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In the Nile Valley and Delta the protection of groundwater resources is high priority environmental concern. Many groundwater quality problems are already dispersed and may be widespread and frequent in occurrence. Examples include problems associated with the extensive application of chemical fertilizers in agricultural specially in the new reclaimed areas, leaks in sewers, septic tanks, the aggregate effects of many different points source pollution in urban areas and natural, geologically related water quality problems. A national groundwater quality monitoring has been designed and implemented based on the stepwise procedure. The national groundwater quality monitoring network is used to quantify the quality changes in long run, either caused by pollution activities or by salt water intrusion and to describe the overall current groundwater quality status on a national scale of the main aquifers. The monitoring tools and methodologies developed in this research can be used to assure protection of public health and determine the sustainability of groundwater in various purposes. This national monitoring network plays important roles for decision makers in developing the groundwater resources management plans in different aquifers systems in Egypt.  相似文献   

通过系统整理分析自然资源、水利、生态环境等部门已有地下水监测网,针对广东地下水监测存在的问题和未来地下水环境管理需求,提出较大空间尺度和水质监控的地下水环境监测网建设框架及广东省"三层七级"共237个网点的层级化地下水环境监测网建设方案,并与水文地质单元、浅层地下水功能区划进行了空间叠加分析。结果表明,广东省三大部门监测网在空间上分布总体较为分散,相互补充性好,提出的监测网方案总体上与广东省地下水本底条件、地下水资源开发利用现状、地下水环境功能分区、重点污染源空间分布特征等相匹配,契合地下水饮用水源保护和重点污染源监控两大管理需求,构建的地下水环境监测网框架可为其他地区提供参考,提出的地下水环境监测网建设方案可为广东省地下水环境管理和污染防控提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Surface water quality monitoring networks are usually deployed and rarely re-evaluated with regard to their effectiveness. In this sense, this work sought to evaluate and to guide optimization projects for the water quality monitoring network of the Velhas river basin, using multivariate statistical methods. The cluster, principal components, and factorial analyses, associated with non-parametric tests and the analysis of violation to the standards set recommended by legislation, identified the most relevant water quality parameters and monitoring sites, and evaluated the sampling frequency. Thermotolerant coliforms, total arsenic, and total phosphorus were considered the most relevant parameters for characterization of water quality in the river basin. The monitoring sites BV156, BV141, BV142, BV150, BV137, and BV153 were considered priorities for maintenance of the network. The multivariate statistical analysis showed the importance of a monthly sampling frequency, specifically the parameters considered most important.  相似文献   

A comparison between the sampling and analytical methods used by Canadian (IADN) and German (OSPAR) regional monitoring networks for persistent organic pollutants was conducted from September 2002 to October 2003 at a rural site in Ontario, Canada. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the currently-used pesticide lindane were measured in precipitation and ambient air samples. Overall the two networks sampling and analytical methods agreed well in their results of deposition (wet and dry particulate). Lindane concentrations between the two networks agreed well in the air samples while too few precipitation samples could be compared to conclude on agreement. The lindane seasonal profile with a peak in spring-early summer was consistent with previous results pointing to the continued use of this pesticide in 2002-2003 in Canada. Annual lindane wet depositions were comparable between the two network methodologies. PAHs concentrations in precipitation and in gas phase agreed well while there was a discrepancy for particulate PAHs in air. This study confirmed that the use of data from the two regional POPs monitoring networks for hemispherical modelling studies is warranted.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, considerable effort has been invested in the development of complex and comprehensive ecosystem classifications and inventories in many parts of North America. Paralleling this has been an evolution in those hierarchical frameworks guiding the development and application of classifications. However, resource management agencies continue to grapple with the dilemma of applying multiple classification and inventory templates over large jurisdictions, especially as they attempt to address ecosystem management objectives. Given that Canada and the United States share ecosystems and that commitments have been made by all levels of government to make progress towards ecosystem-based approaches to management, there is a need to provide the proper tools. Comprehensive goals will not be achieved without collaboration and cooperation.This paper outlines the range of ecosystem classification approaches that exist in the Upper Great Lakes region. Canadian and American national hierarchical frameworks are briefly examined. Specific information needs and tasks are outlined which must be followed, independent of national boundaries, for the successful integration of planning and monitoring programs for large regional ecosystems.A general model is proposed for the development and application of an integrated, multi-scale and bi-national ecosystem classification, inventory and information system. This approach would facilitate data sharing and communication across jurisdictional boundaries.  相似文献   

The optimization of chlorine dosage and the number of booster locations is an important aspect of water quality management in distribution networks. Booster chlorination helps to maintain uniformity and adequacy of free residual chlorine concentration, essential for safeguarding against microbiological contamination. Higher chlorine dosages increase free residual chlorine concentration but generate harmful by-products, in addition to taste and odor complaints. It is possible to address these microbial, chemical, and aesthetic water quality issues through free residual chlorine concentration. Estimating a water quality index (WQI) based on regulatory chlorine thresholds for microbial, chemical, and aesthetics criteria can help engineers make intelligent decisions. An innovative scheme for maintaining adequate residual chlorine with optimal chlorine dosages and numbers of booster locations was established based on a proposed WQI. The City of Kelowna (BC, Canada) water distribution network served to demonstrate the application of the proposed scheme. Temporal free residual chlorine concentration predicted with EPANET software was used to estimate the WQI, later coupled with an optimization scheme. Preliminary temporal and spatial analyses identified critical zones (relatively poor water quality) in the distribution network. The model may also prove useful for small or rural communities where free residual chlorine is considered as the only water quality criterion.  相似文献   

In most European member states, more or less completely new monitoring networks and assessment methods had to be developed as basic technical tools for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). In the river basin of the Stever, the largest tributary to the river Lippe (River Rhine, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany), a WFD-monitoring network was developed, and new German biological methods for rivers, developed for the purposes of the WFD, have been applied. Like most rivers in the German lowland areas, nearly all the river courses of the Stever system are altered by hydro-morphological degradation (straightening, bank fixation, lack of canopy etc.). In 2005 and 2006, the biological quality components of macroinvertebrates, fish and macrophytes were investigated and evaluated for the assessment of the ecological status of about 50 surface water bodies within the whole Stever system. Basic physical and chemical parameters, as well as priority substances, have been analysed in the same period. In this contribution, the design of the new monitoring network, the core principles of the German biological methods, and the most important results of the pilot monitoring will be presented. As main impacts with severe effects on the faunal and floral communities, the many migration barriers and the bad quality of the river morphology could be stated. Organic pollution is no more a severe problem in the Stever. The pilot project was successfully conducted in close collaboration with the water authorities (District Government Münster) and the water association Lippeverband.  相似文献   

空气质量监测网络发展现状与趋势分析   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
回顾和分析了国外发达国家和地区空气质量监测网络建设的历程、现状、发展趋势以及存在的不足,针对我国空气质量监测网络的现状和面临的挑战,探讨了我国空气质量监测网络建设的发展思路,并提出构建区域性空气质量监测网络的建议。  相似文献   

开展国家水环境质量预报预警工作是生态环境治理能力现代化的重要部分,是统筹山水林田湖草系统治理的重要抓手。文章介绍了国内外水质模型的研究进展,并概述了国内外水质预报预警系统研究进展,在此基础上分析目前我国水质预报预警方面存在的不足,并提出了国家水环境质量预报预警业务发展的初步思路。我国水质预报预警体系建设要以技术体系和业务体系为保障,以水质模型和面源污染模型为支撑,依托水环境质量预报预警决策支持平台,开展环境监管业务化应用、治理决策精细化支撑、污染事故科学化处置和数据产品社会化服务4种业务应用,逐步建成架构统一、业务协同、资源共享、上下游联动的全国-流域-省级-城市四级水环境质量预报预警网络。  相似文献   

A nation-wide ecosystem science network for Canada was formed in 1994. At that time, mercury was a re-emerging issue in Canada and the Coordinating Office for the networksought collaboration to assess the issue. The key mechanismsby which the network has added value in addressing this issue are: 1) Information Dissemination, the network has organised, facilitated and co-hosted a number of regional,national and international mercury events (meetings, conferences and workshops) which have served to bring theexpertise together, the network also disseminates informationon it's web page, and the Coordinating Office hosts an annualNational Science Conference; 2) Collaborative Mercury Monitoring, network partners advocated the need for a singlehemispheric mercury network which resulted in the developmentof a compatible Canada–U.S. mercury deposition network, whichmay also be expanded into Mexico, and 3) Environmental Reporting, the network has collaborated with others to reporton current mercury findings through initiatives such as the 1998 Northeast States and Eastern Canadian Mercury Study, a 1999 Mercury Case Study and is presently a partner in the University of Quebec's proposal to form a Collaborative Mercury Ecosystem Research Network in Canada.  相似文献   

The Canadian Council of Ministers for the Environment (CCME) has developed a Water Quality Index (WQI) to simplify the reporting of complex water quality data. This science-based communication tool tests multi-variable water data against numeric water quality guidelines and/or objectives to produce a single unit-less number that represents overall water quality. The CCME WQI has been used to rate overall water quality in spatial and temporal comparisons of site(s). However, it has not been used in a comparative-analysis of exposure sites to reference sites downstream of point source discharges. This study evaluated the ability of the CCME WQI to differentiate water quality from metal mines across Canada at exposure sites from reference sites using two different types of numeric water quality objectives: (1) the water quality guidelines (WQG) for the protection of freshwater aquatic life and (2) water quality objectives determined using regional reference data termed Region-Specific Objectives (RSO). The application of WQG to the CCME WQI was found to be a good tool to assess absolute water quality as it relates to national water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life, but had more limited use when evaluating spatial changes in water quality downstream of point source discharges. The application of the RSO to the CCME WQI resulted in assessment of spatial changes in water quality downstream of point source discharges relative to upstream reference conditions.  相似文献   

Canada responded to the Global Biodiversity Convention by completing the Canadian Biodiversity Strategy in 1995. At the same time, Environment Canada also completed a national Science Assessment on Biodiversity. During this period, the Smithsonian Institution, in partnership with Parks and Environment Canada, initiated the implementation of a global biodiversity monitoring program in Canada. Under the auspices of the United Nations Man and the Biosphere Program, the SI/MAB monitoring protocols and plots have spread across Canada at an unprecedented rate. National champions in the science and educational sectors, working within an inter-disciplinary ecological framework, have guided the development, education, quality control and sharing of atmosphere-biodiversity observations electronically.Atmospheric-Biodiversity Networks and Networking have traditionally operated within separate mandates with little degree of integration. Air-Bio Networks were designed within an integrated framework to better understand the atmospheric stress on biodiversity and the adaptation actions, nationally and regionally. Detailed examples of the cumulative effects of climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid deposition, ground-level ozone, suspended particulate matter and hazardous air pollutants on biodiversity will be discussed using a Southern Ontario case study. In addition, recommendations will be presented for future paired SI/MAB plots, linked networks and networking for adaptation within the context of climate, chemical and ecological gradients.  相似文献   

美国EPA地表水质监测与评估的点位设计介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国EPA地表水质监测与评估的点位设计。首先,指导性文件《基本水质监测方案》中的环境监测计划要求建立1个不少于1 000个点位的国家地表水质环境监测网,并提出了点位设计的标准,包括4点基本要求和针对每一类水域的具体要求。其次,另一指导性文件《准备州综合水质评估(305b报告)和电子升级:报告内容的准则》提出了1种新的对水质的综合性评估技术,要求在传统的判断点位设计的基础上增加概率统计点位设计方法。最后,全国一致的概率统计点位设计是相当有效的获知全国范围的水质情况及变化趋势的方法,EPA完全支持通过这种概率统计点位设计的方法来评估更多的水质状况。概率统计点位设计是EPA地表水质监测与评估的点位设计的发展趋势。  相似文献   

构建覆盖国家环境监测网的质量控制体系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
"十二五"期间,中国将全面完成国家环境监测网的布局与建设,环境管理将开始由以环境污染控制为目标导向,向以环境质量改善为目标导向转变,以全面考核空气、水环境和土壤等环境质量的新环境管理时代即将来临。从现有环境监测质控体系所发挥的作用、存在的问题以及环境管理的需求出发,提出构建覆盖国家环境监测网的质量控制体系,论述各级环境监测站的质控职责,尤其是省级监测站作为地区质量控制中心,应该和国家站一起加大自身质控能力建设,为提高环境监测数据的可信度做好质控工作。  相似文献   

关于建立区域水环境质量监测网络定期优化机制的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
水环境质量监测网络是水环境风险监控体系的重要基础。随着社会经济结构发生改变,河流的水文情况、纳污状况及水功能区划发生了很大变化,现有的监控断面很难满足管理的需求。以河北省为例,提出了区域性地表水环境监测网络存在覆盖面严重不足、监测资源浪费、调整不系统、信息不完整等问题,阐述了定期优化全流域水环境质量监测网络是保证监测网络代表性,提高网络综合利用率等的重要手段之一。  相似文献   

If sustainable development of Canadian waters is to be achieved, a realistic and manageable framework is required for assessing cumulative effects. The objective of this paper is to describe an approach for aquatic cumulative effects assessment that was developed under the Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative. The approach is based on a review of existing monitoring practices in Canada and the presence of existing thresholds for aquatic ecosystem health assessments. It suggests that a sustainable framework is possible for cumulative effects assessment of Canadian waters that would result in integration of national indicators of aquatic health, integration of national initiatives (e.g., water quality index, environmental effects monitoring), and provide an avenue where long-term monitoring programs could be integrated with baseline and follow-up monitoring conducted under the environmental assessment process.  相似文献   

The Montreal Process was formed in 1994 to develop an internationally agreed upon set of criteria and indicators for the conservation and sustainable management of temperate and boreal forests. In response to this initiative, the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) and Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) programs of the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service have implemented soil measurements as part of a national monitoring program to address specific questions related to the conservation of soil and water resources. Integration of soil assessments into the national FIA program provides for systematic monitoring of soil properties across all forested regions of the U.S. using standardized collection, laboratory, and statistical procedures that are compatible with existing forest inventory data. The resulting information will provide quantitative benchmarks for regional, national, and international reporting on sustainable forest management and enhance our understanding of management effects on soil quality. This paper presents an overview of the FIA soil monitoring program, outlines the field and laboratory protocols as currently implemented, and provides examples of how these data may be used to assess indicators of sustainable management as defined by the Montreal Process.  相似文献   

国内外生态环境观测研究台站网络发展概况   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
生态环境观测研究台站是开展生态环境研究的重要手段。《国家环境保护"十二五"科技发展规划》将国家环境保护野外观测研究站作为"十二五"能力建设重点内容。分析了目前国内外主要生态环境监测网络,如区域尺度的全球环境监测系统(GEMS)、全球陆地观测系统(GTOS)、国际长期生态研究网络(ILTER)、全球通量观测网络(FLUXNET)和国际生物多样性观测网络(GEO·BON),以及国家尺度的美国长期生态研究网络(US-LTER)、英国环境变化监测网络(ECN)和中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)的发展历程、观测研究进展;总结了生态环境监测网站的发展趋势,即重视台站的联网观测研究,注重观测标准化和规范化及数据共享,重视观测手段智能化与自动化,注重综合观测与模型模拟相结合;提出国家环境保护生态监测台站网络是现有国家环境监测网络的拓展和完善,也是今后开展区域生态环境综合监测与评估的重要基础。  相似文献   

The presence of off-flavour compounds such as geosmin, often found in raw water, significantly reduces the organoleptic quality of distributed water and diverts the consumer from its use. To adapt water treatment processes to eliminate these compounds, it is necessary to be able to identify them quickly. Routine analysis could be considered a solution, but it is expensive and delays associated with obtaining the results of analysis are often important, thereby constituting a serious disadvantage. The development of decision-making tools such as predictive models seems to be an economic and feasible solution to counterbalance the limitations of analytical methods. Among these tools, multi-linear regression and principal component regression are easy to implement. However, due to certain disadvantages inherent in these methods (multicollinearity or non-linearity of the processes), the use of emergent models involving artificial neurons networks such as multi-layer perceptron could prove to be an interesting alternative. In a previous paper (Parinet et al., Water Res 44: 5847-5856, 2010), the possible parameters that affect the variability of taste and odour compounds were investigated using principal component analysis. In the present study, we expand the research by comparing the performance of three tools using different modelling scenarios (multi-linear regression, principal component regression and multi-layer perceptron) to model geosmin in drinking water sources using 38 microbiological and physicochemical parameters. Three very different sources of water, in terms of quality, were selected for the study. These sources supply drinking water to the Québec City area (Canada) and its vicinity, and were monitored three times per month over a 1-year period. Seven different modelling methods were tested for predicting geosmin in these sources. The comparison of the seven different models showed that simple models based on multi-linear regression provide sufficient predictive capacity with performance levels comparable to those obtained with artificial neural networks. The multi-linear regression model (R 2?=?0.657, <0.001) used only four variables (phaeophytin, sum of green algae, chlorophyll-a and potential Redox) in comparison with ten variables (potassium, heterotrophic bacteria, organic nitrogen, total nitrogen, phaeophytin, total organic carbon, sum of green algae, potential Redox, UV absorbance at 254 nm and atypical bacteria) for the best model obtained with artificial neural networks (R 2?=?0.843).  相似文献   

Monitoring networks aiming to assess the state of groundwater quality and detect or predict changes could increase in efficiency when fitted to vulnerability and pollution risk assessment. The main purpose of this paper is to describe a methodology aiming at integrating aquifers vulnerability and actual levels of groundwater pollution in the monitoring network design. In this study carried out in a pilot area in central Italy, several factors such as hydrogeological setting, groundwater vulnerability, and natural and anthropogenic contamination levels were analyzed and used in designing a network tailored to the monitoring objectives, namely, surveying the evolution of groundwater quality relating to natural conditions as well as to polluting processes active in the area. Due to the absence of an aquifer vulnerability map for the whole area, a proxi evaluation of it was performed through a geographic information system (GIS) methodology, leading to the so called “susceptibility to groundwater quality degradation”. The latter was used as a basis for the network density assessment, while water points were ranked by several factors including discharge, actual contamination levels, maintenance conditions, and accessibility for periodical sampling in order to select the most appropriate to the network. Two different GIS procedures were implemented which combine vulnerability conditions and water points suitability, producing two slightly different networks of 50 monitoring points selected out of the 121 candidate wells and springs. The results are compared with a “manual” selection of the points. The applied GIS procedures resulted capable to select the requested number of water points from the initial set, evaluating the most confident ones and an appropriate density. Moreover, it is worth underlining that the second procedure (point distance analysis [PDA]) is technically faster and simpler to be performed than the first one (GRID?+?PDA).  相似文献   

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