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Ambio - The Circumpolar North has been changing rapidly within the last decades, and the socioeconomic systems of the Eurasian Arctic and Siberia in particular have displayed the most dramatic...  相似文献   

Mercury in fish from the Pinchi Lake Region, British Columbia, Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water, surface sediments, and <40 cm rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) were collected from Pinchi Lake, British Columbia, and from several nearby reference lakes. Hg concentrations in sediment samples from Pinchi L. were highly elevated compared to sediments from reference lakes, especially in sites adjacent to and downstream of a former Hg mine. In both fish species examined, Hg concentration was positively related to age and/or fork length. In northern pikeminnow, Hg concentrations were also positively related to trophic level (deltaN). Hg concentrations in both fish species were highest in Pinchi L., and were higher in pikeminnow than in rainbow trout of similar size. Average Hg concentrations in small rainbow trout from all lakes, including Pinchi L., were lower than dietary levels reported to cause reproductive impairment in common loons (Gavia immer); however, Hg levels in small pikeminnow from Pinchi L. were sufficiently high to be of concern. The risk for Hg toxicity in the study area is greatest for animals that consume larger piscivorous fish such as larger northern pikeminnow or lake trout, which are known from previous studies to contain higher Hg concentrations.  相似文献   

The Afton Copper Smelter adjacent to Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada commenced operation in 1978 and employed a mercury scrubbing system. Two years of preproduction studies, which included monitoring for mercury in ambient air, water, soli, and vegetation were performed. The results from similar studies conducted during four full years (1978–81) and two partial years (1982–83) of production are presented in the data analysis. These programs illustrated that the most frequent ground impingement occurred within a 1.6–3.2- km radius of the source, and that the levels decreased with increasing distance from the source to a maximum radius of 8 km. The results of a comprehensive source monitoring program illustrated that the average mercury emission levels ranged from 3.2 to 6.8 kg/calendar day during 1979–81, and that the majority of the emissions were in a vapour form. The ambient monitoring data acquired when smelter operations were significantly reduced indicate a quick recovery to preproduction levels in virtually all monitored parameters and at most monitored sites. The integrated results from all mercury monitoring programs illustrate the environmental impact from mercury emissions which were two to four times the permit standard of 1.8 kg/day.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Hunting, trapping, and fishing are part of an Indigenous lifestyle in subarctic Canada. However, this lifestyle may be a route of exposure to...  相似文献   

Total Hg in Simulium spp. (Diptera, Simuliidae) was measured in 17 soft-water streams in the District of Muskoka and Haliburton County (Ontario, Canada) during 2003 and 2004. Black flies contained 0.07-0.64 microg/g total Hg (dry weight). The methylmercury concentration was measured in 6 samples of the 17, and ranged from 58% to 93% of total Hg. The concentration of total Hg is much higher than has been found in other filter feeding insects, and represents a significant potential source of Hg to fish. Mercury concentrations in Simulium spp. at different sites were strongly positively correlated with dissolved organic carbon, and the proportion of land within each catchment that was wetland. There was also a strong negative correlation with pH. By examining Hg concentration in filter feeding insects we have found a significant entry point for Hg and MeHg into the food web.  相似文献   



Although breastfeeding is the ideal way of nurturing infants, it can be a source of exposure to toxicants. This study reports the concentration of Hg, Pb and Cd in breast milk from a sample of women drawn from the general population of the Madrid Region, and explores the association between metal levels and socio-demographic factors, lifestyle habits, diet and environmental exposures, including tobacco smoke, exposure at home and occupational exposures.


Breast milk was obtained from 100 women (20 mL) at around the third week postpartum. Pb, Cd and Hg levels were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Metal levels were log-transformed due to non-normal distribution. Their association with the variables collected by questionnaire was assessed using linear regression models. Separate models were fitted for Hg, Pb and Cd, using univariate linear regression in a first step. Secondly, multivariate linear regression models were adjusted introducing potential confounders specific for each metal. Finally, a test for trend was performed in order to evaluate possible dose-response relationships between metal levels and changes in variables categories.


Geometric mean Hg, Pb and Cd content in milk were 0.53 μg L−1, 15.56 μg L−1, and 1.31 μg L−1, respectively. Decreases in Hg levels in older women and in those with a previous history of pregnancies and lactations suggested clearance of this metal over lifetime, though differences were not statistically significant, probably due to limited sample size. Lead concentrations increased with greater exposure to motor vehicle traffic and higher potato consumption. Increased Cd levels were associated with type of lactation and tended to increase with tobacco smoking.


Surveillance for the presence of heavy metals in human milk is needed. Smoking and dietary habits are the main factors linked to heavy metal levels in breast milk. Our results reinforce the need to strengthen national food safety programs and to further promote avoidance of unhealthy behaviors such as smoking during pregnancy.  相似文献   

An office containing about 65 employees was found to have 8-h average CO concentrations of 18-26 ppm during a week in winter. On one Friday afternoon, 20 nonsmoking office workers had alveolar CO levels of 23 ± 3 ppm compared to levels of 8 ± 2 ppm in six nonsmoking workers in other offices in the same building. After a weekend at home, the affected office workers displayed reduced alveolar CO levels of 7 ± 2 ppm. The source of the high CO levels was attributed to a parking garage on the same level as the office. Closing fire doors and activating garage fans rectified the situation. The breath sampling method is found to require a correction factor based on the difference between the true alveolar CO and the CO level in the surrounding air. The methods and equipment employed in this study (personal air monitors, electronic data loggers, breath sampling) are recommended for screening and identifying potential CO problems in buildings with similar conditions.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate bound mercury (PBM) in ambient air were measured at the Hung Kuang (traffic) sampling site during September 27 to October 6, 2014. An ambient air mercury collection system (AAMCS) was utilized to measure simultaneously PBM, GEM, and RGM concentrations in ambient air. The results thus obtained demonstrate that the mean concentrations of PBM, GEM, and RGM were 38.57 ± 11.4 (pg/m3), 17.67 ± 5.56 (ng/m3) and 10.78 ± 2.8 (pg/m3), respectively, at this traffic-sampling site. The mean GEM/PBM and GEM/RGM concentration ratios were 458 and 1639, respectively. The results obtained herein demonstrate that AAMCS can be utilized to collect three phases of mercury simultaneously. The mean PBM, GEM, and RGM concentrations herein were compared with others found in Asia, America, Europe and Antarctica. The mean PBM, GEM, and RGM concentrations were found to be lowest in Asia and Antarctica. The mean PBM concentration in Europe was approximately eight times that in this investigation. The mean GEM and RGM concentrations in this study were 1.21 and 170 times those found in the United States.  相似文献   


Reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate mercury (PHg) were collected in Milwaukee, WI, between April 2004 and May 2005, and in Riverside, CA, between July 25 and August 7, 2005 using sorbent and filter substrates. The substrates were analyzed for mercury by thermal desorption analysis (TDA) using a purpose-built instrument. Results from this offline-TDA method were compared with measurements using a real-time atmospheric mercury analyzer. RGM measurements made with the offline-TDA agreed well with a commercial real-time method. However, the offline TDA reported PHg concentrations 2.7 times higher than the real-time method, indicating evaporative losses might be occurring from the real-time instrument during sample collection. TDA combined with reactive mercury collection on filter and absorbent substrates was cheap, relatively easy to use, did not introduce biases due to a semicontinuous sample collection strategy, and had a dynamic range appropriate for use in rural and urban locations. The results of this study demonstrate that offline-TDA is a feasible method for collecting reactive mercury concentrations in a large network of filter-based samplers.  相似文献   

Mercury in fish in Swedish lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aim of this work has been to try to obtain a picture of the past, present and future mercury situation in fish in Swedish lakes, to make an estimate of the number of lakes threatened by 'blacklisting', and to see if the data can be used to reveal anything about the impact of liming on the Hg content in pike. The register contains a broad set of data from 1456 lakes. The main results are as follows. Trend analyses indicate that the Hg content in 1-kg pike seems to increase with time. This is interesting since there has been a significant decrease in mercury emissions from Swedish industries during the last two decades. High Hg contents in 1-kg pike appear in a very characteristic pattern, linked to specific sources of Hg emission. The data indicate that old Swedish 'sins' are still causing a lot of problems. The factors governing the leakage of Hg from soils to water ought to be a very important topic for further studies. The Hg content in pike shows the highest correlation with the following parameters: Hg in surficial sediments, pH, distance from point source and water hardness, lake water alkalinity and conductivity, water retention time, size of drainage area and lake surface. A formula which provides the best possible degree of explanation (r2 = 0.78) has been derived. At present there are about 250 lakes 'blacklisted' in Sweden due to high Hg content in fish. Our data show that there are at least 9400 lakes that ought to be 'blacklisted' today. A successful liming operation will alter the chemical conditions in lakes and also decrease the Hg content in fish.  相似文献   


Two mathematical models of the atmospheric fate and transport of mercury (Hg), an Eulerian grid–based model and a Gaussian plume model, are used to calculate the atmospheric deposition of Hg in the vicinity (i.e., within 50 km) of five coal–fired power plants. The former is applied using two different horizontal resolutions: coarse (84 km) and fine (16.7 km). More than 96% of the power plant Hg emissions are calculated with the plume model to be transported beyond 50 km from the plants. The grid–based model predicts a lower fraction to be transported beyond 50 km: >91% with a coarse resolution and >95% with a fine resolution. The contribution of the power plant emissions to total Hg deposition within a radius of 50 km from the plants is calculated to be <8% with the plume model, <14% with the Eulerian model with a coarse resolution, and <10% with the Eulerian model with a fine resolution. The Eulerian grid–based model predicts greater local impacts than the plume model because of artificially enhanced vertical dispersion; the former predicts about twice as much Hg deposition as the latter when the area considered is commensurate with the resolution of the grid–based model. If one compares the local impacts for an area that is significantly less than the grid–based model resolution, then the grid–based model may predict lower local deposition than the plume model, because two compensating errors affect the results obtained with the grid–based model: initial dilution of the power plant emissions within one or more grid cells and enhanced vertical mixing to the ground.  相似文献   


With the passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), accurate determination of the concentration of mercury in coal has become an increasingly important issue. To address this issue, CONSOL R&D conducted a round robin analytical program to determine the interlaboratory and intralaboratory variability in the measurement of mercury in coal. CONSOL supplied homogeneous splits of Pittsburgh and Illinois #6 seam coals, and the NIST 1632b coal standard to eleven laboratories, twice each, over a one-year period. A twelfth laboratory analyzed the coals once. A European coal standard, certified for mercury, was analyzed at the completion of the round robin study to evaluate accuracy. The round robin participants included representatives from industry, government, and academia. The laboratories, which are experienced in mercury-in-coal analysis, used various state-of-the-art sample preparation and analysis procedures in the study. The round robin results indicate that a substantial level of variability exists in the mercury-in-coal determination. Earlier studies1 found similar results. The relative intralaboratory repeatability was 0.02 ppm and the relative interlaboratory reproducibility ranged from 0.04 to 0.05 ppm. The study showed that laboratory variability can be greatly skewed by outlier values. Fifty-six percent of the results for the European coal standard fell within a 95% confidence interval of the standard (0.138 ± 0.11 ppm). These results indicate that accuracy is not method-dependent.  相似文献   

The atmospheric oxidation of mercury in the Mediterranean marine boundary layer (MBL) has been studied using the Atmospheric Mercury Chemistry over the Sea (AMCOTS) model. The model results have been compared to measured data obtained during an oceanographic research campaign in 2000, with more success than previous modelling attempts. In light of the often high concentrations of ozone present in the Mediterranean boundary layer, seasonal case studies using typical meteorological conditions and average ozone concentrations have been performed to identify the main oxidants of elemental mercury. The sensitivity of the modelled reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) concentrations to the Hg+O3 rate constant has been assessed using the two most recent rate determinations. The results using the higher of the two literature values gives results inconsistent with measured values of RGM when the reaction between Hg and O3 is assumed to give a gas phase product. This does not necessarily indicate that the rate constant is incorrect but possibly that other rate constants in the model are overestimated or indeed that there may be reduction reactions occurring in the atmosphere which have yet to be identified. Alternatively, when the reaction product of Hg and O3 is assumed to be a solid and therefore not contribute to RGM the modelled and measured results are comparable. The deposition rates calculated by the model when compared with calculated and measured sea surface emission fluxes available in the literature indicate that dry deposition flux of RGM is comparable to the sea surface emission flux. The calculated lifetime of Hg0 in the Mediterranean MBL is between one and two weeks.  相似文献   

Mercury in the biotic compartments of Northwest Patagonia lakes, Argentina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on total mercury (THg) concentrations in the principal components of food webs of selected Northern Patagonia Andean Range ultraoligotrophic lakes, Argentina. The THg contents were determined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis in muscle and liver of four fish species occupying the higher trophic positions (the introduced Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salvelinus fontinalis, and the native Percichthys trucha) accounted for eight lakes belonging to Nahuel Huapi and Los Alerces National Parks. We studied the food web components of both the West and East branches of Lake Moreno, including benthic primary producers such as biofilm, mosses, and macrophytes, three plankton fractions, fish, riparian tree leaves, and benthic invertebrates, namely decapods, molluscs, insect larvae, leeches, oligochaetes, and amphipods.Mercury concentrations in fish muscle varied in a wide range, from less than 0.05 to 4 μg g−1 dry weight (DW), without a distribution pattern among species but showing higher values for P. trucha and S. fontinalis, particularly in Lake Moreno.The THg contents of the food web components of Lake Moreno varied within 4 orders of magnitude, with the lower values ranging from 0.01 to 0.5 μg g−1 DW in tree leaves, some macrophytes, juvenile salmonids or benthic macroinvertebrates, and reaching concentrations over 200 μg g−1 DW in the plankton. Juvenile Galaxias maculatus caught in the pelagic area presented the highest THg contents of all fish sampled, reaching 10 μg g−1 DW, contents that could be associated with the high THg concentrations in plankton since it is their main food source. Although Lake Moreno is a system without local point sources of contamination, situated in a protected area, some benthic organisms presented high THg contents when compared with those from polluted ecosystems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess trace element levels in whole blood, serum and urine of 61 non-smoking adults living on the west coast of Canada and to determine their association with the following variables: age, gender, diet, participation in certain hobby and/or occupational activities, and levels of other trace elements. Participants or their spouses were employed as oyster growers and were originally recruited to study the absorption of cadmium from oyster consumption. Trace elements were measured using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. A telephone interview was used to assess participant's intake of selected foods and the amount of time they have spent on certain activities over the lifetime. Comparison of results to previous studies revealed that blood lead, blood mercury, serum nickel, serum selenium and urine molybdenum levels were generally higher in this study than have previously been measured, possibly due to higher consumption of seafood in this sample. Men had statistically higher levels of serum iron, blood lead, and serum selenium, while women had statistically higher levels of serum copper and blood manganese. Blood lead levels increased with age. Diet had a statistically significant association with several elements. Consumption of spinach, seaweed, organ meats, and shellfish tended to be positively correlated with trace element concentrations and consumption of various forms of potatoes tended to be negatively correlated. Several statistically significant correlations were also observed between trace elements.  相似文献   

Despite many years of research about mercury pollution, data concerning high-latitude regions of Europe are limited, particularly studies of long-term temporal trends. It is not clear whether the mercury load at high latitudes follows the recent decreasing trends in European mercury emissions or whether the load is still high because of continuing global emissions. In this study we use sediments from 12 lakes, located above the Arctic Circle in the Swedish mountains, to assess the past and recent mercury pollution situation, especially for the last 200 y. The mercury load increased clearly in sediment deposited from the late 19th or early 20th century to a peak between 1960 and 1990. This peak represents an enrichment of 1.4 to 4.2 times over background concentrations. This enrichment is comparable with enrichments in sediments from lower latitudes as well as other Arctic regions. Since the 1990s mercury concentration has declined in 8 of the 12 lakes, i.e., similar to emission trends in Europe.  相似文献   

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