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各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府: 近年来,我国铅酸蓄电池和再生铅行业快速发展,成为全球铅酸蓄电池生产、消费和出口大国.由于部分企业规模小、工艺技术落后,污染治理水平低,导致铅污染事件频发,严重威胁群众健康,影响社会稳定.为加强铅污染防治和资源循环利用,杜绝铅污染事件发生,促进铅酸蓄电池和再生铅行业规范有序发展,经国务院同意,提出以下意见.  相似文献   

源自铅酸电池回收的再生铅已成为世界铅产量的主要来源,铅酸电池生产也占据了世界铅消耗的80%以上,促进废旧铅膏的处理并直接用于电池的制作研究.采用“湿法脱硫-煅烧”的技术路线处理负极铅膏得到氧化铅.考察了回收铅粉的理化特性,并依据其固有特性,优化了负极板的和膏、固化、化成工艺.得到的样品电池展现出与传统球磨铅粉同样优异的性能.  相似文献   

<正>2015年6月13日,国家环境保护铅蓄电池生产和回收再生污染防治工程技术中心在浙江省长兴县成立。随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,铅酸蓄电池的应用领域在不断地扩展,市场需求量也大幅度增长,我国已经成为世界最大的铅蓄电池市场。在二次电源中,铅酸蓄电池已占有85%以上的市场份额,但是由于铅蓄电池的原材料涉及重金属铅,生产和回收利用过程管理不善,或治理技术不过关,很容易造成环境污染,因此蓄电池生产和回收利  相似文献   

为推进铅酸蓄电池回收基金制度设计,探索生产者责任延伸制度新模式,加快实施再生铅行业准入公告管理,近日工信部节能与综合利用司、财政部综合司、环境保护部污染防治司,委托中国有色金属工业协会再生金属分会在江苏省徐州市组织召开了铅酸蓄电池回收基金制度研讨会,  相似文献   

作为对人体有害的金属铅,其生产、消费和再生受到世界各国,特别是美国、德国和日本等发达国家的重视.从分析世界铅的生产和消费入手,指出含铅废料(主要是电池)回收及铅再生的重要性;着重介绍了美、德、日3国废铅酸蓄电池的回收、铅再生产业的现状和特点;通过分析与研究我国铅工业目前存在的问题,指出我国发展循环经济的重要意义,并对如何发展循环经济提出建议.  相似文献   

正按照《新能源汽车动力蓄电池回收利用管理暂行办法》要求,依据《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范条件》,经企业申报、省级工业和信息化主管部门审核、专家评审、现场核查和网上公示等程序,现将符合《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范条件》企业名单(第一批)予以公告。附件:符合《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范条件》企业名单(第一批)  相似文献   

<正>为推动新能源汽车动力蓄电池回收利用,适应行业发展新形势,引导行业健康发展,在深入调研基础上,工业和信息化部对2016年公告发布的《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范条件》《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范公告管理暂行办法》进行了修订。现将修订稿向社会公开征求意见,如有意见或建议,请于2019年10月30日前反馈工业和信息化部节能与综合利用司。联系电话:010-68205365传真:010-68205337电子信箱:zyzhly@miit.gov.cn  相似文献   

正专利申请号:CN201610691126.7公开号:CN106299521A申请日:2016.08.20公开日:2017.01.04申请人:超威电源有限公司本发明公开了一种铅酸蓄电池淋酸废铅泥直接循环回收利用的方法,主要步骤为:(1)回收废铅泥;(2)淋酸废铅泥中硫酸铅含量测定;(3)脱硫;(4)固液分离;(5)循环利用:正极回收铅泥加入到正极和膏机中循环利用,负极回收铅泥加入到负极和膏机中循环利用。本发明简单易行,花费时间短,产品均一稳定、纯度高,不会带入杂质污染问题,对电池性能无任何不良影响。  相似文献   

经国务院同意,2013年3月工业和信息化部会同环境保护部等部门联合印发了《关于促进铅酸蓄电池和再生铅产业规范发展的意见》(工信部联节[2013]92号)(以下简称《意见》)。为总结《意见》印发后相关落实工作进展和成效,研究部署下一步工作,2014年10月23日,工业和信息化部节能司牵头组织在北京召开了铅酸蓄电池和再生铅产业规范发展协调工作会第二次会议。协调工作总召集人、节能司高云虎司长出席并主持会议。环境保护部污防司、发展改革委环资司、科技部社发司、商务部流通发展司、卫生计生委疾病预防控制局、税务总局货物劳务税司、质检总局监督司等协调工作小组成员单位,中国有色金属工业协会及再生金属分会、中国电池工业协会、中国电器工业协会铅酸蓄电池分会等行业协会,以及工业和信息化部产业政策司、消费品工业司等有关负责同志出席会议。  相似文献   

为适应行业发展新形势,引导行业持续健康发展,现将《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范条件(2019年本)》和《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范公告管理暂行办法(2019年本)》予以公告。《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范条件》和《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范公告管理暂行办法》(工业和信息化部公告2016年第6号)同时废止。  相似文献   

Pet Waste Management by Chemical Recycling: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper reviews the problem due to the use and disposal of synthetic polymers to the environment and its solutions; in particular poly (ethylene terphthalate). Wide spread application and non-biodegradability of the PET creates huge amounts of waste and disposal, tend to a serious problem. The most important cause for recycling and reprocessing the waste PET has arisen from the awareness and concern for environmental pollution. To manage this various methods of polymer recycling has been proposed. Among them chemical recycling, i.e. hydrolysis, methanolysis, glycolysis and aminolysis are reviewed in detail. Appropriate technology and waste disposal procedures based on the socio-economic aspect to solve this problem are suggested.  相似文献   

化工型科研单位的实验室在科研活动时会产生废水、废气和固废等污染,实验室污染具有种类复杂、量小、危害大、控制难度大等特点。介绍了上海石油化工研究院的环保管理体系、污染的种类、来源和处理措施。指出应通过健全的管理制度、针对性的对策措施和有效的落实执行,来构建环境保护管理体系,确保科研单位实验室废水、废气和固废的达标排放、总量控制和妥善处理。  相似文献   

提高资源利用效率,有效减少废弃物对环境的污染,是实现环境与效益双赢的重要方法。以重金属污染防治为例,就提高再生资源利用率以及综合性再生资源的回收处理等问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

梳理了上海市在一次性塑料饭盒管理工作中回收处置系统难以正常运转的主要问题,提出了建立全国一盘棋的格局,将其他塑料废弃物纳入回收处置的管理范畴,并建立对废塑料回收处置的奖励或补贴政策,从而继续控制视觉污染,促进生活垃圾减量化和资源化。  相似文献   

包装垃圾是由废弃的包装物产生的固体垃圾,约占我国城市生活垃圾的1/3,虽然政府进行了必要回收,但仍有1/3以上的塑料、玻璃等包装物没能被有效回收利用,成了填埋场的主要填埋物,造成了环境污染和土地、石油等不可再生资源大量浪费。从回收利用和源头减量两方面提出包装垃圾的应对,一是对包装垃圾按来源、成分等进行详细分类,并建议回收处置方法;二是从制定行业政策方面来减少过度包装和扶持再生资源行业健康发展,有效处置包装垃圾等可再生资源。  相似文献   

In China, controlling environmental pollution resulting from solid waste (SW) and hazardous waste (HW) has become one of the most pressing tasks in the field of environmental engineering. It is reported that the annual generation of industrial solid waste (ISW) in China exceeded 0.6 billion tons in the 1990s, and is increasing every year. Although ISW management has been strengthened in recent years, about 40% of SW is put in uncontrolled landfill without appropriate treatment. According to statistics from the national Environmental Protection Agency, the cumulative ISW uncontrolled landfill in China had reached 6.6 billion tons by the end of 1995, occupying around 55 000 hectares of land. Although some major uncontrolled landfills were constructed, nonetheless groundwater contamination resulted from the use of low-standard liners and poor management. Furthermore, about 20 million tons of ISW was discharged into the environment illegally, and a third of this waste was discharged directly into water bodies, making ISW one of the greatest pollution sources for surface water and ground water. Environmental pollution accidents resulting from SW occur about 100 times a year in China, and environmental issues frequently arise because of ISW pollution. The practices of SW management, treatment, and disposal started relatively late in China, and for a long time the management of SW pollution has received little attention compared with water and air pollution management. China faces problems such as the insufficiency of management laws and regulations, insufficient investment, inadequate treatment and disposal technology, and a lack of qualified technicians. At present, most treatment and disposal technology cannot meet the requests for solid waste pollution control. In order to protect, restore, and improve environmental quality in China and to realize sustainable development, the safe management and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes is a pressing challenge. In recent years, much attention has been paid to SW management in China, and investment to develop management and treatment technologies has increased. In 1995, the Law for Solid Waste Pollution Protection was issued, and work on solid waste treatment and disposal began to be legally managed. SW treatment and disposal facilities have been constructed, and now operate in some large and medium-sized cities. In particular, rapid improvements have been seen in ISW recycling, collection, and disposal of municipal solid waste and regional HW management. All the figures in this paper are from 1995, and represent the situation in China in that year. Received: April 18, 2000 / Accepted: May 15, 2000  相似文献   

The implementation of a suitable solid waste management programme with appropriate methods of recycling as an inherent element is vital to the alleviation of the problems associated with solid waste generation, handling and disposal, environmental conservation, public hygiene, etc. The present work is a case study on solid waste collection and recycling practices in Nibong Tebal town, Penang, Malaysia. The amount and types of domestic waste generated, household participation in recycling, identification of existing problems related to the implementation of the recycling programme, etc. formed the basis of this study. Surveys (interviews/questionnaires) and on-site observations were conducted to gather information on the solid waste collection and recycling practice of the residents. A focus group of 60 individuals was selected and their response to a questionnaire, prepared according to a Likert scale, was obtained and analysed. The majority of the respondents expressed concerns about recycling and wanted more to be done in this regard. Illegal collection, aesthetically displeasing sites and a lack of public awareness were problems of major concern. Issues related to inadequate funding and manpower as well as end market are also addressed and suggestions made.  相似文献   

Industrial towns, as major bases of small and medium production centers, have played a major role in the industrial development of several countries. These towns have paved a way for the prosperity of economic plans and have been able to meet up with the production perspectives of investors, thereby providing the necessary fundamental services. In this regard, paying attention to proper management of waste production is quite important both in the preservation of the environment from industrial pollution and reduction of probable risks threatening the employees of industrial units located in the towns. Therefore, the present research determined the stream of the industrial waste production in Shamsabad Industrial Town, by designing four appropriate disposal scenarios according to the quality of the produced wastes, and assesses them technically, economically and environmentally using two methods of analysis: analytic hierarchical process and analytic network process. The fourth scenario, which consisted of landfilling, incineration and recycling, was ultimately selected as the best disposal scenario. Indeed, the main objective of current paper is to develop a model which could be implemented in other industrial towns, to proper management of generated wastes.  相似文献   

In Korea, generation of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), or electronic waste (e-waste), has rapidly increased in recent years. The management of WEEE has become a major issue of concern for solid waste communities due to the volumes of waste being generated and the potential environmental impacts associated with the toxic chemicals found in most electronic devices. Special attention must be paid when dealing with WEEE because of toxic materials that it contains (e.g., heavy metals, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, phthalates, and polyvinyl chloride). If managed improperly, the disposal of WEEE can adversely affect the environment and human health. Environmental regulatory agencies; electronic equipment manufacturers, retailers, and recyclers; environmental nongovernmental organizations; and many others are much interested in updated statistics with regard to how much WEEE is generated, stored, recycled, and disposed of. In Korea, an extended producer responsibility policy was introduced in 2003 not only to reduce the amount of electronic products requiring disposal, but also to promote resource recovery from WEEE; the policy currently applies to a total of ten electrical and electronic product categories. This article presents an overview of the current recycling practices and management of electrical and electronic waste in Korea. Specifically, the generation rates, recycling systems and processes, and recent regulations of WEEE are discussed. We estimated that 1 263 000 refrigerators, 701 000 washing machines, 1 181 000 televisions, and 109 000 airconditioning units were retired and handled by the WEEE management system in 2006. More than 40% of the products were collected and recycled by producers. Four major producers’ recycling centers and other WEEE recycling facilities are currently in operation, and these process a large faction of WEEE for the recovery of valuable materials. Much attention should still be paid to pollution prevention and resource conservation with respect to WEEE. Several suggestions are made in order to deal with electronic waste management problems effectively and to prevent potential impacts.  相似文献   

Environmental management of construction and demolition waste in Kuwait   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
There is an increasing pressure on the construction industry to reduce costs and improve the quality of our environment. The fact is that both of these goals can be achieved at the same time. Although construction and demolition (C&D) constitutes a major source of waste in terms of volume and weight, its management and recycling efforts have not yet seen the light in Kuwait. This study focuses on recycling efforts leading to the minimization of the total C&D waste that is currently landfilled in Kuwait. This paper presents the current status of C&D waste disposal system in Kuwait and identifies the potential problems to the environment, people and economy. Then, it investigates alternative solutions to manage and control this major type of waste in an economically efficient and environmentally safe manner. Next, the paper describes the feasibility of establishing a C&D waste recycling facility in Kuwait. It concludes by highlighting the major benefits and bottleneck problems with such a recycling facility.  相似文献   

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