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In the present work, a novel cellulose-based porous heterogeneous solid acid catalyst encapsulation of ferriferous oxide (Fe3O4) and sulfonated graphene (GO-SO3H) into cellulose to form composite porous microspheres catalyst (GO-SO3H/CM@Fe3O4) was synthesized and evaluated for biodiesel production from Pistacia chinensis seed oil. The SEM, EDS and FTIR analysis revealed that the catalyst GO-SO3H/CM@Fe3O4 owned stronger active sites and GO-SO3H dispersed well in porous surface and inside of cellulose support. Under the optimum conditions, microwave-assisted transesterification process was carried out with the best catalyst amount, i.e. 5 wt% GO-SO3H/CM@Fe3O4 (weight ratio of GO-SO3H/cellulose), and conversion yield reached 94%. The prepared catalyst could be easily separated from reaction solution by extra magnetic field and reclaimed at least five runs.  相似文献   

Deep saline aquifers have large capacity for geological CO2 storage, but are generally not as well characterized as petroleum reservoirs. We here aim at quantifying effects of uncertain hydraulic parameters and uncertain stratigraphy on CO2 injectivity and migration, and provide a first feasibility study of pilot-scale CO2 injection into a multilayered saline aquifer system in southwest Scania, Sweden. Four main scenarios are developed, corresponding to different possible interpretations of available site data. Simulation results show that, on the one hand, stratigraphic uncertainty (presence/absence of a thin mudstone/claystone layer above the target storage formation) leads to large differences in predicted CO2 storage in the target formation at the end of the test (ranging between 11% and 98% of injected CO2 remaining), whereas other parameter uncertainty (in formation and cap rock permeabilities) has small impact. On the other hand, the latter has large impact on predicted injectivity, on which stratigraphic uncertainty has small impact. Salt precipitation at the border of the target storage formation affects CO2 injectivity for all considered scenarios and injection rates. At low injection rates, salt is deposited also within the formation, considerably reducing its availability for CO2 storage.  相似文献   

Pd-based membranes have been studied for pure hydrogen separation from syngas: in particular, a mathematical model of a Pd membrane for hydrogen separation has been developed.This model can be used in process and assessment studies of the parameters which characterize the mass transfer phenomena (such as: hydrogen permeability, surface coverage and limiting step). By coupling the permeation and water gas shift reaction kinetics, it can also be used to evaluate the performances of the membrane reactor. Further, it can be helpful to evaluate the best assembly and sizing of a H2/CO2 separation system.The model takes into account the kinetics of H2 adsorption/desorption on Pd surface, the H2 permeation into the palladium bulk and in the porous layer, and the kinetics of CO, CO2, H2O, O2, H2S competitive adsorption/desorption on Pd surface. It is also comprehensive of flux equations and bulk mass, momentum and energy balance.The results released by the model were compared to the experimental data during both the transient phase and the steady state conditions. A satisfactory agreement between model and experimental data was found.  相似文献   

While fuzzy specialists commonly use homogeneous experts' knowledge to construct fuzzy models, it is much more difficult to deal with knowledge elicited from a heterogeneous group of experts. This issue is exemplified in the area of sustainable rangeland management (SRM). One way to deal with the diversity of opinions is to develop a fuzzy system for all experts and to combine all these, the so-called primary systems, into one multi-fuzzy model. To derive each of the primary fuzzy systems, several semi-structured interviews were held in three different areas of the Fars province in Southwest Iran using the knowledge of a group of administrative experts. To obtain the final output of the multi-fuzzy model, we applied different 'voting' methods. The first method simply uses the arithmetic average of the primary outputs as the final output of the multi-fuzzy model. This final output represents an estimation of the right rate of stocking (RRS). We also propose other (un)supervised voting methods. Most importantly, by harmonising the primary outputs such that outliers get less emphasis, we introduce an unsupervised voting method for calculating a weighted estimate of the RRS. This harmonising method is expected to provide a new useful tool for policymakers dealing with heterogenity in experts' opinions: it is especially useful where limited field data are available and one is forced to rely on experts' knowledge only. By constructing the three fuzzy models based on the elicitation of heterogeneous experts' knowledge, our study shows the multidimensional vaguenesses that exist in SRM. Finally, by comparing the final RRS with its common values, this study strongly points to the existence of overgrazing in pastures in the three regions of the Fars province in Southwest Iran.  相似文献   

The use of recycled water is being promoted through policy in many parts of the world with the aim of achieving sustainable water management. However there are some major barriers to the success of recycled water use policies and their instruments, in particular for potable reuse schemes. One of these barriers can be a lack of community support. Despite the critical nature of community attitudes to recycled water to the success of projects, they are often little understood. Further information is required to ensure the successful implementation of recycled water policy and to ensure sustainable management of water resources is achieved. The aim of this paper is to establish the key components of community satisfaction with recycled water. This was investigated through a case study of the Mawson Lakes population in South Australia, where recycled water is used for non-potable purposes through a dual water supply system (the 'recycled water system'). This paper reports results from a survey of 162 Mawson Lakes residents. A structural equation model (SEM) was developed and tested to explain and predict components of community satisfaction with recycled water use (for non-potable use) through the dual water supply system. Results indicate the components of satisfaction with recycled water use were an individual's positive perception of: the Water Authority's communication, trust in the Water Authority, fairness in the recycled water system's implementation, quality of the recycled water, financial value of the recycled water system, and risk associated with recycled water use (negative relationship). The results of this study have positive implications for the future management and implementation of recycled water projects in particular through dual water supply systems. The results indicate to water authorities and water policy developers guiding principles for community consultation with regards to the management of recycled water projects.  相似文献   

In this research, nanoporous zeolite T membranes were synthesized at three levels of synthesis temperature: 100, 120 and 140 °C and synthesis time: 15, 30 and 50 h and characterized by gas permeation. Effects of synthesis parameters on CO2 and CH4 permeances and CO2/CH4 ideal separation factors were studied. All experiments were conducted at 1 bar feed pressure and 30 °C module temperature. Normally, it is anticipated that increasing synthesis temperature and synthesis time increase gas permeances and consequently decrease ideal separation factor. This prediction was not observed in the case of synthesis temperature increase from 100 to 120 °C as well as synthesis time increase from 15 to 30 h, due to the dual effect of increasing synthesis temperature and synthesis time on gas permeances and ideal separation factor. More zeolites are deposited and larger crystals are formed at higher synthesis temperatures and times. Forming the larger crystals accelerates the rate of zeolite layer integration, which is responsible for gas separation, in one hand and reduces the density of deposited zeolite layer on the support, due to the formation of more voids, on the other hand. In terms of maximizing the CO2/CH4 ideal separation factor, medium synthesis temperature and synthesis time (120 °C and 30 h) can be selected, however, maximum gas permeances are obtained at low levels of synthesis temperature and time (100 °C and 15 h). According to the ranges of gas permeances (10−11 to 10−6 mol/m2 s Pa) and CO2/CH4 ideal separation factors (1.4–70.3), it is concluded that the zeolite T membranes synthesized at optimum conditions can be employed for membrane separation of CO2/CH4 mixtures.  相似文献   

The complex and controversial task of selecting a dam site in a river basin can be successfully achieved using science-informed multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques. In this paper, we describe the application of the group fuzzy TOPSIS model for optimal ranking of the case study of Kandoleh dam sites in Kermanshah province, Iran, involving 18 input criteria. In this study, decision-making committee was made up of 20 involved decision makers. The comments of four non-biased, external experts in dam site selection were also used. The triangular fuzzy numbers were used to apply experts’ opinions on the selection criteria. In total, four alternative sites were assessed based on the technical, economic, social and environmental considerations and the data were analyzed using fuzzy TOPSIS MCDM model. Ranking results were compared with multi-criteria decision-making models, including the ELimination and Choice Expressing the REality and simple additive weighting. This logical, open and transparent framework provides a science-informed decision-making approach for complex problems such as optimal dam site selection. Finally, using sensitivity analysis, local studies and group discussions, we demonstrated the multiple benefits of the proposed novel method for a science-informed, open and transparent method for optimal ranking of the dam site candidates.  相似文献   

There is a necessity for improved physical understanding of solute transport processes in heterogeneous soil systems. In situ nondestructive techniques like time domain reflectometry (TDR) and fiber optic miniprobes (FOMPs) permit the collection of unique measurements of solute transport processes in soils for the purposes of model development and validation. This study examined the application of TDR and FOMPs to measure solute transport at various points laterally and at two depths in a heterogeneous clay-loam soil. A miscible displacement experiment was performed at a constant irrigation flux to examine the applicability of these probes to field soils. In their first application to a field soil, the FOMPs were successfully calibrated and performed well in measuring solute breakthrough curves. Two flow regimes were identified in the soil profile, the first where lateral spreading of the solute occurred in the surface horizon, followed by convergence into preferential flow pathways in the second transport zone. The measured transport response was heterogeneous with at least two identifiable vertical flow phases. It was demonstrated using transfer function modeling and data from a corresponding laboratory study that the FOMPs were measuring the slower phase, while the TDR probes captured a composite of the fast and slow phases. The combination of these two techniques may be a means to separate solute transport phases in heterogeneous media and relate laboratory column results to field studies.  相似文献   

A bioeconomic model of a single-species fishery with a marine reserve   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examines the impact of the creation of marine protected areas (MPAs), from both economic and biological perspectives. In particular, we examine the effects of protected patches and harvesting on resource populations. We conclude that protected patches are an effective means of conserving resource populations, even though extinction cannot be prevented in all cases. We discuss the dynamic optimization of a harvest policy by choosing E(t), the harvesting effort, as the dynamic variable. We also discuss the optimal equilibrium harvest policy and explain the biological and bioeconomic interpretations of the results.  相似文献   

Thorium concentrations at Kirtland Air Force Base training sites in Albuquerque, NM, have been previously described; however, the mechanisms of thorium migration were not fully understood. This work describes the processes affecting thorium mobility in this semiarid soil, which has implications for future remedial action. Aqueous extraction and filtration experiments have demonstrated the colloidal nature of thorium in the soil, due in part to the low solubility of thorium oxide. Colloidal material was defined as that removed by a 0.22-microm or smaller filter after being filtered to nominally dissolved size (0.45 microm). Additionally, association of thorium with natural organic matter is suggested by micro- and ultrafiltration methods, and electrokinetic data, which indicate thorium migration as a negatively charged particle or anionic complex with organic matter. Soil fractionation and digestion experiments show a bimodal distribution of thorium in the largest and smallest size fractions, most likely associated with detrital plant material and inorganic oxide particles, respectively. Plant uptake studies suggest this could also be a mode of thorium migration as plants grown in thorium-containing soil had a higher thorium concentration than those in control soils. Soil erosion laboratory experiments with wind and surface water overflow were performed to determine bulk soil material movement as a possible mechanism of mobility. Information from these experiments is being used to determine viable soil stabilization techniques at the site to maintain a usable training facility with minimal environmental impact.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for a hybrid anaerobic reactor (HAR), which uses self-immobilized anaerobic bacterial granules under completely fluidized condition, has been developed. Stoichiometry of glucose fermentation into methane has been considered in this model. The model includes: (1) a biofilm model which describes substrate conversion kinetics within a single granule; (2) a bed fluidization model which describes the distribution of biogranules within the fluidized bed and (3) a reactor model which links the above two to predict the substrate and products concentration profile along the reactor height. Product and pH inhibition for each group of bacteria has been considered in the kinetic model. The spatial distribution of each group of anaerobic bacteria within granules has been found to play a vital role in bringing about the conversion. Experiments were conducted in the reactor using a synthetic effluent containing glucose as the carbon source to study the treatment efficiency. The model was simulated first assuming a 3-layered distribution [MacLeod, F.A., Guiot, S.R., Costerton, J.W., 1990. Layered structure of bacterial aggregates produced in an upflow anaerobic sludge bed and filter reactor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 56, 1598-1607.] of anaerobic bacteria within granules and then homogeneous distribution [Grotenhuis, J.T.C., Smit, M., Plugge, C.M., Yuansheng, X., van Lammeren, A.A.M., Stams, A.J.M., Zehnder, A.J.B., 1991. Bacterial composition and structure of granular sludge adapted to different substrates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 57, 1942-1949.] of anaerobic bacteria. The predictions of model simulation with the assumption of layered structure closely represented the experimental data.  相似文献   

Excessive emissions of certain trace gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and chlorofluorocarbons are likely to result in global warming due to increased concentration of these greenhouse gases (GHGs). Therefore, measures to control GHG emissions are essential and the current international debate is on how to arrive at optimal GHG limitation strategies. To set emission targets or to distribute the burden of costs of various control measures, it is necessary to identify the major emitters. The World Resources Institute has assessed countrywide contributions to global GHG emissions for 1987. This paper disagrees with the basic approach adopted by WRI because it fails to apportion sinks on a logical basis by keeping in mind equity considerations; it does not account for the residence time of different GHGs; and it uses unreliable and outdated data for estimating the emissions. Using recent and reliable data for India and Brazil as well as the IPCC global warming potential for various GHGs, the shares in global emissions have been recalculated. The paper concludes that if only current emissions are considered there is considerable bias against those countries which are latecomers to the process of industrialization.  相似文献   

This paper shows how Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) can help in a complex process such as the assessment of the level of sustainability of a certain area. The paper presents the results of a study in which a model for measuring sustainability was implemented to better aid public policy decisions regarding sustainability. In order to assess sustainability in specific areas, a methodological approach based on multi-criteria analysis has been developed. The aim is to rank areas in order to understand the specific technical and/or financial support that they need to develop sustainable growth.The case study presented is an assessment of the level of sustainability in different areas of an Italian Region using the MCDA approach. Our results show that MCDA is a proper approach for sustainability assessment. The results are easy to understand and the evaluation path is clear and transparent. This is what decision makers need for having support to their decisions. The multi-criteria model for evaluation has been developed respecting the sustainable development economic theory, so that final results can have a clear meaning in terms of sustainability.  相似文献   

In this paper, a two-dimensional numerical calculation algorithm for water-quality modeling is presented. The algorithm is designed specifically for river systems with complicated geometric conditions. When velocity field data of the river are not available, the numerical calculation algorithm for the water-quality modeling can be used to project river-water quality by using a topographic map of the river course and a finite element method. The calculation results of the water-quality model can show the concentration fields of various pollutants. The water-quality model was applied to a case-study in the Hengyang City section of Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province, China. The river under consideration is winding and has an isle between two branches. In 1995, Chinese government secured a World Bank loan to conduct a Waterways Project in the study region. It was expected that construction works in the river section might affect water quality. Given that the project would change the hydrological regime of the river system and discharges, and so would affect water quality, there would be a need for model results that would predict the water-quality impacts of the Waterways Project. In particular, the study intended to apply the model to identify changes in river-water quality associated with the construction of Dayuandu navigation key project. It is hoped that the numerical calculation algorithm for the water-quality modeling presented in this paper can also be applied to other shallow rivers with similar topographical conditions.  相似文献   

An axial symmetry augmented vertical axis wind turbine, which is suitable for arbitrary wind directions, is proposed in this paper. In order to improve the power generation ability of the S-type vertical axis wind turbine, a set of so-called “collection-shield boards” are installed symmetrically around the rotating S-type rotor. The flow fields around this type of wind turbine are numerically simulated with the aid of CFD method. The optimized design of geometrical parameters of the rotor and collection-shield boards is conducted by using the orthogonal design method. The obtained results suggest that the power output of the optimized augmented wind turbine can reach nearly three times higher than that of the conventional S-type vertical axis wind turbine.  相似文献   

Chambers are commonly used to measure the emission of many trace gases and chemicals from soil. An aerodynamic (flow through) chamber was designed and fabricated to accurately measure the surface flux of trace gases. Flow through the chamber was controlled with a small vacuum at the outlet. Due to the design using fans, a partition plate, and aerodynamic ends, air is forced to sweep parallel and uniform over the entire soil surface. A fraction of the air flowing inside the chamber is sampled in the outlet. The air velocity inside the chamber is controlled by fan speed and outlet suction flow rate. The chamber design resulted in a uniform distribution of air velocity at the soil surface. Steady state flux was attained within 5 min when the outlet air suction rate was 20 L/min or higher. For expected flux rates, the presence of the chamber did not affect the measured fluxes at outlet suction rates of around 20 L/min, except that the chamber caused some cooling of the surface in field experiments. Sensitive measurements of the pressure deficit across the soil layer in conjunction with measured fluxes in the source box and chamber outlet show that the outflow rate must be controlled carefully to minimize errors in the flux measurements. Both over- and underestimation of the fluxes are possible if the outlet flow rate is not controlled carefully. For this design, the chamber accurately measured steady flux at outlet air suction rates of approximately 20 L/min when the pressure deficit within the chamber with respect to the ambient atmosphere ranged between 0.46 and 0.79 Pa.  相似文献   

Scientists often use mathematical models to assess river water quality. However, the application of the models in environmental management and risk assessment is quite limited because of the difficulty of preparing input data and interpreting model output. This paper presents a study that links ArcIMS, a Web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) software to ROUT, a national and regional scale river model which evolved from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Water Use Improvement and Impairment Model, to create a WWW-GIS-based river simulation model called GIS-ROUT. GIS-ROUT is used to predict chemical concentrations in perennially flowing rivers throughout the continental United States that receive discharges from more than 10,000 publicly owned wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The WWTP chemical loadings are calculated from per capita per day disposal of product ingredients and the population served by each plant. Each WWTP, containing data on treatment type and influent and effluent flows, is spatially associated with a specific receiving river segment. Based on user defined treatment-type removal rates for a particular chemical, an effluent concentration for each WWTP is calculated and used as input to the river model. Over 360,000 km of rivers are modeled, incorporating dilution and first order loss of the chemical in each river segment. The integration of spatial data, GIS, the WWW, and modeling in GIS-ROUT makes it possible to organize and analyze data spatially, and view results on interactive maps as well as tables and distribution charts. The integration allows scientists and managers in different locations to coordinate and share their estimations for environmental exposure and risk assessments.  相似文献   

Internal combustion engines running on gaseous fuels produce low torque because the inducted gaseous fuel displaces air and reduces the volumetric efficiency. This can be overcome by injecting the gaseous fuel directly into the cylinder after the intake of air is completed. This work is a step in developing and demonstrating a cost effective system, as such systems are not readily available for small applications. A low-pressure gas injector was mounted on the cylinder barrel of a fully instrumented dual fuel engine. Its location is such that the injector will be exposed to the cylinder gases about 65.5 degrees before bottom dead center, where the cylinder pressure and temperature will be relatively low. An electronic controller was also developed to time the injection process to occur after the intake valve closes and also to control the duration of injection (quantity). Experiments were conducted with LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) as the primary fuel that was injected with this new system and diesel as the pilot fuel at the rated speed of 1500 rpm with different amounts of LPG at 80% and 100% load. Comparisons of performance, combustion and emissions with the conventional manifold injection of LPG were done. The system allowed greater amounts of LPG to be used without knock as compared to manifold injection. On the whole the developed system has potential for application in small dual fuel and spark ignited gas engines and can be taken up for further optimization.  相似文献   

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