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The significance of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) and nanotechnologies grows rapidly. Nanotechnology applications may have a positive marked impact on many aspects of on human every day life, for example by providing means for the production of clean energy and pure drinking water. Hundreds of consumer nano-based products are already on the market. However, very little is known of the risks of ENM to occupational safety and health (OSH), even though workers are likely to be at extra risk, as compared with other potentially exposed groups of people, because the levels of exposure are usually higher at workplaces than in other environments. However, knowledge of the exposure to, or effects of, ENM on human health and safety in occupational environments is limited and does not allow reliable assessment of risks of ENM on workers’ health. Several issues related to ENM in the workplaces require marked attention. The most topical issues include: (1) improved understanding of ENM metrics associated with ENM toxicity; (2) development of monitoring devices for ENM exposure assessment; (3) understanding the changes of ENM structure and state of agglomeration at different concentrations in aerosols; (4) understanding translocation of ENM in the human body; (5) identifying the key health effects of ENM including pulmonary toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenic effects, and effects on circulation; (6) development of tiered approaches for testing of safety of ENM; and (7) utilizing these data for health risk assessment, with a special emphasis on occupational environment. Available data on several ENM – ability to enter the body and reach almost any organ, to cause pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis, and even to cause increased risk of mesotheliomas in animal models, call for immediate action. It is crucial to identify those ENM that may cause occupational health and safety risks from those ENM which are innocent, hence allowing prioritization of regulatory and preventive actions at workplaces at national, regional and global levels.  相似文献   

Kaj Frick 《Safety Science》2011,49(7):974-987
Voluntary management systems (MS) might improve occupational health and safety (OHS). MSs, as with any OHS management, requires worker influence (and management commitment) to reduce risks at work. Influence through union backed safety representatives (or similar) achieves the best OHS results. However, a MS guarantees neither effective OHS management nor strong worker influence. Systematic violations of legal requirements have repeatedly caused accidents at workplaces with certified MSs. Why employers introduce MS’s can affect their implementation and outcomes. Internal objectives, of productivity and/or work-related health, require upstream prevention and a genuine influence by workers and their safety representatives. However, managers with external objectives for a MS, such as brand images or low reported accident figures, may pursue such objectives through downstream control of safe behaviour – sometimes suppressing accident reporting – and with little attention to more serious long-term diseases. Worker consultation may then be a limited means of enhancing safety, or to one-way communication on safety rules. Such consultation may even be used for union busting. Many trade unions welcome MSs as possible improvement instruments, but they are also wary of what MSs employers are actually trying to implement. Unions try to support their safety representatives’ influence in a MS by enhancing their rights and their competences. If the motives for MSs are mainly external and the opportunities for influence too limited, it may be better for unions not to cooperate with management in a MS that may lead more to manipulation than to safe and sound work.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the utilisation of waste as an alternative fuel, commonly referred to as Waste-to-Energy (WTE). The paper contains a comprehensive survey of the literature published in this field with comparative analysis of different approaches and methods. The main features and properties of municipal and industrial waste have been analysed as these can vary significantly from location to location and year to year. The paper discusses the applicability and limitations of current and developing WTE technologies as well as new and emerging WTE technologies and the recent developments in design of for producing heat, power and fuels. Methodologies that are considered include criteria for technology selection, together with procedures that comply with the environmental EC regulations Best Available and Best Applicable Techniques (BREFs).  相似文献   

Well-written procedures are an integral part of any industrial organization for safe operation, managing risks, and continuous improvement. Regulatory bodies around the world require industries to have current, accurate, and appropriate procedures for most processes. Although the importance of procedures is recognized by all industries in general, significant incidents still occur due to procedural breakdowns. Some of the procedural breakdowns come from obvious problems such as the procedure not being available or the procedure being wrong. However, some incidents have occurred when correct procedures were available and the operator used those procedures. In these instances, the reason workers do not follow procedures correctly may be attributable the procedure being presented or designed in a manner that does not sufficiently communicate the information in a manner that is easily and quickly understood. This indicates that procedure writers may need more guidance on how to write and design procedures so they accomplish this. To effectively manage risk, procedures need to be technically correct (and regulatory compliant) and usable. As part of this, the current work is focused on developing a systematic approach to a procedure writer's guide that includes a regulatory compliant component. The work presented here consists of an effort to identify procedure-writing practices necessary to ensure regulatory compliance by summarizing a large sample of regulations and standards from several industries. The regulations and standards were organized to reflect common ideas and the implications in terms of human factors needs for procedure design were identified. This information will be used as part of the development of a writer's guide that accounts for human factors (HF) that includes explanations of HF implications and empirical support for each of the guidelines. The novelty of the method and information presented here is in the idea of leveraging the cumulative information available regarding procedures in regulations and standards. Incorporating this information into a procedure's writers guide in this manner may not only facilitate procedure being regulatory compliant for facilities in different geographies of the world, but could also support their being written with considerations for human performance.  相似文献   

Objective: Pedestrian lower extremity represents the most frequently injured body region in car-to-pedestrian accidents. The European Directive concerning pedestrian safety was established in 2003 for evaluating pedestrian protection performance of car models. However, design changes have not been quantified since then. The goal of this study was to investigate front-end profiles of representative passenger car models and the potential influence on pedestrian lower extremity injury risk.

Methods: The front-end styling of sedans and sport utility vehicles (SUV) released from 2008 to 2011 was characterized by the geometrical parameters related to pedestrian safety and compared to representative car models before 2003. The influence of geometrical design change on the resultant risk of injury to pedestrian lower extremity—that is, knee ligament rupture and long bone fracture—was estimated by a previously developed assessment tool assuming identical structural stiffness. Based on response surface generated from simulation results of a human body model (HBM), the tool provided kinematic and kinetic responses of pedestrian lower extremity resulted from a given car's front-end design.

Results: Newer passenger cars exhibited a “flatter” front-end design. The median value of the sedan models provided 87.5 mm less bottom depth, and the SUV models exhibited 94.7 mm less bottom depth. In the lateral impact configuration similar to that in the regulatory test methods, these geometrical changes tend to reduce the injury risk of human knee ligament rupture by 36.6 and 39.6% based on computational approximation. The geometrical changes did not significantly influence the long bone fracture risk.

Conclusions: The present study reviewed the geometrical changes in car front-ends along with regulatory concerns regarding pedestrian safety. A preliminary quantitative benefit of the lower extremity injury reduction was estimated based on these geometrical features. Further investigation is recommended on the structural changes and inclusion of more accident scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for assessing the effectiveness in the steps of the learning cycle: the 1st loop with reporting – analysis – decision – implementation – follow-up, and the 2nd loop on an aggregated basis. For each step, the dimensions considered the most relevant for the learning process (scope, quality, timing and information distribution) and for each dimension the most relevant aspects (e.g. completeness and detail) were defined. A method for a semi-quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the learning cycle was developed using these dimensions and aspects and scales for rating. The method will give clear indications of areas for improvement when applied. The results of the method can also be used for correlation with other safety parameters, e.g. results from safety audits and safety climate inquiries. The method is intended to be used on a sample of the broad range of incidents normally seen in process industry companies. The method was tested on a two-year incident reporting material from six companies from various types of process industries. It was found that the method and the tools worked very well in practice. The results gave interesting insights into the effectiveness of learning from the incidents.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the predictive capabilities of the advanced consequence model FLACS-CFD for deflagrations involving hydrogen. Two modelling approaches are presented: the extensively validated model system originally developed for hydrocarbons included in FLACS-CFD 22.1 and a Markstein number dependent model implemented in the in-house version FLACS-CFD 22.1 IH. The ability of the models to predict the overpressure and the flame arrival time for scenarios with different concentrations of hydrogen, and thus different Lewis and Markstein numbers, is assessed. Furthermore, the effect of adding methane or nitrogen on overpressure for different regimes of premixed combustion are investigated. The validation dataset includes deflagrations in the open or in congested open areas and vented deflagrations in empty or congested enclosures. The overpressure predictions by FLACS-CFD 22.1 IH are found to be more accurate than those obtained with FLACS-CFD 22.1 for scenarios with varying hydrogen concentrations and/or added nitrogen or methane in the mixture. The predictions by FLACS-CFD 22.1 IH for lean hydrogen mixtures are within a factor of 2 of the values observed in the experiments. Further development of the model is needed for more accurate prediction of deflagrations involving rich hydrogen mixtures as well as scenarios with other fuels and/or conditions where the initial pressure or temperature deviate significantly from ambient conditions.  相似文献   

This work aims to help improve the electrostatic safety design and explosion prevention of medical facilities. In this study, the minimum ignition energies (MIEs) of Florfenicol, Tilmicosin and mixtures of Florfenicol and Tilmicosin at ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1 and 1:4 were measured in a Hartmann apparatus. The results demonstrated that the MIEs for Florfenicol, Tilmicosin and mixtures of Florfenicol and Tilmicosin at ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1 and 1:4 are 200, 70, 180, 150, 200 and 110 mJ, respectively. Tilmicosin is more sensitive to static electricity, which is more dangerous than the other two powders examined in this paper. Furthermore, the MIEs of the mixtures are proportional to the Florfenicol content. For all powders, the MIE first decreased with the powder mass and later reached its minimum value. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the morphological specificity and thermal decomposition of the powders to elucidate the parameters governing the powder explosions further.  相似文献   

Introduction: This research systematically reviewed relevant studies on users’ acceptance of conditional (Level 3) to full (Level 5) automated vehicles when such vehicles are to be used privately (herein referred to as ‘private automated vehicles or private AVs). Method: The search followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, and was undertaken in three databases: APA PsycINFO, Transport Research International Documentation, and Web of Science. Articles were required to focus on individuals’ acceptance of private SAE Level 3–5 AVs. Acceptance was defined as individuals’ attitudes towards or intentions and/or willingness to use AVs in the future. A total of 2,354 articles were identified in the database search. Thirty-five articles were included in the review, six of which included multiple studies and/or comparison groups. Results: Most studies (n = 31) applied self-reported measures to assess user acceptance together with a range of psychosocial factors predicting such acceptance. The meta-analytic correlations revealed that perceived behavioral control, perceived benefits/usefulness, perceived ease of use, and subjective/social norms had significant positive pooled relationships with attitudes and intentions. Trust and sensation seeking also had significant positive pooled correlations with intentions, while knowledge of AVs had a significant and negative pooled correlation with intentions. Age did not show any significant pooled relationship with attitudes, intentions, or willingness. Conclusions: The findings obtained from the systematic review and meta-analysis provide support for psychosocial models to aid understanding of users’ acceptance of private AVs. Practical applications: Examining acceptance of AVs after participants have experienced these vehicles on closed tracks or open roads would advance contemporary knowledge of users’ intentions to use these vehicles in the future. Further, experiencing these vehicles firsthand may also help with addressing any perceived barriers reducing acceptance of future use of private AVs.  相似文献   

Ammonium nitrate (AN) has been widely used as a fertilizer for almost a century because it is an excellent nitrogen source. However, AN related explosions continue to occur time and again, despite the fact that AN has been extensively investigated. There have been more than 70 AN-related incidents during the last century, which reemphasize the dire need for further research on AN reactive hazards. This research focuses on the alternatives to make AN safer as a fertilizer by reducing its explosivity, by studying the effect of inhibitors, confinement, and heating rate on AN thermal decomposition using the Reactive Systems Screening Tool (RSST). First, the thermal decomposition of AN in the presence of different types of additives, including sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, and ammonium sulfate, was studied under two concentrations, i.e., 2.8 wt.% and 12.5 wt.%. The results show that they are good inhibitors for AN. Second, the effect of confinement was tested by observing AN decomposition under five different initial pressures, varying from ambient pressure to 187 psig. It is concluded that confinement is dangerous to AN, which should be avoid in AN storage and transportation. Lastly, the effect of heating rate was studied by heating up AN under two heating rates of 0.25 °C min−1 and 2 °C min−1. The lower the heating rate, the lower the “onset” temperature detected.  相似文献   

Release of chlorine gas causes deaths and injuries to workers and the public, resulting in the evacuation of communities and adversely affecting the environment as a whole. The off-site emergency plan is an integral part of any major hazard control system. This paper highlights some salient features of the emergency scenario from a chemical plant, which ultimately lead to fatal consequences all around upon releases of toxic chlorine gas. A typical scenario illustrating the dispersion model of chlorine (for three isopleths concentration) has been estimated by Complex Hazards Air Release Model (CHARM) software package. The enlarged form of this model diagram has been outlined on the area map of the study area for contingency planning. As a broad guide line to the district authorities for contingency planning, evacuation time has also been calculated with reference to a concentration level of 3 ppm chlorine.  相似文献   

The paper represents some results of comparative analysis of the methods used for processing and interpreting data of adiabatic calorimetry as well as applying it to practical situations. Specifically two approaches are compared – approximate method based on evaluation of simplified kinetics and a more comprehensive, simulation-based method that utilizes the evaluation of more detailed kinetic models.The analysis is focused on two important types of data processing – correction of experimental results on thermal inertia (phi-factor correction) and estimation of adiabatic time to maximum rate (TMR).The most widely cited method for phi-factor correction is considered and its improvement is proposed to enable more precise prediction of the adiabatic time scale. A procedure for phi-factor correction of pressure response is also proposed. The limitations of this enhanced Fisher's method are discussed by comparison with simulation-based method. All the illustrative materials are based on real examples.As an example of application, the simplified method will be used to predict TMR and its limitations will be discussed.  相似文献   

An indicator can be considered any measure – quantitative or qualitative – that seeks to produce information on an issue of interest. Safety indicators can play a key role in providing information on organizational performance, motivating people to work on safety and increasing organizational potential for safety. We will describe the challenges of monitoring and driving system safety. Currently, the same lead indicators are used – explicitly or implicitly – for both purposes. The fact that the selection and use of safety performance indicators is always based on a certain understanding (a model) of the sociotechnical system and safety is often forgotten. We present a theoretical framework for utilizing safety performance indicators in safety–critical organizations that incorporates three types of safety performance indicators – outcome, monitor and drive indicators. We provide examples of each type of indicator and discuss the application of the framework in organizational safety management. We argue that outcome indicators are lag indicators since outcomes always follow something; they are the consequences arising from multiple other situational and contextual factors. Monitor and drive indicators are lead indicators. The main function of the drive indicators is to direct the sociotechnical activity in the organization by motivating certain safety-related activities. Monitor indicators provide a view on the dynamics of the organization: the practices, abilities, skills and motivation of the personnel – the organizational potential for safety. We conclude that organizations should better acknowledge the significance of monitor and drive indicators in safety management.  相似文献   

Introduction: The number of road fatalities have been falling throughout the European Union (EU) over the past 20 years and most Member States have achieved an overall reduction. Research has mainly focused on protecting car occupants, with car occupant fatalities reducing significantly. However, recently there has been a plateauing in fatalities amongst ‘Vulnerable Road Users’ (VRUs), and in 2016 accidents involving VRUs accounted for nearly half of all EU road deaths. Method: The SaferWheels study collected in-depth data on 500 accidents involving Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) and bicycles across six European countries. A standard in-depth accident investigation methodology was used by each team. The Driver Reliability and Error Analysis Method (DREAM) was used to systematically classify accident causation factors. Results: The most common causal factors related to errors in observation by the PTW/bicycle rider or the driver of the other vehicle, typically called ‘looked but failed to see’ accidents. Common scenarios involved the other vehicle turning or crossing in front of the PTW/bicycle. A quarter of serious or fatal injuries to PTW riders occurred in accidents where the rider lost control with no other vehicle involvement. Conclusions: Highly detailed data have been collected for 500 accidents involving PTWs or bicycles in the EU. These data can be further analyzed by researchers on a case-study basis to gain detailed insights on such accidents. Preliminary analysis suggests that ‘looked but failed to see’ remains a common cause, and in many cases the actions of the other vehicle were the critical factor, though PTW rider speed or inexperience played a role in some cases. Practical Applications: The collected data can be analyzed to better understand the characteristics and causes of accidents involving PTWs and bicycles in the EU. The results can be used to develop policies aimed at reducing road deaths and injuries to VRUs.  相似文献   

The construction industry is an important sector of the economy in Poland. According to the National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) data of 2014, the number of victims of fatal accidents in the construction sector amounted to 80 as compared with 187 injured in all other sectors of economy in Poland. This article presents the results of surveys on the impact of construction worker behaviour on the occupational safety and health outcomes. The surveys took into account the point of view of both construction site management (tactical level) and construction workers (operational level). For the analysis of results, the method of numerical taxonomy and Pareto charts was employed, which allowed the authors to identify the areas of occupational safety and health at both an operational and a tactical level, in which improvement actions needed to be proposed for workers employed in micro, small, medium and large construction enterprises.  相似文献   

Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) is widely used within the process industries as a simplified method to address risks and determine the sufficiency of protection layers. LOPA brings a consistent approach with added objectivity and a greater degree of understanding of the scenarios and risks as compared to purely qualitative studies such as Process Hazard Analyses. LOPA can be used to address a wide range of risk issues and serves as a highly effective aid to decision making.Incorporation of human performance within LOPA is recognized as an important, though often challenging, aspect of the analysis. The human role in potential initiating events or within human independent protection layers is important throughout the process industries, and becomes even more critical for batch processing facilities and in non-routine operations. The human role is key to process safety and the control of risks, necessitating the inclusion and quantification of human actions in independent protection layers for most companies. Human activities as potential initiating events and human performance within independent protection layers are reviewed and methods for quantification outlined. An extension into Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) is provided, including methods to develop Human Error Probabilities specific to the process safety culture and operations at a given plant site.  相似文献   

Despite the demonstrated importance of time perspective on key outcomes, its growing popularity, and its wide reach in terms of samples and disciplines, the construct has been plagued with definitional and measurement problems since its inception. Given the historical and current confusion regarding both conceptualization and operationalization, the purpose of this article is to provide an overview of methodological and measurement issues related to time perspective. Clearly, definitional and measurement clarity are critical for the success of future research. Through integrating the fragmented and eclectic time perspective literature fraught with ambiguity, we help to clarify measurement options and their psychometric evidence for future researchers. Specifically, we provide an in-depth comparison of four (and their offshoots) commonly used, scale-based measures of time perspective with respect to their dimensional content, psychometric properties, and validation evidence. We end with recommendations for time perspective research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress in inherent safety. A summary of the historical developments up to the year 2000 is first presented which sets the stage for a review of the key developments during the first 11 years of the 21st century. A landscape of inherent safety is developed by mapping publications on two coordinates. The first coordinate, the risk coordinate, indicates if the focus of a paper relates to inherent hazard or to the likelihood of events. The second coordinate, the management coordinate, focuses on the ways and means to understand and assess inherent safety. Out of the 187 papers that have appeared over this 11-year period, 131 pertained to developments in inherently safer design; these have been organized on the proposed landscape. The rest introduce the basic concepts of inherent safety and address its incorporation into regulation, education and accident investigation. These along with the application of inherent safety in industry are also discussed. We conclude with a discussion on recent trends in industry and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed the Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARSTM) to meet the data needs of injury practitioners. In 2015, CDC completed a Portfolio Review of this system to inform its future development.MethodsEvaluation questions addressed utilization, technology and innovation, data sources, and tools and training. Data were collected through environmental scans, a review of peer-reviewed and grey literature, a web search, and stakeholder interviews.ResultsReview findings led to specific recommendations for each evaluation question.ResponseCDC reviewed each recommendation and initiated several enhancements that will improve the ability of injury prevention practitioners to leverage these data, better make sense of query results, and incorporate findings and key messages into prevention practices.  相似文献   

The world has increasingly been establishing guidelines for industrial safety and health to promote occupational safety and health. The Korean government is also providing the establishment, execution, coordination and control of the industrial safety and health policy and safety assessment and improvement for harmful and dangerous machines, instruments, and equipment, protective devices, personal protective equipment, etc. Specifically, this centered on the ILO enacted ILO-OSH 2001 guidelines, for safety and health management system in 2001. However, varied modifications were adopted because the ordinances and guidelines are diverse by nations. In addition, Korea has introduced and disseminated the safety and health management system to workplaces since 1999. However, businesses have shown reservations to introducing the safety and health management system on economic grounds. There are a lot of losses in the business because they lack experts group in the workplace and operate the quality, environment, and Safety & health management systems separately. Accordingly, in this study, KOSHA have investigated the problems and the future improvements of the safety and health management system.  相似文献   

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