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Objective: Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users due to the lack of mass, speed, and protection compared to other types of road users. Adverse weather conditions may reduce road friction and visibility and thus increase crash risk. There is limited evidence and considerable discrepancy with regard to impacts of weather conditions on injury severity in the literature. This article investigated factors affecting pedestrian injury severity level under different weather conditions based on a publicly available accident database in Great Britain.

Method: Accident data from Great Britain that are publicly available through the STATS19 database were analyzed. Factors associated with pedestrian, driver, and environment were investigated using a novel approach that combines a classification and regression tree with random forest approach.

Results: Significant severity predictors under fine weather conditions from the models included speed limits, pedestrian age, light conditions, and vehicle maneuver. Under adverse weather conditions, the significant predictors were pedestrian age, vehicle maneuver, and speed limit.

Conclusions: Elderly pedestrians are associated with higher pedestrian injury severities. Higher speed limits increase pedestrian injury severity. Based on the research findings, recommendations are provided to improve pedestrian safety.  相似文献   

Accident models can provide theoretical frameworks for determining the causes and mechanisms of accidents, and thus are theoretical bases for accident analysis and prevention. The role of safety information in accident causation is profound. Thus, safety information is an important and essential perspective for developing accident models. This study presents a new accident model developed from a safety information perspective, called the Prediction—Decision—Execution (PDE) accident model. Because the PDE accident model is an emerging accident model that was proposed in 2018, its analysis logic and viability remain to be discussed. Thus, the main contributions of this study include two aspects: (i) detailed explanation of the analysis logic of the PDE accident model, and (ii) case-study examination of the Zhangjiakou fire and explosion accident, a serious accident that occurred in China in 2018, to demonstrate the viability of the PDE accident model. Results show that this is a safety-information-driven accident model that can provide a new and effective methodology for accident analysis and prevention, and safety management.  相似文献   

Reliability data reflects equipment safety and provides a reference for setting inspection period, thereby serving as crucial information for the implementation of equipment integrity management policies. The calculation foundation of reliability data is maintenance records of adequate data quality. However, maintenance records of doubtful quality are common. Despite excluding poor quality recodes and using only the remaining maintenance recodes to calculate the reliability data, the calculated results generally lack a sufficient degree of confidence. This study applied data mining technology, including quality metrics, the association rule, and clustering, to explore the cause of low-quality maintenance data. The results revealed that the low data quality of maintenance records was due to ineffective maintenance policies, the low integrity of key system columns, nonadherence to the policy, and misunderstanding of column definitions. The proposed method successfully identified the causes of low-quality maintenance records. By incorporating the method into the function module of a CMMS, operators can equip the system with self-diagnosis, self-supervision, and continuous optimization functions.  相似文献   

空中相撞事故往往是由诸多人为差错相互叠加、耦合和作用而导致的,要找出事故的真正诱因,防止类似事故再次发生,难度非常大。为了有效地分析和定位人为差错,以更好地服务于防相撞的管理与决策,提出一种基于人为因素分析分类系统(HFACS)的空中相撞事故分析方法,它按照从显性差错到隐性差错的思路来分析事故的诱因,最终找出组织因素对事故的影响。并利用HFACS对巴西卡欣布上空发生的一起空中相撞事故进行了系统分析。案例分析结果表明,该方法不仅能够找出导致空中相撞事故的人为差错,解释事故发生的原因和过程,而且能够据此提供防止相撞事故发生的安全建议。  相似文献   

数据融合方法通过提取各个影响因素之间的特征关系,进行数据之间的融合。针对因传感器故障而失真的数据,综合考虑对畜禽场排放的某一废气测量值的时间、空间和环境等多种影响因素,使用基于神经网络的数据融合方法来估算该废气的浓度,实现失真数据的恢复,从而精确地测量出养殖场连续排放的有害气体的总量,对超标排放进行监控。以氨气(NH3)浓度数据的处理为例,应用MATLAB软件,其仿真结果表明:估算最大相对误差为7.83%,证明基于神经网络的数据融合方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对火灾图像识别过程中颜色特征数量多、特征间相关性复杂、难以在多维特征融合过程中有效融合图像颜色特征等问题,提出1种考虑颜色特征最优组合的CART决策树火灾图像识别方法。首先,在Lab、RGB、HSV 3种色彩模式下基于图像颜色特征提取火灾图像特征序列;其次,分别在3种色彩模式下基于精细决策树与特征随机排列组合方法提取颜色特征中最优组合特征;最后,将提取的火灾图像最优组合特征序列作为CART决策树输入进行模型训练,并通过测试样本以及其他机器学习方法进行模型泛化能力的分析。研究结果表明:本文方法寻找出识别火灾图像的最优颜色特征组合为“Kb1+Var1+Kg+Kb2+Var2+Kh+Ks+Kv”;CART决策树方法对于火灾图像识别的测试准确度可达84.5%,其分类效果明显优于其他决策树类与集成树类方法;9折为最佳交叉验证折数,其测试准确度可达86.47%,与5折交叉验证相比明显提升14.77%。研究结果可为火灾图像识别提供方法基础。  相似文献   

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