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The two UV screens 3-benzylidene-camphor (3-BC) and 3-(4'-methylbenzylidene)-camphor (4-MBC) were tested regarding their toxicity and estrogenic activity. The Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) and two sediment assays with the freshwater invertebrates Lumbriculus variegatus and Potamopyrgus antipodarum were performed. In the YES, both substances activated the human estrogen receptor alpha with EC50 values of 44.2 microM for 3-BC and 44.3 microM for 4-MBC, whereby 4-MBC attained only 8% of the maximal response of 17beta-estradiol. For P. antipodarum embryo production increased after exposure to both substances (EC50 of 4.60 microM 4-MBC=1.17 mg kg(-1)dw) while mortality increased at high concentrations. The reproduction of L. variegatus was decreased by 3-BC with an EC50 of 5.95 microM (=1.43 mg kg(-1)dw) and also by 4-MBC, where no EC50 could be calculated. While reproduction decreased, the worms' weight increased after exposure to 3-BC with an EC50 of 26.9 microM (=6.46 mg kg(-1) dw), hence the total biomass remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Increasing uses of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in commercial products and industrial applications has eventually resulted to their releases into atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic environments. However, knowledge gaps in ENPs toxicity, fate, and behaviour currently limit our ability to quantify risk assessment of materials with nanoscale dimensions, and therefore, the extent of the resultant environmental impacts remains unknown. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of γ-alumina, α-alumina, modified TiO(2) (M-TiO(2)), and commercial TiO(2) (C-TiO(2)) ENPs on the survival, behaviour, and early life stages of the freshwater snail Physa acuta (Draparnaud). The toxicity evaluation was carried out after spiking commercial sand with ENPs concentrations of 0.005, 0.05, or 0.5 gk g(-1). Our findings suggest that increases of γ-alumina and α-alumina concentrations at sub-lethal level concentrations caused significant reduction in the embryo growth rate and embryo hatchability. In addition, these ENPs induced observable developmental deformities of the embryos. In addition, toxicity evaluations using acute 96-h and chronic 28-d tests showed exposure duration may be a significant factor in ENPs-induced toxicity. Therefore, long-term exposure of aquatic organisms to ENPs - potentially can alter certain ecological populations at different trophic levels - and may compromise the entire aquatic ecological functionality. The percentage hatchlings in test chambers containing 0.5 gk g(-1) γ-alumina and α-alumina concentration was 50% less to those observed in the controls. Our results suggest the embryonic growth and hatchability tests are useful endpoints in chronic sediment toxicity tests for determining the toxic thresholds of ENPs in sediment environment. Although no snail mortalities were observed during the static 96-h test containing sediment spiked with different concentrations of M-TiO(2), C-TiO(2), γ-alumina and α-alumina - the antioxidant enzymatic assay results indicated a significant change in antioxidant levels which altered peroxidation at 0.05 or 0.5 gk g(-1)concentrations for both γ-alumina and α-alumina.  相似文献   

In the context of increasing freshwater pollution, the impact on life-traits (survival, growth and fecundity) and locomotion of Potamopyrgus antipodarum of a 5-week field-concentration exposure to the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin-LR and the triazine herbicide, atrazine was studied. Whatever the age of exposed snails (juveniles, subadults, adults), microcystin-LR induced a decrease in survival, growth and fecundity but had no effect on locomotion. Atrazine induced a decrease in locomotory activity but had no significant effect on the life-traits. These results are discussed in terms of consequences to field populations.  相似文献   

An OECD initiative for the development of mollusc-based toxicity tests for endocrine disrupters and other chemicals has recommended three test species with respective test designs for further standardisation. Preparing a subsequent pre-validation study we performed a reproduction test with Potamopyrgus antipodarum, determining the concentration range of the selected test substances, bisphenol A (BPA) and cadmium (Cd). At 16 °C, the recommended test temperature, the number of embryos in the brood pouch was increased by BPA and decreased by Cd (NOEC: 20 μg BPA/L and 1 μg Cd/L). Coinstantaneous BPA tests at 7 °C and 25 °C demonstrated a temperature dependency of the response, resulting in lower NOECs (5 μg/L respectively). As expected, reproduction in control groups significantly varied depending on temperature. Additional observations of the brood stock showed seasonal fluctuations in reproduction under constant laboratory conditions. The recommended temperature range and test conditions have to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Shu Y  Ma H  Du Y  Li Z  Feng Y  Wang J 《Chemosphere》2011,85(10):1648-1656
Earthworms Eisenia fetida, bred in substances with stover of two genetically-engineered Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corns (5422Bt1 (Event Bt11) and 5422CBCL (MON810)) expressing Cry1Ab and their near-isogenic non-Bt corn (5422), were used to investigate the non-target effects of Bt corn on soil-dwelling organisms. Cry1Ab concentrations in substances, casts and guts of E. fetida were also investigated by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). More than 90% individuals of E. fetida survived over a period of 30 d, irrespective of whether they received Bt corn or non-Bt corn. Compared to 5422 treatments, significantly higher relative growth rate and more number of new offspring and cocoons of E. fetida were found in 5422Bt1 and 5422CBCL treatments. These results were unlikely to be directly caused by Cry1Ab released from Bt corns but rather by differences in other factors of plants such as plant components (soluble sugar, total organic carbon, total protein and available phosphorus of Bt corns were more than 5422). ELISA results indicated immunoreactive Cry1Ab was detectable in substances, and the casts, guts of E. fetida from Bt corns treatments, of which the highest levels were detected in substances under the corresponding experimental conditions. With the increase of treated time, a strong decline was observed in Cry1Ab from substances and casts of E. fetida, whereas Cry1Ab in guts of E. fetida from 5422Bt1 treatments gradually increased and that from 5422CBCL treatments increased between 14 and 30 d. Therefore, the presence of Cry1Ab in E. fetida had no deleterious effects on their growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine and quantify effects of copper and lithium in tissues of early juveniles of the ramshorn snail, Marisa cornuarietis. For this purpose, hatchlings of M. cornuarietis were exposed for 7 days to a range of five different sublethal concentrations of copper (5, 10, 25, 50, and 75 μg Cu2+ L−1) and lithium (50, 100, 200, 1000, and 5000 μg Li+ L−1). Both metals changed the tissue structure of epidermis, hepatopancreas, and gills, varying between slight and strong reactions, depending on the copper and lithium concentration. The histopathological changes included alterations in epithelial and mucous cells of the epidermis, swelling of hepatopancreatic digestive cells, alterations in the number of basophilic cells, abnormal apices of digestive cells, irregularly shaped cilia and changes in the amount of mucus in the gills. The most sensible organ in M. cornuarietis indicating Cu or Li pollution is the hepatopancreas (LOECs were 10 μg Cu2+ L−1, or 200 μg Li+ L−1). In epidermis, mantle and gills relevant effects occurred with higher LOECs (50 μg Cu2+ L−1, or 1000 μg Li+ L−1). Base on LOECs, our results indicated that histopathological endpoints are high sensitivity to copper and lithium compared to endpoints for embryonic developmental toxicity.  相似文献   

In this study the great ramshorn snail (Planorbarius corneus), one of the most abundant gastropod of Turkish limnic systems, was investigated to determine the histopathological effects of endosulfan on the digestive gland, foot and mantle under laboratory conditions. Samples were collected from small artificial pools in Karaot at Gelendost-Isparta (southwest of Turkey), where agricultural activities are widespread. The snails were exposed to two sublethal concentrations of endosulfan (0.4 and 0.8 mg/l) for periods of 10, 20 and 30 days. Fifteen snails were kept in 2.5 l glass jars containing dechlorinated tap water and exposed under semi-static test (daily exchange of test water). All the testing was carried out on adult specimens, and snails were maintained on a photothermal period with 16 light hours at 22 +/- 2 degrees C. The histopathological examinations revealed the following changes: amoebocytes infiltration, dilatation in hemolymphatic spaces between the tubules, degeneration of cells, abnormal lumen, necrosis of cells and atrophy in the connective tissue of digestive gland; desquamation of the epithelium cells, changes in the number of mucocytes and protein gland cells, lipid vacuolus and atrophy of the columnar muscle fibers of the foot and mantle tissues. Pycnotic state of cells was also seen in the mantle tissues. Endosulfan caused significant histopathological alterations in the digestive gland, foot and mantle tissues of the snail, irrespective of concentrations of the pesticide and its exposure periods. The results are discussed, particularly in comparison to those of other aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Microplastics, as emerging pollutants, have received great attention in the past few decades due to its adverse effects on the environment....  相似文献   

Leung KM  Grist EP  Morley NJ  Morritt D  Crane M 《Chemosphere》2007,66(7):1358-1366
Chronic toxicity, growth and reproduction were measured in the freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to waterborne bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide (TBTO) over a range of four nominal concentrations (0-10microg TBTl(-1)). Egg development was completely inhibited at 10microg TBTl(-1), whilst abnormal embryonic development was observed at 1microg TBTl(-1). For the solvent control and the 0.01microg TBTl(-1)treatment group, normal development of L. stagnalis was observed. Survivorship of hatchlings was significantly reduced by TBT at 1microgl(-1) while inhibition of shell growth of L. stagnalis was also observed at this concentration. The data were used to determine intrinsic growth rates (r) using two theoretical approaches (the Euler-Lotka equation and a Leslie Matrix). Both approaches showed that survival, fecundity and population growth rate were reduced at 1microg TBTl(-1). Interestingly, at 0.01microg TBTl(-1) snails showed a higher fecundity and growth rate than in the solvent control. The TBT concentration at which the r would equal zero (ECr(0)) and the population NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) were estimated. The population NOEC was defined as either the lower 95% confidence or lower 95% pointwise percentile limit of the ECr(0). Values obtained using the two different approaches were similar and thus a geometric mean was calculated to obtain a final representative population NOEC value for L. stagnalis of 2745ng TBTl(-1). The present data together with chronic toxicity TBT data for freshwater organisms, obtained from peer-reviewed literature, were used to construct a species sensitivity distribution (SSD). A predicted no effect concentration was then derived from the SSD (hazardous concentration at 5%, i.e., HC5 or 95% protection level). This SSD was compared with the SSD derived from saltwater species datasets. The HC5 value for saltwater species (3.55ng TBTl(-1); lower confidence limit: 1.93ng TBTl(-1)) was significantly lower than that for freshwater species (30.13ng TBTl(-1); lower confidence limit: 9.23ng TBTl(-1)), indicating that saltwater species are probably more susceptible to TBT than their freshwater counterparts.  相似文献   

Chronic effects of Cd on reproduction of Polypedilum nubifer (Chironomidae) were investigated by Cd-exposure from the egg stage using a flow-through aquarium. No significant effect of Cd on reproduction was observed in the midge larvae which had been exposed to 10 or 20 microg Cd litre(-1). Emergence of the Cd-exposed larvae peaked several days before that of the control, although growth was impaired in 1st and/or 2nd instars. The percentage emergence success decreased to about 46% of the control at 40 microg Cd litre(-1). However, other reproductive processes (adult sex ratio, oviposition success and egg hatchability) were not impaired. The emergence success decreased to less than 3% of the control at 80 microg Cd litre(-1). The emergence success of midge larvae which had been fed Cd-contaminated food with 220 or 1800 microg Cd g(-1) decreased to nearly 60% of the control. However, other reproductive processes were not impaired. Emergence success of larvae exposed to food containing 22 microg Cd g(-1) was unaffected.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A partial life-cycle study with zebrafish (Danio rerio) was conducted to evaluate the long-term effects of antibiotics, norfloxacin (NOR) and...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - An experimental ecology method was used to study the acute toxicity of nonylphenol (NP) and the effects of NP on growth, reproduction, and population...  相似文献   

Chemicals are often found in the environment as complex mixtures. There has been a large effort in the last decade to assess the combined effect of chemicals, using the conceptual models of Concentration Addition and Independent Action, but also including synergistic, antagonistic, dose-level and dose-ratio dependent deviations from these models. In the present study, single and mixture toxicity of atrazine, dimethoate, lindane, zinc and cadmium were studied in Folsomia candida, assessing survival and reproduction. Different response patterns were observed for the different endpoints and synergistic patterns were observed when pesticides were present. Compared with the previously tested Enchytraeus albidus and Porcellionides pruinosus, the mixture toxicity pattern for F. candida was species specific. The present study highlights the importance of studying toxicity of chemicals mixtures due to the observed potentiation of effects and confirms that for an adequate ecologically relevant risk assessment different organisms and endpoints should be included.  相似文献   

Daphnia magna were exposed to di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and to di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) at nominal concentrations up to 100 μg/1 over a 21 day period. The phthalates had no effect on reproduction, and the parent Daphnia showed bioconcentration factors of 209 (DEHP) and 116 (DIDP) as determined by 14C analysis.  相似文献   

The toxicities of seleno-L-methionine, seleno-DL-methionine, and selenized yeast were compared. Ten pairs of mallards were fed a control diet and 15 pairs were fed diets containing 10 ppm selenium as seleno-DL-methionine, seleno-L-methionine, or selenized yeast. Hatching of fertile eggs was significantly lower for females fed 10 ppm selenium as seleno-DL-methionine (7.6%) and seleno-L-methionine (6.4%) than for controls (41.3%). Survival of ducklings was lower when their parents had been fed 10 ppm selenium as seleno-L-methionine (20.0%) than for controls (98.4%). The number of 6-day-old ducklings produced per female was significantly lower for mallards fed 10 ppm selenium as seleno-DL-methionine (0.47) or selenized yeast (2.67) than for controls (6.10), and was significantly lower for mallards fed seleno-L-methionine (0.13) than for mallards fed selenized yeast. The eighth eggs of females fed the DL or L forms of selenomethionine contained means of 9.2 and 8.9 ppm selenium, wet weight; these means were higher than the mean (6.6 ppm) for females fed selenized yeast. Among embryos that died at 7 days of age or older, the percentage of embryos that were deformed was 1.3% for controls, 24.6% for seleno-DL-methionine, 28.2% for seleno-L-methionine, and 11.0% for selenized yeast. The results suggested that seleno-DL-methionine and seleno-L-methionine were of similar toxicity and were both more toxic than selenium from selenized yeast.  相似文献   

Climate change is projected to cause significant alterations to aquatic biogeochemical processes, (including carbon dynamics), aquatic food web structure, dynamics and biodiversity, primary and secondary production; and, affect the range, distribution and habitat quality/quantity of aquatic mammals and waterfowl. Projected enhanced permafrost thawing is very likely to increase nutrient, sediment, and carbon loadings to aquatic systems, resulting in both positive and negative effects on freshwater chemistry. Nutrient and carbon enrichment will enhance nutrient cycling and productivity, and alter the generation and consumption of carbon-based trace gases. Consequently, the status of aquatic ecosystems as carbon sinks or sources is very likely to change. Climate change will also very likely affect the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems across most of the Arctic. The magnitude, extent, and duration of the impacts and responses will be system- and location-dependent. Projected effects on aquatic mammals and waterfowl include altered migration routes and timing; a possible increase in the incidence of mortality and decreased growth and productivity from disease and/or parasites; and, probable changes in habitat suitability and timing of availability.  相似文献   

Chronic effects of chlornitrofen (CNP) on the reproduction of Brachionus urceolaris (Rotatoria) were investigated by exposure of individuals to CNP from the egg stage, which had been attached to the adult. The survivors of 12 neonates, which had been exposed to CNP100, 70 or 40 microg liter(-1) decreased to 50% at the age of c. 2, 4 and 6 days, respectively, compared to c. 6.5 days for those exposed to 0, 10 and 20 microg liter(-1) CNP. Release of offspring (mostly two individuals per day) started at two days old. At the peak, four days old, a control female produced 8.1+/-0.9 offspring per day compared with 4.5+/-1.3 (mean+/-SD, n=12) at 40 microg liter(-1). The cumulative numbers of offspring produced by a female were 25.8+/-1.2, 24.2+/-2.9, 22.3+/-3.6 and 13.6+/-3.1 (mean+/-SD, n=12) at control, 10, 20 and 40 microg liter(-1) CNP exposure, respectively. The 50% reproductive impairment concentration was calculated to be 37 microg liter(-1). Growth of neonates was barely detectable at 70 microg liter(-1), and the rapid increase in the effect of CNP from 40 to 70 microg liter(-1) was attributed to an increase in tolerance with growth of the neonates. The effects of CNP on reproduction were also tested by CNP exposure through food (CNP-accumulated Chlorella). The 50% reproductive impairment concentration of CNP in the alga was calculated to be c.60 microg g(-1) (wet weight) by the same method used to assess the dissolved CNP, although the effect of CNP which may have been released from the alga to the water could not be estimated precisely.  相似文献   

Abamectin is used as an acaricide and insecticide for fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants, as well as a parasiticide for animals. One of the major problems of applying pesticides to crops is the likelihood of contaminating aquatic ecosystems by drift or runoff. Therefore, toxicity tests in the laboratory are important tools to predict the effects of chemical substances in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to assess the potential hazards of abamectin to the freshwater biota and consequently the possible losses of ecological services in contaminated water bodies. For this purpose, we identified the toxicity of abamectin on daphnids, insects and fish. Abamectin was highly toxic, with an EC50 48 h for Daphnia similis of 5.1 ng L−1, LC50 96 h for Chironomus xanthus of 2.67 μg L−1 and LC50 48 h for Danio rerio of 33 μg L−1.  相似文献   

Fluoxetine is a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, generally used as an antidepressant. It is suspected to provoke substantial effects in the aquatic environment. This study reports the effects of fluoxetine on the life cycle of four invertebrate species, Daphnia magna, Hyalella azteca and the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum exposed to fluoxetine spiked-water and the midge Chironomus riparius exposed to fluoxetine-spiked sediments. For D. magna, a multi-generational study was performed with exposition of newborns from exposed organisms. Effects of fluoxetine could be found at low measured concentrations (around 10mugl(-1)), especially for parthenogenetic reproduction of D. magna and P. antipodarum. For daphnids, newborns length was impacted by fluoxetine and the second generation of exposed individuals showed much more pronounced effects than the first one, with a NOEC of 8.9mugl(-1). For P. antipodarum, significant decrease of reproduction was found for concentrations around 10mugl(-1). In contrast, we found no effect on the reproduction of H. azteca but a significant effect on growth, which resulted in a NOEC of 33mugl(-1), expressed in nominal concentration. No effect on C. riparius could be found for measured concentrations up to 59.5mgkg(-1). General mechanistic energy-based models showed poor relevance for data analysis, which suggests that fluoxetine targets specific mechanisms of reproduction.  相似文献   

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