% of the euphausiid biomass concentrates in this layer at night. In the daytime, only the smaller specimens (chiefly genus Stylocheiron), accounting for 10 to 15% of the whole biomass of the group, remain available for epipelagic (0 to 400 m) predators, larger individuals dwelling deeper. Euphausiids account for 8 to 10% of the food ingested by micronektonic fishes, but the species are not the same for different categories of fishes. Migrating fishes caught by pelagic trawls, more or less connected with the deep scattering layer, feed on migrating species in subsurface layers at night as well as in deeper layers during the daytime, and on non-migrating species inhabiting shallower and intermediate layers. On the other hand, fishes which comprise the prey of large long-line tunas, which are not caught by trawls because they are fast swimmers, feed almost solely on species which remain above 400 m in the daytime. These results suggest a certain degree of independance between the trophic webs which concern, on the one hand, epipelagic ichthyofauna (including tuna), and, on the other hand, migrating and deep-living faunas. Migrating populations are able to feed at night upon subsurface organisms, a part of this resource being then transmitted during the day to the deep-living fauna; but the epipelagic ichthyofauna, with a feeding activity restricted to light hours, has few possibilities to benefit from the migrating or deepliving biomass. Therefore, energy transfers seem to be intense only from subsurface (0 to 400 m) to deeper layers. From a more general point of view, these investigations suggest that, in the pelagic system, vertical distributions and migrations, and feeding rhythms, are the main factors determining the structure of the food webs.  相似文献   

Schmidt  W. 《Marine Biology》1972,16(2):91-101
Scattering layers beyond the Continental Shelf, in deep water, were often observed during cruises with the charter vessel of the Regional Fisheries Survey in West Africa. The layers were located at depths of 100 to 350 m during daytime; at night, they generally ascended to the surface. They consisted mainly of myctophids and small squids. In this report, results of first observations on deep-scattering layers of Sardinella aurita (Cuv. et Val.) are given. The layers occurred off Mauritania during the months of hydrological transition, characterized by low water-temperatures. In these months, S. aurita were rarely caught over the shelf. Apparently, they migrate north and south in deep water, and were not detected by commercial vessels. The environmental conditions and the difficulties for the industrial fishery during this transitional period are briefly described. the temporal and spatial occurrence of deep-scattering S. aurita is given, and diurnal vertical migrations are shown, together with examples of echo records. Results of fishing operations made in the layer, and some biological observations on S. aurita are presented.  相似文献   

C. Roger 《Marine Biology》1971,10(2):134-144
This paper examines data obtained from 80 stations in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean; material was collected with a 10 foot Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl (IKMT), an opening-closing Omori larval net (LN) and a neuston surface net. The smaller fauna (average length <10 mm) appears to remain permanently in the 0 to 160 m water layer. As far as larger fauna is concerned, by night 86 % of the euphausiids occur in the 0 to 160 m water layer, 11 % between 160 and 300 m, and 3 % in deeper water layers. In terms of biomass, these percentages are 75, 19 and 6 %, respectively, suggesting that larger animals tend to dwell in deeper water layers. The vertical distributions of the larger species by night fall into 4 main types: (1) nearly all individuals occur inside or above the thermocline (i.e., 0 to 160 m): Thysanopoda tricuspidata, T. aequalis, Stylocheiron carinatum, Euphausia diomedae, E. paragibba, E. tenera; (2) species occupy the 0 to 300 m layer, some animals crossing the thermocline and others not: S. affine, Nematoscelis microps, T. pectinata, T. monacantha, T. orientalis, S. abbreviatum, Nematoscelis gracilis, Nematobrachion flexipes; (3) whole populations remain under the thermocline (160 to 300 m): S. longicorne, S. maximum, Nematoscelis tenella; (4) deep-living species (300 to 800 m): S. elongatum, T. cristata, Nematobrachion boopis, Bentheuphausia amblyops. The specific composition of the fauna of the various layers has been deduced from these considerations. For 9 species it is evident that older individuals tend to live deeper than the younger stages. The duration of the nocturnal stay in subsurface layers, as well as the upper diurnal limits of the species, have been estimated from a series of consecutive tows. Occurrence of the larger fauna (>10 mm average length) can be considered as quantitatively negligible during daytime hours in the 0 to 200 m water layer, except where swarming occurs. The data have been used to establish whether species belong to migrant or non-migrant types, and to determine the vertical ranges of their distributions.  相似文献   

Diel changes in the composition of crustacean zooplankton and the diets of fish predators from an intertidal eelgrass flat were monitored concurrently. The zooplankton is characterized by two major components. The obligate zooplankters (holoplanktonic calanoid copepods and meroplanktonic decapod larvae) appear to exhibit vertical migration, being present in higher densities near the surface of the water column at night. The facultative zooplankton (amphipods and ostracods) are benthic during the day, but move up into the water column at night. Planktivorous midwaterdwelling fish consume calanoid copepods and decapod larvae during the day and cease feeding or switch their diet to amphipods at night. Benthic-dwelling fish consume some amphipods during both day and night. The factors important in prey selection by fish and the functional significance of vertical migration in both components of the zooplankton are discussed in the light of the changing patterns of fish predation.This paper is Publication No. 183 in the Ministry for Conservation of Victoria, Environmental Studies Series.  相似文献   

L. Dagorn  P. Bach  E. Josse 《Marine Biology》2000,136(2):361-371
 The horizontal and vertical movements of large bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus Lowe, 1839; 25 to 50 kg) captured in the south Pacific Ocean (French Polynesia) were determined using pressure-sensitive ultrasonic transmitters. Bigeye tuna swam within the first 100 m below the surface during the night-time and at depths between 400 and 500 m during the daytime. The fish exhibited clear relationships with the sound scattering layer (SSL). They followed its vertical movements at dawn and dusk, and were probably foraging on the organisms of the SSL. Bigeye tuna did, however, make regular rapid upward vertical excursions into the warm surface layer, most probably in order to regulate body temperature and, perhaps, to compensate for an accumulated oxygen debt (i.e. to metabolize lactate). The characteristics of these dives differ from those reported from previous studies on smaller bigeye tuna (∼12 kg) near the main Hawaiian Islands. During the daytime, the large fish in French Polynesia made upward excursions approximately only every 2.5 h, whereas smaller fish in Hawaiian waters made upward excursions approximately every hour. Our data are the first observations on the role of body size in the vertical behavior of bigeye tuna. Received: 9 September 1998 / Accepted: 25 November 1999  相似文献   

Stenobrachius leucopsarus, the most abundant species of myctophid fishes off Oregon, USA, has a bimodal distribution at night, with a peak of abundance in the upper 100 m composed of diel vertical migrants, and another peak at 300 to 500 m composed of fish that did not migrate the night they were caught. We compared the feeding habits of these two groups of fish in an attempt to learn if deep fish migrated to surface waters. Low similarity of diets, differences in the rank order of common prey, and similar states of stomach fullness and digestion of prey suggest that fish captured in deep water at night probably did not feed exclusively in shallow water on previous nights. They probably fed in deep water. The similarity in food habits between deep and shallow fish is most readily explained by daytime feeding by fish in deep water and by broad vertical distributions of prey.  相似文献   

The pelagic crustacean Euphausia pacifica Hansen was sampled with a multiple-sample 1.0 m2 Tucker trawl and a multiple-sample 1.0 m2 vertical net in Dabob Bay, Washington on 17 dates between May 1985 and October 1987. Size (stage) structure and abundance of the population were determined for each date, while vertical distribution and diel migration were determined for 13 dates. Although internannual variability in both timing and magnitude of events occurred, consistent patterns were discernable. The population produced a large pulse of larvae (2 to 5 mm) in late spring of each year, apparently in response to the vernal phytoplankton bloom. Much lower abundances of larvae occurred during summer and autumn of each year, and larvae were completely absent during winter. Recruitment to the juvenile (6 to 9 mm) and adult (10 mm) stages was strongest during the summer, with abundances of these individuals peaking in summer and autumn. Individual growth rates, determined by modal progression analysis, were calculated for E. pacifica. Rates ranged from zero for some adult cohorts during the winter to 0.12 mm d-1 for larvae during spring. The latter are among the highest ever reported for this species in the field. The vertical distributions and diel vertical migrations (DVM) of E. pacifica varied seasonally and between size (stage) classes. At night, all size classes were distributed in the surface layer (upper 25 m) irrespective of season or year. During the day, the larger/older stages were always distributed at middepths (50 to 125 m). In contrast, the daytime distribution of the larvae was more variable, being concentrated at the surface during spring and early summer of 1985, and at increasing depths later in the summer and autumn of 1985 and again in spring of 1986. This resulted in invariant DVM in the juveniles and adults, but variable DVM in the larvae, the latter of which is hypothesized to be a response to variable abundances of zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of the planktonic larvae of Mesochaetopterus sagittarius (Claparède, 1870) has been studied on the basis of samples taken with closing nets every 3 or 4 h, for periods of at least 24 h. The daily migration does not show the typical pattern. In the evening, the larvae begin to descend from the surface layer; they reach a maximum depth around midnight. The subsequent ascent ends at about noon, when the concentration again attains its maximum close to the surface. The biometric analysis of the samples shows that the migration range depends on the size of the larvae: the bigger they are, the higher is the respective amplitude of migration. Furthermore, there exists a size gradient independent of the time of capture which is most distinct during night time; at night, average size, as well as total number of larvae, decrease in the surface layer and, accordingly, increase in the greater depths. The techniques used allow a high degree of significance to be attached to the results obtained. The standard deviation calculated for each sampling series is lower when two parallel samples are taken at each depth, and in the same water mass, by using a parachute drogue set at 20 m depth and followed during the series.  相似文献   

The mesopelagic zone of the Red Sea represents an extreme environment due to low food concentrations, high temperatures and low oxygen waters. Nevertheless, a 38 kHz echosounder identified at least four distinct scattering layers during the daytime, of which the 2 deepest layers resided entirely within the mesopelagic zone. Two of the acoustic layers were found above a mesopelagic oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), one layer overlapped with the OMZ, and one layer was found below the OMZ. Almost all organisms in the deep layers migrated to the near-surface waters during the night. Backscatter from a 300 kHz lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler indicated a layer of zooplankton within the OMZ. They carried out DVM, yet a portion remained at mesopelagic depths during the night. Our acoustic measurements showed that the bulk of the acoustic backscatter was restricted to waters shallower than 800 m, suggesting that most of the biomass in the Red Sea resides above this depth.  相似文献   

Size-frequency distributions were determined for 3 common lantern-fishes (Stenobrachius leucopsarus, Diaphus theta, and Tarletonbeania crenularis) off Oregon in the summer. The fishes were caught mainly in sound-scattering layers by a large pelagic trawl with 5 opening-closing nets. Changes in depth distribution and diel vertical migration with growth were evident for all 3 species. The size of S. leucopsarus increased markedly with depth both at 0 to 90 m at night and 250 to 500 m during the day. Larger D. theta were also found deeper during the day (between 250 and 450 m), but neither D. theta nor T. crenularis demonstrated size segregation in the upper 90 m at night. Large D. theta and small T. crenularis did not appear to migrate into surface waters at night. Age-Group O (15 to 20 mm) S. leucopsarus were most abundant in deep water (400 to 480 m) in the daytime and did not migrate into near-surface waters at night. Age-Group I (30 to 40 mm) S. leucopsarus were common at about 300 m by day and within the upper 30 m at night. Age-Group II–III (50 to 60 mm) apparently followed the evening ascent of Age-Group I fish and most resided at 75 to 90 m at night, beneath Age-Group I fish. Age-Group III+fish (70 to 80 mm) were associated with Age-Group O at 400 to 480 m by day and usually did not migrate above 200 m at night. The size structure of S. leucopsarus differed among the nets of a single tow at one depth, or between two tows that fished the same depths on successive nights, indicating horizontal patchiness in age structure. D. theta demonstrated low within-tow variability in size composition which indicated a spatially more uniform age structure on a scale of kilometers. The size structures of these 3 lanternfishes were different in the same area and the same season during two different years, suggesting variable survival of year classes or horizontal patchiness of age composition in the area sampled.  相似文献   

Distribution dynamics of fish larvae and juveniles in the coastal waters of the Tanshui River, Taiwan was studied fortnightly using surface horizontal tows with a larval net in daytime during the period from early April through early June 1991. Environmental factors, including water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, transparency and depth at sampling stations, were also monitored. A total of 10737 fish eggs and 1387 individuals, representing 43 families and 93 species, was collected during five cruises from 12 stations in the coastal waters. Most fish were estuarine-dependent marine species. Liza macrolepis, Ambassis gymnocephalus, Terapon jarbua, Mullidae and Gobiidae were the most dominant, making up 64.7% of the total catch. Early life stages, including egg, preflexion, flexion and postflexion larvae were abundant in surface samples. However, yolk-sac larvae were absent in the surface water, probably due to an ontogenetic behavioral shift as a consequence of a change in specific weight during early development. The species composition of fish larvae and juveniles was related to the microhabitats found in the coastal waters. The physico-chemical conditions, along with ontogenetic behavior, played an important role in larval fish distribution in the coastal waters.  相似文献   

D. A. Ritz 《Marine Biology》1972,13(4):309-317
One of the major problems in the quantitative study of the distribution of larvae of the western rock lobster Panulirus longipes cygnus George, is the high variability in planktonnet catches taken at night, even when replicate hauls are made at a single station. Some of the possible causes of this variability are considered. The density of early and late-stage phyllosoma larvae caught at the surface at night showed no direct relationship to either temperature or salinity. Early-stage phyllosoma larvae were equally well represented at the surface under all light conditions encountered at night. In contrast, the density of late-stage phyllosoma larvae at the surface was, on an average, four times greater on dark nights than on bright moonlight nights. The mean density for all phyllosoma stages decreased rapidly with depth, i.e., from 0.70/1000 m3 at the surface to 0.04/1000 m3 at 25 to 35 m, indicating that the vertical movements at night are not very extensive. The density of early-stage phyllosoma larvae in the surface at night showed no relationship to micronekton biomass (measured as wet weight). Density of late-stage phyllosoma larvae at the surface at night increased slightly, but significantly, with increase of micronekton biomass, possibly indicating similar behavioural responses to light or some other factor(s). The distribution of cast exuviae of final-stage phyllosoma larvae indicated that metamorphosis to the puerulus phase can occur more than 100 miles (161 km) from shore. Moreover, 80% of the puerulus larvae caught were within 80 miles (129 km) of the shore. Mean densities of puerulus larvae taken at and below the surface at night were 0.04/1000 m3 and 0.10/1000 m3, respectively, although total numbers were low. This evidence indicates that, after metamorphosis, the puerulus larvae return to the coastal environment at some subsurface depth.  相似文献   

城市化对北京夏季极端高温影响的数值研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑祚芳  高华  王在文  刘伟东 《生态环境》2012,(10):1689-1694
利用一个耦合了城市冠层模式(UCM)的区域数值模拟系统(WRF/NCAR),引入由LandsatTM提取的京津冀区域30m分辨率下垫面GIS数据集代替美国USGS地表分类数据,对2009年6月24—25日出现在北京地区的一次超过40℃极端高温天气过程进行了高分辨率数值模拟,用以考察WRF/UCM系统对北京“城市热岛”及城市高温天气的模拟效果,并分析了城市化对北京地区城市高温和地表能量平衡的影响及其日变化特征。结果表明:采用精细化下垫面分类数据集后能更好地模拟出主要高温区的分布特征,并能较好再现夜间的“城市热岛”效应。城市化发展对近地层气温的影响主要表现在会促使城区及其下风向近郊区气温的升高,增幅可达0.5~2℃,这与城市热岛及其下游效应有关。城市下垫面的高粗糙度对近地层风速表现出明显的阻挡效应,表现在模拟的10m风场减弱明显。考虑了城市下垫面属性的敏感性试验更好地再现了城区温度的日变化,其模拟的日间最高温度与实际观测值更为接近,也较好地模拟出了城区具有较高最低温度的特征。通过城区与郊区能量平衡过程差异的分析表明,城市化可以显著改变能量平衡中各项所占的比重。地表对近地层大气热量输送过程的变化表明随着城市下垫面的日愈扩大,会显著增强白天地表对大气的向上感热输送,增大城区日间出现高温的可能。夜间,模式反映出地表能量收入来自土壤热通量的向上输送,同样由于城区的潜热通量小,收入的能量仍主要以感热形式加热大气,夜间城区具有较高的最低温度并表现出较强的热岛特征,主要与夜间感热加热的持续相关。  相似文献   

Twenty-one species of halocyprid ostracods were identified from 7778 specimens caught in 144 neuston net hauls taken from the research vessel “Walther Herwig” in the Atlantic Ocean. Hauls taken during dusk were richer both in specimens and in species than later in the night. Few if any specimens occurred in daytime catches. Eighty-eight percent of the specimens were male Conchoecia spinirostris, which were observed to swarm at the surface at dusk in two positions. Many of the species occurred over a wide range of hydrographic conditions, and only in the region 40°S; 39°W did representatives of the cold-water fauna appear. The species could be categorised into 5 groups, depending on zoogeographical ranges and daytime depth distributions; the majority of the species ranged from 40°N–40°S, and had daytime maxima in the upper 100 m. It is concluded that ostracods only constitute important food items for carnivores feeding in the neuston when the latter are permanently in the neuston; the occurrence of vertically migrating carnivores does not coincide with the maximum occurrence of ostracods in the neuston.  相似文献   

Penguins may exhibit plasticity in their diving and foraging behaviors in response to changes in prey availability. Chinstrap penguins are dependent predators of Antarctic krill in the Scotia Sea region, but krill populations have fluctuated in recent years. We examined the diet of chinstrap penguins at Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, in relation to their diving and foraging behavior using time-depth recorders over six breeding seasons: 2002–2007. When krill were smaller, more chinstrap penguins consumed fish. In these years, chinstrap penguins often exhibited a shift to deep dives after sundown, and then resumed a shallower pattern at sunrise. These night dives were unexpectedly deep (up to 110 m) and mean night dive depths sometimes exceeded those from the daytime. The average size of krill in each year was negatively correlated to mean night dive depths and the proportion of foraging trips taken overnight. Based on these patterns, we suggest that when krill were small, penguins increasingly targeted myctophid fish. The average krill size was negatively correlated to the time chinstrap penguins spent foraging which suggests that foraging on smaller krill and fish incurred a cost: more time was spent at sea foraging.  相似文献   

Population characteristics, individual life-history variables, feeding and vertical distribution of the mesopelagic fish Müller's pearlside Maurolicus muelleri collected in 1990 in Masfjorden, western Norway, are reported as well as environmental variables from the fjord. Minimum size at maturity was far smaller than reported from previous investigations in the same region. Fecundity was size-dependent and total egg numbers were higher than reported from other investigations of M. muelleri world wide, while the number of maturing eggs was far lower than observed in the same region earlier. Food concentration in the fjord was an order of magnitude lower than previous early summer observations, and several factors indicated that feeding opportunities may have been low for a long period. Daily feeding rate (g prey g-1 fish) decreased with increasing fish size. These observations fit well with a model of maximizing fitness by means of a flexible size at maturity. Minimum age at maturity seems to be achieved at the expense of fecundity. M. muelleri was concentrated in a 20 to 30 m deep sound scattering layer (SSL). The SSL stayed close to the surface during the night and at 100 to 180 m during the daytime. The vertical position of the SSL varied instantaneously with changes in surface light intensity, remaining at 10-3 to 10-4 mol m-1 s-1 at the top of the SSL. Stomach fullness was highest during the night; feeding intensity seems to have been peaked at dusk. Cladocerans were the main prey ranked by number, copepods by biomass. Intake of large copepods increased with fish size.  相似文献   

Studies off the west coast of Australia showed that the phyllosoma larvae of Panulirus cygnus George undergo a diurnal vertical migration, with light as an important factor influencing the depth distribution of all 9 phyllosoma stages. The early stages (I to III) occurred at the surface at night regardless of moonlight intensity, whereas late stages (VI to IX) concentrated at the surface only on nights with less than 5% of full moonlight. Midday peak densities of early-stage larvae occurred in the 30 to 60 m depth range while those of mid (IV to VI) and late stages were in the 50 to 120 m range. Depths of peak densities of larvae increased with distance offshore. The limits of vertical distribution of the phyllosoma remained within ranges of illuminance which were estimated to be in the order of 50 to 250 E m-2 sec-1 for early stages, 20 to 200 E m-2 sec-1 for mid stages and 5 to 50 E m-2 sec-1 for late stages. Minimal rates of net vertical movement were estimated for the larvae. Early stages exhibited mean net rates of ascent and descent of 13.7 and 13.0 m h-1, respectively, while the rates for mid stages were 16.0 and 16.6 m h-1 and for late stages 19.4 and 20.1 m h-1. Diurnal migrations and vertical distribution are shown to have a vital role in the relationships between circulation in the south-eastern Indian Ocean and the transport and dispersal of the phyllosoma larvae. The diurnal migrations of early stages place them at the surface at night, when offshore vectors of wind-driven ocean-surface transport dominate, and below the depth of wind-induced transport during the day, when offshore vectors are small or negative, thus accounting for their offshore displacement. Mid and late stages, because of their deeper daytime distribution and absence from the surface on moonlight nights, are predominantly subject to circulation features underlying the immediate surface layer. This is hypothesized to account for the return of the phyllosoma to areas near the continental shelf edge by subjecting them to a coastward mass transport of water which underlies the immediate surface layer.The western rock lobster is referred to as P. longipes or P. longipes cygnus in some of the literature quoted; these are synonymous with P. cygnus.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of the larvae of shelf-dwelling fish species that spawn in the NW Mediterranean Sea in spring was studied in relation to environmental data. Two sampling cycles were carried out at fixed stations on the continental shelf in May and June 1992. Three patterns of larval vertical distribution for the various taxa represented in the samples were observed. The larvae of most species (e.g. Boops boops, Diplodus sargus) were mainly located in the surface layer (10 m), others (e.g. Arnoglossus sp.) had broader distributions in the upper 40 m of the water column, and but a few (e.g. Gobiidae) were present in large concentrations at greater depths. The vertical distribution patterns of the various species showed no variations, despite high hydrographic variability during the study. The vertical distribution of only a few species (e.g. Arnoglossus sp., Crystallogobius linearis and Engraulis encrasicolus) varied over the diel cycle. The possible influence of the vertical distribution of fish larvae on their horizontal distribution patterns is discussed. Received: 10 March 1997 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

C. Roger 《Marine Biology》1973,19(1):54-60
The predation of euphausiids by micronektonic migrant or deep-living fishes has been studied by examination of 1825 stomach contents selected from 282 samples collected with a 10-foot Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl (IKMT) in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. On the whole, euphausiids account for 8% of the total food ingested; this percentage rises to 21% when the genus Cyclothone is excepted. The species consumed belong to the genera Euphausia (45%), Stylocheiron (40%) and Nematoscelis (13%). 90% of the specimens are smaller than 18 mm and weigh less than 37 mg (wet weight); in most cases, there exists an almost linear relationship between predator size and the occurrence of euphausiids in the stomachs and also with the sizes of the preys. It is shown that the predation of euphausiids by micronektonic migrant and deep-living fishes is less during light hours and rises in the late afternoon and night time. Moreover, the species consumed are not the same at different times of the day; Euphausia spp. are ingested by night (in subsurface layers) as well as during the daytime (in deeper layers), small Stylocheiron mainly by night in subsurface layers, Nematoscelis spp. and Stylocheiron abbreviatum chiefly at the time of vertical migrations (sunset and sunrise).  相似文献   

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