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按照“转变职能、改进作风、强化服务、开拓创新、扎实工作、提高效率”的要求,综合运用法律的、经济的和必要的行政手段,突出重点,积极推进资源节约综合利用和工业污染防治工作,促进经济与资源、环境的协调发展。工作思路:认真贯彻落实可持续发展战略和科教兴国战略,以提高资源有效利用和保护环境为目标,以增强企业竞争力为核心,坚持法规规范,政策导向,规划指导,机制创新,示范推动,信息服务,宣传培训,国际合作,加快建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的资源节约综合利用管理体系和运行机制,突出抓好工业节水、节能、资源综…  相似文献   

改革开放,建立社会主义市场经济体制,是前无古人的千秋伟业。这对环境保护,既是机遇,更是挑战和考验。嘉兴市环保局审时度势,抓住机遇,转变观念,转换职能,在实践中充分发挥自己的主动性、创造性,紧紧围绕经济建设中心积极参与产业结构、工业布局的宏观调控,当好政府参谋、助手。为骨干企业上规模、增活力、创效益,牵线搭桥,为小、穷、亏企业摆脱困境找出路,在服务中强化管理,在管理中给予支持。走出了一条环境管理服务于经济建设,促进经济持续、快速、健康发展的新路子。一、以经济建设为中心经济发展是前提,环境保护是基础…  相似文献   

环境保护是事关和谐社会建设、人民幸福安康的政治工作、社会工作,也是事关企业效益、生产发展的经济工作。环保工作的长期性、复杂性、艰巨性的特点,决定了抓环保不可能毕其功于一役,必须要从基础抓起,树立科学的态度,养成严谨的作风,采取过硬的措施,戒除浮躁的心理,静下心来、沉下身子,抓工作落实,抓隐患治理,抓措施推进,锲而不舍,长抓不懈,稳扎稳打,步步为营,努力实现环境友好目标。  相似文献   

<正>学校在建设生态校园理念的引领下,建立健全节能、节水、垃圾分类等绿色管理制度,组织环保宣传、社会实践体验等活动,积极践行低碳、绿色、环保、生态的生活方式。曲阜师范大学附属实验学校是一所九年一贯制学校,始建于1987年,学校分初中、小学、幼儿园三个学部,共有教职工327人,目前有101个教学班,在校学生5000人。学校占地218亩,建筑面积10万平方米,空间开阔,建筑布局合理。校园内绿树成荫,鸟语花香,绿草如茵。  相似文献   

本品为我所成功推出的低成本、高强度、耐低温第三代新型白乳胶。产品为白色细腻粘稠乳液,不含聚醋酸乙烯单体及钛白粉增白剂等填料,从而改变了传统工艺中用聚醋酸乙烯生产白乳胶的配方,成本仅为传统白乳胶的一半。本品粘接力强,干燥速度快,存放不分层、不沉淀、不凝胶,流动性能好,耐低温性能好,经国家级MA质量检测,其主要技术指标均达到国家一级标准,可广泛用于木材和纸制品加工、涂料生产、工艺品、建材、印染等行业。本品生产工艺难度小,易掌握,设备投资小,土法生产设备投资2000元,规模化生产需反应釜等。技术转让费…  相似文献   

绥化市地处黑龙江省腹地,12个镇,13个乡,2个郊区办事处,人口78万。近年来,随着经济的发展,环保事业不断深入,取得了持续、稳定、协调发展的良好态势。在国民经济总产值增长2.5倍的情况下,城市环境污染,农村生态破坏得到有效控制,城市环境质量仍然稳定在80年代初的水平。农村环境管理、大自然保护、城市综合整治、环境科研工作,成为全国、全省的先进市。实践证明,大力搞好环境宣传教育.努力提高整体环境意识,不但是环保事业长期性的战略任务,也是落实基本国策,促进环境保护深入发展的一项最实际、最富有成效的基础工作。1.…  相似文献   

我校在午山脚下,春秋两季,山上绿树葱葱,有猫头鹰、斑鸠、燕雀、蜡嘴、山鹰、大雁等40多种鸟儿在午山栖息。在一次环保课上,我们讨论了生态、食物链、森林、候鸟等内容,班长宣读了《野生动物保护法》及《青岛市保护鸟类条例》等法律法规,一下子激发了大家爱鸟的情绪,有的说,猫头鹰专门吃老鼠,啄木鸟吃松毛虫可以保护树木;有的用生物链、生态平衡的理论分析了树、草、鸟、虫的作用以及对人类的意义,一个同学表达了特别爱鸟的真情,引起极大的共鸣,此时我想到教学论中的“启而不发”、“开而弗达”,何不将这节课引申到课外,做到…  相似文献   

金秋时节,中国环境管理干部学院迎来30周年华诞。环境保护部部长周生贤为学院发来贺信,贺信指出,30年来,学院秉承“团结、严谨、求实、创新”的校训,坚持以人为本,遵循教育规律,不断改革创新,形成了多专业、多层次、多形式的办学体系,培养造就了大批环保专业人才,为中国环保事业发展做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

巢湖地区旅游资源的开发构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巢湖地区位于安徽省中部,地处东经117”~118”29’、北纬30“56’~32”02’,面积约9282km‘,辖巢湖市、庐江县、无为社、和县、含山县1市4县。该区旅游资源丰富,自然景观和人文景观兼备,被列为皖中旅游开发区。l旅游资源特色1.互湖光山色风景迷人巢湖地区境内既有岗峦起伏的名山,如银屏山、俘柱山、亚父山、褒禅山、鸡笼山、冶父山、太湖山等,又有以巢湖为中心的大小湖泊数十处。巢湖东南长S5km,南北宽21.skin,面积约820km’.四面环山,山中有水,水中有山,波光山影,水天相连,景色妩媚,特别是含山县太湖山国家级森林公园…  相似文献   

1、1855年,河南兰考铜瓦厢决口,黄河再一次大改道2、1876~1878年,黄河流域3年连续大旱,饿死、病死人数多达1300万人3、1922~1932年,黄河流域连续大旱,黄河出现长达11年的枯水时段4、1946年,冀鲁豫解放区成立黄河水利委员会,开始中国共产党领导下的人民治黄事业5、1947年,花园口口门堵复,黄河回归故道,即现行黄河下游河道6、1952年,毛泽东同志第一次离京巡视,就来到黄河视察,发出“要把黄河的事情办好”的伟大号召7、1957年,黄河干流上第一座控制性工程———三门峡水…  相似文献   

从微生物指标中看我国肉类食品安全状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从食品微生物指标:菌落总数、大肠菌群和致病菌三项入手,对我国肉类食品的微生物指标检测情况及其产品质量进行分析。在我国政府的有力监管下,肉类食品产品质量与安全有了大幅度提高。由此展望,21世纪,绿色肉类产品由于其健康、质量、安全、方便将成为消费主流和今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Individuals’ food choices are intimately connected to their self-images and world views. Some dietary choices adopted by consumers pose restrictions on their use of genetically modified food (GMF). It is quite generally agreed that some kind of labeling is necessary for respecting consumers’ autonomy of choice regarding GMF. In this paper, we ask whether the current practice of mandatory labeling of GMF products in the European Union is a sufficient administrative procedure for respecting consumers’ autonomy. Three issues concerning this question are discussed. First, we argue that labeling needs to be accompanied by relevant and understandable information on genetic modification, genetically modified food, and the European practice of GMF labeling. Second, we claim that this type of informing makes it less likely that consumers start to avoid GMF products just because labels make them suspicious of the products. It is further noted that even though some consumers may react to labels this way, labels do not restrict their autonomy of choice. Third, a need for more precise labels indicating the source of the transferred gene is considered. It is found out that such labels are not morally necessary when also non-GMF products are available and no relevant differences (such as differences in price and healthiness) exist between them and GMF products. However, in some other cases more precise labels may be needed for respecting consumers’ autonomy of choice.  相似文献   

The food sector and health sector become more and more intertwined. This raises many possibilities, but also questions. One of them is the question of what the implication is for public trust in food and health issues. In this article, I argue that the products on the interface between food and health entails some serious questions of trust. Trust in food products and medical products is often based upon a long history of rather clear patterns of mutual expectations, yet these expectations are not similar in both sectors. As long as the food sector and health sector remain distinct, these differences will not lead to problems of trust, yet when new products are introduced, like functional foods or personalized dietary advices, trust can be threatened. To prevent this, we need clarity with regard to what we can expect of these new products and of whom to expect what in this situation. This requires not␣only adequate information on operating procedures, but also a profound debate␣on responsibilities and the explication and interpretation of moral values and norms.  相似文献   

Waste of food is a topic of considerable policy interest. However, few studies have been done on food waste at the retail level. The aim of this study was to examine how large retail waste is for 16 different horticultural products, selected among typical fruit and vegetables. The levels of retail waste were examined in cooperation with one of the leading Swedish retail companies. The results showed that retail waste of horticultural products amounted between 0.4% and 6.3% of store supplies for different horticultural products. The results did not show that packaging reduced waste of horticultural products.  相似文献   

Many retailers take initiatives to reduce food waste, which can lead to enhanced sustainability, including reduced environmental impacts and cost savings. Another common environmental strategy in retail management is to increase the range of organic products. This study examined if organic food products have a higher level of waste, which thereby risk to counteract the environmental ambitions behind offering these products. The study also examined to what degree differences in waste level could be explained by turnover, shelf-life and wholesale pack size. In the study, six Swedish supermarkets provided data on all articles sold or wasted in the deli, meat, dairy and cheese departments during 2010 and 2011. 24 organic products were compared to their conventional counterparts; 22 of these had higher waste levels (from 1.5 to 29 times higher). Differences in wastage were also compared across departments; in all four departments, organic products as a group had higher waste percentage at all four departments. There was a negative correlation between the total mass sold of a product and the percentage waste. Also, longer shelf-life was associated with decreased waste, but only for products with low turnover. The systematic problem of retail food waste – particularly of organic products and other products with a low turnover – may be mitigated by increasing turnover, by stocking products with longer shelf-life or by decreasing the ordered volume (e.g. through decreased wholesale pack sizes).  相似文献   

Moral concern with food intake is as old asmorality itself. In the course of history, however,several ways of critically examining practices of foodproduction and food intake have been developed.Whereas ancient Greek food ethics concentrated on theproblem of temperance, and ancient Jewish ethics onthe distinction between legitimate and illicit foodproducts, early Christian morality simply refused toattach any moral significance to food intake. Yet,during the middle ages food became one of theprinciple objects of monastic programs for moralexercise (askesis). During the seventeenth andeighteenth century, food ethics was transformed interms of the increasing scientific interest in foodintake, while in the nineteenth century the socialdimension of food ethics was discovered, with theresult that more and more attention was given to theproduction and distribution of food products. Becauseof the increasing distance between the production andconsumption of food products ever since, theoutstanding feature of contemporary food ethics is itreliance and dependence on labeling practices.  相似文献   

Several studies on ethical and social food attributes have shown that consumers, especially in developed countries, are willing to pay a price premium for fair trade foods products. However, there is a scant literature on how consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for fair trade products are affected by the presence of other ethical food attributes. To fill this gap, a choice experiment was conducted in Scotland, the Netherlands and France to assess consumers’ preferences and WTP for ethical attributes, i.e., fairtrade, organic, and lower carbon footprint, of bananas and to find out whether this ethical food attributes are competing in real markets. The results showed that in the three countries consumers are willing to pay a price premium for the three ethical food attributes. The results showed that in the current market situation these ethical foods are not generally competing against each other. Nonetheless, they are likely to become competing for consumer’s money at least when: (1) the price of organic foods is decreased significantly, (2) the price for fairtrade food products is set higher than consumers’ WTP, and (3) bananas labeled as having lower carbon footprint are made available in retail stores and sold at a price lower than consumers’ WTP.  相似文献   

从高校食品工作的特点出发,总结了高校食品安全的特点,提出了"农校对接"的解决途径,并分析了开展农校对接的意义,从高校食品安全管理者、食品供应者、物流等角度阐述了开展农校对接的具体措施。  相似文献   

Although public interest in sustainability increases and consumer attitudes are mainly positive, behavioral patterns are not univocally consistent with attitudes. This study investigates the presumed gap between favorable attitude towards sustainable behavior and behavioral intention to purchase sustainable food products. The impact of involvement, perceived availability, certainty, perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE), values, and social norms on consumers’ attitudes and intentions towards sustainable food products is analyzed. The empirical research builds on a survey with a sample of 456 young consumers, using a questionnaire and an experimental design with manipulation of key constructs through showing advertisements for sustainable dairy. Involvement with sustainability, certainty, and PCE have a significant positive impact on attitude towards buying sustainable dairy products, which in turn correlates strongly with intention to buy. Low perceived availability of sustainable products explains why intentions to buy remain low, although attitudes might be positive. On the reverse side, experiencing social pressure from peers (social norm) explains intentions to buy, despite rather negative personal attitudes. This study shows that more sustainable and ethical food consumption can be stimulated through raising involvement, PCE, certainty, social norms, and perceived availability.  相似文献   

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