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中国污水治理的一个新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对中国地形及气候特征的讨论,提出沙漠治水,水治沙漠的观点,为中国及其他国家的污水治理,提供一种新的思路和建议。  相似文献   

由王涛主编、河北科学技术出版社出版的《中国沙漠与沙漠化》一书 ,在全面、系统总结半个世纪以来中国沙漠、沙漠化土地、沙漠化防治理论与实践经验后 ,按照沙漠地域分布特点、演化成因、自然与人为过程、评估指标体系、监控模型、发展走势、对国民经济影响、调控举措等逐一作了评述 ,同时还穿插论述了许多研究者颇为关注、尤须重视的一些问题 ,内容丰厚、资料翔实、图文并茂、体系完整、启迪性高、指导性强 ,是一本难得的、非常有科学价值的、且颇值一读的重要专论。该书具有以下特点 :①在揭示了中国沙漠与沙漠化的成因、机制的同时 ,总结…  相似文献   

10年前,中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所专家经考察发现,著名的巴丹吉林沙漠是一个特大鸣沙区。这一发现引起了世界许多专家学者的关注。  相似文献   

针对近年来频频出现的污染企业向沙漠地区地下排污造成地下水污染这一问题,以腾格里沙漠地区某化工厂地下水污染为研究案例,提出适合沙漠地区地下水污染修复技术的优选方法。在综合考虑修复技术的经济、技术和社会效益基础上,利用层次分析法建立修复技术优化指标体系,运用多准则决策分析模型(multiple criteria decision analysis,MCDA)中的消去和选择转换法(ELECTREII)对修复技术组合进行优选排序,确定适合该地区的最优修复技术方案。结果表明,5种地下水修复备选技术中可渗透反应墙、抽出-处理、监测自然衰减技术较为理想,综合考虑该污染场地特征以及地下水治理要求,得出最佳修复方案为:对高污染浓度区域采用抽出-处理技术+可渗透反应墙技术联合修复;对于低污染区域采用监测自然衰减技术。该优化方法可为沙漠地区地下水污染修复技术的选取提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文根据尚义县自然环境特征,气候变化及人文压力等方面进行分析研究与沙化的关系,结果表明,旱灾、风灾、人畜压力、过度开垦筹因素促使了沙化的发生与发展;较丰富水资源的开发利用,农林牧结构的优化调整,封山育林种草等天然条件与人为措施将使尚义县沙漠化过程得以稳定与逆转。  相似文献   

城镇生活污水排入水体 ,严重影响水资源的使用价值。沙漠地区因缺水 ,造成许多地方造林失败。本文提出了将城镇生活污水就近引浇防沙治沙工程林的构想 ,并从经济和环境影响两个方面详细论述了该方案的比较优势  相似文献   

城镇生活污水排入水体,严重影响水资源的使用价值。沙漠地区因缺水,造成许多地方造林失败。本文提出了将城镇生活污水就近引浇防沙治沙工程林的构想,并从经济和环境影响两个方面详细论述了该方案的比较优势。  相似文献   

北京尘暴的尘源区主要是干涸盐渍湖盆区,这是中国地质科学院地质研究所2007年4月11日发布的去年4月16日北京尘暴(简称北京4.16尘暴)研究成果。研究结果表明,北京4.16尘暴主要来源于干涸盐湖盆区,其次是撂荒地和退化草场,并不是传统认为的沙漠地区。对此,中国地质科学院地质研究  相似文献   

中东的科威特国内大部分地区是沙漠,国土上没有河流和湖泊,连人们饮用的水都很难解决,因此农业不发达,粮食、蔬菜也全靠进口。科威特以生产石油闻名于世,这也纯属偶然。自古以来,科威特人民渴望找到饮用水,上个世纪50年代,该国到处钻井找水,结果饮用水没有找到,却找到了蕴藏在地下的十分丰富的石油。当时人们并不把石油当一回事,但正是石油帮了  相似文献   

中国镉矿的区域分布及土壤镉污染风险分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统地分析和评价了中国镉矿的区域分布及长期采选冶活动所带来的土壤镉污染风险。研究结果表明,截至2005年底,中国累计探明镉资源储量约为719.47kt,保有镉资源储量约为587.37kt,且多与铅矿、锌矿等以共、伴生形式存在。中国镉矿主要分布在中部、西南部及华东地区,这些地区的镉资源探明储量占中国累计探明总储量的88.0%,保有储量占中国总保有储量的87.1%。据统计,中国镉采出量约为136.10kt,主要集中在西南地区,其镉采出量占中国总采出量的59.4%。镉污染事件主要发生在镉矿相对丰富及采选冶活动较密集的云南、广东、湖南、贵州等地区,大部分矿冶区及周边土壤呈现重度镉污染,农作物中含镉量超出《食品中污染物限量》(GB 2762—2005)中限值。  相似文献   

不同再生水处理工艺出水水质回用途径适应性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析典型再生水处理工艺出水的回用途径适应性,采用标准指数法评价了4座不同处理工艺的再生水厂出水质量,为再生水处理工艺选择和安全回用提供参考。结果表明,4种再生水处理工艺出水用于市政杂用水时基本是安全的;除反渗透(RO)工艺外,其他工艺出水回用于景观环境用水时都存在氮磷指标超标问题;膜处理工艺的出水可以满足工业用水标准,但是常规絮凝过滤工艺出水用作工业用水应注意氮磷等指标的进一步处理;各种再生水处理工艺出水质量均不能满足地下水回灌用水标准,主要是氨氮和环境激素DBP超标问题,用作地下水回灌用水时存在一定的环境风险。  相似文献   

There is an urgent need globally to trigger fundamental societal changes in water management away from existing unsustainable paradigms. This paper attempts to understand the evolution of newspaper coverage of water issues in China by analyzing water-related articles in a major national newspaper, the People’s Daily, over the period 1946–2012 using a content analysis approach. The major findings include the following: (1) water issues were in relatively prominent positions in the newspaper; (2) the reporting of water issues in China experienced three stages: 1946 to the middle of 1980s—flood and drought control and water for food production, the middle of 1980s to 1997—water for economic development, and 1998 to the present—water for the environmental sustainability and economic development; (3) the reporting of water issues in the People’s Daily clearly reflected China’s top-down water resources management system, and no “real” public opinions on water were reported during the study period; and (4) the People’s Daily is just a wind vane of Chinese mainstream values and policies on water. The findings supported the realist assumption that the societal value changes on water issues in China were triggered by a range of factors including biophysical pressure (floods and droughts), political campaign (the Cultural Revolution), macro-economic reform (Reform and Opening-up), water institutional arrangement (the Water Law), and water management reform (the No. 1 Central Document on water reform). While there are similarities and differences between this study and other studies, important implications for more sustainable water management are a need to strengthen academic specialists’ and NGO’s voices in the newspaper to create a better informed public, and to stimulate practices toward sustainable water use.  相似文献   

Globally, urban growth will add 1.5 billion people to cities by 2030, making the difficult task of urban water provisions even more challenging. In this article, we develop a conceptual framework of urban water provision as composed of three axes: water availability, water quality, and water delivery. For each axis, we calculate quantitative proxy measures for all cities with more than 50,000 residents, and then briefly discuss the strategies cities are using in response if they are deficient on one of the axes. We show that 523 million people are in cities where water availability may be an issue, 890 million people are in cities where water quality may be an issue, and 1.3 billion people are in cities where water delivery may be an issue. Tapping into groundwater is a widespread response, regardless of the management challenge, with many cities unsustainably using this resource. The strategies used by cities deficient on the water delivery axis are different than for cities deficient on the water quantity or water quality axis, as lack of financial resources pushes cities toward a different and potentially less effective set of strategies.  相似文献   

Cross-border water resources management and protection is a complicated task to achieve, lacking a common methodological framework. Especially in the Adriatic region, water used for drinking water supply purposes pass from many different countries, turning its management into a hard task to achieve. During the DRINKADRIA project, a common methodological framework has been developed, for efficient and effective cross-border water supply and resources management, taking into consideration different resources types (surface and groundwater) emphasizing in drinking water supply intake. The common methodology for water resources management is based on four pillars: climate characteristics and climate change, water resources availability, quality, and security. The present paper assesses both present and future vulnerability of water resources in the Adriatic region, with special focus on Corfu Island, Greece. The results showed that climate change is expected to impact negatively on water resources availability while at the same time, water demand is expected to increase. Water quality problems will be intensified especially due to land use changes and salt water intrusion. The analysis identified areas where water resources are more vulnerable, allowing decision makers develop management strategies.  相似文献   

慧星试验对水体安全性分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用彗星试验检测苏南某湖泊湖心区、长江某取水口及其给水处理厂出水水样的遗传毒性,并对结果进行分析研究.结果表明,各水样均能引起DNA损伤,在丰水期致DNA损伤作用的大小顺序为给水厂出水水样>湖泊水样>长江取水口水样;在枯水期致DNA损伤作用的大小顺序为湖泊水样>长江取水口水样>给水厂出水水样.随着染毒剂量的加大,细胞损伤率增加,细胞受损的程度也在加重,并向3、4级损伤集中,呈明显的剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   

净水厂生产废水回用对供水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究生产废水回用对水质的影响,认为生产废水含固率是影响回用效果的重要评价指标,回用澄清池排泥水和滤池反冲洗水,对水质的影响规律相似.改善混凝条件的最佳含固率范围也是回用对水质影响最小的含固率范围.当含固率小于1%时,回用不会对水质造成影响,当含固率大于1%时,回用较无回用时的水质变差,但不会超过水质标准.回用生产废水可以提高有机物的去除率,主要是因为生产废水中含有的Al(OH)3沉淀物的物理吸附和卷扫絮凝功能.  相似文献   

水质采样在水环境保护工作中发挥着非常重要的作用,对水质监测结果有着非常直接的影响。文中将探讨水质监测当中经常存在的问题,并提出一些有效的质量控制措施,进一步保证水质采样的结果。为此,笔者在文中对水质采样中的质量控制措施进行探讨,希望对促进中国水环境保护事业的发展,可以起到有利的作用。  相似文献   

城市河流水质常规评价技术研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
运用综合水质标识指数法,对我国河流水质评价面临的关键技术问题,包括水质评价方法、水质评价项目,水质级别评价,水环境功能区达标评价、水质定性评价、河流及水系整体水质比较、水质随时间和空间变化等作了明确界定,并介绍了在上海河流水质评价中的应用。  相似文献   

More than a third of humanity lives in regions with less than 1 million liters of fresh water per person per year. Population growth will increase water demand while climate change in arid and semi-arid areas may reduce water availability. The Murray-Darling Basin in Australia is a region where water reform and planning have been used to reduce consumptive extraction to better sustain river ecosystems under climate variability. Using actual data and previously published models that account for climate variability and climate change, the trade-off between water extractions and water essential to the long-term ecological function of river systems is analysed. The findings indicate that better water planning and a more complete understanding of the effects of irrigation on regional climate evapotranspiration could: (1) increase the overall benefits of consumptive and non-consumptive water use; (2) improve riparian environments under climate variability; and (3) be achieved with only small effects on the profits and gross value of food and fiber production.  相似文献   

本文全面介绍了南亚地区的主要国际河流,印度河、恒河和布拉马普特拉河水资源开发的地理和历史背景。详细评述了印度河用水争端的来龙去脉和印度河条约的谈判和签署过程,以及印度与巴基斯坦和孟加拉在分享印度河和恒河水资源问题上的立场,笔者还分析了南亚国际河流水资源开发的现状,提出了流域综合开发,以合理利用水资源的建议。 文章中,笔者简要介绍了国际法律界经常采用的水资源分享的理论和学说。  相似文献   

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