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PROBLEM: Every year numerous occupational fatalities result from pedestrians being struck by motor vehicles intruding into work zones. METHOD: Attributes of retroreflective personal safety garments on pedestrian conspicuity at night were assessed in a field study. Using instrumented vehicles on a closed track, participants drove through simulated work zones attempting to detect pedestrians located in the work zones. RESULTS: Configuration of the retroreflective trim, trim color, placement in the work zone, and driver age significantly affected pedestrian conspicuity. Intensity and the amount of retroreflective trim did not. DISCUSSION: Personal safety garments incorporating retroreflective trim significantly improve pedestrian conspicuity in work zones. SUMMARY: The results emphasize the importance of retroreflective trim on personal safety garments, particularly if the trim is located on garment sleeves. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: We examine the design attributes that contribute to making a personal safety garment conspicuous. The results have implications regarding preferred garment designs, industry standards, and service life of personal safety garments.  相似文献   

Problem and Method: This study examined the trends in the relative risks for being involved in fatal occupational highway transportation accidents based upon the age and gender of the victim. Results: Significant differences in relative risks were identified based upon age; however, there were no significant differences in relative risks based upon gender. The trend analysis of relative risks for all motor-vehicle accidents based upon age showed that males exhibited a significant cubic trend while females exhibited a significant linear trend. The trend analysis of relative risks for fatal motor-vehicle accidents specifically involving vehicle operators based upon age yielded a significant quadratic trend for males and no significant trends for females. Examining the relative risks for fatalities involving only motor-vehicle operators controlled, to a certain extent, the differences in job exposure to motor-vehicle accidents based upon age. Impact: Prevention measures are identified as most crucial for older male workers in the transportation and agriculture industries.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Nearly all direct observation studies of safety belt use are conducted exclusively during daylight hours. Recent work has suggested that safety belt use at night may differ from daytime belt use. METHODS: An observational study of nighttime safety belt use, utilizing specialized night vision equipment, was conducted in Indiana surrounding the Click It or Ticket 2006 safety belt mobilization activities. A pre- and a post-mobilization statewide direct observation survey was conducted at night coinciding with daytime safety belt use data collection conducted by the state of Indiana. Daytime and nighttime belt use rates were compared. RESULTS: The comparisons across the mobilization period revealed a significant increase during the day, but a significant decrease at night. Comparisons between daytime and nighttime belt use revealed no overall difference during the pre wave, but a significant difference during the post wave. Finally, many common daytime trends in belt use were also found at night, with the exception of the typical age and seating position effects. DISCUSSION: The mobilization activities had a positive effect on daytime belt use, but no effect on nighttime belt use, likely resulting in the differences between daytime and nighttime belt use observed during the post wave. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The findings of this study suggest that safety belt mobilizations implemented only during the day do not influence nighttime safety belt use. Changes to how these programs are implemented or additional programs specifically targeting belt use at night should be considered, along with continued monitoring of nighttime belt use.  相似文献   

In the United States, hundreds of people lose their lives each year and many more are injured due to vehicle crashes in the work zones. Over the years, temporary traffic control (TCC) measures have been developed and deployed in work zones. To continuously improve the safety, there is a need to identify the traffic control deficiencies in work zones by evaluating the effectiveness of existing TTC measures based on the real crash cases. In this study, researchers evaluated the effectiveness of several commonly used TTC methods using logistic regression techniques and various significance test methods including likelihood ratio test, score test, and Wald test. These TTC methods included flagger/officer, stop sign/signal, flasher, no passing zone control, and pavement center/edge lines. A total of 655 severe crashes in Kansas highway work zones between January 2003 and December 2004 were used for the evaluation, which included 29 fatal crashes and 626 injury crashes. Results indicated that flagger, flasher, and pavement center/edge lines were effective in reducing the probability of causing fatalities when severe crashes occurred. In addition, using these devices could prevent some common human errors, such as “disregarded traffic control”, “inattentive driving”, “followed too closely”, and “exceeded speed limit or too fast for condition”, from causing severe crashes.  相似文献   

Lifting operations and associated equipment have become commonplace within the UK construction industry. However, recent high profile accidents involving lifting equipment have shown that the result of its misuse can have serious cost and health implications.The main aim of the research was to investigate lifting operations on construction sites exploring different options, their effectiveness, and their effect on safety. This research looked into the processes in place; the factors that have to be taken into consideration when placing and using lifting equipment; and the competent persons required when operating equipment. With these aims, literature review was conducted. This was followed by investigation on three construction sites. These case studies were enhanced through interviews with general site staff, managerial staff, and appointed persons.The findings revealed six main points to improve safety in lifting operations. These are: through planning; training; equipment selection, use and inspection; feedback/communication; appointed person’s role; and database. Thorough planning of lifting operations has positive effects on safety. There is need for tighter accreditation of all qualifications in the lifting operations field. The charter of major lifting equipment from specialist contractors should be considered as industry best practise. Companies should avoid authoritarian working culture to facilitate efficient feedback to improve safety. The appointed person should have site based role. Site inspections and maintenance should be monitored on a national database form.Practitioners can benefit from this paper as it provides information on experiences from three construction sites. Furthermore, researchers can use the findings for their future studies.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the decrease in the rate of accident insurance claims in the German mining industry over the last five decades. It intends to show that this process is above all the result of a prevention policy where companies and the body responsible for the legal accident insurance in the mining industry, the Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft (BBG), work hand in hand. A system like the German accident insurance scheme, combining prevention, rehabilitation, and compensation, enables successful and modern safety and health measures.  相似文献   

为预防和减少建筑工程施工事故,应用人工智能领域知识图谱技术,对建筑工程施工事故进行分析。通过定义领域知识图谱概念体系结构,从建筑工程施工事故数据中提取关键知识要素,构建建筑工程施工事故知识图谱,将其储存在Neo4j图数据库中,并提出基于知识图谱的建筑工程施工事故分析流程,针对事故相关信息开展查询、统计分析以及关联路径分析等智能分析。研究结果表明:基于知识图谱技术,将建筑工程施工事故知识以可视化图形或表格等进行展示,将事故信息以知识形式结构化存储及表达,可有效提高事故分析工作效率,为事故预防以及安全管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

为系统研究导致建筑安全事故的人为因素及对策,首先,在文献分析和专家访谈的基础上结合建筑行业特征提出人为因素分类分析系统(HFACS)框架中应增加社会环境层,在修正框架层次和人为因素的基础上构建建筑安全事故人为因素分类分析系统(C-HFACS)框架;其次,对150起建筑安全事故进行案例分析,探讨C-HFACS框架中对事故影响显著的人为因素及其内在关联性,验证了构建C-HFACS框架的合理性;最后,得出政府监管等九个人为因素对事故和下层人为因素影响显著,并从政府、企业、现场和个体四个维度提出独立第三方“飞行式”巡检等有针对性的对策,以期为建筑安全事故分析和管理提供新的方法和工具。  相似文献   



Occupational accidents suffered by workers in Spain when using ladders were analyzed over a six year period from 2003-2008, during which the total of notified ladder-related accidents amounted to 21,725. Method: Different accident-related factors were identified for the purpose of developing a pattern of those factors that had the greatest influence on the seriousness and the fatality of such accidents. Thus, a series of variables were examined such as age and length of service of the injured worker, firm size, the work sector, the injury suffered, and the part of the body that was injured. Since falls is the most frequent and most serious of ladder related occupational accidents, a special analysis of falls was performed. Results: The findings showed that the seriousness of ladder-related accidents increased with the age of the injured worker. Likewise, accidents at places other than the usual workplace were more serious and registered higher fatalities than those that occurred at the usual place of work. Conclusions: The analysis of falls from ladders established that accidents in smaller-sized firms were of greater seriousness and involved more fatalities than those in larger-sized firms. The investigation also underlined the need for stricter compliance with preliminary safety assessments when working with ladders.  相似文献   

为了解我国建筑行业劳动防护用品事故情况,对近九年建筑企业19723起事故数据进行统计分析。结果表明:建筑行业的劳动防护用品事故从整体上看,呈下降趋势,但劳动防护用品缺少或缺陷仍然是建筑企业事故重要影响因素。不同时间段、不同地域、不同类型的建筑企业劳动防护用品工作存在差异,建议相关企业及所在地区的政府监管部门加强劳动防护用品管理和监督检查工作。  相似文献   

我国建筑业安全生产状况浅析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
建筑业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,也是安全事故率较高的行业之一,其安全生产状况一直受到各方面的广泛重视。为了分析我国建筑业近年来安全生产形势,对我国近十年来的建筑业安全生产现状进行统计,结果表明建筑生产安全事故起数和死亡人数持续下降,建筑业安全生产整体形势逐年趋好。同时从政府管理职能、企业管理机构和职业卫生管理三个层面对建筑业安全生产中存在的问题进行剖析。从政府管理部门的职能、行业协会、劳动保护机构、企业内部的安全保证体系等几个方面剖析了德国的建筑安全管理体系的构成。通过与建筑业安全生产管理体系先进的德国进行对比分析,提出加强政府管理职能、从政府到企业真正做到以人为本以及增强安全文化建设三个解决措施。  相似文献   



The often applied engineering approach to safety management in the construction industry needs to be supplemented by organizational measures and measures based on how people conceive and react to their social environment. This requires in-depth knowledge of the broad preconditions for high safety standards in construction. The aim of the study was to comprehensively describe the preconditions and components of high safety standards in the construction industry from the perspective of both experienced construction workers and first-line managers.


Five worker safety representatives and 19 first-line managers were interviewed, all strategically selected from within a large Swedish construction project. Phenomenographic methodology was used for data acquisition and analysis and to categorize the information. Nine informants verified the results.


The study identified four main categories of work safety preconditions and components: (1) Project characteristics and nature of the work, which set the limits of safety management; (2) Organization and structures, with the subcategories planning, work roles, procedures, and resources; (3) Collective values, norms, and behaviors, with the subcategories climate and culture, and interaction and cooperation; and (4) Individual competence and attitudes, with the subcategories knowledge, ability and experience, and individual attitudes.


The results comprehensively describe high safety standards in construction, incorporating organizational, group, individual, and technical aspects. High-quality interaction between different organizational functions and hierarchical levels stood out as important aspects of safety. The results are discussed in relation to previous research into safety and into the social-psychological preconditions for other desired outcomes in occupational settings.

Impact on Industry

The results can guide construction companies in planning and executing construction projects to a high safety standard.  相似文献   

近期重特大事故灾难频发,表现出我国安全管理水平和应急处置能力依然不足。为引导地区或企业有序地开展应急准备工作,设计了事故灾难类重大突发事件情景构建概念模型,分析了概念模型中的“机会窗”和“准备效益”等重要理念,总结了概念模型在我国当前阶段的重要指导意义。最后,以某化工园区为真实背景,开展了生产安全事故情景构建的原型研究,证明了在事故灾难领域开展情景构建的实际价值。  相似文献   

公路建设项目安全生产预警机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国公路建设项目安全生产形势严峻,公路工程施工安全事故时有发生。公路建设项目安全生产预警机制的建立可以有效地预防事故的发生。确定了公路建设项目安全生产能力不足、公路建设项目安全生产能力减弱、存在公路建设项目安全生产重大缺陷和存在公路建设项目安全生产重复性缺陷等4种需要监测、预报的警情。结合公路建设项目安全生产评价,对公路建设项目安全生产预警机制的组织机构、运转模式、工作流程等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

为了解我国城市地铁施工事故规律特征,降低新建地铁线路施工事故发生频率,统计分析2011—2020年全国31个省市自治区(不包括港澳台)地铁施工事故,归纳事故发生时间、事故类型、施工工法的分布特征,基于灰色关联分析法(GRA)对地铁施工事故致因进行分析。研究结果表明:地铁施工事故季节性特征突出,3,8,11月份呈多发态势;科学技术进步和规章制度完善是保证我国轨道交通运营里程高速增长和施工事故率降低的有效手段;事故类型以坍塌为主,且事故造成影响最大;违章作业、设备设施缺陷、地质环境不良和安全监管未贯彻落实分别为“人、物、环、管”4个维度的关键致因因子。  相似文献   

This study determines the factor structure of safety climate within a road construction organization using a modified version of the safety climate questionnaire (SCQ). It also investigates the relationship between safety climate and safety performance. The SCQ was administered to 192 employees from two districts and in two job categories — construction and maintenance. A behavioural observation measure of safety performance was also developed. Factor analysis derived six factors, which were similar to those obtained in an earlier study using the SCQ. Differences in the safety climate of job sub-groups were found on two of the factors. No differences between the two districts were found. No relationship was found between safety climate and the safety performance measure. While identical safety climate factors cannot apply to all organizations, some general safety climate factors may emerge. Discussion focuses upon the measurement of safety climate.  相似文献   

重庆市建筑业高处坠落事故调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以通过重庆市安全生产监督管理局收集的建筑业事故调查表为基础,对其中43起建筑业高空坠落事故发生的部位、工种、伤亡人员情况以及事故原因进行了调查统计分析。通过调查分析发现,建筑业高处坠落事故主要发生在“四口、五临边”和脚手架操作平台;伤亡人员以30~40岁之间的农民工居多,大都从事普工作业;在事故原因方面,安全管理、安全教育等间接原因略高于直接原因。这说明目前建筑业在对农民工的安全管理、安全教育等方面还存在一定的问题。  相似文献   

Introduction. Expert witness reports, prepared with the aim of quantifying fault rates among parties, play an important role in a court's final decision. However, conflicting fault rates assigned by different expert witness boards lead to iterative objections raised by the related parties. This unfavorable situation mainly originates due to the subjectivity of expert judgments and unavailability of objective information about the causes of accidents. As a solution to this shortcoming, an expert system based on a rule-based system was developed for the quantification of fault rates in construction fall accidents. The aim of developing DsSafe is decreasing the subjectivity inherent in expert witness reports. Methodology. Eighty-four inspection reports prepared by the official and authorized inspectors were examined and root causes of construction fall accidents in Turkey were identified. Using this information, an evaluation form was designed and submitted to the experts. Experts were asked to evaluate the importance level of the factors that govern fall accidents and determine the fault rates under different scenarios. Based on expert judgments, a rule-based expert system was developed. The accuracy and reliability of DsSafe were tested with real data as obtained from finalized court cases. Result. DsSafe gives satisfactory results.  相似文献   

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