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A one-equation turbulence model is presented, in which the turbulent kinetic energy k is calculated with a transport equation whereas the turbulent length scale l is calculated with an algebraic expression. The value of l depends on the local stratification and reduces to the classical |z| scaling for unstratified flows near a wall, where |z| is the distance to the wall. The length scale decreases during stable stratification, and increases for unstable stratification compared to the neutral case. In the limit of strong stable stratification, the so-called buoyancy length scale proportional to k 1/2 N –1 is obtained, where N is the buoyancy frequency. The length scale formulation introduces a single model parameter which is calibrated against experimental data. The model is verified extensively against laboratory measurements and oceanic data, and comparisons are made with the two-equation k- model. It is shown that the performance of the proposed k model is almost identical to that of the k- model. In addition, the stability functions of Launder are revisited and adjusted to obtain better agreement with recent data.  相似文献   

Leachate pollution in landfill sites is a major source of environmental concern. This study evaluates organics, nutrients and heavy metals in a landfill site in Beijing, and introduces a method combining coagulation–flocculation with filtration for the advanced treatment of leachate. The results confirm that CODCr, TN, NH4+ ? N, TP, Mn and As in leachate treated by an anaeobic–oxic biological method are unable to meet discharge or surface water quality standards. When treated with coagulation–flocculation combined with filtration under optimal conditions (cationic polyacrylamide dosage of 8.0 mg/L; polyaluminium chloride dosage of 350 mg/L; 0.4–0.6 mm ceramsite media in the filtration process), the residual NH4+? N, TN, Mn and As in the leachate meet the maximum allowed values for landfill leachate discharge or surface water quality standards in China; the exceptions are chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus. Leachate treatment processes could be further strengthened or improved.  相似文献   

In this study, autopsy tissue samples from human liver and kidneys were analysed for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg and Mn in 25 subjects (16 males and 9 females) ranging in age from 2 to 70 years. Tissue samples that were pathologically normal were obtained at postmortem and concentrations of metals were determined. In both kidneys and liver, the concentrations of metals followed the order Cd > Hg > Pb > Zn > Mn > Cu irrespective of gender and age group, except in female kidneys where the order was Cd > Pb > Hg > Zn > Mn > Cu. Generally, males had higher concentrations of metals in both the kidneys and liver. Significant correlations of the metals were found in kidney and liver tissues.  相似文献   

The fingerlings of fish Labeo rohita were subjected to chronic (15, 30, and 60 days) and recovery (60 days) experiments for histopathological studies using sublethal concentrations (35.4%, 26.6%, and 17.7% v/v) of municipal wastewater of Tung Dhab drain, Amritsar, India. Control fish were maintained for same exposure periods using tap water. Scanning electron microscopic studies exhibited dose- and duration-dependent alterations on gill surface ultra-structure. Control fish exhibited functionally normal gills with normal mean degree of tissue change. Fifteen different types of lesions were identified out of which 9, 5, and 1 were of the stage I, II, and III, respectively. The mean degree of change values in the treated groups ranged from 14.8 ± 0.5 (17.7%, 15 days) to 116. ± 17 (35.4%, 60 days) demonstrated gill damages of slight to irreparable lesions. The recorded alterations were epithelial lifting and intraepithelial edema, reduction of water spaces, lamellar fusion, lamellar telangiectasia, swelling and fusion of filaments, sloughing of lamellar epithelium, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mucous and chloride cells, and necrotic lamellae. The recovery experiments showed positive improvement as the intensity of damage was less than recorded for 60 days of treatment. This study clearly indicated toxicity of drain water to fish at cellular and organ level. The study recommends environmental agencies to make and enforce decisions regarding improvement of water quality of Tung Dhab drain, and further incorporating histopathological studies as an analytical tool.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two hot spots of lead (Pb) exposure in Israeli and Jordanian occupational settings. The study also sought to assess whether any differences in regulations and legislation regarding occupational health could be identified as a source of exposure disparities. Blood and hair specimens were collected from workers in a battery factory in Jordan and a secondary Pb smelter in Israel and compared. About 33% of the currently exposed group showed blood lead (BPb) levels above the internationally recommended concentration of 40 µg dL?1. Although the differences of BPb levels between Israel and Jordan were not statistically significant, average levels were lower in Jordan. Beyond the difference in the factory types, disparity in exposure levels might be explained due to a combination of proclivities of factory management, public policies, existing medical surveillance and insurance, as well as cultural differences. Results reveal that despite existing regulations and the growing attention that is dedicated to Pb and metal occupational exposures, there are still hot spots for Pb exposure in Israel and Jordan. The contrasting experience found in the current study raises the possibility that information and technology exchange between the two countries Israel and Jordan, may be beneficial for improving occupational health policy in these two neighboring countries.  相似文献   

Camptothecin (CPT), a broad spectrum antineoplastic agent, is known to induce oxidative stress and mitochondria are among the main sources of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). We investigated the merit of vitamins E and C supplementation on CPT-induced mitochondrial alterations in vitro. Following treatment of isolated liver mitochondria with CPT, we assessed the mitochondrial membrane permeability transition (MPT), concentration of malondialdehyde, antioxidants and activities of the enzymes of the respiratory chain and Krebs cycle. Our results provide evidence that CPT caused mitochondrial swelling, increased lipid peroxidation and transition of mitochondrial permeability. The CPT lowered the levels of reduced mitochondrial thiols suggesting that thiol oxidation is the mechanism underlying CPT-induced MPT. Identical experiments were also performed after preincubating the mitochondria with vitamins E and C. It was found that vitamins E and C pretreatment inhibited the deleterious effects of CPT and loss of enzyme activity was restored by antioxidant supplementation. Our results suggest that the toxicity of CPT was mediated by an increase in ROS production by mitochondria. However, the addition of vitamins E or C ameliorated the oxidative stress. We propose that an attempt to counteract the deleterious consequences of chemotherapy with nutritional therapies may be a rational approach in superior patient care especially in a disease like cancer.  相似文献   

The water chemistry of 20 municipal water treatment plants in southern Sweden, representing various bedrock situations, and water qualities, were investigated. Four water samples, raw and treated, were collected from each plant and analyzed by predominantly ICP-OES and ICP-MS at four occasions from June to December, 2001. The concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na, HCO3 and a number of micronutrients, varied considerably in treated waters from the studied plants (ranges; Ca: 9.1–53.7 mg L−1, Mg: 1.4–10.9 mg L−1, K: 1.1–4.8 mg L−1, Na; 5.4–75.6 mg L−1, HCO3: 27–217 mg L−1). The elimination of Fe and Mn from raw water was efficient in all treatments investigated, giving concentrations in treated waters below the detection limits at some plants. Softening filters gave waters with Ca-concentrations comparable to the softest waters in this study. Adjustment of pH by use of chemicals like lye, soda or lime, modified the consumer water composition significantly, besides raising the pH. It was estimated that drinking water contributed to approximately 2.2–13% of the daily Ca uptake, if the gastrointestinal uptake efficiency from food and water was estimated to be around 50%. The corresponding figures for Mg was 1.0–7% and for F 0–59%. None of the studied elements showed any significant time trends in raw or treated waters during the follow-up period. The concentrations of potentially toxic metals such as Al, Pb and U were low and did not indicate risks for adverse health effects (ranges; Al: 0.5–2.3 μg L−1, Pb: 0–0.3 μg L−1, U: 0.2.5 μg L−1).  相似文献   

Loss of two pesticides with different mobility characteristics, bentazone (Koc 34) and propiconazole (Koc 1800), were studied at three agricultural fields (Askim, Bjørnebekk and Syverud) in SE Norway. A conservative tracer (Br) was used to follow the flow of water. The loss of pesticides varied among the fields, depending on hydrological characteristics and soil properties. The loss of pesticides was higher from two artificially levelled silty clay loam soils with poor aggregate stability (Askim and Bjørnebekk) compared to a loam/silt loam soil with increased content of organic carbon and better aggregate stability (Syverud). The total accumulated loss was <0.5% from all fields. The highest pesticide concentrations were measured at the first runoff episode after application for both the mobile (bentazone) and less mobile pesticide (propiconazole) in the surface runoff. In the drainage water, the peak for the less mobile pesticide coincided with the Br tracer, while the peak for mobile pesticide appeared earlier than the Br tracer. Rapid movement of water, particles and pesticides through soils indicate flow through macropores. Larger proportions (in percent of total applied) of both the mobile and the strongly sorbed pesticides were lost through the drainage as compared to the loss through surface runoff at Askim. Here, it is suggested that macropore flow contribute to the increased loss of pesticides through the drainage. At Syverud, high infiltration capacity reduces the amount of water available for surface runoff, and somewhat higher loss of the mobile pesticide was registered in the drainage compared to the surface runoff. For the strongly sorbed pesticide, however, propiconazole was neither detected in surface nor in drainage water at Syverud. Generally, there was a higher percentage loss of the mobile compared to the strongly sorbed pesticide in both surface and drainage water, which is in agreement with the pesticides mobility characteristics in soil. An exception was, however, the erodible soil Bjørnebekk, where a higher fraction of propiconazole was lost in the surface runoff compared to bentazone. Large amounts of sediment transport from the Bjørnebekk field probably contributed to enhanced transport of the strongly sorbed pesticide.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Bends and confluences are often observed in rivers, and one of the phenomena that characterize flows in open channel bends and confluences is secondary current....  相似文献   

Endemic goitre was prevalent in the population of Derbyshire in the UK for many centuries until it declined from the 1930s. A contemporary medical survey showed that endemicity of goitre was particularly higher in the Carboniferous limestone areas of the Derbyshire-Peak District. Unlike classical goitrous areas of the world, where the distribution of goitre has been found to be related to the iodine content in the environment, there is no such relationship reported for the Derbyshire-Peak District area. The present study reviews the presence of endemic goitre in this area with reference to iodine in different environmental media using past and present data. In comparison with the world average values, the iodine contents in the soil and sediment in the Peak District are not deficient, but compared to England, Wales and Scotland averages, these levels are low. As no information on the mobility and bioavailability of iodine of this area is available, a cautious approach is necessary before any assumption is made on the aetiology of endemic goitre. The study also discusses some hypotheses relating to the possible cause of endemic goitre in the limestone areas. Further research needs are suggested depending on the land use and geochemistry of the Peak District to determine the underlying causes of the former endemic goitre in this area.  相似文献   

Plastics are one of the most used materials in human activities, where consumer consumption and industrial production together has imposed vast rise in demand for this material in last century. While plastic is ideally derived from crude oil as a primary source from manufacturers’ perspective, varying crude oil prices are driving manufacturers economically to seek for alternative sources for plastics production. Waste plastic recovered from obsolete consumer products thus becomes an economic substitution for virgin plastics, which is further intensified with the possibility of international waste plastic trading. This study focuses on waste plastic trade between the US and mainland China by performing a correlation analysis of trade data. It is suggested in this study that although waste plastics are traded from the US to mainland China in general, as many of us believes, the route is gradually shifting in the past years. With tightening Chinese customs regulations, waste plastic from the US now tends to take a transit in a third destination (Hong Kong SAR for instance) for preliminary treatment to bypass Chinese customs inspection. Such phenomenon is worth noting, as a complication in waste plastic trading route hinders waste plastic transboundary movement monitoring. Furthermore, it will have adverse consequent consumer, industrial, and environmental impacts. It is thus necessary for national competent authorities to strengthen cooperative study and communication capacity in the future as a response to the changing waste plastic trade pattern.  相似文献   

为探讨污水处理厂不同处理工艺段对轮状病毒(Rotavirus)的去除效果及再生水回用中轮状病毒对暴露人群的健康风险水平,于2006年11月至2007年10月连续对北京市某污水厂各工艺段出水的轮状病毒进行了分析,并应用Beta-Possion模型对回用再生水中轮状病毒对暴露人群的健康风险水平进行了评价.结果表明,36个实测水样中,轮状病毒检测结果为阳性的样品13个,占总样品数的36.1%.阳性样品主要分布在2006年11月、12月和2007年1月、2月、4月、8月和10月所采集的样品中,各月份阳性样品所占比例分别依次为100%、100%、100%、33.3%、66.7%、33.3%和100%.二级处理工艺对轮状病毒的去除率为2.68-lg,二级处理出水经过混凝沉淀和砂滤两种深度处理后得到再生水,深度处理工艺平均去除率为3.01-lg.二沉出水回用对不同职业暴露人群的年均感染概率风险值范围为0.35×10-2~10.36×10-2,再生水回用不同职业暴露人群年平均感染风险概率值范围为0.23×10-2~6.82×10-2,二沉出水、再生水回用导致的道路喷洒职业工人轮状病毒暴露感染风险值最大,分别达到了39.65×10-2和36.82×10-2,存在着一定的健康风险.  相似文献   



The bioaccumulation potential of chemical substances is commonly determined in flow-through fish tests according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) technical guideline (TG) 305, aiming at the determination of bioconcentration factors (BCF). Investigations on aquatic organisms have shown a significant positive correlation between the accumulation of a chemical and the lipid content of organisms. Residue levels can thus differ between individuals, species, and size groups depending on their lipid content. BCF values can be normalized by lipid content; however, this requires the use of appropriate extraction techniques to ensure the complete extraction of total lipids from fish/tissue samples. The OECD TG 305 is currently under revision. A literature review was carried out to select preferred methods which shall be included in the updated OECD TG 305 along with a sampling schedule for lipid measurement in fish.


An overview and appraisal of a broad range of lipid extraction methods is presented. Extraction procedures applied in bioaccumulation studies described in the literature and procedures currently used for such studies by governmental, academic, and industrial labs are surveyed. Possible impacts of unsuitable extraction techniques on lipid normalized BCF results were assessed. Default values for BCF normalization commonly used in bioaccumulation studies are described. The effect of differences in residue distribution over different organs and/or lipids on the normalization of BCF values is discussed.


A broad range of procedures for lipid extraction are available. However, only the use of suitable extraction techniques guarantees the complete extraction of total lipids from fish samples in bioaccumulation studies which is required to ensure the correct lipid normalization of BCF values. Preferred methods for inclusion in the updated OECD 305 test guideline as well as a standard schedule for lipid measurements are suggested.  相似文献   

o‐Chloroacetophenone (CAF) is a peripheral sensory irritant used in open air situations giving rise to human and environmental exposure. An analytical GC method has been developed to determine CAF residual in soil and vegetable substrates at low ppm levels.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) in tree rings is a widely recognized tool for climate reconstruction, and several works suggest that seasonal information can be extracted from intra-ring δ13C variations. In this study, we explored the link between climate and intra-seasonal oak ring δ13C using a process-based modelling approach. The ISOCASTANEA model was developed to compute the seasonal dynamics of tree-ring δ13C for deciduous species from half-hourly climatic data by accounting for photosynthetic discrimination and carbon translocation and allocation at the tree scale and in tree rings.The model was applied from March 2005 to December 2007 in a 150-year-old deciduous oak forest. Canopy photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were calibrated using H2O and CO2 fluxes measured by the eddy flux technique, and simulated δ13C values were compared to seasonal patterns of total organic matter δ13C measured in tree rings for 2006 and 2007 at the same site. With the inclusion of carbon translocation and with regard to 13C enrichment of starch compared to soluble sugars, the model can reasonably simulate the intra-seasonal and inter-annual variability of tree-ring δ13C using the same parameter values for 2006 and 2007. The amplitude of the seasonal carbon isotope pattern in tree rings was influenced by both photosynthetic and post-photosynthetic processes (starch enrichment and reserve use). The δ13C variations in the early part of the ring, i.e., mainly in the earlywood, were related mostly to carbohydrate metabolism, although diluted information about environmental conditions during the previous year could also be found. The last part of the ring, consisting mainly of latewood, was found to be a good recorder of current-year environmental conditions, in particular relative humidity, at a fine temporal resolution when the growth rate was high. The sensitivity of the δ13C in the early part of the ring to carbohydrate metabolism suggests that intra-ring δ13C could be used to explore the relationship between tree decline or mortality and carbohydrate deficiency.  相似文献   

In order to assist an integrated development of ionic liquids (ILs), a study on the sorption, distribution, and cytotoxicity of a series of 1-alkyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborates with C6 rat glioma cells has been performed. Cellular sorption and distribution among three cellular fractions (cytosol, nuclei, and membranes) were analysed by reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC). Compounds with longer 1-alkyl substituents were sorbed with higher enrichment factors and sorption coefficients per protein than those with shorter 1-alkyl chains. The 1-octyl-3-methyl imidazolium cation (C8MIM) was enriched 17-folds whereas C6MIM and C4MIM were enriched by factors of 3.5 and 2.3, respectively. After fractionation of cells by centrifugation, about 8% of C8MIM was found in the nuclear fractions. The cytotoxicity as estimated by the tetrazolium reductase assay was increasing with the lengths of the 1-alkyl chains from C4MIM to C10MIM. Consistently, cell proliferation rates were decreasing with increasing lengths of the 1-alkyl chains. The results reveal the correlations between lipophilicity, cellular sorption, and cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Amongst a plethora of threats to seagrass ecosystems, contamination with heavy metals may well be one of the most significant. We therefore set out to track contamination levels with Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the principal autotrophic compartments and sediments of a meadow of Posidonia oceanica in the Gulf of Naples, Mediterranean Sea. With respect to metal levels, leaves and their associated epibiota are certainly not a homogenous compartment, as might perhaps be inferred from the common use of the term “leaf–epiphyte complex” in the literature. Save for Cu, all metal species analysed showed appreciable differences in concentration between seagrass leaves and epibiota. These results give strength to our argument that in ecotoxicological work leaves and epibiota should not be treated as a single unit. Although absolute differences in trace-metal levels among sampling periods varied somewhat with the specific component analysed (i.e. macrophyte organs, epibiota, sediment), an overall trend of markedly higher heavy-metal levels during the winter season is a striking one. Whilst annual cycles in growth dynamics of the seagrasses explain a significant fraction of the temporal variance, seasonality in productivity is a doubtful explanation for similar patterns in non-living sedimentary components; consideration of additional variables therefore seems sensible. As variables with consistent explanatory powers we suggest: (1) seasonal cycles in storm frequency and amplitude which remobilise metals bound in the sediments of the sea floor, and (2) increased precipitation during the cold season which may significantly increase marine metal levels through elevated weathering of rocks and elevated fluvial inputs of anthropogenic contaminant loads. Whereas Cd and Pb concentrations in seagrass leaves from the Gulf of Naples fall within the range for coastal areas subjected to low levels of heavy-metal pollution, Cu and Zn reach levels typical of highly contaminated regions, such as the waters bordering major coastal cities. Any direct comparisons of the pollution status of seagrass beds between different geographic areas are, however, likely to be confounded by the indiscriminate application of the “leaf–epiphyte complex”: the magnitude of the confounding effect depends on the ratio of epibiota/leave biomass, time of sampling, and metal species analysed. Received: 15 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

Hypotheses about the evolution of gregariousness and social organisation in primates are based on ecological explanations as well as on social factors such as conspecific threat (especially infanticide by males). The social explanation fits well with the conditions found in strepsirrhine primates and furthermore explains why infanticide in anthropoid primates living in one-male groups mainly occurs when the resident male (protector) is replaced. However, whether it likewise fits to the conditions in multimale groups will depend on the role of resident males as infant protectors, which has rarely been examined. We investigated long-term data of wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) inhabiting a forest near the village of Ramnagar (southern Nepal). Twenty-two eye-witnessed attacks on infants by males were analysed in connection with male residency, paternity (DNA analyses) and sexual behaviour. Adult males played a major role in infant defence (65%). Only the genetic father or males who had been residents when the infant was conceived were observed to protect infants. Males who immigrated after a female had conceived may later attack her infant and were never observed to defend it. lt seems that the males took only copulations with potentially fertile females but not with pregnant females as clues for paternity. In the light of these results it seems likely that the risk of infanticide is an important determinant in female-male associations even in anthropoid primate multimale groups. Received: 22 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 30 April 1999 / Accepted: 1 May 1999  相似文献   

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