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Tap water from 497 properties using private water supplies, in an area of metalliferous and arsenic mineralisation (Cornwall, UK), was measured to assess the extent of compliance with chemical drinking water quality standards, and how this is influenced by householder water treatment decisions. The proportion of analyses exceeding water quality standards were high, with 65 % of tap water samples exceeding one or more chemical standards. The highest exceedances for health-based standards were nitrate (11 %) and arsenic (5 %). Arsenic had a maximum observed concentration of 440 µg/L. Exceedances were also high for pH (47 %), manganese (12 %) and aluminium (7 %), for which standards are set primarily on aesthetic grounds. However, the highest observed concentrations of manganese and aluminium also exceeded relevant health-based guidelines. Significant reductions in concentrations of aluminium, cadmium, copper, lead and/or nickel were found in tap waters where households were successfully treating low-pH groundwaters, and similar adventitious results were found for arsenic and nickel where treatment was installed for iron and/or manganese removal, and successful treatment specifically to decrease tap water arsenic concentrations was observed at two properties where it was installed. However, 31 % of samples where pH treatment was reported had pH < 6.5 (the minimum value in the drinking water regulations), suggesting widespread problems with system maintenance. Other examples of ineffectual treatment are seen in failed responses post-treatment, including for nitrate. This demonstrates that even where the tap waters are considered to be treated, they may still fail one or more drinking water quality standards. We find that the degree of drinking water standard exceedances warrant further work to understand environmental controls and the location of high concentrations. We also found that residents were more willing to accept drinking water with high metal (iron and manganese) concentrations than international guidelines assume. These findings point to the need for regulators to reinforce the guidance on drinking water quality standards to private water supply users, and the benefits to long-term health of complying with these, even in areas where treated mains water is widely available.  相似文献   

The many abandoned base metal mines of the mid-Wales ore field are sources of extensive pollution. Some of the mineralised veins contain large amounts of pyrite and marcasite and oxidative weathering of these produces sulphuric acid resulting in very acidic mine drainage waters. In addition, the spoil tips associated with these mines can contain abundant iron sulphides. Drainage waters from these sources have pH values as low as 2.6 and are heavily contaminated with metals such as Al, Zn, Cd and Ni.Two of the main rivers of the area, the Rheidol and Ystwyth, intercept heavily contaminated acidic drainage which has a marked effect on water quality. The Rheidol contains over 100 g L–1 Zn for 16 km downstream of the acid water influx. This level is over three times the recommended EEC limit for Zn in salmonoid waters of low hardness.  相似文献   

The quantitative extent to which the large-scale organized water motion in the surface waters of lakes and reservoirs, known as Langmuir circulation, affects the distribution and settling of algae and other suspended particles is not known and has thus been ignored in conventionally used water-quality models. Since the distribution and settling of these particles is important in determining water quality, this study set out to investigate these effects. Current literature which discusses this problem is reviewed and a mathematical model is developed based on the two-dimensional advection-diffusion mass transport describing the temporal and spatial distribution of suspended particles in a typical Langmuir cell; the Langmuir circulation flow field and turbulent diffusion coefficients are empirically modelled by relating them to environmental parameters.The results show that Langmuir circulation does affect particle distribution and settling. For particles with small sinking speeds, such as the lighter algae, the circulation causes intense mixing, resulting in essentially uniform distribution of particles over the cell (as assumed in the ‘well-mixed compartment model’). For particles with high sinking velocities, however, aggregation can occur, giving rise to significant reduction in sinking loss when compared with that predicted by conventional models. For diatoms, reductions of 6% and higher can occur depending on which conventionally used model is being considered, while for silt and sand particles in a cell of large width-to-depth ratio a reduction of more than 60% is possible.  相似文献   

Estuarine sediments in the<63 μm size fraction were collected from 15 stations within the Tambaraparni River Estuary, located on the east coast of India. The distribution of the heavy metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was recorded. Our analysis distinguished two groups of elements. First, Cd, Pb and Zn, which occurred in higher than expected concentrations indicative of pollution, and second, Co, Cr, Cu and Ni, which occurred at background levels. The highest metal concentration found in the study area was for Zn (1200 μ g·g?1), and the lowest was for Cd (0.42 μ g·g?1). It is presumed that river run-off, industrial waters and untreated domestic waters are major contributors to heavy metal pollution in the Tambaraparni River Estuary. The concentrations of heavy metal species in surface sediments (<2 m water depth) of the Tambaraparni Estuary were studied to determine the extent of anthropogenic inputs from catchment areas and to understand anthropogenic effects on geochemical process in this tropical estuarine system.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the surface layer in different liquids is examined by means of infrared thermography of the surface and simultaneous velocity fields measurements using surface and infrared Particle Image Velocimetry. This technique allows measurements and comparison of two velocity fields—at the surface and at small depth about 50–200 μm. In distilled water the velocity fields at the surface and at small depth exhibit significant dissimilarity. The flow field below the surface is essentially 3D, whereas the surface flow is characterized by vanishing 2D divergence of velocity, indicating predominantly planar motion. In contrast, in ethanol–butanol mixture two velocity fields are well correlated, both corresponding to 3D flow with continuous surface renewal. Thermal patterns, observed at the surface, and the flow field structure in different liquids are associated with different boundary conditions for velocity at the surface. Water surface is seldom renewed, which inhibits heat and mass exchange between the liquid and atmosphere. However, absence of vertical advection also enables organisms to live within the surface layer, to stand and walk on the free surface. This is illustrated by the difficulties a water strider faces on the surface of ultrapure water, which exhibits Marangoni convection.  相似文献   

In many Asian cities the public water supply is characterised by low pressure, frequent interruptions and occasional contamination. Hence, private households have to store water and increase pressure individually to ensure an uninterrupted supply at sufficient pressure and water for drinking has to be boiled or supplied separately in bottles. In this study the present water supply system in Hanoi and a number of modification options were analysed from an environmental point of view through life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to identify the most sustainable solutions for future water supply. It was found that the boiling of water for drinking was the largest source of impacts in the present system. Impacts could be reduced significantly if the public supply network was improved and private pumping and storage could be avoided and if the water could be used directly for drinking. It was also found that impacts could be reduced if consumers used bottled water for drinking instead of boiling tap water. Finally, it was demonstrated that even if drinking water cannot be supplied directly through the public network, a reliable public water supply at high pressure is environmentally advantageous. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the conclusions of this study are likely to be applicable to other cities with similar water supply systems.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration in the influent on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, together with the relationships between N2O and water quality parameters in free water surface constructed wetlands, were investigated with laboratoryscale systems. N2O emission and purification performance of wastewater were very strongly dependent on COD concentration in the influent, and the total N2O emission in the system with middle COD influent concentration was the least. The relationships between N2O and the chemical and physical water quality variables were studied by using principal component scores in multiple linear regression analysis to predict N2O flux. The multiple linear regression model against principal components indicated that different water parameters affected N2O flux with different COD concentrations in the influent, but nitrate nitrogen affected N2O flux in all systems.  相似文献   

Preference for water quality and its nonmarket valuation can be used to inform the development of pricing policies and long term supply strategies. Tap water quality is a household concern. The objective status quo of water provision varies between households and not between individuals within households, while charges are levied on households not individuals. Individual preferences differ from collective preferences. In households where there are two adults, we examine the preferences of each separately and then as a couple in collective decisions. We show the level of influence each has in developing the collective decision process. We use discrete choice experiments to model preference heterogeneity across three experiments on women, men and on both. We propose a random utility model which decomposes the error structure in the utility of alternatives so as to identify the individual influence in collective decisions. This approach to choice data analysis is new to environmental economics.  相似文献   


Small-scale miners often engage in environmentally damaging activities, are subject to poor safety conditions, and utilize inefficient mineral extraction technologies. Here, we explore environmental impacts to surface waters from regional artisanal small-scale gold placer mining operations conducted in iron and aluminum-rich saprolites found within the lateritic, interior Amazon rainforest of Suriname. Heavy equipment was utilized to release gold from its host material followed by amalgamation and gravity separation. In contrast with background tributary recordings, streams adjacent to these gold mining operations consistently contained turbidity measurements that exceeded United States’ EPA guidelines for aquatic species of 50 nephelometric turbidity units and were typically in the hundreds to thousands of units. Turbidity was further heightened in association with precipitation events. Mercury played a prominent role in whole ore amalgam concentration practices. Freshwater fish from the region were found to harbor mercury that encroached upon public health criteria. Dissolved phase metals present further ecotoxicological challenges to the region, but their association with mining activities was less clear. These findings collectively reveal that small-scale placer gold mining practices in the Surinamese rainforest result in an increase of suspended sediments and release of mercury into waterways that could impact communities that depend upon local fisheries.  相似文献   

By converting rural land into urban land, urbanization impacts on surface water quality, because cities produce more pollutants than farmlands, especially heavy metals. Ways to reduce urbanization impacts on water quality are now being highlighted worldwide. Considering that land use can be a source or sink in pollution runoff, an understanding of the relationship between urbanization and surface water quality, as well as effects of specific land uses on water quality, is crucial. Corresponding management and controlling steps can then be put forward towards non-point source (NPS) pollution control and urban sustainable development. China has experienced rapid urbanization, especially since the 1980s. However, the environmental impacts of this process are not fully investigated. Hanyang, Hubei Province was selected as a typical city to study the impacts of urbanization on lake water quality. Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to elucidate the correlation between different land uses and water quality indicators at both whole lake watershed and small catchment scales. The results indicated that land uses play different roles, either source or sink, in pollution flow processes. Bottomland had a negative and residential land a positive correlation to most water quality indicators, especially heavy metals. These proved to be indicative and crucial land uses in NPS pollution control. Finally, a strategy for regulating urban land uses is proposed for improving surface water quality in cities similar to Hanyang, in southern China.  相似文献   

贵州草海湿地农田渠系水质空间分异特征及影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
夏品华  薛飞  孔祥亮  刘燕  林陶 《环境化学》2012,31(8):1201-1207
为了解草海湿地农田渠系水质现状、空间分异特征及影响因素,于2011年秋季对草海湿地进行大空间尺度的采样,分析了氮磷等理化指标,采用单因子污染指数法和营养状态指数法分别对农田渠系水质和湖泊营养状态进行评价.结果表明,草海湿地农田渠系水质污染严重,多数水质为V类或劣V类,总氮和溶解氧是水体中的主要污染因子;上游水质劣于下游,尤其是上游靠近县城区域的水质最差;多等级排水渠系对氮磷具有一定的截留作用,干渠V级水质好于低级渠系水质;不同的土地利用方式对水质的影响不同,城镇用地>集中式村落>农田;草海湿地水体上、中、下游营养水平分别为中度富营养、轻度富营养和中营养,外源污染物的累积和湖泊营养水平的提高导致其沼泽化,而流域不合理的土地利用结构加剧了沼泽化的进程.  相似文献   

A matrix model for simulating concentration distributions of water quality constituents with coupled reactions in an estuary is developed from a large scale systems approach. The model is an approximation to the set of coupled partial differential equations describing the process. This steady state approximation is formulated as a large algebraic system consisting of coupled subsystems. The large algebraic system is solved by an efficient iterative method. Results utilizing actual field data are presented for the nitrogen cyle with five constituent forms of nitrogen for Corpus Christi Bay, Texas. Simulated and observed concentrations are compared.  相似文献   

This work evaluates the influence of energy consumption on the future air quality in Beijing, using 2000 as the base year and 2008 as the target year. It establishes the emission inventory of primary PM10, SO2 and NOx related to energy utilization in eight areas of Beijing. The air quality model was adopted to simulate the temporal and spatial distribution of each pollutant concentration in the eight urban areas. Their emission, concentration distribution, and sectoral share responsibility rate were analyzed, and air quality in 2008 was predicted. The industrial sector contributed above 40% of primary PM10 and SO2 resulting from energy consumption, while vehicles accounted for about 65% of NOx. According to the current policy and development trend, air quality in the eight urban areas could become better in 2008 when the average concentrations of primary PM10, SO2 and NO2 related to energy utilization at each monitored site are predicted to be about 25, 50 and 51 μg/m3, respectively.  相似文献   

An ecodynamic model that can simulate four phytoplankton species has been developed to deal with the unique characteristics of urban river systems which has manmade river profile, flow controlled by gates, severe eutrophication status, and fragile aquatic ecosystem. The ecodynamic model was developed referencing two typical models: the water quality simulation model WASP and ecological model CAEDYM. The model can simulate 11 state variables: dissolved oxygen, carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, organic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, organic phosphorus and four phytoplankton species with zooplankton as a boundary condition. The ecodynamic model was applied to Sihai section of the Beijing urban river system, where serious algal blooms broke out in recent years. The dominant phytoplankton species are Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Cryptophyta. Site-specific data on geometry, meteorology, pollution sources, and existing ecosystem parameters were collected and used for model calibration and verification The model results mimic observed trends of water quality and phytoplankton species succession and can be used for forecasting algal blooms as well as assessment of river management measures.  相似文献   

综合水质标识指数法在浑河水质评价中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
胡成  苏丹 《生态环境》2011,20(1):186-192
综合评价水环境质量,全面把握流域水环境污染特征是水环境污染防治中的重要基础性工作。水质标识指数可以完整标识水质评价指标的类别、水质数据、功能区目标值等重要信息,在单因子水质标识指数法基础上建立的综合水质标识指数法能完整表达河流总体的综合水质信息,既不会因个别水质指标较差就否定综合水质,又能对综合水质做出合理的评价;既可以在Ⅰ到Ⅴ类中比较水质的优劣,亦可以对劣Ⅴ类进行评价。为系统全面地研究浑河流域各不同河段水环境特征,将浑河流域划分为3个控制单元,根据2001—2010年间水质监测数据,采用综合水质标识指数法,识别出各控制单元主要污染因子,并阐明了浑河流域水环境质量时空变化规律,本研究即体现了全流域统筹考虑的系统思想,又体现了分区研究的针对性特点,并首次将综合水质标识指数法应用于浑河流域水质综合评价,其研究结论对水质监测数据的评价有一定的借鉴作用,亦对流域水污染防治对策的提出有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

镉在土壤-植物系统中的迁移转化及其影响因素   总被引:61,自引:15,他引:61  
重金属镉(Cd)被列为环境污染物中最危险的五种物质之一。因其极易通过食物链在人体内积累并危害人体健康的特性,环境Cd污染尤其是土壤系统的Cd污染已成为国内外环境污染研究的热点,Cd在土壤一植物系统中迁移转化规律备受关注。本文概述了国内外土壤Cd污染研究现状;在已有研究的基础上,总结并阐述了影响Cd在土壤一植物系统中迁移转化的几个重要因素:土壤基本理化性质(pH值、有机质等)、Zn元素、P元素、陪伴阴离子Cl^-和SO4^2-,其中包括尚未被普遍认识的P元素和陪伴阴离子Cl^-和SO4^2-;并详细论述了各因子对Cd在土壤一植物系统中迁移转化的影响及其可能机理。  相似文献   

采用FeSO4对焦化废水原水进行pH调节,发现焦化废水原水中存在酸碱缓冲体系,具有很强的酸碱缓冲能力.焦化废水原水pH值约为9.6时,HCO3-、CN-、HS-、S2-、NH3、C6H5O-和胺类等以共轭碱的形式存在,对应的缓冲容量较高;随着pH的降低,共轭碱所占比例逐渐减少,对应的弱酸分布分数逐渐增多,缓冲容量逐渐减小;当pH调节至中性时,pH与pKa值接近,共轭碱与弱酸的分布分数近似相等,废水的缓冲容量有升高的趋势.在调节pH的过程中,由于FeSO4的水解、沉淀与络合作用,在投加量为2.0 g.L-1,反应时间15 min时,焦化废水中的氰化物、硫化物、油分及COD的去除量分别为1.5 mg CN-.g-1、27.3 mg S2-.g-1、15 mg总油.g-1及504 mg COD.g-1,pH影响各种污染物的形态分布而实现水质结构的调控.  相似文献   

This paper compares legal systems for water management in France and China, with a focus on integrated water resources management and regarding in particular the formulation of policies and their implementation. The research shows that China has committed itself to the efficient management of water resources through the development of various policy tools during the current period. This commitment, however, has often been interrupted and distorted by politics, resulting in the neglect of socioeconomic and environmental priorities. France has developed a legislative framework and practical instruments to apply integrated water resources management at the river basin level since the 1960s. This experience and the current implementation of the European Water Framework Directive brings elements that can contribute to Chinese society meeting its water challenges.  相似文献   

The use of the entropy principle in phenomenological water quality models is not only necessary, but also of great advantage. A deterministic ecosystem model must obey the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Gibb's equation is a constraint additional to the balances of mass, energy and momentum. The entropy principle supports the unified treatment of physical, chemical and biological processes in water bodies, offers stability criteria and controls the further development of the aquatic ecosystems. Thermodynamic criteria also allow the determination of the bifurcation points of the model equations. Especially near these points the state and structure of the ecosystem can be strongly changed by fluctuations of the variables and parameters of the ecosystem.Results of the thermodynamic theory of selforganizing systems (Glansdorff and Prigogine, 1971; Nicolis and Prigogine, 1977) are of very great importance for water quality modelling. Furthermore, the entropy principle bridges the phenomenological, stochastic and cybernetic approaches to water quality modelling.While the paper deals with general aspects of the role of entropy in water quality modelling, the basic system of equations, taking the entropy principle into account, can be found in a previous paper (Mauersberger, 1978).  相似文献   

广东省跨市河流边界水质状况研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
温丽容  刘乙敏  刘国光  崔光琦 《生态环境》2004,13(2):177-179,190
对1994--2001年问广东省25个边界水质控制断面的氨氮、生化需氧量和高锰酸钾指数等监测资料进行统计分析,结果显示,全省跨市河流边界水质状况总体上趋于好转,但部分断面有恶化趋势。2001年污染较为严重的边界断面主要有西湖村、企坪、上垟、石碧、青洋大桥及雁田等6个。氨氮污染最为严重。  相似文献   

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