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随着中国资本市场的日渐成熟,上市公司投资者关系管理水平对于提高上市公司价值,提升上市公司治理水平有着重要的现实意义。通过对中国上市公司2007年发布的自查报告进行整理,利用多元统计中的因子分析法对投资者关系实践进行分析,得出我国上市公司投资者关系管理活动的实施状况,并进一步探讨了其对公司绩效的影响。结果发现在中国资本市场上,有效的投资者关系管理对公司绩效有着积极的意义;上市公司投资者关系实践活动中,双向互动的沟通对于投资者关系管理实践有着更重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正>健全多层次资本市场体系健全多层次资本市场体系,是深化资本市场改革、增强资本市场服务实体经济的能力的重中之重。当前,我国资本市场由场内市场的主板(含中小板)、创业板和场外市场的全国中小企业股份转让系统、区域性股权交易市场、证券公司主导的柜台市场共同组成。投资者与融资者对投融资金融服务的多样化需求,决定了资本市场应该是一个多层次的市场体系。要发展多层次资本市场,以适应不同层次企业的融资需求,扩大资本市场覆盖面,提升资本市场对  相似文献   

论现代公司的环境责任及其实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境责任是现代公司社会责任的一项重要内容,是自始至终影响公司的一项法定义务.传统的公司社会责任理论以实现利润最大化为惟一宗旨,忽视公司的环境责任,走了一条足以警醒后世的"先污染后治理"的道路.面对日益严峻的环境问题,必须强化公司环境责任,以"过程管理为主"模式替代"事后救济为主"模式.在不动摇公司赢利目标的前提下,通过外部利益引导机制和内部治理结构的设计,确保公司在存续期间有效承担环境责任.同时,明确公司设立人的环境责任,建立健全公司市场退出机制中环境责任的承担方式.  相似文献   

使用2004~2015年的中国280个地级市的面板数据,对科技创新投入与环境全要素生产率间的非线性关系、内部影响机理和空间异质性进行分析,结果显示:科技创新投入与环境全要素生产率之间呈现倒N型关系,两个拐点的位置分别为7.722(2257.47万元)和9.610(14913.17万元);在外部资本进入、污染治理、市场规模效应3种影响路径中,科技创新投入影响下的外部资本进入对环境全要素生产率依然存在污染避难所的负向效应,科技创新投入与外部资本间效应为0.1363,外部资本与环境全要素生产率间效应为-0.0065;科技创新投入能够增强企业的污染治理技术并提高环境全要素生产率,三者间前后效应分别为-0.0277和-0.0311;科技创新的投入与高效益增强了市场规模效应,有效促进生产结构的转型进而提高环境全要素生产率,三者间前后效应为0.0186和0.4346.空间异质性中,外部资本进入与溢出效应带来的污染避难所负效应在中部地区显著,在西部和东北部地区不显著,而污染天堂正效应在东部地区存在但不显著;污染创新治理投入的技术正溢出效应在东部和西部地区效应显著,在中部和东北部不显著;科技创新投入与市场需求规模效应在空间区域无差异且显著为正.建议依据科技创新投入的不同影响路径来实施空间差异化策略.  相似文献   

朱姝 《环境工程》2023,(7):379-380
<正>公司治理和碳信息披露是两个重要领域,它们之间关系密切。公司治理是指企业管理、控制和监督的机制和过程,而碳信息披露则是指企业披露其碳排放和减排情况的过程。在现代社会中,公司治理和碳信息披露已成为企业社会责任和可持续发展的重要因素,影响着企业的形象和声誉,同时也对企业的长期发展和绩效产生重要影响。碳信息披露对公司治理有重要的意义,可以提高企业的透明度和责任感,帮助企业识别和管理碳排放风险,提高企业的社会责任感。对于投资者和利益相关者来说,公开碳信息也有助于其评估企业的风险和机会,进而为投资决策提供基础数据和透明度。因此,碳信息披露已经成为一个重要的企业社会责任行为,越来越多的企业开始意识到其重要性,  相似文献   

本文将账面市值比分解为反映公司基本面的有形收益和反映投资者主观预期的无形收益,以1994-2008年间在沪深两市交易的A股公司为研究样本,实证考察投资者对账面市值比中不同元素的反应,结果显示,投资者对公司发展前景的主观预期过分乐观或者悲观引发市场过度反应,随着市场回归理性,股票收益发生反转导致账面市值比效应。  相似文献   

王玉亮 《环境》2005,(Z1):143
我国于1986年制定了环境噪声监测的技术规范,但由于现场监测的客观条件和监测人员的主观因素,不可避免会产生各种偏差.所以必须要灵活运用技术规范,才能客观真实地反映环境噪声污染水平,从而为噪声污染治理提供科学的依据.本文结合实际工作提出了提高环境噪声监测质量的若干措施.  相似文献   

目前我国农村生活垃圾治理供需矛盾突出,成为影响乡村振兴战略进程的重要问题。政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式被视为破解农村生活垃圾治理困境的有力手段,国家陆续多部政策文件加以扶持引导。本文以安徽省全椒县为例,阐述农村生活垃圾治理项目PPP模式取得成效及存在问题,并提出相关对策建议,以期为其他地区提高农村生活垃圾治理水平提供借鉴。研究指出,为完善农村生活垃圾处理PPP模式,引导农村生活垃圾治理行业健康发展,提高农村生活垃圾治理质量和效率,建议如下:(1)推动垃圾分类和资源化利用产业发展,降低末端处理压力;(2)保障第三方企业获得合理的投资回报,保持市场活力;(3)充分调动村民积极性,培育多元市场主体。  相似文献   

农村生活污水治理是实施“乡村振兴”的一项重要措施,也是提高农村人居环境质量的迫切要求。本文利用PEST分析法对农村生活污水治理的政治、经济、社会、技术环境方面进行分析,通过掌握目前农村生活污水治理存在的一些问题,提出强化施政结构、制定合适模式、增加资本技术投入、加强各类宣传工作等具有针对性的发展对策,希望为推动我国农村生活污水治理提供参考。  相似文献   

加拿大埃尔拉多黄金公司(以下简称"埃尔拉多")总部位于加拿大温哥华市,是一家国际化的黄金生产商,公司业务主要位于亚洲、欧洲和南美洲.公司拥有正在运营的七座矿山以及一系列处于不同建造和开发阶段的项目,此外,公司还进行大规模的勘探活动.埃尔拉多是世界上最大矿业资本市场——纽约和多伦多交易所的上市公司,市值近百亿美元.  相似文献   

In order to help understand the environmental disclosure mechanism from the corporate perspective, this paper identifies the determinant factors affecting the disclosure level of corporate environmental information on the basis of stakeholder theory, and gives an empirical observation on Chinese listed companies. The corporate environmental information disclosure (EID) level appears to be marginal in current Chinese context. Nearly 40% of the sampled companies opened no substantial environmental data to the public as could be seen from the content analysis of disclosed information. The present condition is that the EID strategy of Chinese listed companies is oriented to fill up the government's environmental concerns. The corporate EID effort is significantly relative to its environmental sensitivity (a proxy of the pressure from the government) and its size. The role of other stakeholders, like shareholders and creditors tested in this study in effecting the EID, is found to be still weak. Another interesting finding is that the sampled companies are selectively opening their environmental information. Companies operating in eastern coastal regions, where the economy has been relatively developed, are more likely to disclose emission-related data. The better the company's economic performance, the more information on environmental investment and pollution control cost is disclosed. More concerns of the firm's stakeholders on environmental issues shall be promoted in order to encourage Chinese enterprises to disclose more environmental information and accordingly become more proactive for improving their environmental performance.  相似文献   

High levels of corporate environmental information disclosure (EID) have become pressing issues due to environmental protection around the world. Corporate EID refers to disclose their information on activities related to the natural environment, environmental protection and use of resource. Emerging economies in developing countries seem to face a formidable task for promoting corporate EID. Based on data of corporate EID for 871 listed manufacturing companies in China, this paper examines the status of corporate EID. The significant difference of selectively disclosing their environmental information for the listed companies is investigated. The relations among the level of EID, industrial sector, company size, and company ownership are also explored. Surprisingly, the result reveals the inverse relationship between the marketization level and corporate EID.  相似文献   

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is the best-known framework for voluntary reporting of environmental and social performance by business worldwide. Using extensive empirical data, including interviews and documentary analysis, we examine GRI's organizational field and conclude that since its modest beginnings in 1999 GRI has been by several measures a successful institutionalization project. But the institutional logic of this new entity, as an instrument for corporate sustainability management, leaves out one of the central elements of the initial vision for GRI: as a mobilizing agent for many societal actors. This emergent logic reflects GRI's dominant constituency – large global companies and financial institutions and international business management consultancies – and not the less active civil society organizations and organized labor. We attribute these developments to factors such as building GRI within the existing institutional structures; the highly inclusive multistakeholder process; and the underdeveloped base of information users. From the institutional theory perspective, this case shows how the process of institutionalization is deeply affected by initial strategies of the founders, and how it reproduces existing power relations. From the governance perspective, this case leads us to question the power of commodified information to mobilize civil society and to strengthen governance based on partnerships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to analyze different factors behind the disclosure of corporate information on issues related to opportunities arising from climate change worldwide.To achieve that purpose we formulated a dependency model in which the dependent variable corresponds to the creation of a disclosure index on greenhouse gas emissions based on the opportunities arising from climate change and disclosed by companies on their websites. The sample used comprises companies from different countries and activity sectors considered as the most sensitive to greenhouse gas emissions.The results obtained point out that companies with higher environmental performance disclose a larger volume of information on opportunities arising from climate change on their websites, compared to companies with lower environmental performance. Likewise, companies from countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol disclose a higher volume of information on greenhouse gas emissions on their websites, compared to companies from countries which have not ratified it.  相似文献   

Relevant and understandable environmental information about production and products is needed in any attempt to mitigate environmental impact from production, products, and consumption. This paper introduces an analytical framework for studying the drivers, barriers and enablers of corporate environmental information collection, management and communication. The framework is built up by two main parts. In the first, we sort out what corporate environmental information is and how to spot gaps in information collection, management and communication. The second part examines the stakeholders and company features that could constitute important influencing factors. The framework is intended to support qualitative and quantitative studies which aim to increase understanding of what shapes the flow of environmental information in companies and product chains.  相似文献   

Freshwater scarcity is no longer limited to sub-Saharan developing countries; also in Western society, access to unlimited amounts of freshwater is not assured at all times. It has been argued - and laid down in many national legal systems - that access to freshwater is a basic human right. What if corporate freshwater use threatens to interfere with this human right? The main focus of the article is to explore the role of today’s companies in relation to freshwater. A number of tools have been developed to attend to the necessity to reduce corporate use of freshwater. The article discusses specialised water reporting instruments such as the 2007 Global Water Tool and the ‘water footprint’ calculation method. In addition, attention is paid to a CERES report (2010) revealing that the majority of the 100 world’s leading companies in water-intensive industries still has weak management and disclosures of water-related risks and opportunities. To obtain concrete information about corporate water strategies and practices, an explorative analysis was conducted on 20 Dutch multinational companies. The article highlights various innovative practices. In sum, it is demonstrated that companies are expected to bear responsibility for their impact on water resources, in particular when it influences public access to water in areas with freshwater scarcity and/or weak government. Notwithstanding the critical conclusions of the CERES report, it is interesting to see an evolution in corporate research concerning sustainable water use and the development of greener products and greener ways of production.  相似文献   

碳中和已成为我国气候治理和可持续发展的重要目标。尽管碳中和是国家面向2060年的长期愿景,尚未转换成针对企业的政策约束,但全球很多企业已经快速响应,主动制定自身的碳中和战略。本文从企业环境行为的驱动理论出发,分析了企业做出碳中和承诺的内部和外部驱动因素,论证了企业"化被动为主动"、自主实行碳中和战略,不但有助于在未来更加严格的气候政策规制中获得先机、赢得行业竞争优势、拓宽绿色市场份额、规避可能的经济风险,而且具有体现企业社会责任感、树立良好品牌形象、提升企业创新能力和核心竞争力等积极作用。在此基础上,梳理了能源密集型、资源密集型和高新技术企业的碳中和战略及模式,总结分析了国内企业实现碳中和承诺的机遇和挑战,为国内企业制定零碳发展战略、实现碳中和目标提出了路径建议。  相似文献   

为了提高企业环保成本控制效果,在绿色会计理论下对企业环保成本控制进行了深入的探讨。中国企业存在环保成本控制理念缺失、环保成本控制体系不健全、环保成本控制网络信息系统不完善以及企业环保成本核算准则缺乏等问题,通过低碳经济下实施绿色会计的方式顺应社会经济可持续发展的必然趋势,可促进企业重视环境与社会决策,承担起相应的社会责任,降低企业控制成本。  相似文献   

加强自然资源核算理论研究与实践工作是完善自然资源治理体系和提升治理能力的基础。基于WSR“物理、事理、人理”方法论,对自然资源核算理论和文献开展研究,探索构建我国的自然资源核算体系。研究结果表明:WSR系统方法论适宜于自然资源核算分析;基于WSR系统分析,自然资源核算体系结构包括宏观的以服务于宏观经济规划和经济决策为目的的自然资源国民经济核算,中观的以服务于政府资产管理为目的的自然资源资产管理核算,微观的以服务于企业自然资源资产经营和市场要素配置为目的的企业经营性自然资源会计核算;基于WSR方法构建的自然资源核算体系有助于明晰各层次核算目的、核算框架、实现途径、核算方法上的选择。  相似文献   

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