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国家生态安全作为一种全新的现代国家安全观,它既是国家安全的重要组成部分,又是国家安全的载体和基础,国际性组织以及许多国家都十分重视生态安全。由于全球环境的变化、国民的生产、生活模式、跨越国际的污染、生物入侵等等,以及科学成果的发明与应用的负效应,都是影响国家生态安全的主要因素。为此,记者专门走访了国家环保总局生态司副司长程立峰。  相似文献   

甘肃是我国生态环境最脆弱的区域之一,却承担着保障全国生态安全的重任,其生态安全屏障的构建对于全国乃至整个亚洲地区经济社会的发展具有不可替代的作用。借鉴相关研究成果并深入开展综合调查,在摸清甘肃主要生态功能区在国家生态安全中所承载的本源性屏障功能的前提下,基于国家生态安全屏障视角对甘肃省生态安全屏障建设的制度性障碍及制度化诉求进行实证研究。同时,从制度构建与创新,保障机制构建与完善两方面研究了甘肃省国家生态安全屏障制度化保障机制的构建。  相似文献   

西藏高原是我国乃至亚洲地区重要的生态安全屏障,国家明确将西藏纳入生态环境重点治理区域,从“十一五”开始,国家将陆续投入200多亿元资金,通过保护与建设3个生态安全屏障区,构建西藏高原国家生态安全屏障,切实保护雪域高原的碧水蓝天。  相似文献   

白刘黎 《环境教育》2014,(11):36-40
甘肃省作为西北乃至全国的重要生态安全屏障,在水源涵养补给和遏制沙尘等方面,对保障国家生态安全具有重要作用,被列为国家生态安全屏障综合试验区。如今这么重要的地区变成了我国生态系统最脆弱最复杂的地区之一,生态问题与贫困问题相互交织,面临着跨越发展和发挥生态安全屏障功能的双重巨大压力。  相似文献   

龙勇诚  王月  李纯 《绿叶》2012,(4):25-28
一个国家的自然保护事业关乎其生态安全之根本。生态安全是经济发展的重要基础,其重要性与国防安全旗鼓相当。正如国防安全需要实行统一建制和管理,生态安全也需要统一部署、规划、管理和监管。我们国家需要依法开展保护工作,把所有保护区域纳入同一法律体系中,使之有统一的资金支持机制和建设管理标准,从而系统地构筑全国生态安全屏障。  相似文献   

正写在前面的话甘肃省作为西北乃至全国的重要生态安全屏障,在水源涵养补给和遏制沙尘等方面,对保障国家生态安全具有重要作用,被列为国家生态安全屏障综合试验区。如今这么重要的地区变成了我国生态系统最脆弱最复杂的地区之一,生态问题与贫困问题相互交织,面临着跨越发展和发挥生态安全屏障功能的双重巨大压力。据统计数据显示,甘肃省荒漠化、沙化土  相似文献   

把内蒙古建成我国北方重要生态安全屏障,是立足全国发展大局确立的战略定位。本文在阐述国家北方重要生态安全屏障概念和内涵的基础上,综述了近年来内蒙古在国家北方重要生态安全屏障保护和建设中取得的进展及效果,对生态服务功能基础进行全面分析总结,剖析了目前和未来生态安全屏障建设中面临的天然生态脆弱、部分生态系统退化、资源环境承载压力大等问题,最后从发展方向、关键技术、政策体系、工程布局和监管能力五个角度提出了内蒙古生态保护与建设的对策建议,为筑牢我国北方重要生态安全屏障提供思路。  相似文献   

西藏高原是我国乃至亚洲地区重要的生态安全屏障,国家明确将西藏纳入生态环境重点治理区域,从“十一五”开始,国家将陆续投入200多亿元资金构建西藏高原国家生态安全屏障,切实保护雪域高原的碧水蓝天。  相似文献   

云南省以其得天独厚的自然条件孕育了丰富而又脆弱的生物多样性资源,然而外来物种入侵破坏了云南的生物多样性,威胁到国家的生态安全。分析了外来物种入侵、生物多样性及生态安全三者之间的关系,提出生物多样性资源是我国的核心竞争力所在,要将维护生态安全提升到国家战略高度予以重视,同时采取多种措施防范外来物种入侵。  相似文献   

近20年来,中国生态保护修复事业取得长足进步,为保障国家生态安全、推进美丽中国建设提供了重要基础支撑。国家通过实施一系列生态保护修复政策和重大工程,生态保护修复取得明显进展,生态产品供给能力保持总体稳定。本文回顾了近20年中国生态保护修复发展历程,分别从国土生态空间管控、生态系统保护修复、生物多样性保护、生态文明示范建设等重点领域总结了主要进展和成效。面向建设美丽中国以及实现碳达峰碳中和目标愿景,以维护国家和区域生态安全、恢复和提升生态系统服务功能、推动生态产品价值实现为着力点,对新时期中国生态保护修复提出未来展望。  相似文献   

In many developed countries private arrangements have emerged in food governance. Following limited successes of state regulation, market actors and mechanisms are increasingly included in the environmental and safety governance of domestic and global food chains and networks. But do such private governance arrangements also work in domestic markets in developing countries? Pesticide use in vegetable supply is taken as a case to explore the role of market actors and dynamics in food safety governance in Vietnam. The so-called safe vegetable production system in the Red River Delta, introduced 10 years ago as a domestic alternative to conventional vegetable production, is analyzed through detailed monitoring of farmers, surveys of retailers and consumers, and in-depth interviews with state officials and vegetable traders. The paper finds limited success of this low-pesticide vegetable production, distribution and consumption system. This private arrangement in food governance lacked trust from market actors (especially consumers), and was short of an active state that organized transparency and got market actors involved. As such, market governance in food safety needs to be strong.  相似文献   

湖南省土地资源生态安全评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于P—S—R(压力一状态一响应)模型从土地资源生态安全的压力子系统、状态子系统、响应子系统三方面构建了湖南省土地生态安全评价指标体系,结合各评价指标的安全指数对2000--2008年湖南省土地资源生态安全状况进行了评价,分析了影响湖南省土地资源生态安全的限制因素。结果表明:①2000-2008年湖南省综合生态安全状况不容乐观,其生态安全等级多年来一直处于“临界安全”。②人口密度大、人均GDP低和不合理的化肥农药施用是湖南省土地资源压力子系统的主要限制因素,耕地面积少和农田水利设施差是状态子系统的主要限制因素,工业固体废弃物综合利用率偏低和教育卫生事业发展滞后是响应子系统的主要限制因素,据此提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

燃料电池因具有高效、节能、环保等优点,在电动汽车、分布式电站、便携式备用电源等方面具有广泛的应用前景,而燃料电池的安全标准是燃料电池产品市场准入的重要保证。燃料电池发电系统的安全涉及机械危险、电气危险、热危险、化学危害、物理危险、设备故障危险、因不适当的人机工程学原理而导致的危险及人机界面危险、合理预见的误用、环境条件危险、污染等方面。本文介绍了国内外燃料电池发电系统安全技术以及标准化的现状。  相似文献   

At present, when the technological progress brings progressive increase in environmental pollutions by different chemical and physical (ionizing and non-ionizing radiations) factors, the detection of the safety of environmental medium from the point of public health is one of the fundamental problems of modern Life Sciences. This problem has especially disquieting character after the Chernobyl and Japan nuclear catastrophes, when the level of background ionizing radiation and chemical pollutions of environmental medium of the number of world’s regions are increased beyond safety doses. As the biological effect of weak environmental factors have nonlinear dose-dependent character, besides its thermodynamic characteristics it depends also on environmental composition and initial state of organism. Therefore, the current policy of World Health Organization and other international organizations whose mission is to establish safety standards for environmental pollutions by chemical and physical factors, based only on the their concentration or energy absorption rate by organism cannot be considered as adequate. It is suggested that the biological marker having universal sensitivity to different factors and determining the functional state of organisms could be used for estimation of the safety doses of environmental factors on organism. In present review are presented the data consisting of the hypothesis according to which the Na/K pump and Na/Ca-controlling cell hydration could serve as a universal and extra-sensitive cellular marker for detection of hazardous effect of environmental pollutions.  相似文献   

硫化氢气体检测方法及安全防范措施*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章介绍了硫化氢气体的物理性质、来源及其对人体和设备的危害,阐述国家标准、行业标准所规定的硫化氢气体测定方法及常用快速化学分析方法,介绍了钻井现场常用硫化氢监测仪器,并提出一些人身安全防范措施以及现场急救措施。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that virtual environments are increasingly deployed to study the relation between urban planning, physical and social disorder, and fear of crime, their ecological validity for this type of research has not been established. This study compares the effects of similar signs of public disorder (litter, warning signs, cameras, signs of vandalism and car burglary) in an urban neighborhood and in its virtual counterpart on the subjective perception of safety and livability of the neighborhood. Participants made a walking tour through either the real or the virtual neighborhood, which was either in an orderly (baseline) state or adorned with numerous signs of public disorder. During their tour they reported the signs of disorder they noticed and the degree to which each of these affected their emotional state and feelings of personal safety. After finishing their tour they appraised the perceived safety and livability of the environment. Both in the real and in the simulated urban neighborhood, signs of disorder evoked associations with social disorder. In all conditions, neglected greenery was spontaneously reported as a sign of disorder. Disorder did not inspire concern for personal safety in reality and in the virtual environment with a realistic soundscape. However, in the absence of sound disorder compromised perceived personal safety in the virtual environment. Signs of disorder were associated with negative emotions more frequently in the virtual environment than in its real-world counterpart, particularly in the absence of sound. Also, signs of disorder degraded the perceived livability of the virtual, but not of the real neighborhood. Hence, it appears that people focus more on details in a virtual environment than in reality. We conclude that both a correction for this focusing effect and realistic soundscapes are required to make virtual environments an appropriate medium for both etiological (e.g. the effects of signs of disorder on fear of crime) and intervention (e.g. CPTED) research.  相似文献   

北京作为我国的首都、环境保护的首善之区,在环境问题上应该,也必须是安全的。但实际上,北京大气污染、水体污染日益加剧,水资源紧张,环境安全形势严峻。本文根据2005—2014年十年环境污染统计数据,运用层次分析法、灰色聚类分析法对北京市城市环境安全进行了评价分析,结果表明,北京市城市环境安全度为6.3~6.89,属于较安全级别。十年来北京市环境安全状况呈好转趋势,环境安全度最低值出现在2006年,最高值出现在2011年,增幅9%。地表水的氨氮、BOD、高锰酸盐指数及大气污染中的PM10污染相对严重。PM10安全度指数2005—2007年偏低,由于奥运减排措施的持续作用及沙尘影响减弱,2006—2013年安全度逐年增高,2014年安全度略有下降,但整体呈好转趋势。北京市地表水污染仍为有机污染型,2005—2014年的十年间,通过结构减排、工程减排、监管减排等措施,地表水有机污染得到很大改善,各项污染物浓度总体呈下降趋势。总体而言,环境空气质量仍未达标,水环境污染仍较突出,应针对评价结果加大相应的环境治理措施,确保首都环境安全。  相似文献   

Developmental states are criticized for rapid “industrialization without enlightenment.” In the last 30 years, China’s breathtaking growth has been achieved at a high environmental and food safety cost. This article, utilizing a recent survey of China’s livestock industry, illustrates the initiating role of China’s developmental state in the exponential expansion of the country’s livestock production. The enthusiastic response of the livestock industry to the many state policy incentives has made China the world’s biggest animal farming nation. Shortage of meat and dairy supply is history. Yet, the Chinese government is facing new challenges of no less a threat to political stability. Production intensification has created a welfare crisis impacting the world’s biggest number of farm animals. The resulting food safety incidents are affecting consumer confidence and health. Untreated waste contributes to the nation’s environmental degradation. Developmental states may have a proud record of growth in the initial stage of industrialization. Their prospects for sustained development have long been questioned. China has come to an important juncture to march towards a sustained development.  相似文献   

报道了分布在新疆雏吾尔自治区15个地州市100多个厂矿的建筑材料用原料及其建材产品的放射性检测结果。多数建材用原料及产品的放射性水平低于国家规定的限制(控制)标准,对公众是安全的;少数地区部分建材的放射性高于限制标准,不能用作建材。必须健全对建材的放射性检测和管理制度。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which 20 municipalities in the Greater Vancouver region of British Columbia have included provisions in their community plans for reducing natural hazard risk and vulnerability. Findings show that the plans are generally lacking in hazard related factual information, goals, and policies, and in mechanisms to promote plan implementation. The plans also do not compare favorably to municipal hazard mitigation plans in the United States. The authors provide recommendations for provincial/state and municipal governments with respect to improving the quality of municipal plans and their capacity to enhance public safety.  相似文献   

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