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黄河三角洲外来入侵物种米草对滩涂鸟类的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5,8,10月份分别对黄河三角洲米草分布区与非米草分布区的无棣岔尖、东营市五号桩、小清河口的鸟类作了调查,并辅以2000年黄河三角洲湿地鸟类调查资料,研究了米草入侵对鸟类的影响。结果表明:米草入侵已导致黄河三角洲调查区鸟类种数减少,多样性降低,群落组成和结构发生变化,主要原因是米草入侵使鸟类觅食、栖息生境减少或丧失。  相似文献   

2005年5,8,10月份对黄河三角洲无棣岔尖、东营市五号桩、小清河口米草分布区与土著植物芦苇分布区的昆虫作了调查,并辅以2003年同期调查资料,结果表明:米草分布区共鉴定出昆虫9种,芦苇分布区鉴定出49种,是米草分布区昆虫种数的5.4倍,米草分布区昆虫种数明显少于芦苇分布区,且优势类群存在很大差异,米草入侵对昆虫的结构、组成与多样性产生了影响。  相似文献   

成雅高速公路两侧大气颗粒物中重金属分布规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
闫军  叶芝祥  闫琰  黄小平 《四川环境》2008,27(1):19-21,26
本文以成雅高速公路为研究对象,采集公路两侧大气颗粒物样品,通过微波消解——火焰原子吸收法测定大气颗粒物中铅、镉、铜、锌的含量。研究表明,成雅公路两侧距路肩200m范围内大气颗粒物已受不同程度的铅、镉、铜、锌污染,其中重金属含量Pb〉Zn〉Cu〉Cd,并获得成雅高速公路两侧大气颗粒物中重金属污染的分布规律。  相似文献   

Lepus californicus ), perennial plant cover, and structural diversity of perennial plants were evaluated from spring 1994 through winter 1995 at the Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area (DTNA), in the Mojave Desert, California. Abundance and species richness of birds were higher inside than outside the DTNA, and effects were larger during breeding than wintering seasons and during a high than a low rainfall year. Ash-throated flycatchers (Myiarchus cinerascens), cactus wrens (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus), LeConte's thrashers (Toxostoma lecontei), loggerhead shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus), sage sparrows (Amphispiza belli), and verdins (Auriparus flaviceps) were more abundant inside than outside the DTNA. Nesting activity was also more frequent inside. Total abundance and species richness of lizards and individual abundances of western whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorous tigris) and desert spiny lizards (Sceloporus magister) were higher inside than outside. In contrast, abundance of black-tailed hares was lower inside. Structural diversity of the perennial plant community did not differ due to protection, but cover was 50% higher in protected areas. Black-tailed hares generally prefer areas of low perennial plant cover, which may explain why they were more abundant outside than inside the DTNA. Habitat structure may not affect bird and lizard communities as much as availability of food at this desert site, and the greater abundance and species richness of vertebrates inside than outside the DTNA may correlate with abundances of seeds and invertebrate prey.  相似文献   

以绿色农业理念为基础,针对河西走廊绿洲灌区环境资源特点、产业优势及生产中存在的问题,通过对当地玉米、小麦两大主栽作物秸秆饲料化利用、肉牛健康养殖、废弃物综合利用、农畜产品生产全程质量监控等技术的组装配套,研究总结形成种养结合、资源循环利用、清洁生产的绿色农业发展模式,即种养结合型模式"玉米-牛-沼-肥"、大田设施配套型模式"小麦-菇-肥-果(葡萄)"、小型养殖场型模式"牛-沼/蚯蚓-肥/饲料",并对模式的原理、特点、技术集成要点及效益进行阐述分析。对该3种模式在武威市凉州区谢河镇示范验证,农田节水30%,秸秆养殖利用率达到60%,牛羊良种化率提高30%,奶牛母犊牛生产率达88%,减少化肥施用量20%,减少生活能源支出55%,减少农业废弃物排放75%,提高农业综合效益36%。  相似文献   

This study examines the establishment patterns of exotic and ruderal species along trail corridors in grassland areas of the Colorado Front Range. The effects of trail presence, trail age, and trail traffic levels on exotic and ruderal species establishment are explored to ascertain the potential impacts of trails on surrounding vegetation. Established trails exhibited a greater presence of exotic and ruderal species along the immediate trailside, showing that disturbed trailsides tend to encourage the growth of these species over time. Furthermore, the established trails exhibited significantly less native, nonruderal, and overall species richness at the trailside. These trailside patterns did not show a significant spread away from the trail edge, even after prolonged time periods. Finally, higher trail use tended to hasten the establishment of exotic species along the trailside. The trails did not introduce new species to the recreation areas; rather they acted as reorganizational tools for species that were already present in the study sites.  相似文献   

我国政府高度重视绿色消费,绿色消费政策框架的雏形已初步显现。随着各级政府相关政策的出台,对政策系统梳理,以及对政策的落实情况和实施效果进行评估具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。基于层次梳理法,从中央政策、国务院政策和部门政策三个“战略层面”,以及部门政策中具备“经济类”和“信息化工具类”属性的两个“目标层面”,结合政策的功能作用和市场认可程度将部门政策细分到“实施层面”,梳理得出我国绿色消费政策框架。通过分析我国绿色消费政策的分布情况和特点,对绿色消费政策与国家统计局的居民消费支出分类进行对比分析。同时,本文对我国已经实施的各类政策效果进行评估,分析目前我国绿色消费政策和实践面临的挑战,提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

本文研究了天津市工业园区发展沿革和经济环境绩效,分析了2018—2020年园区“围城治理”措施及成效,识别新时代园区绿色发展面临的主要挑战,最后提出策略建议。研究发现:天津工业立市特征突出,工业园区更是主战场,曾为全国园区的发展起到重要带头作用。园区“围城治理”较好地解决了存量土地、环境等问题,开启了天津园区发展新阶段。天津市工业园区绿色发展仍面临基础薄弱、驱动力减弱、保留园区与被整合园区协同高质量发展路径不清晰等挑战。研究提出三项建议:一是立足天津在京津冀协同发展中的功能定位,提升园区科技创新平台功能,加速科技创新资源及高端创新要素向园区流动,提升产业链、供应链、创新链协同配套能力,激发园区科技创新动能。二是加强体制机制创新,全市强化园区顶层设计和统筹协调,分区分类制定园区跨越式发展策略并完善考核机制,开展绩效评价动态优化。三是以园区能源环境基础设施绿色化和数据驱动精细化管理能力提升为抓手,深化园区转型发展,提升产业能级。  相似文献   

成都绕城高速公路属于成都市主要交通干线,为成都市带来巨大经济及社会效益,但是,也不可避免给环境带来污染。因此,研究成都绕城高速两侧土壤污染情况具有重要意义。采用"梅花点法"和"四分法"采集得到成都绕城高速公路两侧表层土壤(0~20cm)样品24个,电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测得土壤样品中铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、砷(As)、镉(Cd)和铅(Pb)含量的平均值分别为46.81、192.48、28.24、111.79、4.74、2.79和51.68 mg/kg。讨论重金属分布特点,采用污染指数法对土壤重金属污染进行评价;应用美国环境保护局风险评价方法对成都绕城高速两侧土壤重金属通过直接摄入、皮肤接触和呼吸摄入3种途径进入人体的危害进行了风险计算和初步评价。结果表明:成都绕城高速公路两侧土壤未受到重金属污染(Ni除外),且7种重金属对人体均不存在明显健康风险。  相似文献   

Green infrastructure is a general term referring to the management of landscapes in ways that generate human and ecosystem benefits. Many municipalities have begun to utilize green infrastructure in efforts to meet stormwater management goals. This study examines challenges to integrating gray and green infrastructure for stormwater management, informed by interviews with practitioners in Cleveland, OH and Milwaukee WI. Green infrastructure in these cities is utilized under conditions of extreme fiscal austerity and its use presents opportunities to connect stormwater management with urban revitalization and economic recovery while planning for the effects of negative- or zero-population growth. In this context, specific challenges in capturing the multiple benefits of green infrastructure exist because the projects required to meet federally mandated stormwater management targets and the needs of urban redevelopment frequently differ in scale and location.  相似文献   

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