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Concentrations of DDTs and PCBs were determined in the zooplankton and in three different fish species (shad, whitefish and roach) collected seasonally during 2009 and 2010 in three sites in Lake Maggiore, a south-alpine lake that has been contaminated by DDT since 1996. As previously observed in 2008, even during 2009 DDTs concentrations were higher in zooplankton than in fish, probably due to the very unstable situation of the lake still influenced by local inputs. The situation changed in 2010, when all DDT compounds increased in fish to levels much higher than those measured in zooplankton. Biomagnification was statistically demonstrated for pp′DDE in all the three fish species, indicating a probable signal of recovery of the lake.Although with respect to total PCBs we observed that the contamination levels varied across time periods and across fish species, biomagnification was evident from zooplankton to fish both in 2009 and in 2010. As concern individual PCBs, biomagnification from zooplankton to all three fish species was significant for PCB 153 and PCB 138.  相似文献   

Present status of POP contamination in Lake Maggiore (Italy)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In the last decade, Lake Maggiore has been subject to heavy DDT contamination due to a chemical plant located near the main influent of the Baveno Bay. The freshwater bivalve zebra mussel (D. polymorpha) was used as a bioindicator of several POPs (DDTs, PCBs, HCB, HCHs) to follow their concentration trend after a heavy flood in autumn 2000. Sampling of mollusc specimens were carried out monthly from April 2001 to October 2002 at two different stations in and outside the bay. Results showed worsening of DDT pollution due to the transport of insecticide from contaminated sediments and soils still present in the closed chemical plant site. Levels of about 4.5 microg/g lipids in soft tissues of specimens from the most contaminated site and 2.0 microg/g lipids outside it were found, which are twice those measured before the flood. HCHs and HCB values were always very low, but it was noticed since winter 2001-2002 a sharp increase of PCB pollution, with values of about 3-4 microg/g lipids, not due to the 2000 flood, but probably to improper discharge or release of contaminated sediments from numerous dams located in the watershed. Concentrations of total dioxin-like PCBs reached dangerous levels for the water community. Fish consumption may be a risk for human health especially for resident population, bearing in mind that fish usually have a higher POP concentration than zebra mussel.  相似文献   

The Lake Maggiore (Northern Italy) has been recognized as an aquatic environment heavily contaminated by persistent organic pollutants, mainly organochlorine compounds, but to date limited information is available regarding another class of widespread and hazardous pollutants, such as the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The aim of this study was to investigate seasonal and temporal trends of 18 PAHs accumulated in native Dreissena polymorpha specimens during a 5-year biomonitoring program, as well as to identify the possible PAH emission sources by using isomeric diagnostic ratios. Zebra mussels were sampled both in their pre- (May) and post-reproductive (September) stage over the 2008–2012 period in eight sampling stations covering the whole lake shoreline. PAH concentrations were measured through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. A notable PAH contamination following an increasing temporal trend was noticed in bivalves from all the sampling stations, with the benzo(α)anthracene as the predominant compound. An overall increase in PAH levels was found in the post-reproductive surveys, indicating a marked seasonality of this contamination probably due to the increase in touristic activity during spring–summer months.  相似文献   



In the present study, we report the analytical results of pp′DDT, pp′DDE and pp′DDD determination in lake water, plankton and zooplanktivorous fish of Lake Maggiore (Northern Italy), rather recently polluted by DDT of industrial origin, in order to understand the bottom-up pollution transfer among the abiotic and biotic components of the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

Guzzella L  Roscioli C  Binelli A 《Chemosphere》2008,73(10):1684-1691
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are characterized by chemical properties and toxicological profiles similar to other POPs (persistent organic pollutants) included in the EU Priority Pollutant List (2455/01/CE). However, limited data have been available for these compounds thus far for Italian freshwater abiotic matrices. Lake Maggiore basin, a heavily industrialized and densely populated area, was selected for studying PBDE contamination in Italy. PBDEs and OCs (organochlorine compounds) in the basin were quantified by analysing both sediment cores collected in 2005 from the lake and grab samples from the main tributaries and the emissary. Fourteen PBDEs, from tri-BDE to hepta-BDE congeners and BDE209, were compared with some organochlorine POPs (PCBs and DDTs) characterizing Lake Maggiore basin contamination. Analyses of tri-to hepta-BDEs, PCBs and DDTs were undertaken by GC-MS/MS, while BDE-209 was analysed by GC/ECD. Results showed a dominant presence of BDE-209 (>95% of SigmaBDE) and limited amounts of BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-153 and BDE-154. Lake core profiles highlighted a decreasing trend in PCB concentrations starting from the year 2000, while PBDEs showed greater concentrations after the beginning of the 1990s (up to 30 ng g(-1)d.w.). Among the tributaries, the Bardello and Boesio rivers were the most PBDE-contaminated (up to 290 ng g(-1)d.w.).  相似文献   

Olivella MA 《Chemosphere》2006,63(1):116-131
Fourteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in surface waters and precipitation inputs to Lake Maggiore, a subalpine lake in Northern Italy, from July 2003 to January 2004. Particulate and dissolved phases in surface water and rain samples were determined. Analyses of PAHs were performed using XAD-2 resin to isolate the dissolved PAHs and subsequent extraction by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). Both the dissolved and particulate phase PAH patterns in surface water and rainwater samples were dominated by the low molecular weight compounds (e.g., phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene). More than 85% of PAHs in surface waters and 72% of PAHs in rainwater were associated to the dissolved phase. The SigmaPAH concentrations in surface waters (particulate and dissolved phases) were 0.584 +/- 0.033 ng l(-1), 2.9 +/- 0.312 ng l(-1) and in rainwater (particulate and dissolved phases) 27.5 +/- 2 ng l(-1), 75.4 +/- 9 ng l(-1), respectively. Temporal variability of PAH concentrations in rain and surface water samples were observed, with higher concentrations in November and December, coinciding with the largest precipitation amounts. The comparison of PAH signatures in rainwater and surface waters seems to indicate that wet deposition (2.5-41 microg m(-2) month(-1)) is the main source of PAH contamination into surface waters of Lake Maggiore.  相似文献   

Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is commonly used as contaminant bioindicator in Europe and North America. We used the zebra mussel to follow DDT pollution trends from 1996 to 1997 in Pallanza bay, Lake Maggiore, near the inlet of the River Toce, after a DDT-manufacturing plant discharging residues into a tributary of the River Toce had closed down. DDT contamination fell off sharply outside the bay, but tissue concentrations of the parent compound and residues remained high in molluscs sampled within the bay a year later. Molluscs collected in Pallanza bay in June 1997 released gametes earlier than those sampled at a nearby reference station. Histological studies showed that a significant percentage of these specimens showed marked oocyte degeneration suggesting that DDTs have endocrine-disrupting effects in this species.  相似文献   

Several congeners of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were monitored in 14 different sampling stations of Lake Maggiore, the second largest Italian lake in regard to surface, volume and average depth, using the sentinel-organism Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Results revealed a moderate contamination with summation operatorPBDE levels (BDE-17, -28, -47, -66, -71, -85, -99, -100, -138, -153, -154, -183, -190 and -209) ranging from 40 to 447ngg(-1) lipid weight which are similar to those found in environments polluted by deposition or atmospheric transport. The general order of decreasing congener contribution to the total load was BDE-47>-99>-100>-209, which closely reflected patterns observed in mussels collected in freshwater ecosystems worldwide.  相似文献   

- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.01.009 Background, Aims and Scope Most existing models used to describe the fate of chemicals in surface water and sediment generally consider a 'static scenario', in which a contaminant is discharged at a constant rate and environmental input parameters do not change during the simulation time. This approach is not suitable in environmental scenarios characterized by daily or periodic changes of several input parameters. The aim of this study is to estimate approximate emissions of DDT lo Lake Maggiore using a new surface water model, (DynA Model) that describes the fate of a chemical in a dynamic scenario. Methods The model is developed on the grounds of an existing and validated model (QWASI). A numerical solution was adopted to build the fully dynamic version of the model. Results and Discussion The model was applied to Lake Maggiore emitting DDT at a constant rate until steady-state was reached. Emissions were stopped and later sporadic 'pulse' emissions were added. This was done to calculate the amount of DDT needed to simulate concentrations close to those measured in water and sediments. This allowed the evaluation of the order of magnitude of emissions. An uncertainty analysis for sediment resuspension was also performed, given the lack of measured resuspension rates. Conclusion The model showed the time response of the Lake Maggiore system to varying emission scenarios and provided what are regarded as reasonable estimates of DDT emissions. The model demonstrated the importance of sediment-water exchange. Recommendation and Outlook In order to better calculate DDT concentrations the model should be run with different discharge scenarios to clarify the time trends of concentrations, possibly with the use of different sets of measured data (such as biota and sediment deposition/resuspension rates).  相似文献   

In the present study, a depth-related distribution of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in sediments of Lake Iseo, one of the major southern Alpine Italian lakes, is reported in order to further test the hypothesis of melting Alpine glaciers as a secondary source of contamination. In a previous paper, a “glacier contamination hypothesis” was suggested to explain the unexpected contamination of the biota of Lake Iseo, mainly fed by the Alpine melting ice.The sediment core analyses covered around the last 50 years. The organic matter profile evaluated as a Loss-On-Ignition percentage indicated transition of the basin from an oligotrophic to a mesotrophic status at around the early 1970s, but there was no evidence of the shift to eutrophy in the 1980s. Among DDTs, pp’DDE was the predominant metabolite, accounting on average for 79.4% of the total DDT concentrations and ranging from 6.4 to 447.5 ng g−1 d.w. PCBs ranged from 5.0 to 163.7 ng g−1 d.w. The maximum PCB concentrations were found in sediment layers corresponding to the 1970s when the highest production and use of these compounds occurred in Italy. In contrast, concentrations of DDTs showed a sharp increase from the early 1990s, long after their agricultural use was banned in Italy. This delayed pollution provides support for the hypothesis that the recent retreat of glaciers represents a secondary pollution source for old pesticides that were stored in the ice at the time of their use in agriculture.  相似文献   

不同模糊评价方法在水环境质量评价中的应用比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,运用模糊评价方法对水质和水体营养化程度进行评价逐渐受到重视。目前,对模糊评价方法的研究多集中在实测数据标准化、权重的确定和模糊模式识别模型研究几个方面。以滇池历年营养物质数据为实测数据,通过对几种实测数据标准化方法、权重确定方法和模糊模式识别方法的组合应用,获得水环境质量模糊评价最优组合方法。结果表明,在评价方法中,实测数据标准化方法采用线性内插法,权重的确定采用超标倍数法,模糊模式识别模型采用广义海明距离和加权海明距离法,即采用超标倍数法的广义海明距离和加权海明距离法能够更真实反映水环境质量的实际情况。  相似文献   

为有效保护鄱阳湖流域水环境质量和水生态系统健康,对鄱阳湖19个采样点的表层沉积物样品及其孔隙水中的4种典型重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd)含量及赋存形态进行了测定,利用相平衡分配法(EqPA)初步探讨了沉积物重金属质量基准,并以此为评价标准,采用潜在生态风险指数法对鄱阳湖沉积物重金属生态风险进行评估。基于物种敏感度分布(SSD)法确立的重金属水质基准,建立沉积物重金属质量基准低值(SQC-L,Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的SQC-L分别为57.37、49.40、98.51、2.74mg/kg)和高值(SQC-H,Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的SQC-H分别为140.86、710.45、189.06、47.20mg/kg),经过对比分析,推荐采用SQC-H和SQC-L为鄱阳湖流域沉积物重金属质量基准。以SQC-L为评价标准,采用潜在生态风险指数法,对鄱阳湖19个采样点的生态风险进行评估,发现鄱阳湖流域受到了一定程度重金属污染,主要集中在南部湖区,具有一定的生态风险。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of sublethal concentration of three different classes of insecticides (carbamate, organophosphate, and pyrethroid compounds) on the freshwater fish Corydoras paleatus. For this purpose, fish were exposed for 96 hours to commercial pesticides. Different biomarkers were analyzed as levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO), piscine micronucleus test, and enzymatic activities of catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The brain AChE was inhibited with carbaryl and methyl parathion, but no inhibition was observed with deltamethrin. The insecticides did not cause oxidative stress or genotoxic effects at the tested concentrations. Further studies are needed to elucidate the biotransformation of Corydoras paleatus insecticides and a possible resistance mechanism.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the CHIMERE model to emission reduction scenarios on particulate matter PM2.5 and ozone (O3) in Northern Italy is studied. The emissions of NOx, PM2.5 SO2, VOC or NH3 were reduced by 50% for different source sectors for the Lombardy region, together with 5 additional scenarios to estimate the effect of local measures on improving the air quality for the Po valley area. Firstly, we evaluate the model performance by comparing calculated surface aerosol concentrations for the standard case (no emission reductions) with observations for January and June 2005. Calculated monthly mean PM10 concentrations are in general underestimated. For June, modelled PM10 concentrations slightly overestimate the measurements. Calculated monthly mean SO4, NO3?, NH4+ concentrations are in good agreement with the observations for January and June. Secondly, the model sensitivity of emission reduction scenarios on PM2.5 and O3 calculated concentrations for the Po valley area is evaluated. The most effective scenarios to abate PM2.5 concentration are based on the SNAP2 (non-industrial combustion plants) and SNAP7 (road traffic) sectors, for which the NOx and PM2.5 emissions are reduced by 50%. The number of days that the 2015 PM2.5 limit value of 25 μg m?3 in Milan is exceeded by reducing primary PM2.5 and NOx emissions for SNAP2 and 7 by 50%, does not change in January when compared to the standard case for the Milan area. It appears that 40% of the PM2.5 concentration in the greater Milan area is caused by the emissions surrounding the Lombardy region and from the model boundary conditions.This study also showed that a more effective pollutant reduction (emissions) per ton of pollutant reduced (concentrations) for the greater Milan area is obtained by reducing the primary PM2.5 emissions for SNAP7 by 50%. The most effective scenario on PM2.5 decrease for which precursor emissions are reduced is achieved by reducing SO2 emissions by 50% for SNAP7.Our study showed that during summer time, the largest reductions in O3 concentrations are achieved for SNAP7 emission reductions, when volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are reduced by 50%.  相似文献   

Binelli A  Provini A 《Chemosphere》2003,52(4):717-723
The Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), one of the most widely used bioindicators of persistent organic pollutants, trace metals and radionuclides in several worldwide freshwater ecosystems, has been used to monitor DDT contamination trends in Lake Maggiore since 1996, caused by industrial effluents on a tributary of the River Toce, one of the major affluents of the lake. Dreissena specimens were collected at two sampling sites, one within the Baveno Bay, where the River Toce flows, and the other outside (Villa Taranto). Total DDT levels (3119.6 ng/g lipids at Baveno and 1351.2 ng/g lipids at Villa Taranto) in the soft tissues of the Zebra mussel decreased at both stations by about 30-50% in the first year after the closure of the chemical plant reaching an almost steady-state condition. The high concentrations measured in Zebra mussel specimens of Baveno Bay in 2000 (1947 ng/g lipids) and the percentage of pp'DDE in comparison with total DDT concentration, which showed a slight increase in the last years, clearly indicate that a contamination source is still present, deriving probably from the lacustrine sediments and the River Toce. Data show that the environmental risk is very high within the Baveno Bay and the recovery time should be longer than in the other parts of the lake, where DDT levels in Dreissena are presently two times higher than those measured in the other Italian subalpine lakes.  相似文献   


Understanding the spatial distribution patterns of microplastics (plastics?<?5 mm) contributes to the assessment of sources and sinks of pollution thus providing information for the management of biota safety and overall ecosystem functionality. We chose a semi-closed study area, Lake Bracciano (Italy), to assess the environmental variability of contamination, focusing on the water compartment and the exposure of biota, specifically fish, by analysing the ingestion of microplastics. The focus of this study is to evaluate the concentration of microplastics in water (surface and column) across the lake and the ingestion of microplastics by two fish species of economic interest: Atherina boyeri and Coregonus lavaretus, inhabiting demersal and pelagic habitats respectively. Results show a surface contamination of 392,000?±?417,000 items km?2 and a column one of 0.76?±?1.00 items m?3. Fragments were the most abundant in surface while fibres in the column. Microplastics were found in C. lavaretus specimens, corresponding to contamination frequency of 5% and concentration of 0.15 items/fish. The main polymer found in water was polyethylene (81%); of minor percentages, there were various other polymers, including polystyrene and acrylic, which were also found in fish. As scientific literature provides few research where water and fish are simultaneously sampled, this investigation wants to contribute filling this knowledge gap by investigating for the first time a volcanic lake.


The study was carried out from spring 1999 to spring 2001 to monitor the residue levels of organophosphorus pollutants (OPP) in aquatic environment of the drainage canal surrounding a pesticide factory at Damietta Governorate. Water, sediment, and fish samples were collected at six different seasonal periods. OPPs were analyzed by GLC and confirmed using GC-MS. Chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, malathion, diazinon, pirimiphos-methyl and profenofos were detected in most samples. Chlorpyrifos was dominant in all water and sediment samples. It was ranged from 24.5 to 303.8 and 0.9 to 303.8 ppb in water and sediment samples, respectively. Diazinon level was slightly similar to chlorpyrifos in fish samples. Data based on the grand total concentration of OPP showed that the most polluted samples were collected either at spring 1999 or autumn 2000. They were 675.5 and 303.8 ppb in water samples and 43.0 and 52.2 ppb in fish collected at spring 1999 and autumn 2000, respectively. The obtained results are in parallel to that found in case of cholinesterase activity where the activity of both acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) was declined at these seasonal period. The activity levels of AChE and BuChE were found to be 77.18% and 59.67% of control at spring 1999 and 78.62% and 85.80% of control, at autumn 2000, respectively. Thus, AChE and BuChE could be used as biomarkers for tracing and biomonitoring OPP pollution.  相似文献   

Binelli A  Provini A 《Chemosphere》2003,53(2):143-151
Several models of varying complexity have been used to predict pollutant concentrations in the higher levels of the food web from those in lower levels, but the role of the biomagnification process in aquatic food chains is still controversial. We used the fugacity-based approach to verify the transfer of PCBs through the pelagic food chain of Lake Iseo (N. Italy), sampling several zebra mussel specimens and some fish belonging of different trophic levels. The zebra mussel seems to be a suitable starting species for modelling the bioaccumulation process through the trophic web, not only because its physiological characteristics and population size do not change much with time (as do algae and zooplankton) but also because it takes up toxicants exclusively from the water, as shown by the application of two predictive trophic models commonly used. The data provided by one of those models were in good agreement with our experimental data on fish in Lake Iseo, that show a not negligible uptake from food for the top predator species (pike and perch) with an increase of about three times in comparison with the PCB levels measured in the zebra mussel specimens.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Lake Burullus is one of the most important coastal lakes in Egypt, as it participates with a considerable amount of fish yield in Egypt. Despite its...  相似文献   

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