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A chemical absorption, post-combustion CO2 capture unit is simulated and an exergy analysis has been conducted, including irreversibility calculations for all process units. By pinpointing major irreversibilities, new proposals for efficient energy integrated chemical absorption process are suggested. Further, a natural-gas combined-cycle power plant with a CO2 capture unit has been analyzed on an exergetic basis. By defining exergy balances and black-box models for plant units, investigation has been made to determine effect of each unit on the overall exergy efficiency. Simulation of the chemical absorption plant was done using UniSim Design software with Amines Property Package. For natural-gas combined-cycle design, GT PRO software (Thermoflow, Inc.) has been used. For exergy calculations, spreadsheets are created with Microsoft Excel by importing data from UniSim and GT PRO. Results show the exergy efficiency of 21.2% for the chemical absorption CO2 capture unit and 67% for the CO2 compression unit. The total exergy efficiency of CO2 capture and compression unit is 31.6%.  相似文献   

This study assesses potential environmental impacts of the absorption-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture unit that is integrated to coal-fired power plant for post-combustion treatment of flue gas. The assessment was performed by identifying potential pollutants and their sources as well as amounts of emissions from the CO2 capture unit and also by reviewing toxicology, potential implications to human health and the environment, as well as the environmental laws and regulations associated with such pollutants. The assessment shows that, while offering a significant environmental benefit through a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the installation of CO2 capture units for post-combustion treatment might induce unintentional and potential burdens to human health and the environment through four emission pathways, including treated gas, process wastes, fugitive emissions, and accidental releases. Such burdens nevertheless can be predetermined and properly mitigated through a well-established environmental management program and mitigation measures. Recommendations to minimize these impacts are provided in this paper.  相似文献   

Post-combustion CO2 capture and storage (CCS) presents a promising strategy to capture, compress, transport and store CO2 from a high volume–low pressure flue gas stream emitted from a fossil fuel-fired power plant. This work undertakes the simulation of CO2 capture and compression integration into an 800 MWe supercritical coal-fired power plant using chemical process simulators. The focus is not only on the simulation of full load of flue gas stream into the CO2 capture and compression, but also, on the impact of a partial load. The result reveals that the energy penalty of a low capture efficiency, for example, at 50% capture efficiency with 10% flue gas load is higher than for 90% flue gas load at the equivalent capture efficiency by about 440 kWhe/tonne CO2. The study also addresses the effect of CO2 capture performance by different coal ranks. It is found that lignite pulverized coal (PC)-fired power plant has a higher energy requirement than subbituminous and bituminous PC-fired power plants by 40.1 and 98.6 MWe, respectively. In addition to the investigation of energy requirement, other significant parameters including energy penalty, plant efficiency, amine flow rate and extracted steam flow rate, are also presented. The study reveals that operating at partial load, for example at half load with 90% CO2 capture efficiency, as compared with full load, reduces the energy penalty, plant efficiency drop, amine flow rate and extracted steam flow rate by 9.9%, 24.4%, 50.0% and 49.9%, respectively. In addition, the effect of steam extracted from different locations from a series of steam turbine with the objective to achieve the lowest possible energy penalty is evaluated. The simulation shows that a low extracted steam pressure from a series of steam turbines, for example at 300 kPa, minimizes the energy penalty by up to 25.3%.  相似文献   

Making new plants CO2 capture ready (CCR) would enable them to retrofit to capture CO2 at a later date at lower cost when the appropriate policy and/or economic drivers are in place. In order to understand the economic value and investment characteristics of making new plants CCR in China, a typical 600 MW pulverised coal-fired ultra-supercritical power plant, locating in Guangdong province, was examined. Combined with an engineering assessment, costs were estimated for different CCR scenarios. To analyze CCR investment opportunities, the paper applies a cash flow model for valuing capture options and CCR investment. Results were obtained by Monte-Carlo simulation, based on engineering surveys and an IEA GHG CCR study, as well as plant performance information and expert projections on carbon prices, coal prices and electricity prices.CCR investments are justified by factors such as higher retrofitting probabilities, lower early closure probabilities and fair economic return. However, the economic case for CCR largely depends on two factors: (a) whether the original plant is retrofittable without CCR; and (b) the type of investments made, for example, investments essential to CCR tend to be more economic than additional non-essential CCR features such as clutched low pressure turbines. The carbon price and discount rate were found to have significant impacts on the economics of CCR. Overall, it appears that the value of the ‘capture options’ that CCR generates for retrofitting CCS is significant, and so could justify a modest CCR investment, even assuming the original plant is retrofittable without CCR. It was also found the value of CCR might be significantly understated if the range of potential retrofitting dates is artificially constrained.  相似文献   

Due to its compatibility with the current energy infrastructures and the potential to reduce CO2 emissions significantly, CO2 capture and geological storage is recognised as one of the main options in the portfolio of greenhouse gas mitigation technologies being developed worldwide. The CO2 capture technologies offer a number of alternatives, which involve different energy consumption rates and subsequent environmental impacts. While the main objective of this technology is to minimise the atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, it is also important to ensure that CO2 capture and storage does not aggravate other environmental concerns. This requires a holistic and system-wide environmental assessment rather than focusing on the greenhouse gases only. Life Cycle Assessment meets this criteria as it not only tracks energy and non-energy-related greenhouse gas releases but also tracks various other environmental releases, such as solid wastes, toxic substances and common air pollutants, as well as the consumption of other resources, such as water, minerals and land use. This paper presents the principles of the CO2 capture and storage LCA model developed at Imperial College and uses the pulverised coal post-combustion capture example to demonstrate the methodology in detail. At first, the LCA models developed for the coal combustion system and the chemical absorption CO2 capture system are presented together with examples of relevant model applications. Next, the two models are applied to a plant with post-combustion CO2 capture, in order to compare the life cycle environmental performance of systems with and without CO2 capture. The LCA results for the alternative post-combustion CO2 capture methods (including MEA, K+/PZ, and KS-1) have shown that, compared to plants without capture, the alternative CO2 capture methods can achieve approximately 80% reduction in global warming potential without a significant increase in other life cycle impact categories. The results have also shown that, of all the solvent options modelled, KS-1 performed the best in most impact categories.  相似文献   

In this work the feasibility of a CO2 capture system based on sodium carbonate–bicarbonate slurry and its integration with a power plant is studied. The results are compared to monoethanolamine (MEA)-based capture systems. Condensing power plant and combined heat and power plant with CO2 capture is modelled to study the feasibility of combined heat and power plant for CO2 capture.Environmental friendly sodium carbonate would be an interesting chemical for CO2 capture. Sodium carbonate absorbs CO2 forming sodium bicarbonate. The low solubility of sodium bicarbonate is a weak point for the sodium carbonate based liquid systems since it limits the total concentration of carbonate. In this study the formation of solid bicarbonate is allowed, thus forming slurry, which can increase the capacity of the solvent. With this the energy requirement of stripping of the solvent could potentially be around 3.22 MJ/kg of captured CO2 which is significantly lower than with MEA based systems which typically have energy consumption around 3.8 MJ/kg of captured CO2.Combined heat and power plants seem to be attractive for CO2 capture because of the high total energy efficiency of the plants. In a condensing power plant the CO2 capture decreases directly the electricity production whereas in a combined heat and power plant the loss can be divided between district heat and electricity according to demand.  相似文献   

This work provides the essential information and approaches for integration of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture units into power plants, particularly the supercritical type, so that energy utilization and CO2 emissions can be well managed in the subject power plants. An in-house model, developed at the University of Regina, Canada, was successfully used for simulating a 500 MW supercritical coal-fired power plant with a post-combustion CO2 capture unit. The simulations enabled sensitivity and parametric study of the net efficiency of the power plant, the coal consumption rate, and the amounts of CO2 captured and avoided. The parameters of interest include CO2 capture efficiency, type of coal, flue gas delivery scheme, type of amine used in the capture unit, and steam pressure supplied to the capture unit for solvent regeneration. The results show that the advancement of MEA-based CO2 capture units through uses of blended monoethanolamine–methyldiethanolamine (MEA–MDEA) and split flow configuration can potentially make the integration of power plant and CO2 capture unit less energy intensive. Despite the increase in energy penalty, it may be worth capturing CO2 at a higher efficiency to achieve greater CO2 emissions avoided. The flue gas delivery scheme and the steam pressure drawn from the power plant to the CO2 capture unit should be considered for process integration.  相似文献   

Given the dominance of power plant emissions of greenhouse gases, and the growing worldwide interest in CO2 capture and storage (CCS) as a potential climate change mitigation option, the expected future cost of power plants with CO2 capture is of significant interest. Reductions in the cost of technologies as a result of learning-by-doing, R&D investments and other factors have been observed over many decades. This study uses historical experience curves as the basis for estimating future cost trends for four types of electric power plants equipped with CO2 capture systems: pulverized coal (PC) and natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plants with post-combustion CO2 capture; coal-based integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants with pre-combustion capture; and coal-fired oxyfuel combustion for new PC plants. We first assess the rates of cost reductions achieved by other energy and environmental process technologies in the past. Then, by analogy with leading capture plant designs, we estimate future cost reductions that might be achieved by power plants employing CO2 capture. Effects of uncertainties in key parameters on projected cost reductions also are evaluated via sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

When integrating a post-combustion CO2 capture process and CO2 compression into a steam power plant, the three interface quantities heat, electricity and cooling duty must be satisfied by the power plant, leading to a loss in net efficiency. The heat duty shows to be the largest contributor to the overall net efficiency penalty of the power plant. Additional energy penalty results from the cooling and electric power duty of the capture and compression units.In this work, the dependency of the energy penalty on the quantity and quality of the heat duty is analyzed and quantified for a state-of-the-art hard coal fired power plant. Furthermore, the energy penalty attributed to the additional cooling and power duty is quantified. As a result correlations are provided which enable to predict the impact of the heat, cooling and electricity duty of post-combustion CO2 capture processes on the net output of a steam power plant in a holistic approach.  相似文献   

This paper explores the integration and evaluation of a power plant with a CaO-based CO2 capture system. There is a great amount of recoverable heat in the CaO-based CO2 capture process. Five cases for the possible integration of a 600 MW power plant with CaO-based CO2 capture process are considered in this paper. When the system is configured so that recovered heat is used to replace part of the boiler heat load (Case 2), modelling not only shows that this is the system recovering the most heat of 1008.8 MW but also results in the system with the lowest net power output of 446 MW and the second lowest of efficiency of 34.1%. It is indicated that system performance depends both on the amount of heat recovery and the type of heat utilization. When the system is configured so that a 400 MW power plant is built using the recovered heat (Case 4), modelling shows that this is the system with the most net power output of 846 MW, the highest efficiency of 36.8%, the lowest cost of electricity of 54.3 €/MWh and the lowest cost of CO2 avoided of 28.9 €/tCO2. This new built steam cycle will not affect the operation of the reference plant which vents its CO2 to the atmosphere, highly reducing the connection between the CO2 capture process and the reference plant which vents its CO2 to the atmosphere. The average cost of electricity and the cost of CO2 avoided of the five cases are about 58.9 €/kWh and 35.9 €/tCO2, respectively.  相似文献   

Among the various configurations of fossil fuel power plants with carbon capture, this paper focuses on pre-combustion techniques applied to natural gas combined cycles. With more detail, the plant configuration here addressed includes: (i) the steam reforming of natural gas, based on an air-blown autothermal process, following a recuperative pre-reforming treatment, (ii) the water gas shift producing CO2 and H2, (iii) the separation of CO2 by means of a mixed physical–chemical absorption system using a MDEA solution, and (iv) a hydrogen fuelled combined cycle.Similar configurations have been studied quite extensively, being among the most attractive for full-scale realizations in a near-mid term future. This paper proposes a detailed thermodynamic study and optimization of the plant configuration, bringing to a reliable performance estimation based on today's best available technology as far as the various plant sections are concerned (gas and steam turbine, natural gas reforming process, CO2 separation). The predicted LHV efficiency for the base configuration is about 50%. Being this value at the top of the range quoted in the open literature studies (35–50%), the paper includes a quite extensive sensitivity analysis, showing that more conservative assumptions may bring to significantly poorer performance, especially considering the pretty large number of operating parameters involved in the process.  相似文献   

Hybrid life cycle assessment has been used to assess the environmental impacts of natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) electricity generation with carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). The CCS chain modeled in this study consists of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from flue gas using monoethanolamine (MEA), pipeline transport and storage in a saline aquifer.Results show that the sequestration of 90% CO2 from the flue gas results in avoiding 70% of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere per kWh and reduces global warming potential (GWP) by 64%. Calculation of other environmental impacts shows the trade-offs: an increase of 43% in acidification, 35% in eutrophication, and 120–170% in various toxicity impacts. Given the assumptions employed in this analysis, emissions of MEA and formaldehyde during capture process and generation of reclaimer wastes contributes to various toxicity potentials and cause many-fold increase in the on-site direct freshwater ecotoxicity and terrestrial ecotoxicity impacts. NOx from fuel combustion is still the dominant contributor to most direct impacts, other than toxicity potentials and GWP. It is found that the direct emission of MEA contribute little to human toxicity (HT < 1%), however it makes 16% of terrestrial ecotoxicity impact. Hazardous reclaimer waste causes significant freshwater and marine ecotoxicity impacts. Most increases in impact are due to increased fuel requirements or increased investments and operating inputs.The reductions in GWP range from 58% to 68% for the worst-case to best-case CCS system. Acidification, eutrophication and toxicity potentials show an even large range of variation in the sensitivity analysis. Decreases in energy use and solvent degradation will significantly reduce the impact in all categories.  相似文献   

Over the next two decades, our nation will need to add a substantial amount of new power generation capacity. The possibility of more stringent environmental regulations for greenhouse gas emissions in the utility sector has provided a window of opportunity for integrated gasification combined cycles (IGCCs) equipped with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) to participate significantly in this expansion. This paper analyzes several advanced technologies under development in the Department of Energy (DOE) research and development (R&D) portfolio that have the potential to improve process efficiency, reduce capital and operating expense, and increase plant availability resulting in a significant reduction in the cost of electricity for plants that capture carbon.  相似文献   

In this study the methodology of life cycle assessment has been used to assess the environmental impacts of three pulverized coal fired electricity supply chains with and without carbon capture and storage (CCS) on a cradle to grave basis. The chain with CCS comprises post-combustion CO2 capture with monoethanolamine, compression, transport by pipeline and storage in a geological reservoir. The two reference chains represent sub-critical and state-of-the-art ultra supercritical pulverized coal fired electricity generation. For the three chains we have constructed a detailed greenhouse gas (GHG) balance, and disclosed environmental trade-offs and co-benefits due to CO2 capture, transport and storage. Results show that, due to CCS, the GHG emissions per kWh are reduced substantially to 243 g/kWh. This is a reduction of 78 and 71% compared to the sub-critical and state-of-the-art power plant, respectively. The removal of CO2 is partially offset by increased GHG emissions in up- and downstream processes, to a small extent (0.7 g/kWh) caused by the CCS infrastructure. An environmental co-benefit is expected following from the deeper reduction of hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride emissions. Most notable environmental trade-offs are the increase in human toxicity, ozone layer depletion and fresh water ecotoxicity potential for which the CCS chain is outperformed by both other chains. The state-of-the-art power plant without CCS also shows a better score for the eutrophication, acidification and photochemical oxidation potential despite the deeper reduction of SOx and NOx in the CCS power plant. These reductions are offset by increased emissions in the life cycle due to the energy penalty and a factor five increase in NH3 emissions.  相似文献   

The application of post-combustion capture (PCC) processes in coal fired power stations can result in large reductions of the CO2-emissions, but the consequential decrease in generation efficiency is an important draw-back. The leading PCC technology is based on chemical absorption processes as this technology is the one whose scale-up status is closest to full-scale capture in power plants. The energy performance of this process is analysed in this contribution. The analysis shows that the potential for improvement of the energy performance is quite large. It is demonstrated that further development of the capture technology and the power plant technology can lead to generation efficiencies for power plants with 90% CO2 capture which are equivalent to the current generation efficiencies without CO2 capture, i.e. 0.4 (HHV), leading to an additional resource consumption of 16%. These improvements are possible throughout a combined improvement for the capture process and power generation processes.  相似文献   

The membrane separation process for CO2 capture can be interfered by the gaseous components and the fine particles in flue gas, especially in desulfurized flue gas. In this work, the pint-sized Polyimide(PI) hollow fiber membrane contactors were self-packed to investigate the membrane CO2 separation from flue gas containing fine particles and gaseous contaminants (SO2,SO3,H2O). First, the effects of SO2, SO3, water vapor, and gypsum particles on the CO2 capture were studied independently and synergistically. The results showed that the effect of SO2 on the membrane separation properties is indistinctive; however, the membrane performance was damaged seriously with the addition of SO3. The high humidity promoted the CO2 separation initially before inhibiting the PI membrane performance. Moreover, the decrease of the CO2/N2 selectivity and the permeation rate were accelerated with the coexistence of SO2. The membrane performance showed an obvious deterioration in the presence of gypsum particles, with a 21% decrease in the CO2/N2 selectivity and 51% decrease in the permeation rate. Furthermore, the gypsum particles exerted dramatic damage. Under the WFGD conditions, the combined effects of SO2, water vapor, and the gypsum particles influenced the stability of the membrane significantly. This tendency is mainly attributed to the deposition of fine particles and aerosol on the membrane surface, which occupied the effective area and enhanced the mass transfer resistance. This study of impurities’ influence could play an important role in further industrial application of membrane CO2 capture.  相似文献   

In this study, a cycle designed for capturing the greenhouse gas CO2 in a natural gas combined cycle power plant has been analyzed. The process is a pre-combustion CO2 capture cycle utilizing reforming of natural gas and removal of the carbon in the fuel prior to combustion in the gas turbine. The power cycle consists of a H2-fired gas turbine and a triple pressure steam cycle. Nitrogen is used as fuel diluent and steam is injected into the flame for additional NOx control. The heat recovery steam generator includes pre-heating for the various process streams. The pre-combustion cycle consists of an air-blown auto-thermal reformer, water–gas shift reactors, an amine absorption system to separate out the CO2, as well as a CO2 compression block. Included in the thermodynamic analysis are design calculations, as well as steady-state off-design calculations. Even though the aim is to operate a plant, as the one in this study, at full load there is also a need to be able to operate at part load, meaning off-design analysis is important. A reference case which excludes the pre-combustion cycle and only consists of the power cycle without CO2 capture was analyzed at both design and off-design conditions for comparison. A high degree of process integration is present in the cycle studied. This can be advantageous from an efficiency stand-point but the complexity of the plant increases. The part load calculations is one way of investigating how flexible the plant is to off-design conditions. In the analysis performed, part load behavior is rather good with efficiency reductions from base load operation comparable to the reference combined cycle plant.  相似文献   

Canadian oil sands are considered to be the second largest oil reserves in the world. However, the upgrading of bitumen from oil sands to synthetic crude oil (SCO) requires nearly ten times more hydrogen (H2) than conventional crude oils. The current H2 demand for oil sands operations is met mostly by steam reforming of natural gas (SMR). The future expansion of oil sands operations is likely to quadruple the demand of H2 for oil sand operations in the next decade.This paper presents modified process schemes that capture CO2 at minimum energy penalty in modern SMR plants. The approach is to simulate a base case H2 plant without CO2 capture and then look for the best operating conditions that minimize the energy penalty associated with CO2 capture while maximizing H2 production. The two CO2 capture schemes evaluated in this study include a membrane separation process and the monoethanolamine (MEA) absorption process. A low energy penalty is observed when there is lower CO2 production and higher steam production. The process simulation results show that the H2 plant with CO2 capture has to be operated at lower steam to carbon ratio (S/C), higher inlet temperature of the SMR and lower inlet temperatures for the water gas-shift (WGS) converters to attain lowest energy penalty. Also it is observed that both CO2 capture processes, the membrane process and the MEA absorption process, are comparable in terms of energy penalty and CO2 avoided when both are operated at conditions where lowest energy penalty exists.  相似文献   

The widespread use of fossil fuels within the current energy infrastructure is considered as the largest source of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, which is largely blamed for global warming and climate change. At the current state of development, the risks and costs of non-fossil energy alternatives, such as nuclear, biomass, solar, and wind energy, are so high that they cannot replace the entire share of fossil fuels in the near future timeframe. Additionally, any rapid change towards non-fossil energy sources, even if possible, would result in large disruptions to the existing energy supply infrastructure. As an alternative, the existing and new fossil fuel-based plants can be modified or designed to be either “capture” or “capture-ready” plants in order to reduce their emission intensity through the capture and permanent storage of carbon dioxide in geological formations. This would give the coal-fired power generation units the option to sustain their operations for longer time, while meeting the stringent environmental regulations on air pollutants and carbon emissions in years to come.Currently, there are three main approaches to capturing CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels, namely, pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, and oxy-fuel combustion. Among these technology options, oxy-fuel combustion provides an elegant approach to CO2 capture. In this approach, by replacing air with oxygen in the combustion process, a CO2-rich flue gas stream is produced that can be readily compressed for pipeline transport and storage. In this paper, we propose a new approach that allows air to be partially used in the oxy-fired coal power plants. In this novel approach, the air can be used to carry the coal from the mills to the boiler (similar to the conventional air-fired coal power plants), while O2 is added to the secondary recycle flow as well as directly to the combustion zone (if needed). From a practical point of view, this approach eliminates problems with the primary recycle and also lessens concerns about the air leakage into the system. At the same time, it allows the boiler and its back-end piping to operate under slight suction; this avoids the potential danger to the plant operators and equipment due to possible exposure to hot combustion gases, CO2 and particulates. As well, by integrating oxy-fuel system components and optimizing the overall process over a wide range of operating conditions, an optimum or near-optimum design can be achieved that is both cost-effective and practical for large-scale implementation of oxy-fired coal power plants.  相似文献   

Capture and storage of CO2 from fossil fuel fired power plants is drawing increasing interest as a potential method for the control of greenhouse gas emissions. An optimization and technical parameter study for a CO2 capture process from flue gas of a 600 MWe bituminous coal fired power plant, based on absorption/desorption process with MEA solutions, using ASPEN Plus with the RADFRAC subroutine, was performed. This optimization aimed to reduce the energy requirement for solvent regeneration, by investigating the effects of CO2 removal percentage, MEA concentration, lean solvent loading, stripper operating pressure and lean solvent temperature.Major energy savings can be realized by optimizing the lean solvent loading, the amine solvent concentration as well as the stripper operating pressure. A minimum thermal energy requirement was found at a lean MEA loading of 0.3, using a 40 wt.% MEA solution and a stripper operating pressure of 210 kPa, resulting in a thermal energy requirement of 3.0 GJ/ton CO2, which is 23% lower than the base case of 3.9 GJ/ton CO2. Although the solvent process conditions might not be realisable for MEA due to constraints imposed by corrosion and solvent degradation, the results show that a parametric study will point towards possibilities for process optimisation.  相似文献   

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