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土地资源开发包括两方面,一为新开荒地(包括撂荒、夹荒和弃耕地);二为改造中低产田。新开荒地首先需要修建新的灌、排水设施、道路、农田防护林以及平整土地等。中低产田改造主要是通过治沙、治盐碱、土壤培肥等措施以提高土地的产出水平,但其主要工程措施仍离不开灌、排水设施、道路、农田防护林、土地平整等的进一步改建与扩建。由此可见,土地资源开发首先意味着要投入一定的人力、物力和资金。  相似文献   

本文分析了四川石灰岩地区土地资源的特点和利用存在的问题,提出了土地资源的主要开发利用途径:①根据石灰土的生产特性,发展喜钙作物和多种经济林果木;②发挥林地优势,封山育林,创造良好的生态环境;③利用草山草坡,发展养牛、养羊;④改造低产田土,防治水土流失,培肥土壤;⑤开发利用岩溶水资源,解决石灰岩地区缺水问题,提高土地利用率;⑥开发岩溶地貌的山水风景,发展旅游事业。  相似文献   

本文研究了高台位旱地石灰性紫色土的肥力退化因子,并针对紫色母岩矿质养分丰富、易风化成土的特点,以一种培肥耕作法-聚土免耕耕作法培肥土壤。结果表明,采用此耕作法的土壤具有防蚀、抗旱、培肥和自调能力,能提高系统生产力。  相似文献   

刘奎禹 《资源开发与市场》1997,13(4):189-189,174
主观改良旨在改善土壤性质与土壤形成和发育条件,提高土填肥力,它是利用人工方法,通过灌溉、排水、淋洗、清理土壤等方法以及施加化学与有机肥料调节水、热、盐、生物化学、物理化学等状况来实现的.因此,土壤改良是一项重要的农业技术措施,对于水热状况与通气性不良的土壤以及盐碱化地区尤为重要。1区域性土壤的改良区域性土壤改良可分为土地灌溉与排水两种类型。为提高作物水分保证程度,提供水资源而进行的人工浸润土壤,灌溉条件起着积极作用.土地排水的目的在于从根系层范围排去多余水分达到对植物生长有利的水热条件,并改善土…  相似文献   

德昌县旱地粮菜四熟模式是一年生产一季玉米和三季蔬菜。该模式可充分利用安宁河中下游丰富的温光资源,一年内亩产粮食627.5kg,蔬菜总计11935kg,经济收入2430.4元。其光能利用率达3.864%,能量产投比2.15,是适合城郊区旱地种植的一种较好模式。进一步增施磷钾肥是本模式获得更多农产品、提高资源利用率、维持和培肥土壤的重要措施。  相似文献   

借助于中国知网(www.cnki.net),在收集、整理大量文献资料的基础上,从工程、生物、化学、生物培肥和综合五个方面系统梳理和总结了自21世纪以来中国中低产田改造技术的类型、特点及其适用范围。结果表明:包括工程技术和土壤培肥技术等在内的传统技术仍然是目前中国治理各种中低产田的基础技术,新的中低产田改造技术在不断诞生,特别是在生物技术和化学技术领域,中低产田改造逐步由单一技术向多种技术融合转变;今后研究的重点应放在中低产田治和防的平衡问题,增施有机肥与土壤面源污染问题,中低产田改造技术的大范围推广问题和中低产田改造与农村土地综合整治的联动问题。  相似文献   

借助于中国知网(www.cnki.net),在收集、整理大量文献资料的基础上,从工程、生物、化学、生物培肥和综合五个方面系统梳理和总结了自21世纪以来中国中低产田改造技术的类型、特点及其适用范围。结果表明:包括工程技术和土壤培肥技术等在内的传统技术仍然是目前中国治理各种中低产田的基础技术,新的中低产田改造技术在不断诞生,特别是在生物技术和化学技术领域,中低产田改造逐步由单一技术向多种技术融合转变;今后研究的重点应放在中低产田治和防的平衡问题,增施有机肥与土壤面源污染问题,中低产田改造技术的大范围推广问题和中低产田改造与农村土地综合整治的联动问题。  相似文献   

地处荒漠中的绿洲农业,在强化现代培肥改土措施的条件下,灌耕灰漠土的土壤有机质含量将逐步提高,有利于实现绿洲农业的高产、优质、高效、持久目标。148团农场现代培肥改土措施的核心是加强植物性产品的生产。突出的抓了每年填闲种植向日葵绿肥2000hm2左右(约占18%);每年施用化肥6000t—7000t(折纯量247kg/hm2),实施以无机换有机战略。在此基础上做好秸秆过腹增值、加工增值和直接翻压还田。  相似文献   

新疆玛纳斯河流域的土地利用与退化问题   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
玛纳斯河流域山地、平原、沙漠、湖泊俱全,土地利用类型有8个一级类型及40个二级类。20世纪50年代以来,在山前水、土、光热组合优良地区开展大规模水土开发建设,使区内的土地资源得以充分利用,土地开发利用率达40%以上。然而,不合理的土地利用已经导致土地退化,其主要类型有土地荒漠化、耕地土壤贫瘠化、土壤次生盐渍化、土地沙漠化、水土流失、土地污染等6种。据区域土地利用特点与退化类型及原因,提出了合理利用土地与防止土地退化的5条措施,以确保玛河流域土地永续利用与持续发展。  相似文献   

本文在对影响淮北地区小麦高产的生态限制因素进行系统分析的基础上,提出了科学治水、施肥,合理灌溉,培肥地力,优化小麦群体动态结构等高产配套措施.  相似文献   

万利  王震洪 《四川环境》2005,24(3):19-21,34
坡耕地严重的水土流失对山区农业的可持续发展构成了极大的威胁,滇东北山区因其人口众多,大面积的坡耕地水土流失十分严重,而长期处于贫困。本文针对滇东北山区基本现状而进行的坡耕地生态环境治理的初步探讨。  相似文献   

为研究广西坡耕地主要经济作物甘蔗、玉米和花生农民常规施肥及不施肥处理对植株生长情况、经济产量及养分径流流失的影响,探寻提高广西经济作物经济效益、减少成本、减少环境污染的最佳施肥量,在坡耕地,观测降雨过程的养分径流流失,运用SPSS统计分析软件对试验数据进行分析,寻找成本低、效益高的种植方法。结果表明,对照与常规施肥相比,甘蔗、玉米、花生作物的生长情况差异不明显。对照处理的玉米经济产量、生物产量、淀粉含量分别为851.42kg·667m-2 3640.4kg·667m-2.68.40%;比玉米(常规施肥)高100.62kg·667m-2.485.98kg·667m-2 7.5%;花生对照的粗脂肪比其常规施肥高了45g·kg-1;径流养分总氮、总磷、总钾、硝态氮、铵态氮径流流失总量最高的均是花生常规施肥,其次是甘蔗对照,最少的玉米对照。径流量与总氮、总磷、总钾、硝态氮、铵态氮的相关系数,常规施肥处理偏高于对照。玉米对照的养分径流流失总量最少;花生常规施肥养分径流率最大;玉米比花生更适合在广西肥沃的坡耕地中种植。  相似文献   

川南地区广泛分布无序开采的硫铁矿矿山,早期开采方式导致土壤酸化、重金属含量高等环境问题出现,2012年政府集中治理连片矿山地质环境恢复问题.研究了落卜硫铁矿矿区的土壤使用石灰和零散坡耕地整治对土壤酸化、重金属钝化修复效果.通过野外调查、采样分析测试、对比综合评价等方法证明,向土壤中投放石灰可以有效改善土壤酸化.在治理区...  相似文献   

This study explores different socio-economic and institutional factors influencing the adoption of improved soil conservation technology (ISCT) on Bari land (Rainfed outward sloping terraces) in the Middle Mountain region of Central Nepal. Structured questionnaire survey and focus group discussion methods were applied to collect the necessary information from farm households. The logistic regression model predicted seven factors influencing the adoption of improved soil conservation technology in the study area including years of schooling of the household head, caste of the respondent, land holding size of the Bari land, cash crop vegetable farming, family member occupation in off farm sector, membership of the Conservation and Development Groups, and use of credit. The study showed that technology dissemination through multi-sectoral type community based local groups is a good option to enhance the adoption of improved soil conservation technology in the Middle Mountain farming systems in Nepal. Planners and policy makers should formulate appropriate policies and programs considering the farmers' interest, capacity, and limitation in promoting improved soil conservation technology for greater acceptance and adoption by the farmers.  相似文献   

There is intensive cultivation of olives on sloping land in Jaen-Granada (Spain), Basilicata (Italy) and Western Crete (Greece). The intensive olive groves here are characterised by a tree density of about 250treesha(-1), yearly fertilisation and pruning, several chemical sprays for pest control, soil tillage once to thrice per year and irrigation up to 2700m(3)ha(-1)yr(-1). Intensive management results in high yields of 3600-6500kgha(-1) but also higher labour costs of 1154-1590euroha(-1)yr(-1), varying per area. The major environmental concerns in this system are related to chemical residues in the fruit, the extinction of useful insects, the depletion of groundwater resources, the pollution of soil and water and the erosion of soil. This paper describes the impact of intensive orchard management on natural resources and gives recommendations for soil and water conservation, reduction of chemicals use and biodiversity enhancement. The specific recommendations for the relevant stakeholders-farmers, technicians, agricultural services and policy makers-are based on the experimental evaluation of different agricultural practices and a socio-economic analysis of local and global production and markets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the years 1930 to 1978 a research program has been carried out in Illinois dealing with reservoir sedimentation. Detailed surveys have been made on 107 lakes. A generalized graph allows annual reservoir capacity loss in percent to be estimated based on size of watershed, lake capacity, and watershed ratio. For the 258 square miles of land on the watershed of Lake Springfield, complete soil maps were measured using a graphic digitizer. A computer readable map was produced. The Universal Soil Loss Equation was solved to provide upland soil losses for each acre of the watershed. Average watershed soil loss was 3.96 tons per acre per year, and 24 percent of this was delivered to the lake.  相似文献   

The Household Responsibility System initiated in the late 1970s in China has brought a profound change to its rural economy. The shift from the collective farming system to individual family farms has changed land management. The change, including fertilization and crop systems, may have significant effects on soil quality and agro-environmental sustainability. However, very little research is being carried out on the impact of reformed land tenure systems on the spatial variability of soil nutrients. In this study, geostatistics was applied to analyze changes in the spatial variability of soil organic matter and nutrients in paddy fields in Pinghu County, China after 20 years of land management change. In 1984 and 2002, 617 and 131 locations were selected, respectively, for collecting surface soil samples to analyze soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP), and available potassium (AK). From 1984 to 2002, variability of the SOM and TN changed from strongly to moderately spatial-dependent, and the variability of AP remained weakly dependent on space, but that of the AK changed from moderately to weakly spatial-dependent. That the trend of the variability of four soil properties in 2002 became weaker than that in 1984 showed that the extrinsic factors (soil management practices, such as fertilization) weakened the effect by intrinsic factors (soil formation factors, such as soil parent materials) owing to a long period of land management change. The temporal geographic maps of the SOM and nutrients spatial distributions suggested that the concentrations of the SOM and nutrients had been changed to different extents during the period. Significant increase in AP and decrease in AK were noted. The changes were likely due to the imbalance between N, P, and K fertilizers and increased grain yield.  相似文献   

Irrigated areas in Brazil's Central S?o Francisco River Valley have experienced declines in productivity, which may be a reflection of changes in soil chemical properties due to management. This study was conducted to compare the chemical composition of soil solutions and cation exchange complexes in a five-year-old grove of irrigated mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Tommy Atkins) with that of an adjacent clearing in the native caatinga vegetation. A detailed physiographic characterization of the area revealed a subsurface rock layer, which was more undulating than the current land surface, and identified the presence of a very saline and sodic (1045 microS cm(-1), sodium adsorption ratio [SAR] = 5.19) ground water table. While changes in concentrations of Ca, Mg, and K could be attributed to direct management inputs (fertilization and liming with dolomite), increases in Na suggested average annual capillary rise from the ground water table of 28 L m(-2). Accordingly, soil salinity levels appeared to be more dependent on surface elevation than the elevation of the rock layer or sediment thickness. The apparent influence of land surface curvature on water redistribution and the solution chemistry was more pronounced under irrigated mango production. In general, salinity levels had doubled in the mango grove and nearly tripled under the canopies, after only five years of irrigation. Though critical saline or sodic conditions were not encountered, the changes observed indicate a need for more adequate monitoring and management of water and salt inputs despite the excellent water quality of the S?o Francisco River.  相似文献   

随着城镇建设的迅猛发展,项目开发建设占用大量具有生态功能的地表,人为造成的水土流失日趋严重,因此做好城镇水土保持工作至关重要。秦皇岛市从2004年起通过制定规划、建立工作体系、强化预防监督、加强宣传等措施,水土保持工作取得了显著成效:提高了全民水保法制观念,规范了城镇建设项目管理工作,城郊水土流失治理度达90%以上,城区碧水工程已基本完成,实施了城市雨水资源利用试点工程,城市区人均绿地面积达到12 m2,森林覆盖率达40%以上。  相似文献   

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