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Effects of Selective Logging on Bat Communities in the Southeastern Amazon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Although extensive areas of tropical forest are selectively logged each year, the responses of bat communities to this form of disturbance have rarely been examined. Our objectives were to (1) compare bat abundance, species composition, and feeding guild structure between unlogged and low-intensity selectively logged (1–4 logged stems/ha) sampling grids in the southeastern Amazon and (2) examine correlations between logging-induced changes in bat communities and forest structure. We captured bats in understory and canopy mist nets set in five 1-ha study grids in both logged and unlogged forest. We captured 996 individuals, representing 5 families, 32 genera, and 49 species. Abundances of nectarivorous and frugivorous taxa (Glossophaginae, Lonchophyllinae, Stenodermatinae, and Carolliinae) were higher at logged sites, where canopy openness and understory foliage density were greatest. In contrast, insectivorous and omnivorous species (Emballonuridae, Mormoopidae, Phyllostominae, and Vespertilionidae) were more abundant in unlogged sites, where canopy foliage density and variability in the understory stratum were greatest. Multivariate analyses indicated that understory bat species composition differed strongly between logged and unlogged sites but provided little evidence of logging effects for the canopy fauna. Different responses among feeding guilds and taxonomic groups appeared to be related to foraging and echolocation strategies and to changes in canopy cover and understory foliage densities. Our results suggest that even low-intensity logging modifies habitat structure, leading to changes in bat species composition.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite growing concern, no consensus has emerged over the effects of habitat modification on species diversity in tropical forests. Even for comparatively well-studied taxa such as Lepidoptera, disturbance has been reported to increase and decrease diversity with approximately equal frequency. Species diversity within landscapes depends on the spatial scale at which communities are sampled, and the effects of disturbance in tropical forests have been studied at a wide range of spatial scales. Yet the question of how disturbance affects diversity at different spatial scales has not been addressed. We reanalyzed data from previous studies to examine the relationship between spatial scale and effects of disturbance on tropical-forest Lepidoptera. Disturbance had opposite effects on diversity at large and small scales: as scale decreased, the probability of a positive effect of disturbance on diversity increased. We also explicitly examined the relationship between spatial scale and the diversity of butterflies in selectively logged and unlogged forest in Maluku Province, Indonesia. Species richness increased with spatial scale in both logged and unlogged forest, but at a significantly faster rate in unlogged forest, whereas species evenness increased with scale in unlogged forest but did not increase with scale in logged forest. These data indicate that the effects of habitat modification on species diversity are heavily scale-dependent. As a result, recorded effects of disturbance were strongly influenced by the spatial scale at which species assemblages were sampled. Future studies need to account for this by explicitly examining the effects of disturbance at a number of different spatial scales. A further problem arises because the relationship between scale and diversity is likely to differ among taxa in relation to mobility. This may explain to some extent why the measured effects of disturbance have differed between relatively mobile and immobile taxa.  相似文献   

Abstract: If logging is to be compatible with primate conservation, primate populations must be expected to recover from the disturbance and eventually return to their former densities. Surveys conducted over 28 years were used to quantify the long-term effects of both low- and high-intensity selective logging on the density of the five common primates in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The most dramatic exception to the expectation that primate populations will recover following logging was that group densities of Cercopithecus mitis and C. ascanius in the heavily logged area continued to decline decades after logging. Procolobus tephrosceles populations were recovering in the heavily logged areas, but the rate of increase appeared to be slow (0.005 groups/km2 per year). Colobus guereza appeared to do well in some disturbed habitats and were found at higher group densities in the logged areas than in the unlogged area. There was no evidence of an increase in Lophocebus albigena group density in the heavily logged area since the time of logging, and there was a tendency for its population to be lower in heavily logged areas than in lightly logged areas. In contrast to the findings from the heavily logged area, none of the species were found at a lower group density in the lightly logged area than in the unlogged area, and group densities in this area were not changing at a statistically significant rate. The results of our study suggest that, in this region, low-intensity selective logging could be one component of conservation plans for primates; high-intensity logging, however, which is typical of most logging operations throughout Africa, is incompatible with primate conservation.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of logging have been and remain a focus of considerable debate. In this study, we assessed bird species composition within a logging concession in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Within the study area (approximately 196 km2) a total of 9747 individuals of 177 bird species were recorded. Our goal was to identify associations between species traits and environmental variables. This can help us to understand the causes of disturbance and predict whether species with given traits will persist under changing environmental conditions. Logging, slope position, and a number of habitat structure variables including canopy cover and liana abundance were significantly related to variation in bird composition. In addition to environmental variables, spatial variables also explained a significant amount of variation. However, environmental variables, particularly in relation to logging, were of greater importance in structuring variation in composition. Environmental change following logging appeared to have a pronounced effect on the feeding guild and size class structure but there was little evidence of an effect on restricted range or threatened species although certain threatened species were adversely affected. For example, species such as the terrestrial insectivore Argusianus argus and the hornbill Buceros rhinoceros, both of which are threatened, were rare or absent in recently logged forest. In contrast, undergrowth insectivores such as Orthotomus atrogularis and Trichastoma rostratum were abundant in recently logged forest and rare in unlogged forest. Logging appeared to have the strongest negative effect on hornbills, terrestrial insectivores, and canopy bark-gleaning insectivores while moderately affecting canopy foliage-gleaning insectivores and frugivores, raptors, and large species in general. In contrast, undergrowth insectivores responded positively to logging while most understory guilds showed little pronounced effect. Despite the high species richness of logged forest, logging may still have a negative impact on extant diversity by adversely affecting key ecological guilds. The sensitivity of hornbills in particular to logging disturbance may be expected to alter rainforest dynamics by seriously reducing the effective seed dispersal of associated tree species. However, logged forest represents an increasingly important habitat for most bird species and needs to be protected from further degradation. Biodiversity management within logging concessions should focus on maintaining large areas of unlogged forest and mitigating the adverse effects of logging on sensitive groups of species.  相似文献   

There is a lack of quantitative information on the effectiveness of selective‐logging practices in ameliorating effects of logging on faunal communities. We conducted a large‐scale replicated field study in 3 selectively logged moist semideciduous forests in West Africa at varying times after timber extraction to assess post logging effects on amphibian assemblages. Specifically, we assessed whether the diversity, abundance, and assemblage composition of amphibians changed over time for forest‐dependent species and those tolerant of forest disturbance. In 2009, we sampled amphibians in 3 forests (total of 48 study plots, each 2 ha) in southwestern Ghana. In each forest, we established plots in undisturbed forest, recently logged forest, and forest logged 10 and 20 years previously. Logging intensity was constant across sites with 3 trees/ha removed. Recently logged forests supported substantially more species than unlogged forests. This was due to an influx of disturbance‐tolerant species after logging. Simultaneously Simpson's index decreased, with increased in dominance of a few species. As time since logging increased richness of disturbance‐tolerant species decreased until 10 years after logging when their composition was indistinguishable from unlogged forests. Simpson's index increased with time since logging and was indistinguishable from unlogged forest 20 years after logging. Forest specialists decreased after logging and recovered slowly. However, after 20 years amphibian assemblages had returned to a state indistinguishable from that of undisturbed forest in both abundance and composition. These results demonstrate that even with low‐intensity logging (≤3 trees/ha) a minimum 20‐year rotation of logging is required for effective conservation of amphibian assemblages in moist semideciduous forests. Furthermore, remnant patches of intact forests retained in the landscape and the presence of permanent brooks may aid in the effective recovery of amphibian assemblages. Recuperación de Ensambles de Anfibios en Dos Etapas Después de la Tala Selectiva de Bosques Tropicales  相似文献   

Abstract:  The management of tropical forest in timber concessions has been proposed as a solution to prevent further biodiversity loss. The effectiveness of this strategy will likely depend on species-specific, population-level responses to logging. We conducted a survey (749 line transects over 3450 km) in logging concessions (1.2 million ha) in the northern Republic of Congo to examine the impact of logging on large mammal populations, including endangered species such as the elephant ( Loxodonta africana ), gorilla ( Gorilla gorilla ), chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes ), and bongo ( Tragelaphus eurycerus ). When we estimated species abundance without consideration of transect characteristics, species abundances in logged and unlogged forests were not different for most species. When we modeled the data with a hurdle model approach, however, analyzing species presence and conditional abundance separately with generalized additive models and then combining them to calculate the mean species abundance, species abundance varied strongly depending on transect characteristics. The mean species abundance was often related to the distance to unlogged forest, which suggests that intact forest serves as source habitat for several species. The mean species abundance responded nonlinearly to logging history, changing over 30 years as the forest recovered from logging. Finally the distance away from roads, natural forest clearings, and villages also determined the abundance of mammals. Our results suggest that logged forest can extend the conservation estate for many of Central Africa's most threatened species if managed appropriately. In addition to limiting hunting, logging concessions must be large, contain patches of unlogged forest, and include forest with different logging histories.  相似文献   

Abstract: I compared the endemism of four plant groups (Araceae, Bromeliaceae, Palmae, Pteridophyta) along gradients of increasing anthropogenic forest disturbance, from undisturbed mature forest to disturbed forest (logged, grazed, or burned), secondary forest, secondary scrub, and finally pasture, at 16 sites in the Bolivian Andes. I measured endemism as the mean inverse range size (number of 1° cells) of all species per study group encountered in each habitat and site. Overall, endemism was significantly higher in disturbed forest than in mature forest, but it declined in more strongly disturbed habitats. To explain the relationship of range size to habitat disturbance, I propose that endemic species are somewhat competitively inferior to other co-occurring taxa, limited in their ability to establish and maintain new populations following dispersal and thus to expand their ranges. Within their established ranges, endemic species depend on natural habitat disturbances to prevent their competitive exclusion by other species, so they profit from a certain level of anthropogenic disturbance. This pattern and the explanatory hypotheses should be subjected to critical evaluation. Although the pattern does not apply to every endemic tropical plant species, it indicates that conservation of part of the endemic tropical forest flora may be achieved in forest areas subject to sustainable forest use without the need to completely exclude human activities.  相似文献   

I compared primate abundances in an old forest and in adjacent regenerating farm clearings abandoned by slash-and-burn agriculturalists in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Univariate correlation procedures were used to identify socioecological characteristics of primate species that best explained success (abundance) of primates in regenerating farm clearings adjacent to old forest. A highly frugivorous diet was the single most significant primate characteristic correlated with use of abandoned farms (rs = 0.886, p = 0.019). In contrast, other studies of primates in disturbed habitats determined that a frugivorous diet was strongly negatively correlated with primate use of selectively logged forest and other disturbed habitats. These contrasting results expose the hazard of generalizing about ecological correlates of primate success in disturbed habitats, which may be site or disturbance specific. Although this warning is derived from studies of primates, it may apply to other taxa as well.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory suggests that between-group competition is an important factor affecting the nature of primate social relationships. Between-group encounters in macaques may involve female resource defense, male mate defense, and male resource defense. We observed between-group encounters in two groups (a forest group and a temple group) of bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata). We observed 102 encounters in 875 h of observation of the forest group (1.40 per 12-h day) and 58 encounters in 907 h of observation of the temple group (0.77 per 12-h day). Aggressive interactions between groups occurred in 32.4% and 29.3% of encounters in the forest and temple groups, respectively. Overall, we found little support for the female resource defense hypothesis. Females in both groups rarely participated aggressively in between-group encounters. We found support for the male mate defense hypothesis. For example, males of the forest group were more aggressive during encounters in the mating season than in the non-mating season. Males were also aggressive to females from their own group immediately following encounters. We also found partial support for the male resource defense hypothesis. Encounters in the forest group occurred in a feeding context more often than expected based on time budgets. Also, males in the temple group were more often aggressive in food-related encounters than in other encounters. The findings of this study suggest that socioecological models of primate social relationships need to distinguish male and female strategies during between-group encounters and integrate the resulting functional outcomes.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Species composition and diversity in logged and unlogged forests were assesed to understand the regeneration of the residual stand twenty years after logging in Kudremukh National Park, South India. Relative density, frequency and basal area were measured by Point Centered Quarter method to calculate the diversity and stand quality. The logged forest harbored lower stem density of mature trees (508 ha(-1)) than unlogged ones (630 ha(-1)). Indeed, logging operations increased the species diversity in the regenerative phase (seedling phase) due to the creation of larger canopy gaps. The extra radiation reaching the ground, facilitated the colonization of early and late secondary species. Ramakrishanan Index of Stand Quality (RISQ) values in logged forest was higher in comparison with unlogged forest, indicating the dominance of early and late secondary species, especially at sapling phase. The light demanding secondary forest species contribute higher percentage to the overall tree population in logged forest. It is observed from the study that a sufficient period of felling cycle should be practiced to reinstate the same set of species prevailed before logging.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Habitat destruction is one of the greatest threats to primates worldwide. To understand the impact of forest logging on the habitat use of primates in temperate mixed forest, we compared the range, habitat used, population size, and diet of a troop (ERT) of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys ( Rhinopithecus roxellana ) in the Qinling Mountains before (1989), during (1997), and after (2002–2003) commercial logging. Logging significantly changed the composition of the forest and the food supply for the troop. Some areas were heavily logged and formed patches in the forest that lacked canopy cover. The troop moved 7 km away from their original range when logging took place and returned to their original range after logging stopped, but they avoided heavily logged areas that lacked canopy cover. Their movement indicated some degree of site fidelity in this species. Diet and home range changed after logging, but the population size remained stable, which suggests that this species has some ability to adapt to habitat changes. Our results may reflect a natural flexibility in primates to adapt to the changing food resources in temperate areas with marked seasonal variations in food availability and distribution. This flexibility may have contributed to their higher degree of resilience to habitat alterations caused by human activities compared with tropical forest primates that have a more specialized diet. Our findings provide important baseline information that will help decision makers in their efforts to conserve primates, especially in temperate regions, and to sustainably manage primate habitat.  相似文献   

Humans influence tropical rainforest animals directly via exploitation and indirectly via habitat disturbance. Bushmeat hunting and logging occur extensively in tropical forests and have large effects on particular species. But how they alter animal diversity across landscape scales and whether their impacts are correlated across species remain less known. We used spatially widespread measurements of mammal occurrence across Malaysian Borneo and recently developed multispecies hierarchical models to assess the species richness of medium‐ to large‐bodied terrestrial mammals while accounting for imperfect detection of all species. Hunting was associated with 31% lower species richness. Moreover, hunting remained high even where richness was very low, highlighting that hunting pressure persisted even in chronically overhunted areas. Newly logged sites had 11% lower species richness than unlogged sites, but sites logged >10 years previously had richness levels similar to those in old‐growth forest. Hunting was a more serious long‐term threat than logging for 91% of primate and ungulate species. Hunting and logging impacts across species were not correlated across taxa. Negative impacts of hunting were the greatest for common mammalian species, but commonness versus rarity was not related to species‐specific impacts of logging. Direct human impacts appeared highly persistent and lead to defaunation of certain areas. These impacts were particularly severe for species of ecological importance as seed dispersers and herbivores. Indirect impacts were also strong but appeared to attenuate more rapidly than previously thought. The lack of correlation between direct and indirect impacts across species highlights that multifaceted conservation strategies may be needed for mammal conservation in tropical rainforests, Earth's most biodiverse ecosystems. Correlación y Persistencia de los Impactos de la Caza y la Tala sobre los Mamíferos de los Bosques Tropicales  相似文献   

Stand-replacing natural disturbances in mature forests are traditionally seen as events that cause forests to revert to early stages of succession and maintain species diversity. In some cases, however, such transitions could be an artifact of salvage logging and may increase biotic homogenization. We present initial (two-year) results of a study of the effects of tornado damage and the combined effects of tornado damage and salvage logging on environmental conditions and ground cover plant communities in mixed oak-pine forests in north central Mississippi. Plots were established in salvage-logged areas, adjacent to plots established before the storm in unlogged areas, spanning a gradient of storm damage intensity. Vegetation change directly attributable to tornado damage was driven primarily by a reduction in canopy cover but was not consistent with a transition to an early stage of succession. Although we observed post-storm increases of several disturbance indicators (ruderals), we also observed significant increases in the abundance of a few species indicative of upland forests. Increases in flowering were just as likely to occur in species indicative of forests as in species indicative of open woodlands. Few species declined as a result of the tornado, resulting in a net increase in species richness. Ruderals were very abundant in salvage-logged areas, which contained significantly higher amounts of bare ground and greater variance in soil penetrability than did damaged areas that were not logged. In contrast to unlogged areas severely damaged by the tornado, most upland forest indicators were not abundant in logged areas. Several of the forest and open-woodland indicators that showed increased flowering in damaged areas were absent or sparse in logged areas. Species richness was lower in salvage-logged areas than in adjacent damaged areas but similar to that in undamaged areas. These results suggest that salvage logging prevented positive responses of several forest and open-woodland species to tornado damage. Anthropogenic disturbances such as salvage logging appear to differ fundamentally from stand-level canopy-reducing disturbances in their effects on ground cover vegetation in the forests studied here and are perhaps more appropriately viewed as contributing to biotic homogenization than as events that maintain diversity.  相似文献   

The Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya, was established in 1976 to preserve the endemic and endangered Tana River red colobus ( Colobus badius rufomitratus ) and crested mangabey ( Cercocebus galeritus galeritus ). Between 1975 and 1985 their populations declined by 80% and 45%, respectively. A study addressing primate-to-habitat relationships was conducted in 12 forest areas to determine what attributes appear most important to the in situ preservation of both endangered primates. Correlations among the abundances of primate groups, their group sizes, and the structural, resource, disturbance, and spatial attributes of the forest were used to distinguish the quality of forest patches. Intraforest habitat quality was examined, using canonical variate analysis to discriminate primate ranging patterns based on canopy and subcanopy tree composition. The colobus and mangabey show positive relationships to interior-forest habitat and appear susceptible to forest disturbances that reduce forest area or that increase forest edge and intraforest disturbance. Forest loss, fragmentation, and consequent reduction in the area-to-perimeter ratio of the remaining forests measured from 1960 to 1975 provide a partial explanation for the decline in primate populations. The results suggest that a combination of primary food items and seasonal food resources in large, high-stature, closed-canopy forests is the best predictor of high-quality habitat for these monkeys. Stewardship should be directed at the preservation of these areas or the restoration of forests toward this habitat model  相似文献   

Abstract: The recent advent of carbon crediting has led to a rapid rise in biosequestration projects that seek to remove carbon from the atmosphere through afforestation and forest rehabilitation. Such projects also present an important potential opportunity to reverse biodiversity losses resulting from deforestation and forest degradation, but the biodiversity benefits of different forms of biosequestration have not been considered adequately. We captured birds in mist nets to examine the effects of rehabilitation of logged forest on birds in Sabah, Borneo, and to test the hypothesis that rehabilitation restores avian assemblages within regenerating forest to a condition closer to that seen in unlogged forest. Species richness and diversity were similar in unlogged and rehabilitated forest, but significantly lower in naturally regenerating forest. Rehabilitation resulted in a relatively rapid recovery of populations of insectivores within logged forest, especially those species that forage by sallying, but had a marked adverse effect on frugivores and possibly reduced the overall abundance of birds within regenerating forest. In view of these results, we advocate increased management for heterogeneity within rehabilitated forests, but we strongly urge an increased role for forest rehabilitation in the design and implementation of a biodiversity‐friendly carbon‐offsetting market.  相似文献   

The mating system of Shorea megistophylla , an endemic canopy tree from Sri Lanka, was quantified by allozyme analysis of progeny arrays using a mixed-mating model. Two adjacent populations were compared: one in forest that was selectively logged about 20 years ago, and the other in undisturbed primary forest. The selectively logged population had a lower multilocus outcrossing rate (tm, = 0.71) compared to that of the undisturbed forest (tm = 0.87). Only the progeny from the logged population showed evidence of either biparental inbreeding or Wablund effect, and the genotypic frequencies violated the assumptions of the mixed-mating model. Apomixis was detected in one isolated tree in the Royal Botanical Garden in Peradeniya by a multilocus test of progeny genotypic frequencies relative to the maternal genotype. However, significant levels of apomixis were not discerned in the natural (logged and unlogged) populations. These findings indicate that a reduction in population density of S. megistophylla following selective logging can significantly elevate the proportion of seeds produced through inbreeding. Adventive embryony may also increase in isolated trees that lack the chance to outcross.  相似文献   

Effects of Restoring Oak Savannas on Bird Communities and Populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Efforts to restore and maintain oak savannas in North America, with emphasis on the use of prescribed fire, have become common. Little is known, however, about how restoration affects animal populations, especially those of birds. I compared the breeding densities, community structure, and reproductive success of birds in oak savannas maintained by prescribed fire (12 sites) with those in closed-canopy forests (13 sites). All sampling was conducted in Illinois (U.S.A.). Of the 31 bird species analyzed, 12 were more common in savannas, 14 were not affected by habitat structure, and 5 were more common in forest habitat. The species favored by disturbance and restoration included Northern Bobwhites ( Colinus virginianus ), Mourning Doves (  Zenaida macroura ), Red-headed Woodpeckers (  Melanerpes erythrocephalus ), Indigo Buntings (  Passerina cyanea ), and Baltimore Orioles ( Icterus galbula ). Those more common in closed-canopy forest included Ovenbirds ( Seiurus aurocapilla ) and Wood Thrushes (  Hylocichla mustelina ). Few species were unique to one type of habitat, but overall avian community structure in oak savannas and closed-canopy forests was generally distinctive. Estimates of nesting success (derived from 785 nests) revealed that 6 of the 13 species considered experienced greater productivity in the savanna habitat. Rates of brood parasitism were unaffected by restoration and habitat structure. Within savannas, tract size had little effect on breeding abundances and reproductive success. My results illustrate that restoration techniques can significantly affect the ecology of constituent animal populations and communities and have key implications regarding avian conservation and the management of forest habitat in fragmented landscapes. Small patches of forest habitat that regularly function as population sinks may offer far better prospects for birds if they are subjected to disturbance and ecosystem restoration.  相似文献   

Effects of Selective Logging on the Butterflies of a Bornean Rainforest   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract: Selective logging has been the main cause of disturbance to tropical forests in Southeast Asia, so the extent to which biodiversity is maintained in selectively logged forest is of prime conservation importance. We compared the butterfly assemblages of Bornean primary rainforest to those of rainforest selectively logged 6 years previously. We sampled by means of replicated transects stratified into riverine and ridge forests and we included roads in the logged forest. There was a three-fold variation in species richness and abundance over the 8-month sampling period. More species and individuals were observed in the logged forest, although between-replicate variability was high. Rarefied species richness was positively correlated with canopy openness within the range of disturbance levels encountered at our forest sites. Within families, there was no significant difference in the number of species between primary and logged forest. There was a significant difference in the relative abundance of species, but this was due largely to the abundance of one or two species. Community ordination separated the sites along a gradient of disturbance and revealed strong differences between riverine and ridge-forest butterfly assemblages in primary forest that were obscured in logged forest. There was no evidence that logging has resulted in a change in the composition of the butterfly assemblages from species with a local distribution to more widespread species. We conclude that at a logged forest site in close proximity to primary forest, low intensities of logging do not necessarily reduce the species richness or abundance of butterflies, although assemblage composition is changed.  相似文献   

The ability of male black-capped chickadees to maintain consistent internal structure between successive iterations of their songs is affected by both their social rank and the quality of their habitat. Lab studies reveal that female chickadees discriminate between songs of dominant and subordinate males, which vary in acoustic structure. We investigate whether males also rely on acoustic structure to assess rival quality during agonistic interactions, and whether habitat-induced differences in song consistency affect the perception of male rank. We conducted a playback experiment to simulate territorial intrusions by dominant, stimuli males into the territories of dominant, subject males; stimuli males were recorded either in low-quality (young forest) or high-quality (mature forest) habitats. Stimuli from low-quality habitat had lower song consistency than those from high-quality habitats, despite being recorded from males of equivalent social rank. Subject males for playbacks (also socially dominant males) were chosen from either habitat type. Subject males in mature forest responded less to young-forest stimuli compared to mature-forest stimuli, despite the stimuli in both cases being recorded from dominant males. Conversely, male subjects in young forest did not differentiate between stimuli, but their response to both stimuli was lower than that of mature-forest subject males to mature-forest stimuli. We demonstrate that the ability to maintain internal song structure in the black-capped chickadee constitutes a signal that appears to be used by males to assess the level of threat of intruders, and that this perception is affected by habitat from which the stimulus males were recorded.  相似文献   

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corridors: a Genetic Approach   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract: The effectiveness of corridors in maintaining dispersal in fragmented landscapes is a question of considerable conservation and ecological importance. We tested the efficacy of corridors as residual landscape structures in maintaining population structure in the red-backed vole ( Clethrionomys gapperi ), a closed-canopy specialist, and the deer mouse (   Peromyscus maniculatus ), a habitat generalist. In coniferous forests managed for timber production in northeastern Washington, we sampled pairs of populations in three landscape classes: (1) contiguous landscapes, in which sites were located completely within a matrix of closed-canopy forest; (2) corridor landscapes, in which sites were connected by a corridor of closed-canopy forest; and (3) isolated landscapes, in which sites were separated from one another by clearcut or young regeneration stands. For each species, we used four microsatellite loci to quantify genetic distance between population pairs. Nei's genetic distance (   D s  ) increased from smallest to largest in the order of contiguous, corridor, and isolated landscapes for C. gapperi. For P. maniculatus, genetic distances across landscape configurations were not significantly different. The differences between the two species indicate that they respond differently to the presence of forest corridors. In managed forests, corridors between unlogged habitats appear to maintain higher population connectivity for C. gapperi than landscapes without corridors.  相似文献   

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