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London and New York have often been hailed for their sustainable planning practices. However, when one focuses on the entire city region, there is ever-increasing car-dependent development. This paper focuses on the exurban region of the two cities investigating transport-created CO2 emissions. The research is based on the analysis of data of the National Travel Surveys of Great Britain and the USA through a quantification of personal travel and a top-down estimation of CO2 emissions. It is the exurban region that accounts for the vast majority of CO2 emissions: 77% for London and 87% for New York. In the wider region for both cities there is a policy vacuum and dearth of regional planning mechanisms to deliver policies to reduce CO2 emissions. The paper argues that transport needs to be planned at the city-regional scale.  相似文献   

At Sleipner, CO2 is being separated from natural gas and injected into an underground saline aquifer for environmental purposes. Uncertainty in the aquifer temperature leads to uncertainty in the in situ density of CO2. In this study, gravity measurements were made over the injection site in 2002 and 2005 on top of 30 concrete benchmarks on the seafloor in order to constrain the in situ CO2 density. The gravity measurements have a repeatability of 4.3 μGal for 2003 and 3.5 μGal for 2005. The resulting time-lapse uncertainty is 5.3 μGal. Unexpected benchmark motions due to local sediment scouring contribute to the uncertainty. Forward gravity models are calculated based on both 3D seismic data and reservoir simulation models. The time-lapse gravity observations best fit a high temperature forward model based on the time-lapse 3D seismics, suggesting that the average in situ CO2 density is about to 530 kg/m3. Uncertainty in determining the average density is estimated to be ±65 kg/m3 (95% confidence), however, this does not include uncertainties in the modeling. Additional seismic surveys and future gravity measurements will put better constraints on the CO2 density and continue to map out the CO2 flow.  相似文献   

A novel concept for capturing CO2 from biomass combustion using CaO as an active solid sorbent of CO2 is discussed and experimentally tested. According to the CaO/CaCO3 equilibrium, if a fuel could be burned at a sufficiently low temperature (below 700 °C) it would be possible to capture CO2in situ” with the CaO particles at atmospheric pressure. A subsequent step involving the regeneration of CaCO3 in a calciner operating at typical conditions of oxyfired-circulating fluidized combustion would deliver the CO2 ready for purification, compression and permanent geological storage. Several series of experiments to prove this concept have been conducted in a 30 kW interconnected fluidized bed test facility at INCAR-CSIC, made up of two interconnected circulating fluidized bed reactors, one acting as biomass combustor-carbonator and the other as air-fired calciner (which is considered to yield similar sorbent properties than those of an oxyfired calciner). CO2 capture efficiencies in dynamic tests in the combustor-carbonator reactor were measured over a wide range of operating conditions, including different superficial gas velocities, solids circulation rates, excess air above stoichiometric, and biomass type (olive pits, saw dust and pellets). Biomass combustion in air is effective at temperatures even below the 700 °C, necessary for the effective capture of CO2 by carbonation of CaO. Overall CO2 capture efficiencies in the combustor-carbonator higher than 70% can be achieved with sufficiently high solids circulation rates of CaO and solids inventories. The application of a simple reactor model for the combined combustion and CO2 capture reactions allows an efficiency factor to be obtained from the dynamic experimental test that could be valuable for scaling up purposes.  相似文献   

Optical and chemical aerosol measurements were obtained from 2 to 31 July 2006 at an urban site in the metropolitan area of Guangzhou (China) as part of the Program of Regional Integrated Experiment of Air Quality over Pearl River Delta (PRIDE-PRD2006) to investigate aerosol chemistry and the effect of aerosol water content on visibility impairment and radiative forcing. During the PRIDE-PRD2006 campaign, the average contributions of ammonium sulfate, organic mass by carbon (OMC), elemental carbon (EC), and sea salt (SS) to total PM2.5 mass were measured to be 36.5%, 5.7%, 27.1%, 7.8%, and 3.7%, respectively. Compared with the clean marine period, (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, and OMC were all greatly enhanced (by up to 430%) during local haze periods via the accumulation of a secondary aerosol component. The OMC dominance increased when high levels of biomass burning influenced the measurement site while (NH4)2SO4 and OMC did when both biomass burning and industrial emissions influenced it. The effect of aerosol water content on the total light-extinction coefficient was estimated to be 34.2%, of which 25.8% was due to aerosol water in (NH4)2SO4, 5.1% that in NH4NO3, and 3.3% that in SS. The average mass-scattering efficiency (MSE) of PM10 particles was determined to be 2.2 ± 0.6 and 4.6 ± 1.7 m2 g−1 under dry (RH < 40%) and ambient conditions, respectively. The average single-scattering albedo (SSA) was 0.80 ± 0.08 and 0.90 ± 0.04 under dry and ambient conditions, respectively. Not only are the extinction and scattering coefficients greatly enhanced by aerosol water content, but MSE and SSA are also highly sensitive. It can be concluded that sulfate and carbonaceous aerosol, as well as aerosol water content, play important roles in the processes that determine visibility impairment and radiative forcing in the ambient atmosphere of the Guangzhou urban area.  相似文献   

Large-scale, dedicated commercial biomass energy systems are a potentially large contributor to meeting global climate policy targets by the end of the century. We use an integrated assessment model of energy and agriculture systems to show that, given a climate policy in which terrestrial carbon is appropriately valued equally with carbon emitted from the energy system, biomass energy has the potential to be a major component of achieving these low concentration targets. A key aspect of the research presented here is that the costs of processing and transporting biomass energy at much larger scales than current experience are explicitly incorporated into the modeling. From the scenario results, 120–160 EJ/year of biomass energy is produced globally by midcentury and 200–250 EJ/year by the end of this century. In the first half of the century, much of this biomass is from agricultural and forest residues, but after 2050 dedicated cellulosic biomass crops become the majority source, along with growing utilization of waste-to-energy. The ability to draw on a diverse set of biomass-based feedstocks helps to reduce the pressure for drastic large-scale changes in land use and the attendant environmental, ecological, and economic consequences those changes would unleash. In terms of the conversion of bioenergy feedstocks into value added energy, this paper demonstrates that biomass is and will continue to be used to generate electricity as well as liquid transportation fuels. A particular focus of this paper is to show how climate policies and technology assumptions – especially the availability of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technologies – affect the decisions made about where the biomass is used in the energy system. The potential for net-negative electric sector emissions through the use of CCS with biomass feedstocks provides an attractive part of the solution for meeting stringent emissions constraints; we find that at carbon prices above $150/tCO2, over 90% of biomass in the energy system is used in combination with CCS. Despite the higher technology costs of CCS, it is a very important tool in controlling the cost of meeting a target, offsetting the venting of CO2 from sectors of the energy system that may be more expensive to mitigate, such as oil use in transportation. CCS is also used heavily with other fuels such as coal and natural gas, and by 2095 a total of 1530 GtCO2 has been stored in deep geologic reservoirs. The paper also discusses the role of cellulosic ethanol and Fischer–Tropsch biomass derived transportation fuels as two representative conversion processes and shows that both technologies may be important contributors to liquid fuels production, with unique costs and emissions characteristics.  相似文献   

A 3D numerical model for gas–solid flow was developed and used to study the sorption enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) and the sorbent regeneration processes with CaO based sorbent in fluidized bed reactors. The SE-SMR process (i.e., SMR and adsorption of CO2) was carried out in a bubbling fluidized bed. The effects of pressure and steam-to-carbon ratio on the reactions are studied. High pressure and low steam-to-carbon ratio will decrease the conversion of methane. But the high pressure makes the adsorption of CO2 faster. The methane conversion and heat utility are enhanced by CO2 adsorption. The produced CO2 in SMR process is adsorbed almost totally in a relative long period of time in the bubbling fluidized bed. It means that the adsorption rate of CO2 is fast enough compared with the SMR rate. The process of sorbent regeneration was carried out in a riser. An unfeasible residence time is required to complete the regeneration process. Higher temperature makes the release of CO2 faster, but the rate is severely restrained by the increased CO2 concentration in gas phase. The temperature distribution is uniform over the whole reactor. Regeneration rate and capacity of sorbents are important factors in selecting the type of reactors for SE-SMR process.  相似文献   

This study provides insight into the feasibility of a CO2 trunkline from the Netherlands to the Utsira formation in the Norwegian part of the North Sea, which is a large geological storage reservoir for CO2. The feasibility is investigated in competition with CO2 storage in onshore and near-offshore sinks in the Netherlands. Least-cost modelling with a MARKAL model in combination with ArcGIS was used to assess the cost-effectiveness of the trunkline as part of a Dutch greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy for the Dutch electricity sector and CO2 intensive industry. The results show that under the condition that a CO2 permit price increases from €25 per tCO2 in 2010 to €60 per tCO2 in 2030, and remains at this level up to 2050, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands could reduce with 67% in 2050 compared to 1990, and investment in the Utsira trunkline may be cost-effective from 2020–2030 provided that Belgian and German CO2 is transported and stored via the Netherlands as well. In this case, by 2050 more than 2.1 GtCO2 would have been transported from the Netherlands to the Utsira formation. However, if the Utsira trunkline is not used for transportation of CO2 from Belgium and Germany, it may become cost-effective 10 years later, and less than 1.3 GtCO2 from the Netherlands would have been stored in the Utsira formation by 2050. On the short term, CO2 storage in Dutch fields appears more cost-effective than in the Utsira formation, but as yet there are major uncertainties related to the timing and effective exploitation of the Dutch offshore storage opportunities.  相似文献   

Coalbeds are an attractive geological environment for storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) because CO2 is retained in the coal as an adsorbed phase and the cost of injection can be offset by enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) production. This paper presents the findings of a CO2 storage feasibility study on coalbeds in the Wyodak-Anderson coal zone of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, USA, using reservoir characterization and fluid flow simulations. A 3D numerical model of the Big George coal was constructed using geostatistical techniques, with values of cleat and matrix permeability and porosity constrained through history-matching of production data from coalbed methane (CBM) wells in the field area.Following history-matching, several ECBM and CO2 storage scenarios were investigated: shrinkage and swelling of the coal was either allowed or disallowed, a horizontal hydraulic fracture was either placed at the injection well or removed from the model, the number of model layers was varied between 1 and 24, and the permeability and porosity fields were constructed to be either homogeneous or heterogeneous in accordance with geostatistical models of regional variability. All simulations assumed that the injected gas was 100% CO2 and that the coalbed was overlain by an impermeable caprock. Depending on the scenario, the simulations predicted that after 13 years of CO2 injection, the cumulative methane production would be enhanced by a factor of 1.5–5. Including coal matrix shrinkage and swelling in the model predicted swelling near the injection well, which resulted in a slight reduction (10%) in injection rate. However, including a horizontal hydraulic fracture in the model at the base of the injection well helped mitigate the negative effect of swelling on injection rate. It was also found that six model layers were needed to have sufficient resolution in the vertical direction to account for the buoyancy effects between the gas and resident water, and that capturing the heterogeneous nature of the coal permeability and porosity fields predicted lower estimates of the storage capacity of the Wyodak-Anderson coal zone.After noting that gravity and buoyancy were the major driving forces behind gas flow within the Big George coal, several leakage scenarios were also investigated, in an effort to better understand the interplay between diffusion and flow properties on the transport and storage of CO2. The modeling predicted that the upward migration of gas due to the buoyancy effect was faster than the diffusion of CO2 and therefore the gas rapidly rose to the top of the coalbed and migrated into overlying strata when an impermeable caprock was not included in the model.  相似文献   

利用长沙市城区2011年及2012年连续自动监测获得的CO2数据,两年的平均值为412.2×10^-6,高于世界本底站青海瓦里关5.6%,与临安、无锡相当,略高于乌鲁木齐,而低于北京、上海。冬季CO2浓度日小时变化呈现双峰形态,峰值出现在上午9时及晚上19时~21时。夏季日小时变化为单峰形态,峰值出现在上午8时。冬季CO2浓度日均值为420.3×10^-6,比夏季高3.4%。CO2除与O3呈负相关以外,与其它污染物均呈现显著性正相关,特别是与CO、NO、NO2、NOx、SO2的相关性最强,而与颗粒物(PM10、PM25)的相关性稍差。  相似文献   

This paper analyses CO2 emissions reduction costs based on project data from the Climate Cent Foundation (CCF), a climate policy instrument in Switzerland. Four conclusions are drawn. First, for the projects investigated, the CCF on average pays €63/ton. Due to the Kyoto Protocol, the CCF buys reductions only until 2012. This cut-off increases reported per ton reduction costs, as the additional lifetime project costs are set in relation to reductions only until 2012, rather than to reductions realised over the whole lifetime. Lifetime reduction costs are €45/t. Second, correlation between CCF's payments and lifetime reduction costs per ton is low. Projects with low per ton reduction costs should thus be identified based on lifetime per ton reduction costs. Third, the wide range of project costs per ton observed casts doubts on the widely used identification of the merit order of reduction measures based on average per ton costs for technology types. Finally, the CCF covers only a fraction of additional reduction costs. Decisions to take reduction efforts thus depend on additional, non-observable and/or non-economic motives. Any generalisation of results has to consider that this analysis is based on prospective costs of a sub-sample of projects in Switzerland.  相似文献   

The geological storage of CO2 in deep saline formations is increasing seen as a viable strategy to reduce the release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. There are numerous sedimentary basins in China, in which a number of suitable CO2 geologic reservoirs are potentially available. To identify the multi-phase processes, geochemical changes and mineral alteration, and CO2 trapping mechanisms after CO2 injection, reactive geochemical transport simulations using a simple 2D model were performed. Mineralogical composition and water chemistry from a deep saline formation of Songliao Basin were used. Results indicate that different storage forms of CO2 vary with time. In the CO2 injection period, a large amount of CO2 remains as a free supercritical phase (gas trapping), and the amount dissolved in the formation water (solubility trapping) gradually increases. Later, gas trapping decrease, solubility trapping increases significantly due to the migration and diffusion of CO2 plume and the convective mixing between CO2-saturated water and unsaturated water, and the amount trapped by carbonate minerals increases gradually with time. The residual CO2 gas keeps dissolving into groundwater and precipitating carbonate minerals. For the Songliao Basin sandstone, variations in the reaction rate and abundance of chlorite, and plagioclase composition affect significantly the estimates of mineral alteration and CO2 storage in different trapping mechanisms. The effect of vertical permeability and residual gas saturation on the overall storage is smaller compared to the geochemical factors. However, they can affect the spatial distribution of the injected CO2 in the formations. The CO2 mineral trapping capacity could be in the order of 10 kg/m3 medium for the Songliao Basin sandstone, and may be higher depending on the composition of primary aluminosilicate minerals especially the content of Ca, Mg, and Fe.  相似文献   

Governments often impose new energy strategies to support new CO2 emission-reducing technologies without affecting economic growth. Hence, this study aims to re-investigate the relationship between economic growth, renewable energy use, and CO2 emissions in Algeria from 1990 to 2018. Motivated by the mixed findings of the existing literature, which ignore the Fourier function and bootstrap test and apply the newly developed Fourier bootstrap autoregressive distributed lag model (FARDL). Our findings indicate that renewable energy use and growth have a long-run relationship with CO2 emissions and do not accept the existence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis for CO2 emissions in Algeria. In the long term, the results show that renewable energy use has a negative and significant impact, and growth has a positive and statistically significant effect on CO2 emissions. In the short run, the findings indicate that renewable energy use reduces CO2 emissions, while both the growth and squared growth had positive and statistically insignificant impacts on CO2 emissions, confirming the lack of evidence supporting the EKC hypothesis. Moreover, the causality test indicates a one-way causation from growth to renewable energy use, confirming the conservation hypothesis for Algeria and from growth to CO2 emissions. Interestingly, we found one-way causality from CO2 emissions to renewable energy use, attributing this to the fact that renewable energy usage has yet to reach a point that it can significantly cause a CO2 emissions reduction. Based on the results, we recommend that policymakers design appropriate policies to decarbonize energy consumption, e.g., increasing fossil fuel costs and implementing a carbon tax. In contrast, Algeria should promote new CO2 emission-reducing technologies without affecting economic growth, e.g., tax exemptions and reductions for enterprise owners in the renewable energy industry.  相似文献   

In Part 1, we presented the findings of the EU ACCSEPT project (2006–2007) with regards to scientific, technical, legal and economic issues. In Part 2, we present the analysis of social acceptability on the part of both the lay public and stakeholders. We examine the acceptability of CO2 capture and geological storage (CCS) within the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. The debate over the inclusion of CCS within the CDM is caught-up in a set of complex debates that are partly technical and partly political and, therefore, difficult, and time-consuming, to resolve. We explore concerns that support for CCS will detract from support for other low-carbon energy sources. We can find no evidence that support for CCS is currently detracting from support for renewable energy sources, though it is probably too early to detect such an effect. Efforts at understanding, engaging with, and communicating to, the lay public and wider stakeholder community (not just business) in Europe are currently weak and inadequate, despite well-meaning statements from governments and industry.  相似文献   

The ACCSEPT project, which ran from January 2006 to December 2007, identified and analysed the main factors which have been influencing the emergence of CO2 capture and geological storage (CCS) within the European Union (EU). The key clusters of factors concern science and technology, law and regulation, economics, and social acceptance. These factors have been analysed through interviews, a large-scale questionnaire conducted in 2006, and discussions in two stakeholder workshops (2006 and 2007). In Part I of this paper, we aim to distil the key messages and findings with regards to scientific, technical, legal and economic issues. There are no compelling scientific, technical, legal, or economic reasons why CCS could not be widely deployed in the forthcoming decades as part of a package of climate change mitigation options. In order to facilitate this deployment, governments at both the EU and Member State levels have an important role to play, in particular in establishing a robust and transparent legal framework (e.g. governing long-term environmental liability) and a strong policy framework providing sufficient and long-term incentives for CCS and CO2 transportation networks.  相似文献   

This study investigates resident satisfaction with provided involvement activities during highway planning processes, with particular attention given to the planned Southern Ring Road highway project in Groningen, the Netherlands. In-depth interviews with 38 residents living in the project area reveal important themes contributing to satisfaction. Satisfaction with passive information activities is motivated by the extent to which information addresses concerns, but (dis)trust in government and other information sources also plays a role. For residents preferring to obtain additional information, perceived access to such information and the extent to which it reduces concerns are also important to satisfaction. Finally, for residents who would rather participate actively, satisfaction is motivated by their perceived access to participation activities and the sense of being heard. Study results show how residents’ evaluations of the themes underpinning involvement satisfaction are based on their perceptions of actual project team activities and contextual factors.  相似文献   

A common characteristic of carbon capture and storage systems is the important energy consumption associated with the CO2 capture process. This important drawback can be solved with the analysis, synthesis and optimization of this type of energy systems. The second law of thermodynamics has proved to be an essential tool in power and chemical plant optimization. The exergy analysis method has demonstrated good results in the synthesis of complex systems and efficiency improvements in energy applications.In this paper, a synthesis of pinch analysis and second law analysis is used to show the optimum window design of the integration of a calcium looping cycle into an existing coal power plant for CO2 capture. Results demonstrate that exergy analysis is an essential aid to reduce energy penalties in CO2 capture energy systems. In particular, for the case of carbonation/calcination CO2 systems integrated in existing coal power plants, almost 40% of the additional exergy consumption is available in the form of heat. Accordingly, the efficiency of the capture cycle depends strongly on the possibility of using this heat to produce extra steam (live, reheat and medium pressure) to generate extra power at steam turbine. The synthesis of pinch and second law analysis could reduce the additional coal consumption due to CO2 capture 2.5 times, from 217 to 85 MW.  相似文献   

The impact of timber management and land-use change on forage production, turkey and deer abundance, red-cockaded woodpecker colonies, water yield, and trout abundance was projected as part of a policy study focusing on the southern United States. The multiresource modeling framework used in this study linked extant timber management and land-area policy models with newly developed models for forage, wildlife, fish, and water. Resource production was integrated through a commonly defined land base that could be geographically partitioned according to individual resource needs. Resources were responsive to changes in land use, particularly human-related, and timber management, particularly the harvest of older stands, and the conversion to planted pine.  相似文献   

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