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一、立法香港的劳动安全法制基于《工厂及工业经营条例》(第五十九章)。顾名思义,条例所涉及的劳动人口只限于受雇于制造业、建造业和饮食业人员,其他行业的从业人员一律不在受保护之列。新的政策是:所有行业的工作安全和健康事宜,除极少数例外,都应受到法律保护。这个政策上的改变将会透过职业安全及健康草案来落实,而草案一旦通过,受保障的劳动人口将由现时的80万,跃升至310万。为配合扩大保障范围和体现现代安全管理的新趋势,新法律在策略上有基本的改变。早年的立法模式倾向于将准则一板一眼地详细列出,新的做法趋于将目标…  相似文献   

香港职业安全健康教育的双向模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统职业健康教育多采取单向模式 ,由教育者用课程、讲座、展览、影片、宣传品派发等方式单向地向受教育者灌输职业安全健康知识。香港工人健康中心是一个由医生、律师、职业治疗师、物理治疗师、社会工作者和职业伤病工友组成的关注职业健康的志愿团体。香港工人健康中心在建造业职业安全健康推广中 ,尝试建立一种双向教育模式。利用香港建造业工地工人习惯的下午茶时间 ,在工地举办茶座 ,组织已退休的职业伤病患者 ,与工地工人交谈职业安全健康问题 ,收到良好效果。双向模式教育的尝试香港工人健康中心在建造业职业健康推广中尝试建立一种…  相似文献   

条例的目的1确保任何人在工作中的安全与健康。2订定工作安全和健康的措施。3改善危险工序、装置及物质的安全与健康标准。4改善工作环境的安全和健康条件。除少数例外,本条例适用于所有雇主,包括香港政府在内,也适用于工作场地的占用人;只有自雇人士或家...  相似文献   

3月20日至24日 ,由中国劳动保护学会组织的内地代表团参加了香港回归祖国后首次举办的“安全健康博览2000”活动。目的是学习和借鉴发达国家和地区有关职业安全健康方面先进的管理、技术和经验 ,开拓眼界 ,启迪思路 ;并可为国内有关劳防用品厂家提供一个学习及展示自己竞争实力的机会。主要活动介绍这次博览会是香港有史以来最大的一次安全健康博览 ,是由香港职业安全健康局和劳工处联合主办的 ,旨在“让世界各地从事安全健康事务的人士聚首一堂 ,交换彼此在各行各业中最新的职业安全健康发展”。大会的主题为 :“开拓21世纪职安…  相似文献   

人的不安全行为及在工作环境上的不安全情况,经常是导致意外事故发生的原因。如果我们改善和控制这些因素,便可以有效预防意外事故。在改善工作环境方面,香港特别行政区制定了一系列职业安全与健康法规。在安全培训方面,香港职业安全健康法规在一般性责任条款中明确规定:雇主必须为员工提供足够的安全培训和指导,以避免意外发生。同时有些法规要求一些高危险行业的雇主应向员工提供指定的安全培训,目的是通过培训,加强工人的安全知识、意识和技能,确保他们能够安全地工作。  相似文献   

刘强 《劳动保护》1997,(7):8-13
一、香港的安全生产概况香港面积1000多平方公里,人口为620万。劳动人口为300万,其中男职工为180多万,女职工110多万。在就业人数中,服务业职工最多,制造业职工次之。工伤事故,从行业上看,建造业高居榜首,从原因上看,人体坠落处于第一位。而职业病方面,职业性耳聋和矽肺病排在前两位。下表列出了工伤事故情况。香港的职业安全健康正在处于一个新的起点上,在保护职员安全及健康方面,将会面临新的挑战。二、职业安全健康立法香港劳工法律制度的形成,很大程度受英国法律的影响。香港劳工法律制度主要由立法机关的条例,以及根据条…  相似文献   

Occupational Health and Safety in Spain has improved considerably over the last decade, most likely due to a new concept where an overall concept of safety culture is defined. Important changes in industrial safety, hygiene, and psychosocial factors present an optimistic panorama for the future of Spain. Despite this general improvement, according to the European Convergence Program, Spanish statistics still offer far from good safety results. In fact, according to 1997 official statistics, Spain had the highest incidence rate for nonfatal occupational accidents of all European Union (EU) countries, and occupied third place for fatal accidents. This paper summarizes the organizational structure of the Spanish National System of Health & Safety at Work, its effective health and safety laws, and statistics on the Spanish work environment obtained from III Spanish National Survey on Work Conditions (1997). The researchers hope that the findings of this work will have an impact on Spanish industry that will subsequently bring about improvements in work conditions and develop assessment and intervention models in occupational health and safety, from a theoretical position integrating environmental, human, and organizational factors.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Safety in the construction industry is a major issue in Hong Kong, representing about 46% of all occupational injuries in 1998. This study explored linear and curvilinear relations between age and safety performance (accident rates and occupational injuries), as well as safety attitudes, in construction workers in Hong Kong. METHOD: A Chinese version of the Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ by Donald & Canter) was developed and administered to a sample of Chinese construction workers (N=374, 366 males, 8 females) from 27 construction sites. RESULTS: Accident rates were not related to age. Occupational injuries were related to age in a curvilinear manner, with injuries at first increasing with age, then decreasing. Two safety attitude scales were related to age with older workers exhibiting more positive attitudes to safety. If age and tenure are controlled, some attitude scales are predictors of safety performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Management/supervisors, team leaders, and workers are all responsible for safety, and any negative bias toward older construction workers is unfounded.  相似文献   

本文对非工业场所-写字楼的消防安全需求进行了总结,引入了整体消防安全理念,概述了现有写字楼提升消防安全的要求,指出了采用消防工程手段的必要性.  相似文献   

Most occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals would agree that having a good OSH promotion programme is a challenge, and problems can be encountered at almost every stage in the planning and delivery of the programme.The first obstacle which may be encountered is programme justification. How does one convince employers and employees of the need for OSH promotion, and does competition from “Wellness Programmes” reduce available resources? Programme planning, deciding what constitutes a programme, and what to include in the OSH promotion programme, may be a dilemma. The programme implementation, deciding who implements the activities and how a programme is sustained, may be other difficult issues. Finally, programme evaluation can be problematic: How is it done properly? and Who should evaluate the programme?Possible solutions to these problems may include the costing of work accidents and occupational ill health to justify the need and benefits of an OSH programme, and riding on the bandwagon of “wellness promotion” instead of competition for limited resources. In programme planning, knowing what is wanted and employing a professional to plan the programme is essential. The programme coverage should encompass health and safety issues, and preventive strategies should be directed towards both environment and lifestyle factors. There should be a prioritization of topics according to the needs of workers. The choice of OSH professionals versus “wellness promoters” or human resource officers as programme co-ordinators may affect the programme outcome. Training supervisors and line workers to be trainers would involve those directly in contact with work hazards in the programme. Programme evaluation is crucial. There should be provision for both process and outcome evaluations, and pains should be taken to ensure independence and objectivity of evaluations. The idea of linking programme results to the OSH personnel assessments is worth considering.The delivery of OSH promotion programmes in a relevant and effective manner poses a real challenge. While some obstacles and problems appear to be insurmountable, these challenges have to be faced and overcome in order to achieve the goals of protecting and promoting the health of the worker.  相似文献   

Tower cranes are extensively used for lifting materials in construction sites. Most construction sites are very confined and close to public. Tower crane accidents not only hazard workers in construction sites, but also pedestrians. This paper investigates tower crane safety in related to the understanding and degree of executing statutory requirements and non-statutory guidelines for the use of tower cranes in the Hong Kong construction industry. A questionnaire survey and structured interviews are conducted. It is found that human factors are attributed to tower crane safety. Indolent performance of requirements or responsibilities of practitioners in tower crane operations is found. Inadequate training and fatigue of practitioners are one of the main reasons causing unsafe practices of tower crane operations. Recommendations for improving safety performance in tower crane operations are also discussed.  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《国务院关于预防煤矿生产安全事故的特别规定》,本刊特邀我国个体防护装备专家、全国个体防护装备标准化技术委员会顾问佘启元教授撰写此文。文章资料翔实,论述深入,建议读者认真一读。[编者按]  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been defined as the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns into the firm’s decision-making. The search for a good Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) environment and the promotion of a culture of risk prevention are two of the firm’s main social responsibilities, and consequently an integral part of CSR. This paper discusses how the growing interest in corporate social responsibility can contribute to improving the implementation of adequate systems of prevention. For this purpose, we study to what extent OHS issues are present in the field of CSR, and consequently determine which aspects have received the most attention, and which are less well developed; we offer some proposals as well. The methodology followed is a content analysis of the main international CSR management tools.  相似文献   

Serbia is aligning with European Union requirements and the occupational safety and health (OSH) administration is one of the most representative sectors of this alignment. Many efforts were made in this field, by introducing new laws and regulations, but it turned out to be insufficient. OSH professionals need to renovate and strengthen their knowledge in accordance with continuous, updated and improved OSH standards and regulation. Lifelong learning (LLL) programmes can contribute to forming professionals who are always up to date. This paper presents an implemented LLL programme, over the duration of two academic years, dedicated to OSH professionals, and investigates whether this programme will be helpful and accepted by professionals. The results from the study show that the given LLL programme had indeed a positive influence on the professional careers of the participants and that the LLL presents the future trend in OSH education.  相似文献   

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