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A new digenetic trematode, collected 1969–1970 at Ratnagiri (India) from the marine eel Leptocephalus conger, is described as Indostomachicola kinnei n. g., n. sp. The new genus differs from Stomachicola Yamaguti, 1934 and Allostomachicola Yamaguti, 1958 in many characteristics. The new species is characterized by an unlobed ovary, absence of receptaculum seminis, and presence of post-acetabular seminal vesicle and a ventral pit.  相似文献   

The perennial bryozoan Flustra foliacea L. has annual growth-checks which leave lines across the fronds. These growth-checks have been used to determine the age and the pattern of growth of the colonies in terms of height and numbers of zooids. Monthly samples have been used to find the annual growth cycle. Heavy encrustations of epizoites on the F. foliacea colonies reduce growth rate. As the fronds increase in height, frontal budding of zooids thickens, and thereby strengthens, the holdfast.  相似文献   

Cheilostome Bryozoa were collected upon marine fouling test panels exposed offshore from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA between 1961 and 1967. Panels were exposed at certain depths, ranging from the surface to the bottom, in several arrays extending to a distance of 4 miles offshore. Twenty-three species were identified from the 114 panels recovered and examined. Most species were found on panels in shallow water, or on panels near the bottom in deeper, offshore water. A notable exception was a large, arborescent colony of Biflustra savartii which engulfed a panel 50 feet (15 m) deep, 4 miles from shore, in the Florida current. The lack of cheilostome Bryozoa on shallow and mid-water panels at the offshore, deepwater stations was apparently due to the low number of larvae reaching them from the distant inshore colonies.  相似文献   

Species boundaries in the starfish genus Linckia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 The genetic basis for species boundaries in the starfish genus Linckia was examined using variation observed in 613 base pairs (bp) of sequence from the cytochrome oxidase I gene of mtDNA and 16 allozyme loci. Five groups within Linckia were clearly genetically differentiated; L. columbiae, L. bouvieri, two clades within L. guildingi, and one clade with two sub-clades consisting of both L. laevigata and L. multifora. Genetic divergence among these groups is consistent with interspecific variation. The two clades within L. guildingi suggest the presence of a cryptic, partially sympatric, species. Genetic divergence between these two clades implies that they have been genetically distinct from each other for at least one million years. In contrast, genetic data suggest that L. laevigata and L. multifora are a single species, despite the fact that live individuals can be distinguished by their colour and colour pattern, number of madreporites and ratio of arm length to breadth. There are probably three closely related groups within the L. laevigata/L. multifora clade –L. multifora, and two groups in L. laevigata defined by biogeographic province. It is difficult to determine boundaries for these three entities, since genetic and morphological differences are complicated by phenotypic differences arising from both environmental variation and population genetic structure. The difficulties encountered in defining species boundaries in Linckia, particularly with respect to variation arising from the overlap of Indian and Pacific biogeographic provinces, may be a general issue for many marine organisms from this region. Received: 24 May 1999 / Accepted: 6 October 1999  相似文献   

In October 2000, a mass mortality of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) and Atlantic sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) in northwest Florida occurred in conjunction with a Karenia brevis red tide bloom. Before this incident, no information existed on red tide-induced shark mortalities or baseline brevetoxin levels in sharks and rays from red tide-endemic areas. We report here that brevetoxin accumulation in live and red tide-killed elasmobranchs is common during K. brevis blooms and non-bloom periods. Strong relationships were found between the frequency of red tide blooms and the average brevetoxin concentrations in elasmobranch tissues. The presence of brevetoxins in Atlantic coast sharks in the absence of documented K. brevis blooms may suggest that blooms are occurring in areas that are not well monitored. Although red tide-related shark mortalities are rarely observed, the presence of brevetoxins in shark embryos raises questions about the effects these toxins may have on the reproductive success of sharks.  相似文献   

Jakarta is a booming coastal megacity in Indonesia with over 10 million inhabitants. The rivers flowing through the city district receive enormous amounts of untreated wastewaters from households and industries and discharge high pollutant loads into Jakarta Bay. Applying a screening approach for the identification of characteristic site-specific and harmful organic contaminants, we frequently found the insect repellent N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) in river water and seawater samples from Jakarta. The compound was previously reported as persistent aquatic contaminant in industrial countries, and we present here the first data set from a tropical megacity. Concentrations in river water and seawater from Jakarta were exceptionally high, up to 24,000 ng L?1, and exceeded by far all published concentrations in surface waters worldwide. We explained this with massive usage of the compound, lack of wastewater treatment and low average river flow as compared to rivers in other tropical megacities. The usage and properties of DEET indicate its suitability as molecular marker of municipal wastewaters. Such markers are useful to trace emissions from specific pollution sources in aquatic systems as a basis for the investigation of related impacts. We show here that DEET is in particular useful to trace the long-range distribution of municipal wastewaters in tropical freshwater and coastal systems. This application is of great value for tracing such inputs in tropical coastal habitats which are sensitive to changing water quality like coral reefs. This assists to uncover whether specific conditions in these systems could be related to pollutant inputs from land.  相似文献   

The biochemical systematics of the subset of species of Stegastes (Pisces: Pomacentridae) available from coral reefs surrounding Guam, USA, was studied using three species of Pomacentrus as the outgroup. Analyses of allozymic variation at 14 presumptive loci (10 of which were polymorphic) using various evolutionary tree-construction techniques identified S. fasciolatus as the sister species of an assemblage comprised of S. albifasciatus, S. nigricans, and S. lividus: within this assemblage, S. lividus is the sister species of S. albifasciatus and S. nigricans, the pair of species which shared the most synapomorphic alleles and consistently exhibited the lowest degree of genetic distance relative to estimates for the other pairs of species studied. The consistency of ingroup topologies produced by parsimony analyses using Manhattan rectilinear distances computed from allele frequencies with those produced using the distance Wagner procedure and UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic averages) clustering, substantiates strongly the proposed phylogeny. The systematic scheme inferred from molecular data is concordant with predictions based on morphologic differences, i.e., differences in numbers of dorsal spines, that have been used as evidence in support of the proposal to partition Stegastes into at least two subgenera.  相似文献   

We undertook a comprehensive study of Latrunculia in New Zealand to determine the relationship between taxonomic, environmental, and chemical variation within the genus. Sponges were collected from five locations around New Zealand: Three Kings Islands, Tutukaka, Wellington, Kaikoura, and Doubtful Sound. Allozyme electrophoresis at nine polymorphic loci indicated that sponges from each geographic location were genetically distinct, and that they displayed genetic differences of the magnitude usually associated with reproductively isolated species (Nei's D between locations =0.375-2.476). Additionally, the comparisons revealed that the green and brown colour morphs of Latrunculia that are sympatric at Three Kings Islands and Kaikoura are distinct from each other, and that there are two genetic groups within the green sponges in Doubtful Sound. On the basis of genetic data we conclude that there are at least eight species of Latrunculia in New Zealand waters, not one to four as had been previously thought. Morphological comparisons of the eight genetic species based on skeletal characters (i.e. skeletal organisation of the choanosome, spicule composition, size, and geometry) indicated that the eight Latrunculia species fell into only two morphological groups that could be easily diagnosed on the basis of discorhabd type. Within these two primary morphological groups, skeletal characteristics among the eight species largely overlap and are not diagnostic. These findings emphasise the limitations of traditional taxonomic methods based solely on skeletal characters for distinguishing species of Latrunculia. However, multivariate analysis (MANOVA and CDA) based on six measured skeletal variables did reveal significant morphological variation among the species (Pillai's Trace=3.28, F=6.90, P<0.0001), supporting the division of the genus into eight species. Comparisons of chemical extracts from Latrunculia also showed that the amounts of five different bioactive compounds (discorhabdins A, B, C, D, and J) varied predictably among the eight species. This finding suggests that discorhabdin variation within Latrunculia, previously thought to be associated with intra-specific environmental variability, is more likely to reflect differences among species rather than phenotypic plasticity. Our results also highlight the importance of thorough taxonomic studies associated with marine natural products research to understand fully the variation in bioactive properties among individuals. The potential processes underlying the unusually high speciation rates in New Zealand Latrunculia that are indicated in our study are discussed.  相似文献   

Resting eggs of four species of calanoid copepods and three species of cladocerans were collected from sediments up to 5cm depth from the Kiel Bay and adjacent waters in the southwestern Baltic Sea during April–May 1994. All but one species of cladoceran was successfully hatched/reared in the laboratory. In the Kiel Bay, egg abundances varied from 1.8x105 to 7.4x105 m-2. Hatching success of copepod eggs collected from all depths was high (49 to 94%), but was 0 to 79% for cladoceran eggs. Darkness did not seem to affect hatching. Eggs found in the 4 to 5 cm layer of sediment were estimated to be about 15 yr old, showing the presence of an egg bank in the Baltic. Formation of resting eggs may be a genetic trait acquired during the ice ages.  相似文献   

Frequencies of electromorphs encoded by 14 polymorphic loci were used to estimate genetic distances among samples of the rabbitfishes Siganus argenteus, S. doliatus, S. fuscescens, S. guttatus, S. javus, S. punctatus, S. randalli, S. spinus, S. vermiculatus, and S. (Lo) vulpinus. Samples of the surgeonfish Naso lituratus (Acanthuridae) were included in the electrophoretic survey for the purpose of outgroup comparison. A matrix of genetic-distance estimates was used for construction of dendrograms by neighbor-joining, complete-linkage and single-linkage procedures, and the unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic averages (UPGMA). Cluster analysis revealed interspecific relationships that are concordant with several predictions intimated in the most recent taxonomic revision of this assemblage of fishes. S. randalli and S. vermiculatus, the pair postulated to be sibling species on the basis of strikingly similar external morphology, were found to exhibit the lowest levels of genetic divergence relative to all other pairs of study species. S. randalli, S. guttatus, and S. vermiculatus comprised one of three clusters discerned in all resultant topologies (i.e., ball clusters). S. argenteus, S. fuscescens, and S. spinus, three fusiform-bodied species, formed a second ball cluster that was clearly separable from the remainder of the siganids studied (which are all relatively deep-bodied). A third ball cluster contained S. punctatus and S. vulpinus: S. doliatus was depicted as being allied with S. punctatus and S. vulpinus in the neighbor-joining and complete-linkage topologies but not in topologies generated by UPGMA and single linkage. It is noteworthy that S. punctatus, S. vulpinus, and S. doliatus are the only three species included in the present study which purportedly school when young but form pair-bonds as adults. In all topologies, S. javus occupied branches stemming from furcation points between fusiform-bodied and deep-bodied species. Of all the siganids studied, S. argenteus was found to be least divergent genetically from N. lituratus. S. argenteus is the only siganid known to spawn pelagic eggs and undergo a specialized pelagic stage (features typical within the Acanthuridae). Hence, genetic relationships within the Siganidae and among the Siganidae and a representative acanthurid coincide with a host of predictions stemming from morphologic and life-history studies of the Acanthuroidei.  相似文献   

This paper deals with 6 species of marine gammaridean amphipods belonging to the family Ampithoidae. The specimens described were collected from Mandapam (Gulf of Mannar), India and Thankasserry (Quilon, Kerala), India. The collection includes 3 new species, namely Ampithoe (Ampithoe) serraticauda, Ampithoe (Pleonexes) auriculata and Cymadusa imbroglio. Ampithoe (Ampithoe) kergueleni Stebbing (1888) is a new record for this region, while Ampithoe (Ampithoe) ramondi Audouin (1826) and Cymadusa filosa Savigny (1816), the two well-known tropicopolitan members, are briefly redescribed. The study supports Barnard's (1970, p. 23) contention that the genus Pleonexes Bate (1857) (since reduced to subgeneric status under the genus Ampithoe Leach, 1814) represents only a grade of evolution, but suggests that the structure of the 1st maxillary and mandibular palps and the outer lobes of the lower lip should also be taken into consideration, in combination with the telsonic processes, for distinguishing Pleonexes from Ampithoe. Based on this concept, a reappraisal of some of the species of the genera is suggested. The subgenus Ampithoe is created to hold those species of Ampithoe showing typical characteristics of the genus.  相似文献   

Nerita undata, N. plicata, N. polita, N. albicilla and N. textilis are common intertidal gastropods on Aldabra Atoll. Each species prefers a different level on the shore and/or different degrees of exposure to wave action. Patterns of zonation, population size-frequency structure and biomass are given. N. undata exhibits 2 distinct ecophenotypes. Normal types occur on expsed to moderately sheltered shores but are replaced by type B in extremely sheltered conditions. Differences in shell morphology and population structure are also noted. Foraging by all species was confined to hours of darkness, generally at low tide. Activity of N. polita was induced slightly on overcast days. N. undata and N. textilis are cryptically coloured and often visible during the day. N. plicata is conspicuous, but is protected by a strong shell. N. polita and N. albicilla are often brightly and variably coloured, but both are concealed during daylight. No Nerita were found infected with trematodes, suggesting that the degree of infection was extremely low. Habitats of the Aldabran Nerita are compared with 3 species on Barbados, West Indies.  相似文献   

Larvae of the marine cheilostomatid bryozoan Bugula neritina (L.) were prevented from settling for 1, 4 and 8 h by mechanical agitation, following which settlement and metamorphosis success were examined. Settlement rates were significantly affected by swimming time, which decreased from 100% after 2 h to 93.7 ± 4.3% after 8 h. Similarly, metamorphosis to the feeding ancestrula was significantly impaired following a swimming time of 8 h, declining from 93.7 ± 4.3% after 1 h to 65.9 ± 7.0% after 8 h. The resultant colonies grew well for the first 3 wk, following which time, growth patterns became erratic. Growth rate was in all cases highly variable, and did not correlate with enforced swimming times. Larval protein composition was examined after 1, 4 and 8 h swimming time, and post-larval composition 1, 2, 5, 24 and 48 h after settlement using sodium-dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Individual protein content was measured using a densitometer. Larvae did not consume protein during swimming, however a protein measuring 170 kdaltons was consumed during metamorphosis. These results are discussed in the context of larval settlement and energetics. Received: 19 July 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1998  相似文献   

W. B. Jaeckle 《Marine Biology》1994,119(4):517-523
Lecithotrophic larvae of the cheilostome bryozoan, Bugula neritina (L.), lose metamorphic competence 12 to 24 h after release from the maternal zooid. The high respiration rate of newly released larvae (mean=306.3 pmol O2 larva-1 h-1, range=149.3 to 466.6, n=18 trials, 22.5°C) from adults collected at Link Port, Fort Pierce, Florida during the winter/spring of 1990–1991 reflects their active swimming behavior. The average energy content per larva was 15.24 mJ (range: 13.35 to 20.17 mJ ind-1, n=5 groups). If all cells have an identical energy content and metabolic rate, then 2 and 20% of the total energy content would be consumed by the onset (2 h post-release) and the loss (24 h post-release) of metamorphic competence. Larvae of B. neritina are a composite of both larval and juvenile tissues and the loss of metamorphic competence may be due to regional depletion of labile energy stores in transitory larval cells, particularly the ciliated cells that comprise the locomotory organ, the corona. Although nonfeeding, B. neritina larvae can acquire nutrients from the environment in the form of dissolved organic materials (DOM) in seawater. Both the amino acid alanine and the fatty acid palmitic acid can be transported from seawater ([S]=1 M, 22.5°C). The rates of alanine influx (appearance of label in tissue) averaged 0.366 pmol larva-1 h-1 and, based on comparisons between rates of solute transport and metabolism, would contribute little (<1% of required energy) to offset the metabolic demand. The average rate of palmitic acid influx was 4.668 pmol larva-1 h-1 and assuming that the measured influx equals the net solute flux, could account for 21 to 72% of energy requirements. These data suggest that the duration of planktonic life of B. neritina larvae is principally regulated by the amount of endogenous energy stores, but may be modulated by available DOM in seawater.  相似文献   

The systematics of the genus Sepia is not yet clear. Morphological evidence has led to S. officinalis Linnaeus, 1758 being considered as belonging to the subgenus Sepia sensu stricto, and S. orbignyana Férussac, 1826 and S. elegans Blainville, 1827 as belonging to the subgenus Rhombosepion. Samples of 30 individuals of S. officinalis and S. orbignyana from both sides of an oceanographic boundary off the north-west Iberian Peninsula, and a sample of S. elegans from the northern side, were collected in 1993–1994. Allozyme electrophoresis for 32 presumptive loci revealed low levels of genetic variability for the three Sepia species (mean expected heterozygosity estimates were <0.052). No significant differences in allozyme frequencies were detected among populations of either S. officinalis or S. orbignyana. The genetic identities (I) of S. officinalis and S. orbignyana (I=0.12) and of S. elegans (I=0.13) were significantly different from that of S. orbignyana and S. elegans (I=0.49). The former are typical of values for confamilial genera, and a new generic status is proposed for the latter two species, which become Rhombosepion orbignyana (Férussac, 1826) and R. elegans (Blainville, 1827).  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of tintinnines was studied in the open sea of the South Adriatic at a station near the city of Dubrovnik (Station 12) in the period from 1979–1980 as well as at 11 stations during a cruise in January 1980. Samples were taken with the 53-m Nansen type net equipped with a closing system. The hauls were taken in 7 vertical layers. In the area investigated 72 species of tintinnines were observed. Six dominating species contributed from 30 to 93%, an average of 63% of the total numerical abundance of tintinnines. Based on the occurrence of the majority of the population of individual species going from the surface towards the sea bottom, the tintinnines have been divided into 5 groups. Most of the species (42), presenting more than 90% of the population, were found in the layer between the surface and a depth of 100 m. Other species were found in deeper layers (rarely or almost never at the surface).  相似文献   

Summary. The diterpene neocembrene A or (1E,5E,9E,12R)-1,5,9-trimethyl-12-(1-methylethenyl)-1,5,9-cyclotetradecatriene, known as the trail-following pheromone of the advanced Termitidae Nasutitermitinae Nasutitermes exitiosus and Trinervitermes bettonianus, has been identified after SPME-GC/MS as the major component of the trail-following pheromone of the Rhinotermitidae Prorhinotermitinae, Prorhinotermes canalifrons and P. simplex. In all the other Rhinotermitidae studied until now, the major component of their trail pheromones is dodecatrienol ((3Z,6Z,8E)-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol). This biochemical data further add to the anatomical and molecular characteristics that give a special status to the taxon Prorhinotermes among Rhinotermitidae. In Prorhinotermes canalifrons and P. simplex, neocembrene A was the only secretory compound specific to the sternal gland surface that could be detected after SPME. It elicited orientation as well as recruitment behavioral effects. However, the comparison of the respective biological activities triggered by neocembrene A and by sternal gland secretion suggests that minor components of the latter are acting in synergy with neocembrene A.  相似文献   

The present study reported for the first time on the effect of isopod parasite, Cymothoa indica infestation on Oxyurichthys microlepis an ecologically important gobiid fish from Parangipettai coastal environment (South-east coast of India). The loss of weight in host fishes (male 20.47 and female 32.84%) were observed due to parasitism. The weight of uninfested female fish was found to be higher than that of infested one. The calus like thickening developed on the gill arch and gill filaments of host fish due to the persistent irritation caused by the appendages of the parasite. The reduction of gill surface area was observed due to the attachment of the parasites. The maximum reduction noticed in the first gill arch is mainly due to the heavy pressure exerted by the parasite. Details of gross lesions observed in the branchial chamber, buccal cavity and body surface was enumerated. Heavy infestations of parasitic juveniles have the potential to kill small fingerlings. The swimming capacity of the fish was also found to be affected.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The study deals with the analyses of springs and wells at the base of Montepugliano Hill that represents the SE edge of the wide carbonate Matese massif...  相似文献   

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