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依据2017年环境统计数据, 分析了长江经济带工业危险废物的污染及处理特征:长江经济带危废产生 量较大的省份是江苏、浙江、云南、湖南和四川;危废种类主要是来源于化工、钢铁、有色和造纸行业的废酸、有色金属冶炼废物、废碱和焚烧处置残渣;各地对危废的处理情况各有优劣。根据以上特征,提出加强对重点 区域的监管和调度,针对特定行业和危废种类,建议出台最佳可行的处理技术,建立区域之间危废管理大平台,促进区域危废处理优势互补和均衡发展,挖掘企业自行处理能力,减轻危废集中处理压力。  相似文献   

在分析国内外危险废物分级管理经验的基础上,结合健康风险的评估步骤,提出了基于全过程危险废物污染物释放情景的精细化-动态健康风险评价方法。充分考虑处理利用工艺、企业管理水平等因素对于危险废物中污染物释放概率和能力的影响,并基于污染物向环境介质的迁移转化,定量评估危险废物的健康风险。基于危险废物污染特性数据库和事故情景数据库,结合全过程信息采集技术,构建危险废物分级分类管理平台,进行涉废企业的风险级别划分,实施差异化管理,形成更加科学有效的危险废物全过程精细化管理体系。  相似文献   

废矿物油回收利用行业可以从废矿物油中回收蕴藏的可再生资源,是实现可持续发展的重要组成。通过调研发现,2014年江苏省废矿物油产生量最多的3个城市依次为南京、无锡和苏州,而产生量最多的4个行业分别是石油加工业、金属制品业、运输设备制造业及化学原料和化学制品业。江苏省废矿物油回收利用工艺大致可分为简易预处理法、常压蒸馏法和减压精馏法3类,通过对比采用这3类工艺的企业处置规模,发现小型企业全部采用简易预处理法,采用常压蒸馏法的中型企业超过80%,大型企业大部分采用减压精馏工艺。通过分析回收利用单位的经营状况,发现采用简易预处理工艺的企业许可量利用率最高,在目前的市场环境下生存能力较强。  相似文献   

危险废物焚烧处置项目竣工环境保护验收监测要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对危险废物焚烧处置项目竣工环境保护验收监测中尚需明确的要点进行了剖析,并从入炉危废种类及比例、焚烧量的控制、助燃剂加入量、空气过剩系统的把握,以及安全管理检查要点等方面,提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

南京市污水处理厂污泥处理处置现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了南京市污水处理厂污泥产生量、成分、达标状况以及污泥处置方式,指出了污泥处置中存在的问题。提出依据国家相应的标准和法律法规,建立和完善污泥处理处置产业政策,大力发展相关技术和工艺等建议。  相似文献   

通过对自贡市固体废物的产生量、构成、来源、综合利用率和处置率等现状的分析,结合固废处置利用过程中遇到的问题,对固废防治工作提出相应的控制对策和建议。  相似文献   

正5月5日,江苏省环保厅对环境问题突出的灌云县临港产业区和灌南县江苏连云港化工产业园区实施挂牌督办,挂牌督办期限为6个月。挂牌督办期间,省、市、县三级环保部门同步暂停两大园区除节能减排、生态环境保护以外的项目环评文件审批。近期,省环保厅在突击检查中发现,上述两园区集中供热、危废处置等环境基础设施建设滞后,部分企业存在严重的环  相似文献   

筛选识别成都市多环芳烃(PAHs)污染重点源和区域,采集57个土壤样品,利用人体暴露风险模型对16种PAHs的健康风险进行评价。结果表明:青白江工业集中发展区与新都工业集中发展区连片区局部有PAHs潜在渗漏风险,污染源主要为工业企业和交通源,农业面源、生活污染源等不直接产生PAHs;土壤PAHs主要来源途径为企业VOCs排放与沉降、汽车尾气与大气中PAHs沉降、废矿物油泄漏入渗;PAHs主要离去途径为入渗地下水、冲淋径流进入地表水、植物吸收;智能设备制造、化工用地存在PAHs人体健康及环境生态风险。  相似文献   

外向型经济地区经济发达、城镇化水平高、外来人口众多,使得农村环境问题日益突出。通过对典型外向型经济地区昆山市全部行政村发放调查表并结合经验系数法,调查和统计了外向型经济地区农村固废的产生种类、产生量和处置状况。统计分析结果显示,外向型经济地区农村的主要固体废弃物为生活垃圾、农业固废、禽畜粪便和农村企业固废。根据这些污染状况,提出了农村固废处置的管理对策。  相似文献   

南通市化工行业危险废物管理现状分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南通市化工行业危险废物产生现状为基础,对该行业危险废物的产生源、处置、利用、贮存和流向情况以及管理现状进行分析,阐述了产生问题的原因,提出了行业危险废物管理的对策建议.  相似文献   

比较、归纳、总结了生活垃圾和工业危废焚烧项目在生产工艺、污染源产生及治理、污染物排放标准等方面的异同点,提出必须重视废气排污口设施与在线监测仪器的安装,应完善事故防范措施与应急预案等检查要求,为环保部门验收监测、监督管理工作提供技术支持.  相似文献   

简述了我国危险废物(含医疗废物)处置项目的状况,分析了该类项目竣工环保验收监测工作面临的压力,通过实践总结出了存在的问题和难题,主要包括监测期间工况监督内容及方法、焚毁去除率的测定方法、填埋场建设和运行情况的考核手段以及此类项目潜在环境风险的防范手段等,在进行分析的基础上提出了一些解决对策和方法,为监测人员做好验收监测工作提供了很好的借鉴,同时也提出了目前相关标准规范尚未规定但需引起管理部门重视的内容。  相似文献   

One of India's major concerns is the increasing level of land pollution largely due to the uncontrolled disposal of industrialsolid and hazardous waste. With rapid industrialization, thegeneration of industrial solid and hazardous waste has increasedappreciably and the nature of waste generated has become complex.Their impacts on the ecological bodies are noticeable. The article describes the details of studies conducted using Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure, to estimate the toxicity effects of the metals viz., chromium, zinc, manganese,iron, nickel, cobalt and copper by the Zero Headspace Extractorfor the sludges generated from effluent treatment plant of steeltube, wire and plating industries on environment constituentslike groundwater, surface water and land. Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure determines the mobility of organic and inorganic analytes of liquid, solid or multiphase waste from hazardous solid wastes in the form of primary and secondary extracts. These extracts are mixed in equal volumeproportion and analyzed by Direct Reading 2000 spectrophotometer.The amount of heavy metals observed during the studies in theleachates were found and the results were compared with HazardousWaste categories as per Indian Standards, TCLP regulatory limitsgiven by United States Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) andGermany Leachate Quality Standards and it was observed that theywere on higher side, needing a proper preventive concept of sludge management including handling, treatment, recovery and disposal.  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯树脂是用途极广的热塑性高分子材料,然而,电石法生产聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC)的过程中会产生大量的危险废物,如处置不当会对环境造成严重污染。本文对电石法生产聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC)过程中产生危险废物的类型、环节和产生特性进行了分析,以供环保部门和相关企业作为针对危险废物环境管理的判定依据。  相似文献   

简要介绍污染物排放权交易制度的理论基础,根据经济开发区自身特点,提出其在危险废物减量化管理中运用的新思路,并通过数学模型,以控制总量、分配决定因子等为制约条件,发展了一套针对经济开发区危险废弃物排放权交易系统的计算方法。  相似文献   

To investigate the environmental safety of waste disposal landfill sites and of land reclaimed from such sites, we evaluated the toxicity of leachate from these sites by a combination of bioassays in the Japanese killifish medaka Oryzias latipes. We tested for lethal toxicity in adult and larval medaka and for hatching inhibition of embryos from eggs. As biochemical evidence of the effects of leachate exposure, CYP1A (EROD activity) and vitellogenin (Vtg) were induced. We also bioassayed water-treated leachate and downstream river water. Leachate solution was lethal to larval and adult medaka. Embryo hatchability was inhibited, and abnormal hatching, spinal deformity and anisophthalmia occurred in embryos exposed to leachate solution. CYP1A was induced by exposure to leachate solution diluted to 1.0%, and EROD activity was significantly higher than in control. Vtg and unknown proteins were induced in the sera of male medaka exposed to the diluted leachate solution. Conventional water treatments worked effectively to remove toxic compounds but did not work well to remove element ions, including heavy metals. Treated leachate produced neither lethal toxicity nor hatching abnormalities during the exposure period. Fish toxicity tests for leachate would be useful for monitoring the environmental safety of landfill sites.  相似文献   

Although considerable attention is devoted to environmental monitoring and assessment with respect to both pollutants and the status of particular plant or animal populations, less attention is devoted to assessing people's attitudes about the relative importance of ecological resources. In this paper we examine the attitudes and perceptions about ecological resources of people living around the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS), in South Carolina. Our overall hypothesis is that people who are directly affected by the possible outcomes and consequences of a particular hazard (i.e., those people employed at SRS) will undervalue the risks and overvalue the potential benefits from future land uses that favor continued site activity, compared to people who live near but are not employed at SRS. We interviewed 286 people attending the Aiken Trials horse show on 14 March 1997. There were few gender differences, although men hunted and fished more than women, women ranked three environmental concerns as more severe than did men, and women were more concerned about the effect of SRS on property values. Maintenance of SRS as a National Environmental Research Park ranked first as a future land use; nuclear production ranked second, followed by hunting and hiking. Only residential development ranked very low as a future land use. There were many differences as a function of employment history at SRS: 1) people who work at SRS think that the federal government should spend funds to clean up all nuclear facilities, and they think less money should be spent on other environmental problems than did non-employees, 2) people who work at SRS ranked continued current uses of SRS higher than did people who never worked at SRS, and 3) people who work at SRS are less concerned about the storage of nuclear material or accidents at the site than are people who never worked at the site.  相似文献   

以福建省某化工危险废物处理工程为例,研究固态危废焚烧处置设施的技术性能。工程采用高温涡流燃烧+二燃室+水冷除尘器+急冷塔+干式吸附+布袋除尘+喷淋吸附+雾水分离工艺,设计处理量为100 kg/h。研究结果表明:在测试工况下,二燃室温度为(1 149.6±13.4)℃;烟气在炉膛的平均停留时间为(5.35±0.12)s,燃烧效率为99.97%;萘与CCl4的焚毁去除率分别为99.996%与99.991%,热灼减率为3.3%;焚烧设施的技术性能达到《危险废物焚烧污染控制标准》(GB 18484—2020)的要求;二噁英的排放值为0.007 6 ngTEQ/m3,HF和CO的排放值分别为1.21 mg/m3和72.8 mg/m3,烟气排放达标。  相似文献   

我们以活性炭、TenaxGC、聚氨酯泡沫为吸附剂,采用溶剂洗脱、热解吸、回流提取三种脱附方式,以GC/MS为分析手段,对某电缆厂的漆包线涂漆、橡料加工、橡胶硫化、聚氯乙烯挤塑、聚乙烯交联五条生产工艺废气中的有机物进行了测定,共检出180种有机化合物。同时采用科学方法进行了有机物的筛选,提出了27种电线电缆行业废气中优先控制有机污染物名单  相似文献   

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